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Posts posted by Maugre

  1. 16 hours ago, tennorod said:

    p.s Chroma is actually a syndicate frame because you get his quest for cephalon simaris and the art is nice give yourself some credit

    I don't think Simaris really counts as a syndicate. When referring to the syndicates, you think of those six that have allies and enemies. Simaris and the Conclave just sort of use the same system for leveling and receiving rewards (though in Simaris' case, you don't even level). Heck, you don't even get points in the same way.

    I've only ever seen people call Simaris or the Conclave syndicates when saying "well I mean they're a syndicate, you know." to counter something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. 20 hours ago, (PS4)lupowolfen said:


    Seriously?  All because of the Frost, the whole team lost?  Not much of a team.


    Who said we lost? I just said we lost the target points. It doesn't take much to get them back, but thanks to a frost bubble, we had to hoof it over there instead of taking care of multiple towers at the same time.

  3. 8 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

    Yes and minecraft is a completely different beast from this game. You can't just say "it works in this game so it would work in another"- it doesn't work like that mate.


    On 4/3/2016 at 10:25 AM, Stratego89 said:

    it's procedural generation at it's core and free roam is as opposite of that as it can get. More likely than not that will never even be a remote possibility let alone happen.

    Then clean up your phrasing so it doesn't sound like you think the two are "as opposite as it can get", mate.

  4. 16 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

    This is like the 10th free roam thread in a few days... why do these things always come in packs?

    EDIT: Also- this isn't destiny, this isn't a free roam kind of game. it's procedural generation at it's core and free roam is as opposite of that as it can get. More likely than not that will never even be a remote possibility let alone happen.

    I just showed up to say that Minecraft is ultimate proof that free roam and procedural generation make a wonderful child together.

    I have no further opinions on this thread.

  5. 4 hours ago, absolutecondzero said:

    They would be a bit too overpowered if you could change the damage type in a click so I thought  of a way to balance it.

    You have to click MMB to switch the damage type and the switch would require you to charge it completely to take effect.

    Th switch is equivalent to the weapon's reload speed which for balancing issues, would be a long one. Let's say 4.0 seconds?

    I never said it wouldn't have a long reload, or small clip size. Though, having the switch take four seconds per click would be way too excessive. You revolve through the elements, rather than selecting one and then suddenly that's what's active. You'd have to wait four seconds to switch ahead one to get the benefit on one enemy, and then if you want to go back to the last element you were on, you'd need to wait a whole 12 seconds (give or take a few for the player to actually click the button again, or latency issues for some people), at which point you would have been better off just meleeing the enemy to death.

    I think the simple fact that you'll have to cycle through at a, say, 1 second delay per cycle, is enough to balance it without killing any desire to actually use it.

  6.      Are you tired of the extremely limited potential of only 4 different elemental types, combining into a pitiful 6 additional elements? Say no more, I have the solution for you!

         Straight from Darvo's mystical bag of holding (Disclaimer: This is a Tenno-crafted weapon. Darvo holds no copyright over beautiful "Tenno Brand" Tenno craftsmanship.) comes the Kembol; a shotgun-rifle-revolver hybrid, boasting the impressive ability to alternate it's base elemental damage at the press of a middle-mouse button.







         To put it simply, this weapon would fire a heavy bolt through it's revolving chamber, imbuing it with whatever element is currently selected. Rather than a traditional trigger, you fire by pulling back on the handle. This bolt would have falloff at a certain distance, but in return, you could, as an example, put a heat mod on to deal extra heat damage, switch to your cold chamber for blast damage, then to electricity for radiation, and toxin for gas.

         Modding to give the weapon a combined element would boost the power of the first modded elemental; for example, modding for blast would give extra blast damage on the head chamber, but not the cold chamber, if the heat mod was first in the modding.

         This weapon would be interesting and unusual, and likely hard to get used to, but those who master it would have a very versatile weapon, able to switch it's focus on a whim to suit any changing situation.



         As per usual, I use this space to explain my naming inspiration; Kembol simply comes from "chem", in relation to al-chem-y and it's tenancy to relate to elemental changes, and from "bolt", relating to the heavy bolt it fires.

  7. I feel the relationship between warframe and operator is almost pokemon-esque, in that they're both their own entity, but the operator commands the warframe, which cant do much without it's master, or... while stored away on the Liset.

