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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 1 minute ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    no, not by design. the normal attack is just a symptom of the macro cycling faster than the weapons can slide attack. it happens when theres not enough attack speed

    That's odd, because if you bind a normal melee attack to the scroll wheel you're still limited by the animation speed.

  2. Just now, Nazrethim said:

    Quick ideas rarely solve the problem. That's what DE did and now look at where we are. You must meditate your suggestions and take every aspect into account, from unmodded power effects and corrupted/primed builds to conclave balancing and ability synergy.

    Indeed, but no single player will be able to spot every problem with a potential solution, that's why we post them here and invite others to discuss them as well.

  3. Bladestorm Rework:

    Toggled ability, drains 5 energy per second.

    Ash summons two shadow clones who copy Ash's melee attacks.

    Casting Bladestorm grants 4 seconds of invulnerability.

    Using Teleport during Bladestorm resets the invulnerability duration.

  4. 1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

    If you truely like and play AW, then it's because it's fun.....if you play for rewards then......well you only liked the rewards XD

    That's not necessarily true.

    Maybe once I have everything in game and it's all maxed then I'll just play the parts of the game that are most fun to me, but for now I still have progression/collection based goals to chase.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Sapphic-Sandra said:

    Macro's are allowed for PvE content to allow disabled gamers to play content intended for able bodied gamers. I've played with many folks with neurological conditions and this makes their lives more enjoyable.

    Macros are not just useful for players with existing conditions, they also serve as a preventative measure to stop the conditions developing in the first place.


  6. 1 minute ago, Acersecomic said:

    You can link anything you want, theory doesn't change the facts. And these are my facts.

    And as I stated your facts are a limited sample size and less useful as a measure of future success than mathematical calculations based on the actual probabilities.

    That and when DE have investigated cases of players claiming excessive bad luck (particularly with sortie drops) they have found that... well let's just be generous and say that the player was 'remembering incorrectly' (probably due to confirmation bias).

  7. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    K, I never see Ash anymore so I was just curious. 

    Isn't that the point?

    If you can see an Ash player then they're clearly not using Smokescreen properly, at least now that they can no longer just press-4-to-win.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    For 10 Radiant squad runs we'll get 1 to 2 rares. So that's increased chances for rares who barely drop a rare.
    In comparison, with Intact's minimal chances in 10 runs I'll see 0 to 2 rares, WITH MINIMAL CHANCES.

    Pure numbers Radiants barely give more rares. Ratios, percentages and relevance however... tell me intacts benefited me more than radiants.

    Ten radshares will give on average 3.44 rares, ten intact runs will give on average 0.78 rares.

    Those are the hard statistics and probabilities, what you're talking about is anecdotal evidence with very limited sample sizes.

    Also... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias

  9. 57 minutes ago, Roxxarus said:

    Now, I haven't really Ash for Bladestorm in a while, but I think CFE Angry is talking about when Bladestorm is actually activated (aka you're slashing and hacking), not when you're in the scanning phase. I'm not sure if the Smoke Screen continues or is paused during the slashy-slash time, but if not then I think that's what he's talking about.

    Possibly, but then Ash is invulnerable during slashy-slash time and you can re-cast Smokescreen as soon as the animation is over, so I don't really see the need.

  10. Any change should review and rework the whole system, or it will be a lot of work for very little benefit, simply changing the order of the rotation is going to cause as many problems as it solves.

    There are situations where I like the A-A rotation, farming Lith relics in ODD for example, so I only need to craft one key for every two relics; and sticking around for 10 waves/minutes can often be quicker that running the mission twice due to the time taken to get the mission going and to extract.

  11. 3 hours ago, WEREsandrock said:


    Use a Macro? You're a cheater. That's just my opinion and I am not even trolling. IF you use a Macro, you got a certain Advantage towards other Players. Now that ain't so bad in PVE.... But in PvP? Frikkin cheaters. I got no sympathy for those who get banned.

    That's probably an unpopular opinion.... But I just find it unfair.

    Uh... this thread is about PvE.

  12. On 02/03/2017 at 2:54 PM, Acersecomic said:

    I've learned that Intact relics give more Rares than Radiant relics.

    If you mean per relic, then you really haven't learned anything at all, you've just allowed yourself to mistakenly accept false impressions as facts.

    (However, if you mean overall, then there probably are more rares obtained from intact relics simply due to the huge number of intact relics that are used. :wink:)

  13. 6 hours ago, Roxxarus said:

    Well, press 4, wiggle your mouse around like a maniac, wait for cooldown, and account for lag. And that's assuming there are even any enemies around.

    (Not saying I want the idea, but y'know devil's advocate and what not)

    No, cast Smokescreen, press '4', ignore the Bladestorm functionality entirely and enjoy unlimited invisibility because your Smokescreen duration is paused while you're in Bladestorm (which you never leave).

  14. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)CFE Angry said:

    Honestly, I feel like smokescreen's duration should be paused/stopped when bladestorm is casted.

    So that you can cast Smokescreen, press '4' and stay invisible for the rest of the mission?

    That would be too easy to abuse.

  15. 3 hours ago, IEpicWolfI said:
    On 16/03/2017 at 1:27 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

    ...and those are just comments from this thread, there are plenty of similar comments in other archwing threads.

    And this is just another 'i liek old arkweeng bettur' thread, so what's your point.

    My point was to respond to this factually incorrect statement...

    On 16/03/2017 at 1:20 PM, RistN said:

    I was talking about new archwing movement system.If you mean that then you would be the first person to claim otherwise, not only in this topic but in many others on forum.

    ...by demonstrating that several people claimed otherwise, in this very thread (and stating that similar claims had also been made previously in other threads).

  16. 4 hours ago, Djego27 said:

    Rivens roll as 2 beneficial stats or 3 with a downside, so the most powerful rolls always have a downside

    Rivens have 2 or 3 positive stats, and 0 or 1 negative stats.

    Any combination of those is possible, you can have 3 positive and no negative, or 2 positive and 1 negative.

    It is widely believed that having a negative stat increases the value of any positive stats on the riven.

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