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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 13 minutes ago, SerionSerian said:

    more different dispositions. some weapons now get with the strong disposition a huge buff to the already strong stats. not that i dont like it. but also some "weak disposition" get strong stats. may 7 or 9 dispositions for finetuning. some older weapons are still totally useless (who wonder, that are lowlevel-weapons. may it should be still like that).

    The three disposition descriptions that you see in the UI (Strong, Neutral and Faint) are a simplification of the actual dispositions that weapons have which range from 0.5 to 1.55 currently.


  2. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    Just reminder, to let u sometimes check which resources in Inventory u r missing to not be surprised when another "huge" amount of resource will be needed for research.

    Just a reminder that it was precisely because some players had large stockpiles of mutagen samples that the research requirements were set so ridiculously high.

    If everyone farms resources so as to "not be surprised", the next resource costs will be even higher.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

    Take note that the base/reference Clan would actually be Storm Clan in this case. Values are not perfectly tweaked, mainly for conveying my idea.
    What do you guys think?

    I think the cost scaling between tiers looks reasonable, but a one day research time for Moon clans is too short.

    Moon clans being three days with an increase of 12-24 hours per tier below that would be more appropriate, but in general I don't like the idea of scaling research time.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Sakatchi said:

    Those are theoretically solid numbers. But in practice its a dps vs burst argument, which will fall flat when armor is introduced to the equation. Armor will lower that already lowered damage, and even if you get a elemental combo that lowers armor's effectiveness, past about level 35, it will fall off, causing your dps ignis to burn an increasing amount of ammo killing one guy, that not even an ammo mutation can save.

    Trust me on that one, I had some fun trying to kill a lv 50 bombard with the build you proposed with a corrosive blast verison of the ignus wrath.

    But none of that is relevant to the Vile Acceleration vs Speed Trigger discussion.

    A Vile Acceleration build does more burst, more sustained dps and applies more status than a Speed Trigger build.

    The only stat where a Speed Trigger build wins is ammo efficiency, and even there it only does 3.6% more damage per round of ammo. Not enough to make any noticeable difference.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Sakatchi said:

    that -15% damage hurts the ignis wrath, and it burns too much damage to be worthwhile.

    The -15% damage makes very little difference, let's do the maths...

    On top of the base damage (100%) we add Serration (+165%) and Heavy Caliber (+165%) for a total of 430%.

    So the comparison is between Speed Trigger, which multiplies the overall damage by 1.6 (430% x 1.6 = 688%), and Vile Acceleration which first subtracts 15% damage (430% - 15% = 415%) and then multiplies the overall damage by 1.9 (415% x 1.9 = 788.5%).

    A Vile Acceleration build deals 14.6% more damage than a Speed Trigger build (788.5% / 688%), and applies almost 19% more status procs (1.9 / 1.6), while consuming almost 19% more ammo.

  6. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    But a clan of 300 with a high % of actives takes a lot more effort.

    Again, Business 101...

    So yes, I do believe there should be exclusive perks if you manage to successfully do it.

    You've got that backwards.

    Large businesses exist where there is a natural benefit to being larger (economies of scale, etc.), not because the government has chosen to artificially give rewards to the largest businesses.

    What you're suggesting is the introduction of perverse incentives, encouragements to have a large clan regardless of the natural reasons to do so, or not.

  7. 24 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Then why are there Rivens for newer weapons as well? If Rivens were TRULY intended to spice up old weapons, you wouldn't be able to get Rivens for newer weapons, yet you clearly can. Yes, Rivens can potentially buff older weapons, if RNGesus happens to be kind to you, but they can also buff already overpowered weapons and once again leave older weapons in the dust. Also, older / underpowered weapons are still lackluster. Rivens are just another mod (albeit heavily randomized) that you slot in. This resolves the situation...how exactly?

    Because riven disposition ensures that the buffs for less popular (not older) weapons are significantly better than the buffs more popular weapons get.

    It's quite a clever, self-balancing system, really.

  8. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    On the other hand, I can see how smaller clans might resent it, because the increased costs address a system flaw in the way that large clans negatively impact real-world revenue.  And DE would be providing exclusives for a portion of the player base based on a flaw.

    I want this new clan system to succeed for players and DE alike.

    But, if large clans continue to represent a financial liability (Server load dead weight $$$, player retention loss due to bad experiences, etc) then larger clans simply need to go, IMHO.

    Thoughts are appreciated.

    I'm not sure why you feel that large clans negatively impact DE's revenue.

    Server costs would actually be higher per player for small clans rather than large ones, and the social bonds that clans facilitate are a big positive for player retention.

  9. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Carnatus said:

    I didn't say I agree with it being removed. Just made non-mandatory.

    And no. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Nobody should be required to play Archwing for any of the main missions until it's fixed.

    A lot has changed since I first completed most of the starchart, I would be interested to see exactly how much non-archwing content is gated behind archwing missions.

  10. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Carnatus said:

    Archwing is in such dire need of a major overhaul that nobody should be required to play it until it's fixed.

    That's just an opinion, others (myself included) would definitely disagree.

    I get that not everyone has developed the skills to control space flight in 6DoF, and that for some the unfamiliar type of motion may cause nausea, I'm not against adding back the old flight model as an additional option for those who can't handle full 6DoF.

