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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. I'm having problems with the Adaptive Exposure on the Orbiter. Its WAY too sensible, changing the lights even depending of the colors of your Orbiter walls and the frame itself.

    Example A: My Titania



    See that in the first image, I have the mid tone gray selected, but has a red tint. But if I turn her to face the camera (second image), the colors get a brown tint.

    Now, I put a few black posters on the front of the arsenal to 'black out' the screen.


    Same gray, but now has a more clear color that matches the gray I selected.


    Example B: Moa



    The first screen has white walls, while the second has black walls. The 'gleam' on the material becomes more clear and you can see the shine on the metal parts.

    At first I thought it was because the moa wasnt gilded, but you can also see how the metal of the Orbiter walls also has a better shine and color, even though I only change the colors of the walls.

    • Like 1
  2. 3ltx2x5z30551.jpg

    The primary colors only change the 'rust' color and the lines around the main parts, which are always black.

    The secondary colors are the same thing, but only change the lines around the secondary parts, which are also always black.

    Tertiary and Accents work as they should, with only some black 'rust' inside the tertiary parts.

    The parts themselves look great, but are totally RUINED by the lack of customization. They also look really bad if you try to mix them with other parts.

    Can we get at least a "PREVIEW COLORS" in Fortuna to avoid this?

    • Like 3
  3. It impresses me that people are actually ok and defending a system where resources are locked behind a time gate, RNG to drop and a carry limit.

    No wonders the updates quality has nosedived the last year, when they decided to artificially increase the content length by adding several layers of RNG, time gates, limits and punishment for failing.

    • Like 6
  4. 31 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    I don't believe this to be the case, unless there is some actual evidence to back this up. Still feels like the spawn mechanic from series 1 and 2, which were not timed spawns.


    I've tested it an yes, it works. Seems it spawns for around 5 minutes after the "Timer". I had one spawn at 14:10-14:15 and another at 14:35-14:40. Nothing between.

  5. AKA Timegates are stupid.

    I dont want to put a timer to remind me I HAVE play Warframe at X time otherwise I will miss resources.

    Nitain timegate was stupid. Eidolon timegate is stupid. Scarlet Spear timegate was stupid. Anomaly timegate was stupid, but that was fixed.

    WHY is there a timegate? You cant hold more than 20 resonance. The next chapter will happen in weeks. People just cant rush the content if there is none to be rushed.

    WHY cant the glass anomaly just change planets, like Kuva Siphons? Everyone agrees that timegates are stupid.

    WHY cant people just play the game when they want?

    • Like 15
  6. At first I thought it was that they just dont spawn on Gian Point, but after going around in nearly every Veil node, I yet have to find one.

    It seems they only spawn if you have more players in your squad, if you play solo, none spawn.

  7. That was just a thought that came to me since I cant play sorties since I'm above the riven limit.

    If you replace the riven reward for 10 riven slivers, that would allow players to play Sorties even with the limit and keep the rewards pretty much the same.

    Maybe reduce the wait time on Palladino to 3 days instead of 7 to balance it out.

    • Like 8
  8. The Lich system needs to be scrapped and started over. Its barely a "Lich System" because 99% of your time is spent on either killing normal mobs for murmur or unlocking relics for parazon mods.

    When the Lich does spawn after like 3-4 missions, you get the wrong mod order and then its back to kill normal mobs until it spawns again.

    • Like 2
  9. I am really sick of their lines and voices. They have such a limited number of lines and the female ones just keep talking and talking AND TALKING and its actually making me mad every time I open the Starchart and she goes on the same long lines about I ADAPT or CARD TRICKS.

    I just want a disable lich transmissions option like the disable Ordis/Lotus we have so I dont need to disable NPC voices.

    Please and thank you.

    • Like 2
  10. I cant receive or send kill codes when I host a mission.

    I have no idea what is happening, since I already verified my connection and hardware, but ever since the Matchmaking problem, I cant host SS missions otherwise I wont get any kill codes.

    The game and matchmaking works just fine, but for some reason the flotilla has a weird and massive delay to my presence.

    The notification that I joined the flotilla or started a mission takes several minutes to show.
    When I place the Uplinks, it takes several minutes for a kill code to get received, even though there are several ground squads sending extra codes.
    The chat works fine, but the yellow notifications are out of sync or delayed. It doesnt shows that my squad is "Waiting for codes" when it is.
    Leaving the mission makes my squad to linger in the flotilla for several minutes.

  11. Still having the same problems and a few more.

    Sometimes codes are taking 8 MINUTES to arrive, for EACH CODE, even if the chat shows that several codes are being uploaded.

