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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Guest Tehnoobshow

All the good people from DE will probably leave anyway, we just have to look forward to the next game they make. Oh, and anyone who thinks that the Chinese will be nice to the community needs a visit to the psychiatrist. This is a country where peoples' lives cost a dime a dozen we're talking about.

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DE folks if you're reading this thread, please don't work with PWE, as much as I love STO I will never buy anything in STO with real money. I've already bought plat from your website. STO I'll never spend real money on, it's just not good enough.

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All the good people from DE will probably leave anyway, we just have to look forward to the next game they make. Oh, and anyone who thinks that the Chinese will be nice to the community needs a visit to the psychiatrist. This is a country where peoples' lives cost a dime a dozen we're talking about.


are we going to have some sort of path of exile except warframe version going on?


(path of exile was highly influenced by diablo esque gameplay....which ultimately created its own game in the end.........since he said that he looked forward to the next game they make, i figured it would have the same element as path of exile making its own version of diablo....so warframe's old creators making another type of warframe-esque game....)

dont wanna explain anymore....

Edited by sekushiiandee
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Guest Tehnoobshow

Well, this is something going in a very backwards direction.


With my experience with games of Perfect World origin, namely Blacklight Retribution, it was fun while it lasted. And about the cash shops, chance packs, and miscellaneous items... the people are right. Perfect World Entertainment put out gambling immensely. While we the people complain about the randomness of Prime components or basic Warframe parts, it pales in comparison to that. At least you're not spending money to go into the Void, let alone letting a box determining whether you get said key or not.


As far as I know, Blacklight is either dying or dead. Nothing has really changed it, no updates or anything after the new Horde mode. Nothing new. I haven't seen Perfect World change anything really. The game only went after a few big updates, and it stopped. Dead as a doornail.


Right now, no word of anything hasn't been signed, but that doesn't mean the community is out of the woods just yet. We've got a little over a month for this to cease. We still have the spark of hope, we just need enough to kindle it. I'm going to remain a little on the fence with this one. But if anything, look at this thread, Digital Extremes. Look at your fanbase. Look at everything you've achieved, through twenty years, through your latest success, Warframe. Take a deep long look, before jumping on any decision, especially this one.


While the community might have gone a bit overboard with disappointment, slight berating comments, or just silly things, we are here to look at this game to flourish, to develop, to help fund your brainchild known as this game. Just give a moment to think. Research everything, before laying your hand down.

They're Canadian, they don't care about their creations because creations are not important to Canadians. What's important is the ability to create. So we will be seeing a different game from them very soon.

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You can say, "oh if PWE pulls greedy BS, we'll boycott it".... but it won't make any difference if and when they change our entire gameplay mechanic to favor, "F you, pay us,"  and "the void drop tables are too generous, here's a lockbox" ... They've destroyed countless (actually, countable) titles. Warframe will just wind up being another notch on their belt. In any case, we've got 40 days, Update 14 if it isn't scrapped already, and SURELY another devstream to hear directly from them before we lose Warframe as we know it. DE didn't respond until 5k comments and 200+ pages in. We know they're watching and can hear us.

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DE, you've undoubtedly seen this thread, even Rebecca has replied to it. You see the hundreds of pages of players showing concern over this? It's because we all love this game. I've devoted over 800 hours into this and to see it all ruined by Perfect World... it's not right. You have created such a beautiful universe, truly one of my favorites. And if you sell out to PW, well Warframe will just become an old dream. You've come from an 8-memeber dev team, into what this game is today. We've blossomed from a small game with a bit of a following to within the Top 20 in Steam. Honestly, i've seen numerous articles commending this game, some even mentioning the early development phases and how much this game has grown. I know the PC gaming market will hate to see this game go down. You've undoubtedly seen the effects of PW integrating themselves into other games, as mentioned above. I've spent somewhere around $120 on this game, and i sincerely wish i could spend more. This game has just been fantastic so far, dont let Perfect World ruin it. I may not be a founder, i joined as soon as open beta hit. But i love this game just as much as any founder out there. Surely you can tell im not the only one. All i ask is you look at the community here. All of the people who are proud to call themselves Tenno. All of the people who funded your dream game. Listen to their voices, if you are wht you say you are. I write this with the sincerest hope that you reconsider allowing Perfect World purchase this game. Thank you for reading, DE.

