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Nikana Stance Combos, Hitting Lower Than Initial Damage. (Bug Report)


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After running some tests with both stances the Nikana weapon types have to use, Tranquil Cleave and Decisive Judgement, it seems I've come across a bug. The damage from stance combos seem to not take mods into consideration when dealing out damage. I'm going to copy paste my results from the thread I used and paste them into here.



This is my post where I posted images of the stance with mods hitting lower than the initial strikes.


So. Today, I had gotten my hands on the second Nikana stance mod, Decisive judgement, and I decided to go punch in numbers to see how the damage scales on this stance versus the other. While doing my damage tests, I've noticed that both stances hit the normal damage amount with the standard three hits, E E E. This is with, and without the stance mods.



When it comes to the actual combo itself, for example, the E E Pause E E E Chain, the Pause E E E does significantly reduced damage. The multiple thrusts I can understand, as they add up in damage, but every other hit on every other combo chain for both stances, the damage appears to be heavily reduced. With my Mod layout. The E E E combo hits 1061 each with no multipliers (stealth, Steel charge, etc. None of that). When hitting with any part of the combo chain, it's all very low, 428 damage all around. This doesn't make any sense at all. Why struggle to do combos, if the initial standered E E E spam would result in a much larger gain of DPS compared to a carefully timed combo? Is this a bug? If it is, someone please tell me.



Here are some screenshots I took showing the damage done of individual hits.

Edit: Sorry. Some of the damage numbers are a bit difficult to see, but each picture has one! Again, sorry.


Damage of a normal E: (Damage 1061)



Damage of the E E [Pause E] Hit of Decisive Judgement. (Damage 428)



Damage of the E [Hold E] hit of Decisive Judgement. (Damage 331)



Damage of the E E [Pause E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 331)



Damage of the E E E [Hold E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 427)



Damage of the E E E Hold E [E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 774 w/ Slash proc)



Damage of the E E E [RMB + E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 331)



Damage of the E E E RMB + E [E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 331)



Damage of the E E E RMB + E E [E] Hit of Tranquil Cleave. (Damage 331)




Considering that we have to actually time our hits for combos, we should not be getting punished for pulling these off. If it gives us no reward. What is the point. I don't know if this is a bug or not, if it is, please fix this, I've shown you what I can. If it's not. Please consider adding some damage multipliers to the combo, because getting punished for doing a combo is illogical.


Side Note: While testing, the hits for E E Pause E [E] [E] for Tranquil Cleave seemed to be fine. Doing either normal or a bit higher damage.


Link to the original thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/222281-nikana-stance-combos-hitting-lower-than-initial-damage/

Edited by Shuuro
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Due to image restrictions I had to make a second post.


This is my post where I posted images of the stance without mods, suggested by Calayne:


Alright. So after testing the stance damages with no mods on. The results began to contradict the results of a Stance with mods equipped. The Stance combos Actually began hitting the same amount of damage as the initial damage. Some hits actually proving to hit harder than before.



Stanceless E E E all hit the same amount.





Tranquil E E [Pause E]



Tranquil E E Pause E [E]



Tranquil E E Pause E E [E] (Kick and Slash)



Tranquil E E E [Hold E]



Tranquil E E E Hold E [E]



Tranquil E E [RMB + E]



Tranquil E E RMB + E [E]



Tranquil E E RMB + E E [E]



Decisive E E E all hit the same amount.





Decisive E [Hold E]



Decisive E E [Pause E]



Decisive E E Pause E [E] (Leap Kick + End Slash)




While taking these screenshots. I found a special ability within the Tranquil Cleave stance that I haven't noticed before. The E E E Hold E [E] combo. The final slash seems to always proc slash without fail. I've yet to see it NOT proc once during all these screenshots I've been trying to take.


Speaking of which. While taking these screenshots. It just doesn't seem to add up. On an unmodded weapon, the damages from combos seem to benefit you more, while a modded weapon earns less value from combos? I'm beginning to lean towards the assumption that this is a bug. It seems that some mods are not effecting the combo damages? Either way. I hope this gets some attention when possible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

this is exactly y i choose orthos prime bleeding willow over dragon nikana.  Orthos has like 20k crit damage and like 2,000 regular damage.  and has op range with op crit when used during invisibility and smoke screen

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this is exactly y i choose orthos prime bleeding willow over dragon nikana.  Orthos has like 20k crit damage and like 2,000 regular damage.  and has op range with op crit when used during invisibility and smoke screen

I use it cause it looks cool and cause no matter what weapon, a decent mod set up makes the enemies pathetically easy to kill.

Edited by Tormound
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this is exactly y i choose orthos prime bleeding willow over dragon nikana.  Orthos has like 20k crit damage and like 2,000 regular damage.  and has op range with op crit when used during invisibility and smoke screen


With the exact same build an Orthos Prime will always be weaker than a Dragon Nikana. Might wanna look up the stats on both. Orthos Prime has range, but Dragon Nikana has power.


Now, to actually contribute to the topic:


No. This has not been fixed yet.


Yes. This seems to be affecting other (if not all) stances as well. Orthos Prime included.

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  • 1 month later...

This will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix, the root issue was melee damage mods not buffing combo branch attacks.


Awesome! Thank you so much for looking into this. Really glad to hear a fix has been found.


Best of luck to you all, we know you have your hands full over there with a certain "update".

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  • 4 weeks later...

This will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix, the root issue was melee damage mods not buffing combo branch attacks.


Has this hotfix been deployed yet? Either it has and I'm incompetent at searching patch notes, or it hasn't, and I guess I have to get that Dakra Prime after all.

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