    After I left the mission, it didnt say my squad returned to the flotilla, and my squad was still counting as active.


  12. I am having similar problems. Half of the time when I host a Space missions, I just cant get codes. Sometimes it takes more than 5 minutes for the first code to arrive, then more for the rest.

    The chat notifications are incredibly delayed and doesnt shows that my squad went to space or is waiting for codes.

    • Like 1
  13. Probably related to the internet provider problem that DE is having, but I'm having all sorts of problems with the event's flotillas and squad links.

    At first I thought it was just having too many Space squads vs Ground squads, but then I started to notice some weird things.

    - "My Squad traveled to space" message showed around 5 minutes after I did.
    - Kill Codes were not being received
    - Ground teams were uploading extra kill codes, but noone were receiving them ("X uploaded kill code", even with several more space squads around)
    - Kill Codes being delayed (Between each code I uploaded, there was no "Name is waiting for kill code")
    - Flotilla chat either empty or really delayed (8 space and 10 ground squads, only notifications of players joining or leaving)

    • Like 1
  14. The major problem is that vacuum only works while your companion is alive.

    Since Sentinels die if a stronger breeze hits them (they still lack shield gating) and Companions have the self-preservation AI of a Serious Sam's Headless Kamikaze, you probably be either without vacuum or struggling to keep your pet up. Most of the time people would rather get killed so their sentinel returns than keep playing without vacuum.

    I would double this and ask for a small natural radar too. Not having a radar for loot and enemies is really annoying and I dont want to use two frame slots to have it.

    • Like 9
  15. 33 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    There's a reason for it, one that I appear to know, and you don't, so I was helping you clear that up.

    Yeah, makes sense.

    Still, if they wanted to stress test stuff first, they could have done a test event. They did with Index and then never again.

  16. 16 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    As a point, without the 10 minute downtime the servers would not be able to process the scores of everyone that connected and got scores on each and then trigger the system to dole out the bonus rewards.

    The whole 100 Murex limit is kind of debatable, I'm not getting into that argument.

    Just saying that the mechanics of the timers is there for a very good reason and without that 10 minute gap in the waves you wouldn't be getting the bonuses.

    Its not like every other event had a time gate and downtime to process the players scores. Having both a time gate AND a 100 kill goal to give the bonus is stupid when they could just add the bonus to the normal rewards but increasing them.

  17. 13 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    even though the murex side of scarlet spear is faster, more rewarding, they focused too much on boarding.

    Yeah, its easier. But pretty much no one has one. Seems that every flotilla has 2 space teams and 6+ ground teams.

    I host space, but no one ever joins, they always go to ground teams. When I manage to join a space team, they are either going for enemy ships instead of just going to the objective or have the starting railjack that goes at snail pace and can take as many hits as a dorito chip.

  18. Case 1: Meta squads kill 100 Murex fast. Flotilla is now useless and will need at least one hour to return. Players will get blocked out from getting a higher rank emblem.

    Case 2: Flotilla doesnt gets 100 kills. Everyone is cheated out of the bonus reward.

    Case 3*: Meta squads kill 15 Murex..... and leaves. Since there is a 10k credit cap, there is no reason for them to kill any more. The flotilla doesnt gets 100 kills, everyone including the meta squad gets cheated.

    The 3 hour limit is already retarded since there is only a 10 minute downtime, but the 100 kill limit (which was not announced until the event started) is double retarded. Busy flotillas might as well be Empty, since most people are afk and the ground squads outnumber space squads 6 to 1. Big surprise since less than 1% of the player base bothered with Railjack (The Steam stat shows 1.3% of the players every built a Railjack, so without taking into account the people that play outside Steam, plus achievement cheaters, that number is even smaller)


    As it stands, 2/3 of you battle pay is tied to whether or not the flotilla reaches 100/100. This encourages people to avoid low completion servers and invokes chance to determine whether or not people who join flotillas early in the cycle will be screwed out of the lions share of their rewards.

    So currently there is no reason to immediately join a flotilla at the start of the round and actually a HUGE incentive to wait and see which ones are guaranteed to reach the goal before joining. Once more players catch on to this, this event is going to become a giant game a chicken.

    I joined one yesterday at the start of the cycle and by an hour in it had only reached 25/100, 15 of which were my squad. Nobody was joining and nobody was going to because not enough people joined early on to get the number to look promising. So the flotilla stagnated and eventually I saw 2 space squads and 4 ground squads fighting in vain and I decided to quit for the night and chalk my efforts up to a waste. I got ~7k points and my rank3 badge this morning, but obviously no 10k credit cache.

    Thanks DE, for designing an event that encourages people to only help the tenno that need it the least.


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