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Why Doesn't This Happen Anymore :(


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Same thing with how they died if they were on fire! Used to be they'd slowly fall down as they finished burning to death and the fire would linger and fade!


Now the fire just disappears and he falls down like he's been slapped or something.

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I want there to be 3 gore options, a 0 gore option, a mild gore option (what we have now) and a full blown gore option like seen in that gif where it is just horrifically graphic and amusing. 


This is a great idea. Options for everyone! That way no one can complain :v

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The most noticeable thing for me was the headshots T_T 

I miss watching the enemies slump down and fall to the floor headless...

It was so wonderful.

Always wondered why there is no headshots, shoot a grinneer point blank in the face but it stays intact all the time its so lame heads need to pop all the time... need GORE 2.0 with better dismemberments.

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That's the first time I've seen that D:


Maybe it's just my super-ultra-low graphics settings.

It was removed when damage 2.0 was implemented as well as at least half a dozen other death animations that were either removed or made so rare that they might as well not exist.

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It was removed when damage 2.0 was implemented as well as at least half a dozen other death animations that were either removed or made so rare that they might as well not exist.


I never even saw that before damage 2.0. Maybe I just didn't look at corpses enough.


The only death animation I ever really see is the slash one. I think there was a poison one but I can't remember. 

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Same thing with how they died if they were on fire! Used to be they'd slowly fall down as they finished burning to death and the fire would linger and fade!


Now the fire just disappears and he falls down like he's been slapped or something.


They got rid of that animation because enemies would continue standing even after being dealt thousands of overkill damage and would block projectiles and such (basically forming an impenetrable wall for several seconds, clogging entire hallways with ease). It was incredibly annoying, and I'm glad that it's gone.


But yeah, animations like the ones in the OP (and basically any of these "little things" that adds a bit of grittiness to the game's atmosphere in general, such as the panicked screaming of the capture targets somewhere around U7 or so or the ability to shoot off Infested limbs back before I joined the game) are awesome. Why they continually get removed one after the other is kinda beyond me.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I still see body parts fly off every once in a while, but, sadly, the parts that fall off and fly somewhere else are not proportionate to the AI that it belongs to. For example, I saw a corpus head shot off, and a smaller grinner looking head was the piece that I ended up looking sadly upon.

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They took out a whole bunch of the gore.

Probably cause it became more popular and they didnt want to catch the PC crowd.... or whoever complains about that stuff.

What does that even mean ? You can turn gore off, who would complain about that ? I for one always want more gore, in a game where you kill stuff (basically all you ever do) imo the satisfaction comes from seeing damage inflicted and gore/bullet wounds/physics all make it so much more enjoyable and fresh everytime to me having feedback from my shots is very important. Thank FSM some developers understand this thats why I'm so hyped about killing Floor 2 !!

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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