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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I don't recall primes being revealed during devstreams ever. I might be wrong, though.

    30 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:


    Also, I love the eximus invuln news. Been waiting for them to put the breaks on people mowing through millions of enemies without regard for years now, and it looks like they're finally starting to do something about it.

    I also think it's a good change, but I hope they won't overdo it. I don't want to see situations where you will have a couple of invulnerable parasitic eximi running about in a swarm of other stuff.

    It will be even better if they will be given unique looks (and weapons) to make them stand out from the crowd. Or al least make them slightly bigger, because enemy visibility can be a problem.

  2. 1 minute ago, Varhola said:

    how many days until gone or how many hours?

    From wikia:

    Each Argon Crystal in a Tenno's inventory is either stable or decaying at any given time; beyond this, the age of a single crystal does not matter. Each day at GMT 00:00, two things happen: first, the quantity of decaying Argon Crystals is cut in half and rounded down; second, all stable Argon Crystals shift to the decaying state. For example:

    • 11 crystals are collected on Day 1. They are all stable.
    • GMT 00:00 hits, and now all 11 crystals are decaying, but the quantity remains unchanged.
    • 12 crystals are collected on Day 2. The Tenno now has 23 crystals total.
    • GMT 00:00 hits. The 11 decaying crystals decay to 5, and the 12 additional crystals are now decaying. The Tenno now has 17 crystals.
    • GMT 00:00 hits again without the attainment of any further crystals. All 17 crystals decay to 8.
  3. Waiting for Baro is better than, for example, doing excavations over and over and having credits or endo drop. At least we can stock up on ducats and spend them to buy the new relics more or less reliably.

    I also don't see your problem with nitain. It can be acquired reliably even if you work and items don't require much of it to craft. It's not like you need to get everything right away, have a little patience.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Cephalon_Esrius said:

    It is also possible that the infestation somehow is able to 'grow' new mutalist Alad Vs, in the same way that Phorid manifestations happen, as an in-universe explanation.

    I've seen a few people in the forums suggest such a possibility. I personally quite like it, but still would like to have more concrete explanation.

  5. 2 hours ago, JalakBali said:

    "space orphans turned magic mutants remote controlling humanoid monsters".

    This the best description of the Tenno I heard. Ever.


    I like what we have now going on, we don't need another generic sci-fi theme.

  6. Recent changes to the nullifiers made them a little less frustrating. And the upcoming new way to deal with them makes them slightly more interesting. I would also like to see bubbles changed so they don't clip through walls. Spawning should be also addressed; only one nullifier should spawn at a time in one spot rather than two or more.

    It would also help if nullifiers didn't outright cancel our abilities, but rather caused slow decay. The thing I hate the most is having to recast buffs all the time.

  7. 1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

    What is your first impression of Damage 3.0 revolving around refreshing enemies rather than mods?

    Do I want this? Yes and no.  Because both need 'refreshing'.  We have mods that are completely useless (straightup status chance), mods that are nearly pointless (straightup physical damage mods, the common ones), and mods that would be nice to use but it feels detrimental to most builds because of so many 'mandatory' mods.

    Now I know if mandatory (base damage, multishot) were removed, we'd get a whole new assortment of 'mandatory mods', but here's the thing.  We won't know until we try.  Mainly, I want to see weapons 'grow' as warframes do, with each rank on a frame, their abilities increase in strength.  There was this rumor that weapons would someday do the same.  Where base stats would increase innately with rank as well as mods.

    Since the current array of mandatory mods are like 90% about increasing base damage and multishot, I feel it would really help if we didn't have to worry about that.  In my opinion, all multishot mods should be removed, all single stat no-negative base damage mods should be removed.  These would be directly infused into the weapon.

    Some weapons would also have innate multishot values, like how Cernos Prime does.  Or Ignis and a few others.  Heavy calibur and other mods with dual stats of positive/negative attributes would remain, as those are a tradeoff.

    On the other hand, NPCs definitely need refreshed also, the thing is it would have to happen at the same time as mods, one without the other would overbalance the scales in either direction resulting in anarchy.

    Just my opinion, of course!

    Amen to that.

    I like it how some new mods put a twist on weapons, rather than simply increasing stats. And I would like to see more mods like that. At least the likes of Serration/Pressure point should be incorporated into weapons to make place for more mods. 

    The bigger issue I think Damage 3.0 should address is enemy scaling. I would like to hear more on that.

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