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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I agree with what you wrote. This whole thing seems to me like it has been put into the game just for the sake of having it, with little thought. I don't think slight touch-ups will be enough and I hope the devs will at least consider making a more unique model for the pet. Because right now breeding it is not really worth the effort, everything screams 'not done yet'.


    Seriously, it's like Kavat abominations, only deliberate.

  2. 9 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    Yeah, he said they might just cut off the Grineer head. There might be something more drastic done since the community reaction to its appearance has been pretty strong, which I don't personally agree with. I kind of like Charger companion, so I hope if a more drastic re-design is made, they keep the Charger as an alt skin.

    They allowed to keep Kavat-Kubrow abominations, so they will probably let players keep the original chargers if they were to alter the model in any way.

    I'm personally not a fan of the new pets and would welcome something more original.

  3. 24 minutes ago, HyenaZERO said:

    Well, the end of the quest comes off as a special mechanics boss battle. People may not of realized that, yes, this is how you kill ALL Kuva Guardians.

    But it tells you nothing about Kuva clouds or siphons. What good does knowing how to deal with enemies do if you don't know how to complete the event? Normally it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but a lot of things are happening at once during the siphoning and you have hardly any time to stop and think what to do, let alone notice the clouds.

  4. 12 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    My number one hope for the system is that it will alter The Operator's mid-mission dialogue so that the character/tone matches their alignment.

    Since The Operator is supposed to represent us, I think it's criminal that we have virtually no hand in how they react to the world -- they will say 'you'd think they'd clone something less ugly' no matter what we want. Allow different comments/attitudes for light, dark, and neutral dispositions.

    As for allowing us to change alignment...

    My hope is that once The Operator gameplay is ironed out, there will be a new mission type that is Operator only. This will allow for a lot of new mission ideas, including Transferring into enemies to solve puzzles, and using Void Walks to get through traps. The reward for this mission type would be a large sum of Focus Points, and it would be the equivalent to Syndicate Missions awarding a lump sum of Syndicate Rep.

    However, similar to Sabotage Missions, the Operator missions would have multiple methods of completion. Depending on which you pursue, you would also be awarded with an alignment shift in that direction. Like Syndicate missions, they would be a 1/day thing, so you couldn't easily flip back and forth between Alignments and you would need to consider your decisions, but it wouldn't be possible to dig yourself into a hole.

    It's like a wet dream come true.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dergas said:

    Oh but the point of the weapon is so that you can farm it in a few rounds! I certainly didn't want to put this weapon under a resource wall so ridiculous that the majority of players would either be forced to buy it with plat or go without it. I mean yeah, the resource requirement may be a teensy bit high, but it's only because it has a new mechanic.

    Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking coming up with such unreasonable requirements?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Lord_Datastorm said:

    Ultimately, Clan research is meant to take cooperation and effort. It won’t necessarily be something that can be done with resources you have lying around already. Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. 

    I can generally agree with this line of thought, but Hema requirements are a bit of an overkill and should be lowered. Being in a clan doesn't mean there are many people there to participate. Also, hardly any clan is at full capacity at any given time.

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