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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. The REAL problem is that the devs dont play their own game.

    They just look at numbers and think "The Hema research needs 10x more mutagen than every other research costs combined. Yeah, looks fine"

    They look at a short, rushed quest which they only spent time on the first mission and think "How can we increase the lenght of this quest? Oh, just add 6 index games, each divided into 3 rounds."

    Devs that dont play their own game and only think about the profit are a disgrace to the industry.

  2. After finishing the drag that was this quest, I expected at least something good.

    Nope, your frame parts are in another mission.

    A long, dragging mission that only has a chance of giving the part.

    After I managed to get 4 waves done and got rewarded one mod, I got annoyed.

    The on my second attempt, no mobs dropped serum and the mission failed. I just left the game and will spend my time on some other games for a bit.

    'Infested Salvage' has a meaning. Its just a bunch of random missions salvaged and stitched together into an abomination of grind and rng.

  3. This quest was the most boring and dragging thing I've ever had the unpleasure to play.

    Oh this first mission is nice, its cool to see some expansion on the colonists and stuff. Oh, now its the Index already? 100k credits wager? Isnt the actual Index waveg far lower? Wait, another Index? And another? And ANOTHER? AND ANOTHER ONE?

    One or two Index rounds would be fine, but SIX of them? Each one divided into 3 rounds? One that you CANT GO ALL OUT? One that you CANT WIN? Oh, its a common spy mission. HEY ANOTHER INDEX MISSION DID YOU MISS ME?

    You cant lose ONE of the 3 rounds or all your credits are gone. You cant even tie or its also a loss.

    Ah, I managed to get through it, at least the new frame will be ok right? Right...? Wait, what is this? Where is the frame parts?

    Oh, I have to grind a new mission for parts like we had to grind Void to Primes? Well, it cant be that bad.

    Oh, turns out 'Salvage' is a meaningful name! Its just a salvaged part of Jordas Raid, disguised as an Interception mission!

    A RNG based Interception mission! You depend on random enemy drops to capture points, and they only stay captured for 10 seconds! Some points require TWO drops to be capped! Wait, what is this? No mobs are dropping Serum! Oh, all points got destroyed because we werent lucky enough!

    Woo, I'm loving this! This time we managed to hold ONE point! It only took 15 minutes for each wave! Finaly one wave done, we surelly will get one part at least, right? Oh wait, what is this? Well, its some mod I have hundreds of!

    Apparently Nidus parts only drops on rotation C, so that means spending half hour standing inside a small globe so the killer Dorito Dust doesnt melts my face!

    Yay! Rotation C done! At least we will get one part! Oh, what is this again? Well, its just another mod! Nidus parts only have 15% drop chance!

    Hahaha, oh wow, I just loved all this!




    You guys better fix all this after enough users pay you for Nidus. I'm not giving you my money. See ya.

  4. I have really few stuff in my specific wishlist, but if anyone wants to gift one of the random things, just pick anything.

    Random wishlist:

    - Random display

    - Random noggle

    - Random idle animation

    - Random Immortal skin

    - Random Sugatra

    - Random Color Picker (The ones not in bundles)

    - Random Avatar/Glyph

    - Random Holster

    Specific wishlist:

    - Para Carrier parts

    - Alliance/Clan shoulder emblems

    - Resource booster (gotta get that kuva)

    Happy holidays registered losers tenno!

  5. 13 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Let's say someone buys them in surplus, then puts them onto the steam community market for less than half their value. What incentive do you have to pay the creators and DE for cosmetics?

    Granted that if someone does this, they're giving money to the people that created the skins, but over time it'll lower the value of the item. Trading could potentially just be a scam in wait since the value of items that are tradeable are different based on regional currency.

    Tecnically, the people that bought the skins in surplus already paid both DE and the creator.

    If for some reason that person would put the items to sell years later on the Steam Market for half the price, basically burning money away, I believe the price has a small tax that is given to both Valve and the creators of the game.

    Either way, Valve and DE would get a share twice per item and the creator already got his share when the player first bought the item. And since there are no ways to get the Tennogen items for free (other than being the one that made them), there is no way that the creator wouldnt get his share.

    Also, I'm not saying anything about letting people sell the skins on Steam, just being able to trade them or maybe being able to gift them to other users (as long they have a Steam account)

  6. It would be enough if each node dropped one set of relics, instead of every relic being in every node, forcing you to do either excavation or interception to farm for them.