  8. Just now, Andromede said:

    It could be cool if she moves with some dancing steps. I like this idea.

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    Dang, that's some nice art you've got there! Puts mine to shame. XD

    I dont know if DE would want to go about making a new animation set to go with her, but it certainly would be cool seeing her dance around in normal movement. Maybe alternate animations for dodges, bullet jumps, etc?

  9.                                                                      This is Estellera, Tenno. The dancer, the star on the stage of the cosmos.

                                                                            A master of coordination, Estellera excels at commanding those around her.


         Alright, obligatory Lotus introduction complete. This is my concept for Estellera, a crowd-controlling, star-themed Warframe. There's not a whole lot to explain, so I'll get right into it.

                                            I know you folks like pretty pictures, so I've drawn up a side and front view of what her helmet would be, here:

                                                                                                       NOW WITH BODY CONCEPT!












                                                             Estellera is a crowd control based frame, and as such, her powers mainly revolve around this.


                                       Her passive ability draws power from the stars, giving her a small natural energy regeneration. This does not affect her party.

    1. Starbomb (yes, this is totally a nod to Arin and Danny.) [Alternatively, this could be called "Starfield", I guess...]


         When Estellera activates Starbomb, she does a twirling maneuver, tossing down a star field like caltrops.






         The stars will act as a minefield, dealing fire damage and inflicting a blast proc on explosion. These stars don't fade once detonated, but act in a way to Vauban's tesla grenades, in that they activate when an enemy is nearby, and have a short cooldown before they can activate again. The area covered by the stars would extend out about enough to cover a void defense cryopod up to the laser buttons, and can be extended or shortened via range mods. The damage is negligible, and doesn't scale off of strength mods, but strength mods do increase the frequency at which the stars can detonate, effectively stunlocking enemies with high enough strength (not to the point where they're completely unable to move, just limiting it to a great extent), if you're ok with sacrificing efficiency.

    Example of it being used:







    2. Comet


         As a nice change from the heat and explosives from Starbomb, Comet offers a way to get enemies away from you, rather than keeping them in one place. Estellera superchills the air, sending a massive iceball forward in a straight line. Anything contacting the comet will be immediately frozen solid, and dragged along with it on it's path, exploding into pure cold damage on contact with a surface or the end of it's path. Any enemy fortunate to not be in the immediate path, but still within a certain distance of it, will be effected by a slowing cold proc, but no damage or a full freeze.







    3. Ultraviolet


         With a light swirling gesture of her hand, Estellera creates a miniature star, launching it forward to attach to the first surface it contacts. Once attached, it begins emitting radiation, accompanied by an extreme light. Enemies that first enter the lit up area are blinded for a short time, and once adjusted to the light, cannot be blinded again. While within the lit area, they're subjected to a small amount of radiation damage, with a very small proc chance. While in such harsh light, the enemies have reduced accuracy, and miss you more often.







    4. Event Horizon


         Keeping with the theme of powers that control where enemies are on the battlefield, Event Horizon starts a channeled black hole on top of Estellera, as she does various spinning dances to keep it flowing. Able to move slowly around while dancing, Power Strength increases the rate enemies get pulled in, and the damage (non-elemental) they take while inside. Negative strength has an effect similar to Nova, where it reverses what happens; rather than pulling enemies, it repels them. 

         This power CAN do significant damage, but the main draw is that it can be used to easily suck in or repel large groups of enemies in a wide range.









         Estellera, while great at commanding the battlefield to her will, needs to be able to take some hits while she's doing so.

    Armor: 75

    Health: 250 (at max level)

    Shield: 375 (at max level)

    Energy: 150


    Name Inspiration:

         As with all great things... Stonehenge, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Cellphones, Earth... the name is the most important part, coming before even the concept of what it's naming! (sometimes.) As such, Estellera got her name by similar means. Quite simply, I was thinking of the word "etcetera", and randomly decided to shove "stellar" into it. So is the birth of Estellera!

         ...Yeah, that's about all there is to it.

  10. 5 hours ago, Kinperor said:

    Mhh, is this perk so important to you? Assuming you read the Tracks, would you be ready to trade any of those passives I suggest for more affinity? 

    Affinity is love, affinity is life.

    Though I do enjoy the invisibility on crit quite a bit.

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