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Kubrows Need More Love!


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Seriously. They do.

I tried to find a post that already covers ideas for Kubrow but all I found was something about an aquarium for the dojo which sounds pretty cool, anyway...


First off I'd like to say that I think Kubrow are very good companions for the Tenno but there are some things I would like to change. 


If you are new to the game and want a companion it is very easy to get a sentinel because they are 75 platinum which you start off with and you needn't do much more for their livelyhood's sake except the usual modding.


The Kubrow starter kit is excellent for anyone who wants a Kubrow and it's slightly cheaper than a sentinal but you have to wait for the egg to incubate which takes about 2 days( you can rush it though) and then you have to wait for the puppy to mature which takes an additional 3 days and that cannot be rushed.   During puppy-hood the Kubrow experiences DNA degradation.  

To purchase DNA Stabilizers you need to have atleast 75,000 credits to purchase a small bunch of them. That is rather costly for anyone, those who are just starting and people who have been playing for a while like myself. I don't think that is quite fair and I think the high cost of maintaining a Kubrow's health is actually a deterrent for most players. Despite saying this I am not sure what a good price for them would be. I would be happy with say 40k but that might still be an overly large amount for someone who just started out. 


You may say that Kubrow should only be for someone that can afford it then, maybe, but isn't the game supposed to be about fun? Shouldn't we have ease choosing Sentinel or Kubrow? 

Now that that is out of the way I want to talk about cosmetics.


Kubrow have a very limited amount of colours to choose from and half of those colours aren't even interesting and a few aren't even natural fur colours.  

-They could add more colours such as sharing certain palettes with Tenno such as the Fire Palette because most of those colours are fairly natural.

Kubrows have a very limited amount of fur-patterns to choose from, I am aware they recently released the Tygrol pattern set but they could make so much more, there are so many ideas! They could add;


-Siberian Husky 
-Saint Bernard 
-Dalmation ( don't tell me about that Nart-Deer pattern, those are snowflakes)
-Cavalier King Charles 

They could even draw ideas from the large-cats!



Tiger  ( Tygrol is close enough though)
Cloud Leopard 


And they have literally NOTHING for accessories! 


They could add things like;


-Shoulder Scanner for transmissions or something

-Bow Tie for the neck ( and one for the head just tilting from one ear)

-Classic Scarf 
-Flower for either the neck or infront of an ear. For the lady Kubrow

-Samurai shoulder guards
-Feathered spartan helmet ( and maybe a plate skirt?)

-Cyclops-inspired Visor the Kubrow

-Syndicate cosmetic stickers( doesn't add any bonus for wearing, just for show )

-Jeweled Bow Tie for the lady Kubrows 

-Maybe some armors like these;    (Disclaimer; I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE PICTURES)
combat-k91.jpg luc2-300x244.jpg 
(  Grineer themed )                                                    ( Prime/Orokin Theme) 


( This as a more open suit { Revealing less vulnerable parts of the body, maybe having the visor retracted a bit and made to look more corpus-like to the Corpus addition)


Please add more ideas and give Kubrow some love, maybe the Devs will look and do something, I mean they are going to make Plat if they make these accessories and that's what they want when it comes down to it, right?

I also am sad to see my Kubrow sleeping on the cold metal ground of his Incubator, our Kubrow are our companions and the Lisette is their home. They should have some necessities such as a comfy Kubrow-Bed and a Bowl of water and food. I would like to see these added too at some point.  



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Did I just read a tutorial?


Also if you spent 1% of the time you used to write this post and researched, you'd know Kubrows are getting accessories soon.


If you wan't to post suggestions/feedback for Kubrows accessories, there's the correct forum for that.


Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Did I just read a tutorial?


Also if you spent 1% of the time you used to write this post and researched, you'd know Kubrows are getting accessories soon.


If you wan't to post suggestions/feedback for Kubrows accessories, there's the correct forum for that.



Haven't seen anything about Kubrow's getting more accessories, care to link me? 

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If you have full happiness, you can pet without limit. It only consumes the daily 3 if it restores any lost.

Also Luna, watch Dev strea, 48 i think... or 49. It was one of those. What was mentioned was Kubrow Armour and other accessories.


edit: Devstream questioning

Any update on Kubrow cosmetics/armour?

  • It's being worked on. Trying to figure out how it works with the various shapes/sizes of Kubrows.


[De] Drew confirms it's in the works, which by now should be near done.



