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Posts posted by Maugre

  1. 43 minutes ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

    I think that it may be added in a update in the future. But the void sentry may be something more complicated than just a computer

    The Sentry seems like the tower itself, so it makes sense that it would be a computer system of sorts. We also know the Orokin use the tree-like things as a sort of power cable, light sources, and perhaps even a power source on their own, and they're absolutely everywhere in the towers, so they must be linked up to some sort of machinery keeping the tower functioning.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Cyberhazard said:

    In 2 days of farming , around 20/25 ODE done,  I got  52 DNA Codes. As I said, Bring a CC frame ( Vauban / Ivara ) And you can clear the enemies/Scan them easely. And in a full group there's 18 Kavats per ODE.

    One person with good luck does not make the hundreds with bad luck irrelevant.

  3. 1 hour ago, Cyberhazard said:

    People, let's just think. You are all doing it ALONE,  do it in a full group, bring a CC frame ( Vauban, Ivara ) and to the scans, in a full group, there's 6 Kavats per litter and 3 Litters in ODE,  it's not like crafting the keys is expensive.

    Doing it with my friend, in a group of two where we both know exactly what we're doing. I bring equinox and we scan the area for Kavats, getting 9+ per run. We know how to clear the enemies from the area without killing off the cats, and scan them, being sure we've both finished before killing them.

    2 DNA per run if we're fortunate.

    I don't agree with the thought that Kavats are hard to find or keys are expensive to make like a lot of forum-goers, but even with the update, these codes are at an unreliably low drop rate.

    For those who don't have CC frames, are new to scanning, get groups with idiots who don't know how not to murder the entire room, or are just unlucky, this is hell.

  4. Just now, -Ironheade- said:

    With a 13% Chance you´ll need about 100 Scans to get 10 DNA. With 4-6 Kavats per Mission that makes about 25 runs. So not that bad ;)

    Unfortunately, RNG doesn't tend to work like that. 50% means more like 20%, for an example.

  5. 10 minutes ago, -Ironheade- said:

    Not going to happen, as corpses are not scanable. And to have them just drop DNA samples on death is a terrible idea imo. It would take away the whole feeling that you´re hunting for something specific and that you actually need to be careful, if you could just rush through the level with Ember and WoF and have samples drop... 

    Yep. It also makes no sense to grab one Kavat corpse to harvest for all the DNA you could possibly need.

  6. Just now, RMSGM said:

    Wow really? if thats true then cool.

    Rebecca posted it earlier on this very page.


    2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Hey all - please note that today's Hotfix will increase the rate at which Genetic Signatures are acquired on scan.


  7. 1 minute ago, RMSGM said:

    Ok.. so we need 10 dna scans to even build the kavat segment? are you serious? i have done quite alot of scans and not even one yet.

    Increase dna CHANCE or this is just really not worth it imho.

    There's a hotfix coming for that today, dont worry.

  8. 1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

    Even at bad drop rates, that's no more than 4-5 play sessions

    If you mean missions, you're dead wrong. Played way more than that with way less output.

    If you meant sessions of sitting down to play, you're also wrong. I'm a no-lifer... When I'm not doing something else, I'm on. That means ALL DAY. Spent the first day and a half JUST looking for these DNA fragments, and ended up caving in and buying the last 5 I needed.

    This IS too much.

  9. 26 minutes ago, achromos said:


    I... actually like the archwing changes, I'm sorry that it's unplayable to you.  Is it motion sickness?  I've heard of people building resistance to that stuff, like in the VR games so maybe there's hope for that?

    Nope, not motion sickness. Sliding all over the place, drifting when I want to do a sharp turn (resulted in many teammate deaths already), camera far too close, and the free flight is fantastic for getting lost in space.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    i haven't even seriously tried farming dna yet but judging from this thread do i get this correctly: it's as if you needed to find 10 kubrow eggs to breed one kubrow (before they boosted the droprate recently)? wowy zowy then... better be building keys.

    Actually, it's like you need to find 10 Kubrow eggs to craft the incubator, then get 10 more eggs to hatch a Kubrow. Except the dens that drop the eggs are tiny, invisible, jumping around constantly, and you need to get the egg before you destroy it.

  11. 2 minutes ago, loliHeadSHOTS said:

    everything you claimed to have wanted to fix has apparently had a reverse effect on the player base.

    Don't even get me started on the archwing changes.

    I was one of the few that liked it, and now it's almost unplayable in my eyes.

  12. 26 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:


    Please put Kavats in Void Missions. Or on a planet, as wildlife. Planets need more animal life. Why stick them away in Derelicts? This is letting your business model trump player enjoyment.

    Not to mention, Derelicts are a frustrating mission type. High level infested is more gear checking screen fuzz status effect hell than skill based shooter. The Cats just die.

    To be fair, they're in the Derelict for lore reasons. They feed on the infestation, and have been bred into Hyekkas by the Grineer to combat infested attacks. They wouldn't survive very well anywhere other than Eris or other infested planets, and it's unlikely they would even end up there in the first place, as they were likely Orokin creations, without the ability to take over ships' controls and fly around.

  13. 1 minute ago, Sheegrah said:

    This drop rate is such a hype killer for me. Been looking forward to Kavats since last summer when the concept art was shown, and I thought I didn't mind grinding to get one. But seeing so little progress in so many hours (You need 20 codes afterall! 10 for the ship upgrade, 10 for an actual kavat), made me not really care anymore.

    Exactly. I would probably even be fine with just one DNA per run, but nope. Lucky if you get one for 5 runs.

    I have discovered, though, that if you happen to scan a Kavat that gives DNA with the double scan widget activating, it gives two DNA.

  14. 8 hours ago, Wolfwaffe said:

    Guys, stop complaining about drop rates and prices. DE needs people buying plat, after all.

    Ironically, I'd have bought the DNA with plat if you didn't need so many of them.

    Sometimes less makes more profit.

    Would you rather sell 10 cards for $20, or 200 cards for $2?

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