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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. The average player has no idea how thrall spawns work, since its not explained anywhere but the patch notes. They believe that just by doing the mission, more will spawn.

    The same logic applies to fissure missions, they focus on killing and finishing the mission rather than waiting for enemies to get corrupted to drop reactant.

  2. Decided to dust off the old Synoid Simulor, only to notice the orbs were bouncing each other harmlessly.

    They would still detonate with Alt fire, but they weren't doing the big vortex that is advertised. They would just float around until I detonated them.

    Decided to load capture/similacrum to check what is going on, and there they work flawlessly (although the orbs are exploding FAR faster than they were as a client).

    The wiki says the orb should last only 1 second, so both the lifespan and merging is glitched as a client.

  3. No idea what happened.

    I finished a mission, left the squad, started another mission and tabbed out for a second.

    Then I returned to the game, the "Mission Complete" screen of the previous mission played again, while I was loading into the new mission, causing both screens and UIs to show up at the same time, causing a softlock since I couldn't neither move nor skip the screen, forcing me to Alt F4, but not before I managed to enter my profile from the glitched screen, which just further messed up things.

    I have saved the EE log in case it is needed.


  4. 1 hour ago, Darkrya said:

    Pay to increase Nightwave standing | Taking a tip from Bungie each rank costs 10p to rank up

    Does he knows?


    BoosterInfoInactiveDesc - '[PH] ACT BOOSTER\r\n Increases the Reputation gain from 4,500 to 15,000 for the next 20 Weekly Acts.\r\n\r\n SEASON ACT BOOSTER\r\n Doubles your Reputation gain for every completed Act for the rest of the season.' BoosterPurchaseDialog - '[PH] Would you like to purchase an ACT BOOSTER?\r\n\r\n The Act Booster will increase your Reputation gain to 15,000 for the next 20 Weekly Acts completed.\r\n\r\n The Season Act Booster will double you Reputation gain for every completed Act for the rest of the Season.'


    • Like 2
  5.  I think it gives a TERRIBLE look.

    The 10 years of content are there for a reason, if you even think people should pay to skip that to reach the new shiny thing, it sounds like you have no faith on your game and everything you made so far. Maybe consider streamlining the start to end journey.

    MAYBE thinking twice before adding a quest to a Syndicate that requires you to max that syndicate and two before it, finish 4 quests, craft 10 items and watch 20 cutscenes (Hyperbole).

    Just saying, if I was a new player, opened the game and saw a big "PAY US TO SKIP TO THE END GAME" on my screen, I would assume that either the game is full of boring bloat between the good parts or is overinflated by long timers, unskipabble parts and energy management. I would instantly uninstall and never think about it again.

    How even they are going to handle this big story skip? How many cutscenes and lore the player will have to watch to catch up to everything he just skipped? What about weapons, items, everything that you have to craft? What about price? I don't expect a "pay to instantly skip to the end game" to be cheap.

    Reminds of these AAA games that come has a "skip DLC". Pay to skip levels, pay to skip battle pass, pay to get end game items, pay to skip to the final mission. Pay to skip to MR30?

    SPEAKING WHICH, people already datamined paid boosters to skip/give more Nightwave standing. Are we really going there?

    Sadly, a lot of people are saying its necessary because a lot of other MMOs also do this.

    To which, I say: Remember when they were going to add the Universal Medallions and removed it from Conclave under the excuse of it being unfair to the people that worked to get the Conclave items/rank?

    Paying to skip all of the game story so the new player can reach the new shiny update content island = ok, the game has too much bloat, content islands and timers to streamline, so paying to skip all that is the best option
    A 5% chance for 1k Standing after 12 conduits = bad, unfair to the people that had to suffer through Conclave and Lunaro

    • Like 1
  6. Please rethink the whole "more missions without matchmaking" and "pay to skip".

    The first is a big annoyance because matchmaking is a convenience. I just want to click a mission and get into a squad. Having to go to the chat or discord or the forums so I can get 3 other people to play the same mission is a waste of time.

    The second gives a TERRIBLE look.

    The 10 years of content are there for a reason, if you even think people should pay to skip that to reach the new shiny thing, it sounds like you have no faith on your game and everything you made so far. Maybe consider streamlining the start to end journey.

    Just saying, if I was a new player, opened the game and saw a big "PAY US TO SKIP TO THE END GAME" on my screen, I would assume that either the game is full of boring bloat between the good parts or is overinflated by long timers, unskipabble parts and energy management. I would instantly uninstall and never think about it again.

    Reminds of these AAA games that come has a "skip DLC". Pay to skip levels, pay to skip battle pass, pay to get end game items, pay to skip to the final mission. Pay to skip to MR30?

    • Like 5
  7. If I could change anything:

    - Pathos Clamps from defeating Vor/Jackal, even if it was only 2. You get enough Rune Marrow from just running around.

    - Pathos Clamps as a Circuit reward.

    - Change Steel Path Circuit to take the same amount of points as normal mode. SP is already way harder, there is no need to also artificially inflate the time needed for the rewards.

