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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I still don't know why you insist on giving Oberon a passive connected to pets. Yes, it is a lot better than the previous one, but useless for people who don't run with pets but rather with sentinels. Why not give him something connected to radiation procs? Like leaving a radiation cloud after bullet jump? Or alternatively something connected to his healing, like for example having a shield when reviving. I bet there are plenty of ideas better than pet buffs.

  2. First of all Spectral Scream should have 100% status chance and bigger range. Even its default range is pitiful at best. At the moment it is neither a damage dealing ability, nor crowd control, which makes it useless even at low levels. Chroma could as well have 3 abilities and I wouldn't see the difference. Seriously, it is such a cool ability in concept, but the execution is so bad.

  3. 6 hours ago, -Akeva-Banshee- said:

    A grineer weapon with a team support ability?
    1 - does that even fit the lore of the grineer?
    2 - However if there where a tenno weapon that does that it would not only be OP but very useful in not only sorties but all mission types.
    3 - I don't think DE is ready to start adding passive abilities to all weapons.
    4 - Passive abilities need to be added to tenno weapons. It is a logical progression of weapon styles and lore.

    Huh? I suggested a healing pizza gun. I wasn't being serious...

  4. 54 minutes ago, Murkar said:

    Dragon's Rage - Convert a portion of health damage(or maybe shield damage aswell) into energy

    I like this one, it fits the receive damage to get stronger thing Chroma has.

  5. It's true that archwing can be fun, but only in open asteroid field. Other tilesets are unintuitive and simply not created with the current movement system in mind. The devs even admitted it in yesterday's devstream.

    Also, archwing does give some people motion sickness, calling them trolls is downright rude. 

  6. I still don't understand why there would be a timer in sortie rescues active from the moment you enter the prison. For challenge? I'd get more traps and more wardens, but mindless rushing through is not entertaining, nor challenging, at all. It's as pointless as having a timer active from the moment you enter a spy vault.

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