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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

    Doing it in PUBLIC and then complaining about the others not being at extraction like you are is a selfish thing to do. The game supports it and that is the reason the players do it- its in the game.

    Slowing the mission down by opening every box and exploring every corner isn't COOPERATING with the other players who want the mission to be finished efficiently either.

    Neither complaint is valid in a public mission, as long as no one is griefing you or afk leeching, it's working as intended.

  2. 1 hour ago, CrazyCortex said:

    and the weapon balance pass addressed it without destroying the weapons

    I'll admit I haven't tried out the Synoid Simulor since the changes (I didn't really use it much before anyway), but it does sound like it has been completely crushed from reading the update notes.

    Although given the number of errors that were made about the stats of the weapon in DE's post I guess only practical testing will show the truth.

  3. I wouldn't worry about it, with the recent nerf I doubt you'll be seeing many people using the Simulor now.


    11 minutes ago, (PS4)meowseverywhere said:

    please don't pull the "console pecent, PC master race" type of crap; I'm planning to get a PC, I just can't build one right now. This is meant to be a friendly discussion.

    ...I'm not sure why you felt the need to include that, this forum is thankfully pretty clear of 'platform war' posts.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Krhymez said:

    In the time it takes to farm all of her parts from all of the missions.... You can make well over 185 plat. That just a few rad shares.

    So the story is... best way to get her..... crack radiant relics.... and buy her.

    You could say that about most things in game that you have the choice to farm or buy with plat, however it makes your gaming experience very repetitive if all you do is run fissure missions all the time.

  5. 4 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

    I wouldn't mind absorving smaller clans, anything to increase my empire.

    However I can see this geting exploited by some warlords and clans, who will just absorve smallers clans and kick the members of it afterwards. 

    Not to mention, what if I invite a smaller clan to join mine and the members of it turnout to be unpleasant to say the least, if I kick them (which I would) that will definately create problems.

    I addressed that in an earlier response, it's really no different than kicking people from your clan after they've donated to research or construction projects, just on a larger scale.

    If you want to find out whether the clan you're looking to merge with is a good fit, just join an alliance with them first and see how you get on.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Inuzaki said:

    Gee thanks for proving that you are indeed one of the people that NEED to correct others, instead of providing any insight, help, or just not replying again.

    I simply responded to what you wrote initially, and as it turned out that was not what you meant I followed up by showing why writing it that way caused the misunderstanding so that you could avoid it in the future.

    You're welcome.

  7. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ITDeveloping said:

    I generally prefer to play in pugs because I genuinely enjoy playing with different people and I'm fully aware that I would run into the speed runners. I mostly just ignore it, but it gets under my skin sometimes.

    You recognised this in your OP as well; although I'm not going to tell you to "get over it", it is unreasonable to expect that everyone in a random squad of players will want to run the mission in the same style as you do.

    If you want a particular type of experience while running your missions, then grouping with clan mates or using recruiting chat to find like-minded players is definitely the best way to go.

  8. 3 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

    I thought they counted as lockers, and thus did not show up at all using Loot Detector

    No, they definitely show up.

    I've been running with Loot Detector, Thief's Wit and Animal Instinct to find the caches and you can see 'boxes' right across the map. The only problem is that the 'radar' covers a much smaller distance vertically, so make sure to bullet jump up every now and then to find things hidden high up.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Inuzaki said:

    I know it may hurt, but please read the whole post before letting the need to correct others overwhelm you.

    English may not be your first language, but you have your final sentence backwards if you meant to imply that the bugged rewards are the 'this' that needs to be fixed.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Inuzaki said:

    Been farming ODS Alone for about 5 hours now. All of my farming buddies got the part on their first runs and here I am 15 keys in and still nothing. This needs to be fixed, this wouldn't be nearly as bad if I could farm with friends, but then there is a chance the part will get bugged.

    There's a 2% chance of not getting the part in 15 runs, it's just RNG, nothing needs to be 'fixed'.

    It's the nature of random drops, some people will just be very unlucky.

  11. There are generally three reasons why I run public missions...

    1. I want it done quickly (alerts, invasions, etc.)
    2. It's challenging content (some sortie missions)
    3. I want to choose from 4 relics

    Most of the time I'll take an efficient loadout into those missions, either for speed or because the challenge merits it. I'm happy to see other efficient loadouts in those missions because it means I'll achieve my goal quicker and/or easier.

    If I'm playing just to have fun, then I'll either run solo or join/form a squad in clan/recruiting chat.

  12. 1 minute ago, Neo_182 said:

    And no, sadly crossplatform play is impossible due to how the certification process works for consoles.

    While this is true, the OP was asking about migration between platforms, not cross-play.

    And no, there was an opportunity to migrate from PC to console back when the console versions launched, but it's unlikely to happen again.

