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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. Just now, Shad0wWatcher said:

    See the reason i didn't mention clans is because you can see who of your clan is online in the clan chat, but there's no buddy chat. But sure a clan notification would be great too.

    While you're on the subject of chat, being able to set up custom chat channels would be great too.

  2. 6 minutes ago, FLEXXIMUS said:

    Could someone please tell me why these archwing and spy missions are even in the game as MOST PEOPLE HATE THEM!

    I know some people will pipe up and say " i don't think they are so bad" and MAYBE some might even say they enjoy them but the majority of people HATE THEM.

    Would you kindly share your source for the facts behind these assertions?

    I don't believe I've seen any data on how players 'feel' about different mission types, so I certainly couldn't state with any confidence how 'most' feel.

  3. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

    I think the question is, is it worth DE's time to do that? Who is the best group to focus their time on: starchart players, or "hard content starts at level 200" players?

    I honestly don't know how it balances out, but I'd be surprised if the vast majority of players weren't casual starcharters. 

    Adding a 'hardcore' mode to all nodes on the starchart wouldn't require much effort at all...

    • Enemy scaling to level 200++ already exists, so starting enemies at those levels is no additional work
    • Selecting between multiple missions on the same node via a pop-up menu already exists (nightmare, fissure, invasion, etc.)
    • Unlocking new missions through clearing parts of the starchart already exists (nightmare missions)

    Even if the population wanting these missions is small compared to the number of 'casual' players, given how trivial it appears it would be to implement, it's surely still worth the small amount of time it would take DE.

    One of the questions I always look into for any new game I'm starting is "what's the endgame like?", so even for players who aren't there yet, seeing that the challenging content exists gives them confidence that the game will keep them occupied as they get more experienced.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

    By that same logic why should DE write yet another mode that will become stagnant, dissected and ripped apart by players and complained about constantly within a day of its being implemented when challenging high level game play is already in the game for players willing to go to the trouble of getting there.

    Because all the code required to do this is already in the game, it would require minimal development and some tweaking of drop tables at most.

    Why not take that small effort to give some optional additional content to veteran players?

  5. It would be quite simple to add a 'hardcore' tier of missions to every planet that increased the enemies' level by +100 to +200, or 10x, or whatever modifier was deemed appropriate, unlocked when you've cleared the entire starchart on normal difficulty.

    24 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    It's DE long overdue homework on how to deal with people who love lvl9999.

    Level 9999 enemies could be something that custom clan missions would allow, but I don't think that should be added to the starchart.

  6. 1 minute ago, Kyryo said:

    It is called Sarcasm . It was joke, and allusion to the mission that requires tons of time (wasted, as the only difficult thing is to not fall asleep) for a reward that is extremely laughable. 

    Fair enough, but sarcasm's hard enough to do on the internet as it is, adding hyperbole to the mix pretty much ensures it won't be received as intended.

  7. 1 hour ago, Volinus7 said:

    It's called "Beta syndrome". lel


    43 minutes ago, TennoPain said:


    I sincerely hope both these comments were made ironically. I'll be generous and assume neither of you are stupid enough to believe that "beta" is a valid excuse for anything in Warframe at this point.

    Warframe is as "released" as it is ever going to be.

  8. 12 minutes ago, koldmiser said:

    I get the frustration with a name being taken, but do like that they give you a fair amount of time before you lose it. I just came back from a 6 month or so break and it would have completely bummed me out to see my name gone. I've stopped playing games just for this reason (looking at you Old Rep!).

    A simple way to avoid that would be that any accounts above a certain MR should be immune to having their names taken.

  9. 9 hours ago, rudman88 said:

    for the record, same proc does not stack but different type of proc will

    Slash, toxin and gas procs can all stack multiple times on the same target.

    Rapid corrosive procs will strip armour faster.

    Rapid impact procs will keep enemies staggered.

    And so on...

    The only procs that don't really benefit from rapid application are puncture, cold, heat, radiation, magnetic and viral.

    Higher damage may beat out status for low level enemies, but once levels (and armour) start to rise then status is king.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nazrethim said:

    A stance ultimate focused on combos and ability synergy instead of straigh invulnerability or E-spam would be very different in application, thus not really a copy. And FYI the "allow ash to use his wristblades as actual weapons" has been around pretty much since Ash exists, well before Excalibur got it's own lightingcarrot.

    All the other 'melee' frames except Atlas have stance ultimates (Excalibur, Valkyr, Wukong), maybe it could be a thing but trying to make it unique enough to be interesting could be challenging.

  11. 1 minute ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

    Also since my post should be ignored then what bladestorm

    There are much more experienced Ash players than me posting in this thread, I wouldn't presume to make that judgement, I'll leave it to people more qualified.

    But I don't think copying another warframe's ability is the way to go, more diversity in abilities is better for the game.

  12. 1 minute ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

    Ion see you tryna make any ideas 

    Then not only are you blindly claiming that yours is the only idea with any merit, but you've clearly not even read this thread to consider the ideas that others (yes, including me) have put forward.

  13. 4 hours ago, rudman88 said:

    I dont put 100% status chance for machine gun ore high fire rate weapon

    High fire rate weapons are literally the best weapons to build for 100% status, why would you not take advantage of the power that gives?

    (Note: For this purpose most shotguns can be considered 'high fire rate' due to the number of pellets they fire, especially with multishot.)

  14. 1 minute ago, Ironlixivium said:

    like hikou, no offense, just not good, so why is it faint....

    I believe Hikou Prime with Concealed Explosives is a thing, although I seem to be exceptionally good at killing myself with them so I don't use that setup too much.

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