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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

    If the chance was 10% to get a good on the first, it isthe same on your 100th roll. I would like the 100th roll to have a better chance because a players had put a lot effort and resources into it, thats all.

    The problem with that is what constitutes a 'good' roll is subjective.

    24 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

    PS: No need to offend me.

    No offense was intended.

  2. 31 minutes ago, (Xbox One)D34thst41ker said:

    If that is the case, then you are indeed correct. If he insists on proof, have him equip a new Boar, but have every other slot either empty, or filled with a Level 30 item. Then, have him check his profile and note the Mastery Rank XP he currently has. Finally, have him do several missions so he gets the new Boar leveled up. As long as he doesn't change his loadout, he can take that weapon from Unranked to 30, and he will see no change in his current Mastery Rank XP. And since he is doing the testing himself, he will have no choice but to accept the results.

    Just be aware that there are other things that earn you mastery that could also confuse the issue, like completing mission nodes or junctions that you've not done before.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Xionyde134 said:

    And FYI, since Multishot affects pellet count as well as status chance directly, for a 10% status shotgun to be able to get 35% status, it would need a 250% multishot mod (assuming no status mods were added) and the multishot mod would also give this shotgun 35 pellets, so its status chance is still only 1% per pellet. You got your point across with the imaginary numbers, but I'm just nitpicking at this point tbh.

    That's not how status works for shotguns, it's actually far more complicated than that, as you can see from this picture...


    Adding Hell's Chamber (+120% multishot) to a Hek only increases its status chance from 25% to 46.9%.

    For a good explanation of how shotgun status works you can watch Brozime's Tigris Prime video...




  4. 1 minute ago, shadow0727 said:

    Cernos Prime: base multishot of 3 arrows. ex. 900 base damage, each arrow does 300. adding multishot is affected differently compared to other weapons. The multishot damage calculation is applied which increases the damage, then that damage is split among all arrows

    You're over-complicating it.

    Each arrow from a Cernos Prime does 300 base damage, multishot adds more arrows that also do 300 base damage each.

    There is no 'increasing then splitting' involved.

  5. 54 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

    The Ignis Wraith has innate multishot.

    Here's the effect of putting Split Chamber (+90% multishot) on an Ignis Wraith...


    As you can see, the damage has increased by exactly 90%.

    If the Ignis Wraith had innate multishot, the damage increase would be lower.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

    This build would cover that then-

      Reveal hidden contents

    C7857FC2A3AAA8C52FFE865BA2AB77F7C713E6A4 (1680×1050)


    No fancy Rivens required. Just a few mods swaps and still easy to move those elements around for different combos. ;-)

    That build doesn't even have 100% status with Hell's Chamber, the magic number is 100% before any multishot mods are added.

    And it has to be 100%, even 99% is nowhere near as good.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

    It's only real weakness, imo, is that using it heavily can run you out of ammo. 

    And there are fixes for that, of course, besides even using a Shotgun ammo mutation.

    Most notably Ammo pads and Carrier. Good trigger control can help with too, of course.

    Personally, I use the Shotgun Scavenger aura with Carrier if I don't want to worry about ammo at all, Carrier alone is fine if you're a bit more careful.

    Though I have to say, not going for 100% status on a shotgun that is capable of reaching it is a crime. The difference in effectiveness is like night and day.

  8. The (Synoid) Simulor is the only weapon I can think of where a multishot mod isn't 'mandatory' for maximum damage or status output.

    Multishot is also an ambiguous term, innate multiple projectiles/shots (e.g. shotgun pellets) are not the same thing as the multishot multiplier given by mods like Barrel Diffusion.

  9. 4 minutes ago, RistN said:

    I was talking about new archwing movement system.If you mean that then you would be the first person to claim otherwise, not only in this topic but in many others on forum.

    Are we reading the same thread?


    On 14/03/2017 at 11:49 AM, ChuckMaverick said:

    I like the new archwing better.

    On 14/03/2017 at 0:30 PM, IEpicWolfI said:

    The old one was clunky and felt tacked on, the new one is brill.

    On 14/03/2017 at 0:55 PM, Calwon5 said:

    I like the new archwing movement style

    On 14/03/2017 at 1:09 PM, Dark_Roxas said:

    I like the new controlles better.

    ...and those are just comments from this thread, there are plenty of similar comments in other archwing threads.

  10. The riven stats on this build...


    ...are in line with rivens currently posted for sale on this forum, so they are achievable, although getting a perfect roll will obviously be challenging.

    The +status% on the riven needs to be over +60% to hit the magic 100% status chance, if you're lucky enough to get +120% status chance on the riven (which is possible currently for the Kohm) then you can swap Scattering Inferno for Blaze to get even more damage.

    The build gives 318 guaranteed status procs per second.

    Armour will be gone ridiculously fast and the mobs will be on their backs until they are dead.


    To come back to the comparison of Kohm vs other shotguns, you only really need to consider one thing, the Kohm laughs in the face of nullifiers.

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