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Posts posted by Maugre

  1. So, we just send our concepts? Alright.


    Grineer and Corpus deserters boss: 

    Bolde: The Tenno Halberd: 

    Stalker Radio: 

    Archwing Capture/Hijack: 

    Oh god, what happened to my links?  D:

  2.      So the other day, my friends and I were doing some capture missions, when the question came up of "why aren't there any archwing captures?", followed by "How would that even work?".


         I took it as a challenge.  >:U


         So, the idea I came up with is simple, but I feel it's effective. You deploy into an area near, but not within, occupied space, and Lotus chimes in to tell you "Tenno, there is a large [Grineer/Corpus] transport in the area, carrying cargo valuable to our cause. Disable the ship before it reaches their main force."

         From there, you're on a timer. The target is already on it's way towards it's objective, as it would normally be. You need to first catch up to it, by rushing through the rocks, debris, and etcetera. Once you've caught up to the ship, you engage it, setting them onto high alert. A group of normal archwing enemies accompanied the ship as a guard patrol, and you need to take them out. Along the way, there are various stations where the ship can get additional support to come in and attack you, as well as the ship itself being armed with (destroyable) weaponry. You could choose to fight them off, or focus entirely on the ship's shields and engines to disable it.

         Once disabled, the ship will no longer be on it's way to the objective, but the mission turns into a sort of short hijack mission. The crew inside sends out a signal that they've been compromised, and your job is then to bring the ship to an area where the goods can be extracted without fear of enemy resistance. When you reach that point, Lotus tells you to clear the surrounding enemies away, completing the mission and protecting the ship from enemies that would "rather destroy" the goods "than let it get into our hands".

         Alternatively, the mission could be completed by simply clearing the surrounding enemies once the ship has been disabled, and having the Liset come and extract the goods directly rather than needing to be transported to an extraction point.



         Of course, this mission type could easily be tagged as Archwing Hijack for obvious reasons, but the inclusion of the target being able to completely escape, rather than simply backing up when you're not in control of it, would make it feel a lot more tense when you see the target getting closer to it's goal.

  3. So the other day, my friends and I were doing some capture missions, when the question came up of "why aren't there any archwing captures?", followed by "How would that even work?".


    I took it as a challenge.  >:U

  4. They won't when they're substitutes for the checked items.

    If I had a screenshot prepared of the 25 cores I got as a reward a couple days ago, I'd prove you wrong. But you'll just have to take my word for it when I say it had green text.

  5. For those who got Cores, that was your regular reward. None of us got the bonus 25 Cores.

    Those were the bonus cores, not the regular reward. It would have shown up in green text on the Sortie reward list afterwards, otherwise.


  6. Saryn is better than she was before. A lot of people can't see that. 

    I have almost 300k kills with her, going easily past 60min T3 - T4 survivals. 

    They're just upset she's not press 4 to win anymore. 

    I personally find her more fun than before. 

    I mean really... you spore a group and theyre -50% hp instantly, and theyre calling it a nerf. pls.

    I love Saryn now. And to the people who are upset you cant 4-to-win anymore, if you put spores on everything, your 4 will blow up all the spores at once, dealing normal miasma damage and the spore pop damage. With their health already halved, and all that aoe, it can really do quite a lot.

  7. Alright, so I'm pretty in love with the Grinlok. Only problem is that it doesn't exactly hold up too well in the highest leveled missions, and I'm wondering if anyone knows a build that would resolve this. I would prefer not having to resign it to the pitiful state known as a "status build" (unless, of course, that happens to fit alongside general strength), so please keep that in mind.


    Thanks for any advice, and I'm willing to put forma into it if needed.


    Also, while it's nice, I don't really feel the Deadly Sequence mod has much of a place in a build without centering it around the new event crit mods. Opinions on this?

  8. Shameless plug. Perhaps Et'rek and Yoscub could send players on these missions?





    I can see that sort of thing being in their list :p


    Maybe a pool of options they could send you to, with the various "go in and get stuff" motif, like excavation and spy, too, as a daily task.


    And there's never anything wrong with a well-placed shameless plug!




  9. wow just WOW i really liked this idea of a "boss" but i dont think they deserve to be a normal mission to be repeated but a new quest because of factions we have the syndicates, darvo and maroo which they are deserters but not much in military way so then we could get a quest for them and we could visit them in a relay or theyr node mission that would work like a new relay and get jobs to sabotage the factions from them hell im even thinking about a half invested soldier like salad virus that could control his infestation and help us gain new infested allies and new stuff from them or even add this half infested boss to your deserters would be cool but i think the grineer archer is ok but the corpus could be bombs and the half infested soldier could be melee or something like that

    To be perfectly honest, I was thinking the same thing about them not being a repeatable boss, having them show up at a relay or their own faction node, and even the infested soldier/pet idea a bit. I definitely like the idea of them giving out missions, and scavenging or sabotage missions would fit their characters nicely.


    I have to say though, that I feel they would both need to use similar but different weapons for them to work as I hoped. My general feeling towards them was a synergy-based relationship, with one up close using guerrilla tactics while the other provides covering fire and deadly final shots.