    But it absolutely shouldn't be removed, there are plenty of people who do enjoy and prefer the improved controls.

    Personally I would love it if DE added full HOTAS controller support for archwing.

  11. 1 hour ago, Sakatchi said:

    I'm here to reinforce the idea that you want mods like speed trigger to increase status. Vile acceleration is bad though, and shred isn't enough, and redundant.

    Vile Acceleration is bad, why? It's a much bigger dps increase than Speed Trigger.

  12. 29 minutes ago, 2ply said:

    I don't think so, you've only pointed out the ad-hominems in my response, my point was laced with them and I'll give you that, this whole outcry over the hema cost is DEAD, and anyone still complaining about it needs to learn to deal with it and move on.

    The argument in my response is completely valid, but you can't seem to refute that with any logical substance. Rather than just hide behind your grasp of adjective usage, perhaps you can produce something of merit, to explain how those of you, who are so distraught about having to farm in a game based on farming, is not simply an absurdity.

    With 2017 being the year of clans and big changes on the way including clan ranking and affinity, the Hema costs and the response to them are an important sign to DE of what not to do, and shouldn't be forgotten. For now this thread is as good a reminder as any.

    DE seem to have taken this on board, the swift reduction in the participation target for the last clan event was a good sign and very welcome, but constant vigilance at this stage is a sensible precaution.

    Clan research would benefit from a complete overhaul; costs before the Hema were largely trivial, the Hema costs were too high, re-balancing them all would be a better way forward.

    I'm not distraught at having to farm, I completed the Hema research back when my clan was still a solo clan, some time ago now, starting from less than 500 mutagen samples in my inventory.

    I've played some Minecraft with my nephews, although I've not built a giant phallus, so I can't speak to how much effort would be involved in that.

    'Work' is a confusing, ambiguous word when applied to games. Tasks requiring effort are obviously not inherently bad, it depends on how much fun you're having while doing them.

    Above all, my main objection to the Hema costs are the way they disproportionately affect different players, and clan research in general isn't a good mechanism to achieve DE's stated goal of requiring contemporaneous effort to acquire the weapon while providing a real choice between buying it with plat or 'earning' it in game.

    DE can do better, and I want them to, for the sake of the future of a game I love.

  13. I don't think it would see any use on PC, as we can already bind weapon firing to the mouse scroll wheel if we want to use a semi-auto as a full-auto.

    The biggest problem in actual use may well be magazine size, you'll be spending much of your time reloading as semi-auto weapons tend to have tiny magazines compared to full-auto.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Grenneloch said:

    If you can't see the cyst when you actually have them, you end up infecting people over and over and tanking your alignment. And in Rick's case, I imagine it's like me where once you get that cyst, the Frame is effectively benched from multiplayer until a week later when you can cure/immunize it.

    I'm pretty sure that infecting others affecting your alignment is a myth.

    I was running around with cysts on most of my frames for weeks before I started curing them, some still have it, and it hasn't affected my alignment at all.

  15. 1 hour ago, 2ply said:

    Actually Yes, that is exactly how progress has always been made. By WORKING towards it.

    And we will continue working towards getting an improvement on the excessive Hema costs.


    1 hour ago, 2ply said:

    You just want to cry about


    1 hour ago, 2ply said:

    Have you ever played any game?


    1 hour ago, 2ply said:

    probably appeals to your age group


    1 hour ago, 2ply said:

    Have you ever played any games kids?

    When you have nothing left but ad-hominems, you really should give up rather than make a fool of yourself.

  16. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Dubbie_Shambles said:

    I didn't expect to get much help/support in this forum but I am amazed by the amount of DE riders that can't see this from my point of view......are you on the payroll?

    There's not really anything that forum posters can add other than "submit a ticket to support".

    That's probably why you're not seeing any helpful posts, there's literally nothing anyone else here can do or say to help you.

  17. One thing I'd really like to see is rivens getting their own unique polarity, or if they have to use existing polarities for some reason just have them all use the same one.

    Having to re-forma your weapon just because you re-rolled your riven actively discourages players from trying out quirky rolls, it would be much better if you could just forma a slot once and then be able to use the riven there as you re-roll it, instead of waiting for a 'perfect' roll before knowing which polarity to apply.

  18. Punch-through on an Ignis behaves differently to most other weapons.

    As the cone of fire is treated as multiple explosions, it's the AoE of those explosions that actually inherits the punch-through, not the cone itself.

    Play around with it and see how it works for you, but it's my understanding that additional punch-through will make little difference.

  19. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    +%Status on the Riven allows you to keep a pure Corrosive build for stripping armor. If you were to attain 100% status by using 3 status mods then you'd lose Corrosive proc rate.

    It only takes two +60% dual-stat elemental mods to hit 99% status on the Mutalist Cernos, you can keep pure corrosive without +status% on a riven.

    Edit: Status on the Mutalist Cernos is not the same as status on a shotgun, getting 100% is barely better than 99%.

  20. You can hit 100% status so easily on a Mutalist Cernos that having +status% on a riven is frankly a wasted stat, and as others have already said the base crit stats are not worth building towards.

    The best riven stats for a Mutalist Cernos, in my opinion, would be +damage, +multishot, +fire rate or +toxin damage, maybe even +status duration.

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