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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. Did several runs of Ascension, and so far I only got 3k Endo. The drop tables say Endo is "Uncommon" with 14% chance, while everything else is "rare" with 5% (parts) to 8% (relics)

    I am no mathematician, but I'd say that that after nearly 10 runs, I should have gotten something other than 3k Endo.

    • Like 4
  2. Quest was cool and all, but after having the Stalker spawn on a regular mission, I already miss the old him.

    Not only he showed up as the regular Dread wielding Stalker, now he has a clear voice instead of the raspy "I am Batman" one and has neon green energy that really conflicts with his design instead of the old red edgy one.

    A downgrade on all fronts, I'd say.

    • Like 4
  3. tfw you are the only one in the squad to stab the bungholio because everyone else "wants to keep it low level" or "wants to fill all three ciphers before trying once", expecting everyone but them to stab the lich.

    The third worst kind of player in the game, under people that join public relics and leave if no one is running the one they want and "8x3" eidolon speedrunner toxic elitists.

    • Like 2
  4. Question: Will enemies that are immune completely immune to status effect like Deimos infected with Viral, will get these immunities removed?

    And its been a while since I used gas, not because the lack of visuals, but because I remember it became completely useless after a certain point due the lack of damage, no armor strip and no CC.

    I think there is little point on using Gas if you can just use Heat.

    • Like 8
  5. A little lesson in patch history: This is due the Torid Incarnon.

    The Torid Incarnon charges from direct hits with the projectile, since it can't headshot. Due a programming quirk, the projectiles were also charging incarnon from hitting dead bodies or enemies right after they died, making it super easy to get a full charge.

    Since this was an unplanned feature, DE nerfed the Torid Incarnon by removing the quirk of charging from hitting corpses. THIS IS WHERE THE STINKY BEGAN.

    Since DE went Scorched Earth and removed the charge from hitting corpses from ALL WEAPONS, weapons that were balanced around the fact of having multishot got kneecapped.

    Because of how the programming works now, the incarnon only takes into accounts shots that hit while the enemy is "alive". Since all programming is linear, the fraction of a 1/1000th of a second the enemy is considered "dead" by the game code, ALL REMAINING BULLETS NO LONGER COUNT.

    If your shotgun has 20 pellets and 1 kills the enemy, the other 19 won't count for increasing Incarnon. Since the shotguns were balanced around multishot, it means that you will always charge a fraction of a pixel, specially on lower level missions (pretty much anything before Steel Path and beyond). This also affected equipping multishot on your weapons.

    This is the EXACT same problem that broke stealth multipliers YEARS ago. Enemies can notice and become alert if the weapon with multishot doesn't kills them in the first bullet, even if all bullets virtually hit them at the same time, because the code will make the enemy become "alert" between the lines of code and thus will cause the stealth multiplier to break.

    Since DE works in cycles, Incarnons are not on the scope and this blunder will likely go unnoticed for months to years.

    • Like 3
  6. For a while now, I have noticed that some Access Controllers, the panels you need to destroy to start the minigame to open the secret sentient lab door, are not taking any kind of damage.

    I have tried with hitscan, explosions and melee, nothing seems to affect it.


  7. 2 hours ago, Bioskop said:

    Will it fix pathing in general? I have seen way too many enemies walking into walls recently. In the void especially

    It seems Whispers broke the pathfinding logic of many things related to walls (hilarious in hindsight), which explains stuff like enemies walking towards walls, enemies not being able to walk around obstacles/stairs/certain rooms, objectives spawning too far due not accounting for walls and enemies spawning too far away from killzones.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Agall said:

    Not sure I understand the problem, as a PC exclusive player (since ~2012), I've traded with other players who were cross platform, aka not on a PC.

    Unless its bugged or currently disabled, its worked before since cross save was enabled.


    You need a flowchart to understand the cross-save trade permissions.


     If Cross Platform Play is enabled & Cross Platform Save is enabled…

    •     Trade with all Cross Platform Save players.

    If Cross Platform Play is enabled & Cross Platform Save is disabled…

    •     PC: trade with PC and Cross Platform Save enabled players
    •     Non-PC Platforms: trade with Cross Platform Save disabled players on your platform

    If Cross Platform Play is disabled & Cross Platform Save is enabled…

    •     PC: trade with any PC players
    •     Non-PC Platforms: trade with Cross Platform Save enabled players on your platform

    If Cross Platform Play is disabled & Cross Platform Save is disabled…

    •     PC: trade with any PC players
    •     Non-PC Platforms: trade with players on your platform who also have Cross Platform Save disabled


    • Like 2
  9. On 2023-11-30 at 4:12 PM, [DE]Sam said:

    Howdy, Tenno!