    Even worse that Axe E1 only doesnt drops from Interceptions, so you either spend 20 minutes on survivals, 20 waves on defense or 4 excavators for a 7% of getting one.

    8 relics on rotation? Put 4 diferent relics on each node, so one relic can drop on 2 different nodes.

    Change the drop chance from relics, why some defense nodes have a 100% chance to drop relics every 5 waves, yet survival has a 50% chance of getting a relic each 15/20 minutes?

    Some nodes drop nothing on rotation A and B, yet others can drop relics on every rotation.

    Why Dark Sectors and Derelict still drop stuff like common mods, 15 endo and 1k credits? Why doing Akkad rewards me with Vitality and 80 endo for 20 waves while Kalazaar gives me 4 relics?

    Why survivals take so long to give rewards? Why I would spend 20 minutes for a CHANCE to get a relic if I can spend 5 minutes for 3 relics on defense? If anything, survivals should give relic packs for the time it takes.

  7. Are using the Twin Rogga? They use Shotgun Ammo instead of Pistol Ammo, that might be the case.

    Its similar to a problem where primary weapons that used Sniper Ammo had their ammo pool almost depleted by explosive secondaries like the Angstrum. I think DE at first said that 'was intented', but later fixed it making the secondaries always use pistol ammo, but ammo pickups restoring only a small amount.

  8. Relics and their contents are being randomly changed after the mission ends, if you are playing in a public game.

    DE apparently fixed this about 2 times now, at first it only happened with endless fissures, but the glitch is now far worse and is affecting both relic farming and relic opening, even on non-endless missions.

    I would advice to not open or farm for relics on public games, unless you dont care about your loot/relics changing into something else.

  9. My only complains until now are:

    - Why there is melee on a snowball fight. The melee hit detection is already pretty bad on P2P, people permasliding around killing you in one hit isnt fun.

    - How people are being able to bring PvE stats and weapons to the event? How did this even got past unnoticied? Just saw a game were 3 players had hundreds of health, gorgon, penta and a Mirage could spam her prism with max range. The carnage ended in 2 minutes.

    - Why skill divisions still dont exist

  10. I cant pinpoint the problem, but the last 3 Kuva missions I've tried ended with me crashing all of a sudden.

    The first crashed as I dashed into a cloud.

    The second crashed as I noticied an invisible Kuva Guardian.

    The third crashed as I was running towards a cloud.

    The screen freezes, the sound stops after a bit and then the game closes. I dont get the Kuva, but still lose my time and some of the booster.

  11. Are you really complaining that a propely modded Ember makes low level content trivial?

    Well, excuse me while I pick my 3 Forma Maim Build Equinox and Max Range Amprex and take a stroll around Earth. Maybe I'll take my Max Range Frost and my Max Range Ignis to check how Mercury is doing.

    If you think Ember underperforms on end game and she is just a 'press 4 and forget' frame, man you have a lot to learn.

    Not that you will though, all your counter arguments until now were 'muh low level content' and insulting other people that dont agree with you.

  12. 14 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

    you get two 3 day boosters those are 40p each....

    so you save 85p technically. 

    As I said, the boosters have no real value in the bundle aside inflating the price. The bundle doesnt even comes with something to level, they are literally just there to increase the bundle 'value', making it seem so you are 'saving' your plat rather than purchasing each item on its own.

    If anything, affinity and credit boosters are the most useless ones, since credit and affinity farming are one of the easiest things to do in the game.

  13. Bundle cost: 350p

    Separate cost: 345p (Syandana - 95p, Armor - 100p, Titania Skin - 40p, Heliocor Skin - 30p, Kubrow/Kavat Colors - 80p)

    I'm guessing there is almost no saving on buying the bundle because of the boosters that got shoehorned in to increase the bundle """value""".

    Probably there is a lot of people in need of credit/affinity, but since I'm not one of them, there is literally nothing on the bundle to stop me from saving 5p.

  14. This thread is a good example of why you dont bother with a broken, rushed, shoehorned, badly made feature.

    If instead of throwing money at them, you just ignored the whole thing so they could take a hint and change it for the better, you decided to bet.

    And you know what they say, the house always wins.

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