Posted 02 December 2014 - 02:37 PM

Kubrow armor is still in the works, but I'd be curious to hear more player opinions/ideas/concepts for it.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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after leveling my kubrow (only 1 I have) to max, it's been in stasis ever since. these should've been robotic from the getgo with interchangeable firearms and cannons mounted and their special abilities triggers when their health/shields/armor are low.  also you should be able to take your sentinels+ kubrow on missions<< guess the tenno aren't capable of such technology.

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i would rather love to have some kind of zanuka instead of the 8 kubrows in my fridge

i mean, i love their design and they are quite strong, but even as a very active player i think they are extremely expensive to maintain in excellent shape, that means one dna stabilizer a day (wasting 20%, thats 50% loss) while they dont have range attacks or universally useful utility mods like sanctuary or coolant leak

also the defrost duration is quite long, so you cant switch different kubrow types when you play different missions


the accessories are in work( but if they behave like kubrows when they were introduced, they will glitch back to oblivion)


the armor looks cool but i fear DE wont make it for a long time, also, as a corpus supporter the robo dog suit looks super cool, it would just have to have some weapon racks for support fire to be authentic

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i would rather love to have some kind of zanuka instead of the 8 kubrows in my fridge

i mean, i love their design and they are quite strong, but even as a very active player i think they are extremely expensive to maintain in excellent shape,

that means one dna stabilizer a day (wasting 20%, thats 50% loss)

while they dont have range attacks or universally useful utility mods like sanctuary or coolant leak

A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


- We're experimenting with giving Kubrows their own Sanctuary mod - if things go well it'll happen sooner rather than later.

- Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.


Ongoing topics of discussion:

- Stasis Sickness.


A brief update from the desk of Kubrow. 

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Although it looks like you focus too much on cosmetic ideas. I agree with you that they just feel like a drain on resources and yet you can't even take them to the void. The whole detoxifying bit is annoying. If they die in battle detoxify (don't regain health like everything else arfter a mission), day by day they need to detoxify. Seriously I thought this was a pc war game not a tamagotchi. Admittedly I did have a digimon tamagotchi at one stage however the whole game, hell even the device was based around caring for this pixel image. There wasn't a whole seperate war going on at the same time.


If they were anything like zoids that would solve alot of problems. Health, shields, armour, interchangeable weaponry, and various abilities. All of which wouldn't require it to dive head first into heavy gun fire.


Stasis sickness... rly?


There is a Reason why all my Kubrows are in Stasis.

I think Rebecca is talking about (hopefully) removing the 3 hour wait, and having to detoxify it when the 3 hours is up.

Edited by Postal_pat
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A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


- We're experimenting with giving Kubrows their own Sanctuary mod - if things go well it'll happen sooner rather than later.

- Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.


Ongoing topics of discussion:

- Stasis Sickness.


A brief update from the desk of Kubrow.

Can I have my Kubrow roaming around my Liset again please?!

I love to see my puppy walking around.

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A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


- We're experimenting with giving Kubrows their own Sanctuary mod - if things go well it'll happen sooner rather than later.

- Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.


Ongoing topics of discussion:

- Stasis Sickness.


A brief update from the desk of Kubrow.


I would humbly request that you reverse the order of DNA stabilization loss and Loyalty loss

Have the DNA Stabalization loss occur if the Kubrow dies on a mission and is not revived.

Have loyalty Loss occur on a daily basis.


This way people who look after their Kubrows won't have to pay through the nose for their upkeep, only pay for deaths. Oh, and I'll take mine out of stasis.

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A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


- We're experimenting with giving Kubrows their own Sanctuary mod - if things go well it'll happen sooner rather than later.

- Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.


Ongoing topics of discussion:

- Stasis Sickness.


A brief update from the desk of Kubrow.

Unless I'm totally misreading this...

Honestly though, this just seems like it will make them more of a pain in the butt.  Stasis sickness?  Worst idea I've heard in a while.  Hope that's a joke, we should never have a penalty of having Kubrows in stasis.  Listen.  The addtions that should be made are in terms of cosmetics, mods, and animations.

Whatever happened to them running along the zip lines with us?  How about adding Kubrow emotes?  These are quality additions.  

Edited by Erelas
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A couple of 'coming soon' things here:


- Daily DNA Detox limits will be removed (no more 'you've reached your daily limit of DNA Detoxifiers'). This means you can catch up faster on healing them if you've missed a couple days or more instead of relogging in the next day just to heal, and so forth.



Or you could... you know... Just remove DNA Stabilizers completely because they're a terrible idea.

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