    - Nerf Jackal a bit. His turrets are invincible (even though they have a health bar) and just shred you even if you have 99% damage reduction. He just spams nullfier waves, carpet bombs, grenades and turrets all at once, and you barely have any place to run to because you can only hit him from inside the bubble. Sometimes, even if you didn't damage a limb, he goes invincible with that mortar and damage wall attack that can hit across the entire map.

    - Remove resources from Steel Path Circuit. Nothing kills my vibe more than looking at the Steel Path rewards and 3 levels being Duviri resources. And not even rare resources.

    - Reduce Circuit excavators from 3 to 2.

    - Let us banish 3 decrees. I will NEVER pick those decrees that requires you to roll, or the one that does minimal viral damage on running jump kicks.

    • Like 5
  8. 10 minutes ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

    Orokin Eye has a range of 150 meters. If there's nothing to mark in this range nothing will be marked. Not a bug.

    About the charges not being consumed - it's been like this since Paralax dropship release and been reported many times. I guess DE either know about this issue and don't really care to fix it or don't even consider this an issue.

    I wonder if something else is broken then? Because I am sure it refused to mark a Vault just around the corner, then on another mission it marked one 290m behind me.

  9. Was doing the Nightwave Orokin Vault mission, when I remembered that Orokin Eye now marks it on the screen.

    Started a mission, used it and... nothing. Had 35 charges.

    Next mission, captured the target, used it, THEN it the Vault got marked. Still had 35 charges.

    Third mission, used right at the start. Nothing. 35 charges.

    Fourth mission, captured target, used air support, marked. Still 35 charges.

  10. If you time your clicks and try to fire JUST before it starts to reload or while it's reloading (that is, the number is increasing from 0 to 7), the Shedu will stop reloading and won't let you fire, even you have ammo left, until you wait for the reload time again.

    You can actually chain these clicks and make so it never reloads.

  11. Can confirm the Shedu reload glitch.

    If you time your clicks and try to fire JUST before it starts to reload or while it's reloading (that is, the number is increasing from 0 to 7), the Shedu will stop reloading and won't let you fire, until you wait for the reload time again.

  12. 9 hours ago, (XBOX)Megasniper6879 said:

    Ola equipe da warframe, recentemente notei um bug que ao terminar qualquer tipo de partido e ganhar XP para a minha arma eu não estou recebendo o XP lara aumentar a minha mestria, estou na maestria nivel 8 e upei 4 armas no nivel maximo e a barra de maestria para de subir derrepende, tenho videos e fotos sobre isso, eu sei que quando maior o nivel da maestria maior a dificuldade mas por algum motivo ela parou de subir do nada não importa o que eu fasso

    Você só ganha maestria na primeira vez que você upa alguma coisa até o nivel maximo (30 ou 40, dependendo), 100 por nivel de arma, 200 por nivel de Warframe/Pet/KDrive/Necramech, mais um pouco por completar cada missão e junção. Colocar Forma ou upar outra coisa igual não da mais maestria.

    No seu perfil aparece o que você ja upou e o que você ainda pode conseguir.

  13. Was playing the Archon Chipper defense mission, we were on the last round and suddenly the mission failed. Chipper didn't go down or the failed to revive him, he had full health and the mission ended as if he was atomized.

    I actually found another instance of this happening on reddit, and seems the cause is that Chipper gets hit by an attack with so much damage that it instantly deletes him off the mission, apparently a Veiled brain blast or an Eximus blast.


  14. Just noticed this glitch.

    If you are using the Angstrum Incarnon with any other melee, it works fine, but if you use it while also holding a glaive melee, the weapon will completely vanish, lacking even firing sounds.




    On a slightly related note, only the Angstrum keeps the Conclave skin in Incarnon form, all other weapons revert to their base skin.







  15. Months ago, the Torid incarnon was nerfed so shots don't generate incarnon by hitting corpses.

    This also affected EVERY other incarnon weapon, making so multishot doesn't generates incarnon if the bullet hits the enemy after death, even though all bullets hit at once (due how coding works)

    The main problem is that several weapons depended on the multishot generating incarnon, like the shotguns. If the weapon kills the enemy in one shot, you only get a fraction of what you used to before the Torid nerf.
    Shotgun became terrible to charge because this already was accounted for, so now only one pellet generates incarnon, which is usually a single pixel worth.

    • Like 4
  16. 16 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Removed broken Public Matchmaking functionality from The Steel Path Abyssal Zone mission. The functionality was not intended and resulted in Steel Path players matchmaking with normal mission squads. Abyssal Zone is intended to function like the old Void Key “keyshare” system, where an Abyssal Beacon requires a premade squad and the Host gets their Beacon consumed. 

    Oh, broken matchmaking mixing both modes aside, I thought the matchmaking was good because this brings back the old key system where people will just dip out when its their time to use the beacon. Plus finding a squad will be impossible when the node is dead after a few weeks.

    Would be better to reduce the cost of the beacon, make so everyone has theirs used and just allow matchmaking.

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