    We’re working on a change to make Permanent Weekly Acts recoverable! With this, the intention is that Permanent Weekly Acts won’t be lost should you not finish them during a rotation, as they will act like recoverable Acts going forward so that players aren’t excluded from any Nightwave Standing. We’ll update you on the progress of this change when we have more information.

    Dev workshop: Extra acts will be added, so you will get extra 13500 standing per week. Extra acts won't be recoverable.

    Release day: Normal acts appearing along the extra acts was a glitch and it will be fixed. Extra acts were supposed to replace the normal acts. Extra acts won't be recoverable.

    Near future: Extra acts will now just be fixed normal acts. They will be recoverable.

    Me: Whut.

    • Like 9
  10. 22 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    It's almost like if the devs were trying to discourage farming conclave standing through challengw and reward people who actively play the mode and manage to kill other players instead. 

    Of course it's gonna look like "they gutted the amount of weekly standing" for people who don't want to play the mode, only its rewards.

    I would agree, but the standing gain is still very small. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think its like 150 per kill, plus streaks, so you would need to dominate a game with 30+ kills to get a respectable amount of standing.

    The small number of players that only played conclave and could manage killstreaks did benefit from it, but your average player (the one in the other end of the killstreak) just got less standing per week.

    22 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Most of the conclave mods can be obtained through PvE, either from Sentients, Nightwave or some of the 6 main syndicates. Can't recall anything about the removal of random conclave mods from end of mission rewards and need to get that checked in a match before commenting on the matter.

    Not the PvE/PvP mods, these were always Tenshin only as far as I remember, later Sentient drops. I was talking about the PVP only mods, but I was half wrong.

    While they did remove mods from end of round rewards, they only removed the common ones, when I thought they had removed most of them. The others like weapon augments (the same ones you can buy from Nora) are still there.

  11. 18 hours ago, FA22_RaptoR said:

    There really does need to be something done about, or looked at for PVP. despite not being a traditional PVP guy, I actually enjoyed it in destiny 2. But with warframe the movement is so clunky and the levels are so vertical it's just tiresome to move through the levels, not to mention engaging other players. I have no idea how much actual standing you get for a conclave mission, but in D2 you can do pretty much all your 'daily tasks' in like 3-5 missions IIRC, so it was only a little but each week you needed if you wanted to play PVP... for some reason I feel warframe PVP is going to be a significantly worse grind which turns people off.

    The funny thing is, the Conclave grind was made WORSE with one of the few updates it got.


    Affinity from kills increased by 500% in Conclave.
    Affinity from kill modifiers increased by 25%-100% in Conclave.
    Syndicate Standing from completing Conclave Daily Missions reduced by 50%.

    This made kills go from rewarding nothing to a little bit of standing, but challenges were still the best way to get it. Lunaro was the only mode to not get nerfs.
    Basically, they just gutted the amount of weekly standing you would get.

    They removed all the fun modes (like Instagib, like I said) and removed the Potency/Affector rounds. These were basically "alerts" that would force certain rules for the any game played in the period they were active, and rewarded 2x the Standing plus 2x the end of round rewards.

    Also, they removed Conclave mods being rewarded as end of round rewards, forcing players to spend the standing they just suffered to get to buy them.

  12. As someone who bothered to max Conclave when it was new and had unique modes like Instagib and that one Valentines Day, my thoughts are:

    People that play PVE don't want to be forced to play PVP to get rewards to use in PVE, so they get a terrible first impression of PVP due events.

    PVP is YEARS behind on balancing, there are mods that still talk about Melee Channeling. The last frame they added was Khora and you can't use the Primes of several frames (Inaros, Titania, Harrow, to name a few). PVP breaks often and rarely got updates, usually just to fix something that escaped from PVE.

    People that do try PVP to get the skins find out that you have to spend standing on mods be effective and that kills their drive.

    A new PVP player will SURELY get surprised that the mobility is completely different, as is the whole modding system. Frames that they remember being agile will suddenly be slow as molasses, and they don't have any idea you have to rank up and spend standing to get mods to improve your mobility.

    People join PVP to find out that its completely deserted, quite literally dead on some regions. When they do find a game, they will often be matched with someone that only plays PVP, stomps them repeatedly, making them leave and never touch the mode again. No skill matchmaking means that stomping happens more often.

    This also causes a "can't catch up" problem: players that already played Conclave have the mods to increase mobility and give other bonuses, while a new player will jump on their Rhino (or whatever loadout they managed to equip due all the restrictions) and find out they move at glacial speeds trying to hit something akin to flies on crack with spit balls.