    Perhaps an energy arrow would be a better idea for Yoscub? Or even a Lanka would work, seeing as it's Corpus in design, used for essentially the same purpose, and has the potential to miss the target if they're able to avoid the shot in time.



    Very nice concept, but I also thought up a interactive arena like Yoscub's arena's metal surfaces can electrified with Volt's Shock to damage her and Et'rek's arena's vents or small caves entrances can be frozen with Frost's Freeze to prevent him from escaping.

    I like this idea, the thought of warframe abilities having specific effects on the environment would open up a lot of possibilities for different styles of gameplay, both in this fight and out.
    Perhaps the tileset could include a few puzzles that are easier for some frames to navigate or dispatch than others as well, like a miniature lake that a Frost could freeze or Ivara zipline to pass over, and otherwise require underwater archwing-ing through some tunnels, or a ceiling hook that a Valkyr could ripline and pull down to reveal a hidden pathway or some shenanigans.
  10.       So, I was thinking about drawing up a couple pictures of these two bosses, when I realized I'm terrible at drawing full figures. Instead, I'll just write my ideas.


          We have Vor and Kril, Sprag and Ven'kra Tel, Alad V and Zanuka, and the Hyena Pack all as bosses with a couple enemies working together rather than alone. Granted, only Alad V and Sprag/Ven'kra actually have a real synergy rather than beating on you until you give up (Alad V giving Zanuka immunity, and Zanuka reviving Alad / Sprag knocking you around while Ven'kra attacks from a distance), so why not MORE team bosses?



    The Bosses


          I propose two archers (And with them, possibly new weapons? Heck, maybe even a less... spy... way of finding Ivara. Just a thought.).

    One Grineer, Et'rek, and one Corpus, Yoscub; both deserters to their original factions.




          Et'rek would be the Grineer sharpshooter, the more mobile of the two, and wielding a small arm-mounted bow (the limbs of the bow would be parallel with his forearm), for quick, close attacks and possibly a net-like secondary fire before a retreat to behind cover, allowing his ally a clear shot.


          His body would consist mostly of Grineer armor, but with certain robotics replaced with Corpus-designed ones, granting him a small amount overshields as well as his normal armor.


         In design, I figured he'd look essentially like a tall, male Drekar Ballista, with a Drekar Lancer's hooded face, rather than a masked one. Perhaps the Grineer (air support?) tubing seen on Ballista would wrap his body rather than hanging freely, for increased mobility.




          Yoscub would obviously have to be the Corpus archer, hanging from ziplines and backwalls with a longbow, similar to the Daikyu, but Corpus in design.


          My concept sees Yoscub being as a female Corpus, similar to Comba, using a modified Sap Comba helmet, still retaining the ability-nullifying effects (until damaged, of course) to ward off any Tenno attempting to get too close. She would have less bulky clothing than most Corpus, allowing her to jump between lines and walls almost as well as Tenno themselves, and a weak cloak to hide herself among the shadows while Et'rek distracted the opposition.




    The Arena


          In general, their whole tileset would be a somewhat darker one, set in a scrapyard or cave system. I imagine their particular boss room would be similar to the one where The Sergeant usually spawns in, with a high ceiling (if a ceiling at all), and tall pillars scattered around. The walls would have multiple metal (and thus magnetic) surfaces attached, which could be shot off to lessen the places Yoscub could hang from, and Ziplines hanging between pillars.


          Vents or small caves could be a decent area for Et'rek to retreat into once in a while, as mentioned above. These could be attacked and disabled/destroyed to prevent more areas for Et'rek to ambush you from or retreat into. A cave pillar may even be knocked down to disable a zipline and knock out a cave at the same time.




    The Aftermath and Lore


          Now, there's a reason I didn't label this as "assassination", but instead just "boss". I don't think they need to die. They aren't tied to a faction, being deserters, and more or less want to be left alone. They are, however, territorial, which leads them to attacking the Tenno who come too deep into their lair.


          Rather than dying, I suggest that, once defeated, each of the bosses enters a "downed" state, where they can't attack or be revived, but show signs of life. In story, there could be an artifact discovered at the site, and the Tenno are sent by the Lotus to investigate. Initially expecting it to be an easy in-out mission, the Tenno are surprised to learn of a small splintered group of various Corpus and Grineer, and even more so to find a powerful duo running the operation.


          On learning of their existence, the Lotus advises caution and self-defense if needed, while you find the artifact and she decides the best way to deal with the settlement. Eventually, once defeated, the Lotus speaks with the two. Realizing they're not truly enemies, a truce of sorts could come about. Experienced scavengers and reconnaissance agents with extensive background in their respective factions could easily come in handy, and Tenno alliance would be nothing but a benefit to a small group, especially one that's already made enemies with both the Corpus and Grineer.






          Now, I realize this is far from a perfect concept, and images would definitely help with the idea, but I feel I've painted a decent picture. Does anyone have suggestions on what could make this fit better into the world, balance out, or be more fun of a fight in general? I'm happy to see suggestions and support!




    Quick note: In case anyone wonders where the inspiration for their names came from, it's quite simple... Et'rek is "Get Rekt", and Yoscub is "You Scrub".


    Additional note: Rebecca, you pronounced my name correctly. :P

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