    You have Microsoft, Sony and possibly Steam to thank for that. The problem is commercial / contractual, not technical.

  13. I never really used the Telos Boltace for its damage anyway, I have my Atterax for that.

    I am a little sad that my favourite box opener has been neutered, now my best alternative seems to be the Ignis, which is nowhere near as convenient and means I have no choice of primary if I want easy medallion hunting.

  14. 10 hours ago, Lancars said:

    Well now i'm on the fence about trying to get her. I don't like fighting sentients. Sure i can use operator to remove there buffs but that's hard to do when they do the spinning death hit everything laser. The operator is a wet tissue when it comes to combat and with them doing just hit everything attacks there is no point.

    Assimilate Nyx.

    Also, in the couple of times I've run the crossfire exterminate and found all the caches so far, I haven't seen any sentients.

  15. 6 hours ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

    DE should totally focus on big clans since it is in those where people have the most fun in the game in my opinion.

    In EVE Online, CCP (the devs) did focus a lot on big corporations (EVE's clans) and alliances, but it made sense there as the wars between big alliances made the news (occasionally even the national, non-gaming news) and drew new players to the game. The same can't be said for big clans in Warframe.

    From a business perspective, DE should focus on the type of clans that represent the majority of players.

    Although I don't have any hard numbers, I'd bet that the majority of Warframe players are in Ghost or Shadow clans.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    Even there's no player who demands 'respect' or 'compensation' the game will still be held hostage by monetizaion. I still speculate that why this game will never have challenging or fair difficulty is because DE want this game to sit on the top of bell shaped graph. 'Best game for everyone' is only applicable when everyone have the same personality same IQ and same taste.

    Ridiculous grinding in WF is just another testament of financial skinner box. If they move all monetization to cosmetic items, they can adjust the grinding level to be less severe. Skinner's box is the way that money and satisfaction go hand in hand because it conditions players to 'love spending time and money' so satisfaction is achieved by filling progression bar, getting items and spending money rather than a fun gameplay.

    Their goal is making the best game? I don't know but many of their actions of the past year seemed to be "deliberately hogging playtime and squeezing wallets" to me.

    I know you like to make this argument over and over, but it's not relevant to my comment and you're taking it out of context.

    My point was that if DE want to make a change they feel is good for the game (however 'good' is defined), then they should just do it.

    DE feeling that their creative freedom is restricted because some players will be upset is not good for anyone, game design decisions should be made without considering player 'investment' because ultimately all players want the game to be successful and have a long life.

    If DE feel they have to give 'compensation' of some sort (like with the current proposed weapon nerfs) then fine, whatever; but they should never hold back from making changes that they feel will benefit the game overall.

  17. 8 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    Looks like DE's hema wound will never heal....

    "Respecting players' investment" of time or in-game resources is a ridiculous idea; if balance changes need to happen then they should happen, and no refunds are necessary. Players (should) expect changes to happen in persistent online games and we don't need to be 'protected' from them, we're not babies.

    I farmed the resources for the Hema, solo, the costs should still be changed. I'd rather DE 'rsespect' me by making the best game they can for everyone and not worrying about or being held hostage by players' decisions and past actions.

    3 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    77x or Pac Man, it's still just 500 MS per clanmate in 100% active Clan, which is around 5x 20 waves of ODD if u have 0 MS in your inventory. Is it really that hard to understand that only thing what DE wants from us are active Clans?

    It may be 5x 20 waves of ODD if the runs are made with boosters and a full-meta loot squad, content shouldn't be based around a setup like that.

    Try over 12x that amount if you're running a baseline setup that DE should be using for balance purposes, and even that's assuming your clan is full for its tier and full of active players that all want to endure that grind for a single weapon.

    For players in solo clans, and there are many such clans, you're looking at over 120x the effort.

    3 hours ago, rudman88 said:

    If you just plain lazy jsut join a clan that has it. quit and come back to you original clan

    It has nothing to do with being lazy, I've already done the grind, I let people join my clan and get the Hema for free.

    I still think the costs should be lowered to something more sensible.

  18. 2 hours ago, Tomppak said:
    On 03/03/2017 at 5:53 PM, ChuckMaverick said:

    The clan rewards don't accumulate all your runs, the score for that just adds up the best run of #3 for each member of your clan.

    If you're in a solo clan, you need to rescue 325 in a single mission, which is practically impossible.

    Uh, what are you talking about?

    The Ignis Wraith BP requires 260 points for a solo ghost clan, and 500 points for the gold trophy. That's 65 rescues in a single mission, or 125 if you also want the trophy. Even a solo Shadow Clan requires only 760 points which would be 190 rescues for the ignis wraith BP. 

    Look at the date of my post, that was back when the Participation tier required 1300 points for a ghost clan.

    Thankfully DE realised the requirements were ridiculous and reduced them.

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