Do not let this reply fade into the numerous amounts of pages, this is pretty good.


And as everybody says, DE, DONT LET PWE IN

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no. i don't. and i don't see how that has anything to do with this.


there was a hacker during the gravidus event that skewed the scoring for the event in favor of corpus....he ultimately got banned

i was just joking about how we should have him hack into PWE games and mess things up

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I have proudly supported Warframe both vocally and financially, from believing in the game and Digital Extremes based in London Ontario; helping this game develop further and to a local game developer nonetheless. I have spent much time and money into this game and enjoyed it through the ups and downs that it has gone through during its development; mistakes have been made, apologizes given and accepted, I continued to support Warframe.


So I will make it clear to Digital Extremes, I implore you do not sell out to the Chinese company Perfect World and keep the company proudly Canadian and continue to develop it in hand with the community and it's support. I have dealt with Perfect World before from other games and heard many accounts of Perfect World defaulting on customers without refund or recourse. To be more detailed, customers paying for Zen (Perfect World virtual currency) and not receiving Zen and upon contacting Perfect World for support being told there is nothing they can do, and customers with paid subscriptions not receiving their monthly rewards and again upon trying to get support told the same. This is atop the very clear and evident pay to win model in the games under Perfect World and degeneration over time driving many fans away.


Until I hear what Digital Extremes will do, I will not purchase anymore Platinum nor Prime Access packs nor Steam packs; I will never support Perfect World or any games under them and if Digital Extremes ends up in the hands of Perfect World, my support for Warframe and Digital Extremes will end.

Edited by Daedalus_Fox
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Just as a heads up, this isn't as bad as it immediately sounds, majorly a large hysteria based on the announcement of a truly evil company.

While it may have it's share of worries, DE Ltd. hasn't shaken hands yet nor are they likely to due to the fact of all the signs stating the company is doing well financially, while only a part of Digital Extremes, the Warframe division is especially proving itself to be steady and eager to continue their mission, creating a game they've wanted to without being told what to do by some publisher. 


Even if that wasn't the case trying to directly address DE isn't going to yield results when they're asleep.

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make a mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

EDIT: Slight grammar mistake.

Bumping because this seems like a really cool idea in my opinion.

This is my first post on the forums, so I hope this bump is worthwhile.

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If they sellout to the S#&$ty &#! company known as Perfect World Entertainment, I will take my founders pack exclusive T-Shirt and Headband and burn them right now. DO NOT SELLOUT TO THAT S#&$HOLE COMPANY!

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Someone asked me for a link of the Taiwanese forum, but hey, you can't read Traditional Chinese right?

(For the record I'm from Hong Kong so I do read Traditional Chinese)

It's just someone saying something, but I think it's possible, so I put it here.


I don't really think DE needs to sell the company as Warframe's player base got a huge increase over the pass one year.


Therefore I'd rather believe what they say, PWE is just investing, with no influence over DE's decision.


Btw I saw someone talked about different kinds of shares here, I think that's what the Taiwanese was talking about, PWE bought the latter kind of shares, ie. the one with no voting power given, I don't really remember the name. Lol I thought I was a good business student.


Edit: I can't give the link because the computer I use currently blocked the forum, ie. I am at work, strangely it did not block warframe forums but warframe.com lol.


Edit: Yes I used my phone to get to that forum


With regards to the shares IF the worst happens...I really hope that at the very least PWE just bought Preference shares (that might be what you mean). Those share have no voting rights attached to it, but they get first go at any dividends or gains that a company makes.


I really do not know what shares PWE intends to get...

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[size=7]Don't worry DE, hang tight for 40 days. We WILL bail you out of this mess. You have players spending over $500 on a single cosmetic, just wait for the kickstarter. Don't let these bullies ruin you, just because you are a major threat to them via your fair, friendly business model.[/size]

Edited by (PS4)MoriartyHaaaiii
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So I'm not that well versed in business, but I don't think DE would willing sell Control of there company if they can avoid it(unless their in some sort financial debt). It would just seem odd if they sold control of their business when it's doing fine. 


Now I'm curious is PWE really as bad as everyone's saying it is.


P.S. sorry for any grammatical errors, grammar is not my specialty.

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