    Also, like everything else, PVP is still peer to peer (no idea if the community servers still exist). Ping and region is a huge factor, specially on projectile weapons like the event.

    There are some really toxic and sweaty people on the PVP community. People that avoid ranking up so they can only stomp newbies. People that only play with the most sweaty meta you have ever seen.

    From personal experience, and what made me stop playing conclave: A group of players that would actively hop around low populated regions, looking for people to report for playing as a group and grinding conclave challenges. Apparently playing with a friend was a serious crime that you could lose your account for.

    Would removing PVP damage the game? Not really. Would bother a few hundred players? Yeah, sure. Would the average player even notice conclave was gone? Hell no.

    The average player doesn't even knows about the Conclave menu, let alone skins and armor sets. Maybe DE would put them in the market? Maybe they would be put on the Steel Path shop? Who knows.

    They removed raids, that were FAR more played than Conclave and were related to the game lore, because they couldn't bother fixing them, yet arcanes are still around.

    They can still keep Conclave around, but nothing will really change. It might be that one day it will break beyond salvaging and they will have to put it out of commission.

    • Like 15
  13. 7 hours ago, Voltage said:

    That kind of behavior is often never met with real consequences. It's happened to Dog Days more than once as well. DE is unfortunately not very good at upholding their rules consistently and making sure they stay up to date with what players are doing to discourage others from jumping onto that bandwagon.

    I think the problem is that they don't take the hint.

    "Players are actively avoiding playing the event and finding ways to afk."
    (patches current afk method along anything that makes the event quick, interesting or fun)
    (players find another way to afk)

    "Players are still avoiding playing the event and finding ways to afk."
    (patches current afk method along anything that makes the event quick, interesting or fun)
    (players find another way to afk)

    "Players are yet avoiding playing the event and finding ways to afk."
    (patches current afk method along anything that makes the event quick, interesting or fun)
    (players find another way to afk)

    Ad infinitum.

    • Like 8
  14. Alias: MobyTheDuck#880 (PC)

    My wishlist is a mix of cheap, expensive and very very very expensive, because I wishlist everything that gets released, but my "actual" wishlist are skin collections and some decorations like the Shawzins, I'm broke after the black friday sale.

    Of course, you should focus on giving slots to a newbie first.



    - Corbu Shawzin
    - Kira Shawzin
    - Narmer Shawzin
    - Lonesome Shawzin
    - Motherwrench Skin
    - Nautilus Cosmetic Bundle
    - Tiamat Shawzin
    - Void Song Shawzin
    - Tenno 2 and 3 color pallet
    - Broken Veil shoulder armor
    - Sigma Series Shoulders
    - Sigma Series Leggings (I got the chest from a twitch drop)
    - Vasero Sekhara
    - Any Animation Set
    - Any dance emote (yeah these exist)
    - Weapon slots



    - Kerylisy Sentinel Bundle
    - Voruna Voidshell Thanks, FrostDragon!
    - Ember Voidshell
    - Styanax Voidshell
    - Sorex Armor
    - Orizu Suit
    - Grineer Drifter Suit
    - Avex Sniper Skin
    - Ostron Rug Collection
    - Ordis Sentinel Skin
    - Bruntspar Necramech Skin

    Very Expensive:


    - Baruuk Doan Collection
    - Fabled Warrior Collection
    - Wisp Somnium Collection
    - Protea Caladrius Collection
    - Void Adornment Bundle 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Thanks, Pazuul!
    - Valkyr Carnivex Collection
    - Gauss Kresnik Collection Thanks, Boj!
    - Aumen Kaithe Collection
    - Rhino Deathwatch Skin
    - Sungem Railjack

    Ultra Expensive:


    - Golden Mend Collection
    - Kuva Lich Hunter Collection

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Hasta La Vista!

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

    Next week, Nightwave will return to form with the three new permanent Weeklies replacing three of the five regular Weeklies per rotation. The intended design for the following rotations has three permanent Weekly Acts and two regular Weekly Acts, culminating in the full five Weekly Acts (plus your usual amount of Dailies and Elite Weekly Acts).

    Why? What are you guys even thinking?

    With 3 less acts per week, people that don't play as often will be completely screwed by the lack of the missions on the catch-up system.

    You guys literally said:


    With these new Permanent Acts, you can earn an extra 13,500 Nightwave Standing each week!

    Note: since these are in addition to your weekly Act rotation, they are exempt from the Catch-Up pool. 

    Was 1 extra rank per week too much? Might as well just bring back the regular missions back. If I miss one week, that's two less rank for me because of the lack of 3 catch-up missions plus the 7 daily missions.

    • Like 15
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