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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. Increasing the kill reward and SOME assist reward was nice, but along reducing the win reward (that affects people that can't get kills either way), still didn't fix that Dog Days is a complete bore to play because of how awful the weapon feel and some AI being completely psychos that can circle strafe you at mach 2.

    The prices are still too high.
    The weapon still loses pressure too often (sometimes after ONE shot).
    Enemies don't need to repressurize the gun.
    Enemies still snake around you at light speed.
    The weapon has too many particles so you can't see where the shots are going.
    Reducing the end reward negated the kill reward increase. Before if I got 30 kills, it was 80 pearls. Now with 30 kills, its 90. Not that much of an increase, considering every item costs hundreds.

    • Like 7
  2. After the hotfix, the Incarnon meter under the aiming reticle no longer shows for clients. Weapons work like normal (although I managed to start incarnon with 0 charge once), but there is no indication of the incarnon being charged, even missing the "full" sound.

    Works normally if you host.

    • Like 13
  3. This is one of the most asinine requests I've heard.

    How can you even "master" something by NOT interacting with it in any shape or form. Imagine if we could get better at coding or sports by sleeping.

    You want to just reap the benefits without sowing anything? Get the rewards without spending time or effort?

    If you can't bother or don't have the time to do one of the many ways to max something in like 5-10 minutes, I really don't know what to tell you. Might be a skill issue, probably better to just imagine you maxed it and move along.

    • Like 14
  4. You shouldn't bother too much with specific builds this early on, and just try to get basic mods like health (Vitality), armor (Steel Fiber) and skill stats (mostly Strength).

    Rhino can carry you pretty far with just Iron Skin and Roar, so you probably want to focus on Strength (Intensify) for these two skills. Streamline and Flow will help you with energy, Continuity will make your Roar and Stomp last a bit longer, and range (Stretch) will make the Charge and Stomp reach a bit further.

    Later you might want Blind Rage, Transient Fortitude, Fleeting Expertise to minmax Strength and Duration.

    Taxon will be a good sentinel for a while because of the cold weapon and shield recharge.

    • Like 1
  5. Most likely your game is set to a low populated region/language. If you change to US/Europe and English game, the trade chat is far more lively.

    Either way, you should use warframe.market because the in game trade chat is pure chaos and lots of people are trying to take advantage of each other.

  6. DE won't ever change the Hema cost (or mutagen samples being rare on Eris instead of uncommon) because "it would be unfair" to the few clans that researched it during the holiday after the update (nevermind when they reduced the costs of several other items after, these don't count) and you should just run derelicts because "its raining mutagen there" (also nevermind that this line was said when the derelicts didn't had matchmaking and required crafted keys)

  7. Yes, as long it is the "same" weapon, you can use it (Normal, Prime, Prisma, Kuva, Tenet, Vandal, Wraith). Variants that can be considered different weapons have different rivens, single/dual weapons, mutalist weapons (Quanta and Mutalist Quanta), Dragon and regular Nikana, to name a few.

    The exception of that rule are the Zaw/Kitgun rivens, that depend of the blade/barrel.

    When you preview the riven, you can see which weapons you can equip.

    Just have in mind that the riven won't have the same stats on weapon variations because of the riven disposition stat. Usually, better default stats = worse riven stats.

    • Like 2
  8. When you look in the market for the old Tribute Packs (Deimos, New War, Zariman), they don't have the option to be wishlisted (the little star near the name)


    Also, when looking at the individual items of the bundle, there is no "This item is included in" tooltip/button.


    The full tribute packs can only be found directly, either by searching them or by going to the cosmetic bundles section of the market.

    They also can't be linked on chat, while the individual items can.



    • Like 1
  9. Gotta say that after 10 years playing this, I never bothered to learn what damages are best with each enemy. Why? Because it barely mattered, there were too many health types to remember and the game barely explained health types/damage. Remember that you STILL need to scan enemies to see their health type?

    I always modded for Corrosive/Cold, then changed to Viral/Heat after the Viral/Corrosive changes years ago.

    Now we need to spend less time on research, less time looking at wikis, less time looking at youtubers, we have better shown explanation and have more time to shoot stuff in the face without worrying if my fart damage gun is weak/strong against their galvanized microplastic armor? GOOD.


    • Like 6
  10. So far I am ok with the Jade Eximus, as they aren't that big of a deal since the damage got fixed, but one thing that bothers me is that they don't require line of sight or even being aware of you or your teammates to start the beam.

    If they are suspicious (triangle icon with a dot), they can still target you through a wall or door, unlike the other eximus like blast and arson.

    The second point that bothers me, mostly because of how they ignore walls, is that you can't know where the beam is coming from. This brings back the problem that Energy Leech eximi had, where you had no idea where the drain was coming from.

    Yes, they are glowing like a green supernova, but they could be hiding behind a wall and you wouldn't be able to find him just from the beam.

    • Like 5
  11. If you press the "replay mission" on the post-mission screen, but the node you just played has a different variant active (nightmare, invasion, fissure), the mission won't be auto selected and your cursor will be locked as if it was dragging the screen, until you click again.

    Noticed it when I was replaying Ukko on Void for relics, but every time I clicked replay, it would only open the navigation screen and moving my mouse would move the screen as if the button was being held. As soon as I finished the Nightmare mode on that node, it started to work like normal.

    • Like 1
  12. Can confirm something is wrong with glaives in general. It appears the throw/explosion is no longer client sided, but host sided, so any ping or lag breaks it.

    I can get some damage if I hit a target dead center, but it either deals almost no damage or outright fails to hit if you trigger the explosion.

    Works fine as host/solo.

  13. After playing a few runs with a glaive, if you are a client and are in the elevator, I have noticed that the glaive explosion aoe is very unreliable and doesn't seems to damage anything unless you hit the glaive dead center of the target.

    Might be a ping issue, but this happened on every run I had as a client.

  14. Because of a recent-ish patch to the loot radar, we no longer have a vertical limit on what they can detect.

    This works on most tilesets, with the rare exception when a room overlaps another and you end up seeing unreachable stuff, but on ascension, it means that the radar will always be completely filled with icons, even if the loot is 600m away from you.

    That mod is under you. But how lower is that? It could be just under your feet, or it could be at the start of the elevator.

    I actually can't tell if the big batteries show up on the minimap because they are always covered by a hundred resource containers.

    • Like 9
  15. Last two events let you buy a legendary arcane after 1-2 missions, being 2x the cost of a rare/gold arcane, there is no sane reason to increase that cost to 5-6 missions, 9x the cost of a rare/gold arcane.

    Not even the "to prevent burnout" excuse, since you can only buy 2 sets max, and the average player won't get more than 1, so getting one set of each legendary arcane should not cost MORE than getting every other arcane set, combined.

    • Like 6
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