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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 1 hour ago, Horaciozhao said:

    I'm wondering where do you get the idea that all the quest frame is created after orokin's extermination. I can't say about others but Titania for one was absolutely created when Orokin was still there. Her creator worked with Magulis to create frames until she felt sick of making weapons, and the last one she helped to make was titania.

    What is more, Odonata Prime entry suggests that primes came after non-primes ('This enhanced version of the first Archwing prototype takes the design to its theoretical limits.'), so there is nothing wrong with the current quests. Nothing in the lore that I'm aware of suggests that primes came first. If anything, it was the other way round. One could argue that prime trailers show that primes were first, but they are here to present the idea behind a warframe's theme (and showcase shiny bits) rather than explain what came first.

    I guess that at the end of the day it doesn't matter, but the lore makes more sense to me with primes being developed after standard frames.

  2. 13 hours ago, Trichouette said:

    I've a better idea for his first ability :

    • A 4 in one ability just like vauban/ivara
    • All 4 abilities are the same > Shoot a fireball but each has its element (so... like the augment)
    • Switching it switches chroma's element > no need to have your energy set to a specific color and ruin your fashion frame
    • Switching it will only change chroma's next elemental ward, not the current one
    • Make the damage scale with vex armor's damage boost

    I always thought element changing would fit better as a supplement for Elemental Ward. Press to activate and hold to switch. Or the other way round.

    I like the idea behind the current Spectral Scream, only the execution is lacking. A lot. It would help a lot if his abilities scaled with Vex Armor and if the range and status chance of SS was increased. Maybe it would make it half decent. And since it's a scream it could stagger nearby enemies on activation. At least then it would justify slow movement.

    It would also be nice if Chroma wasn't shoehorned into duration ice builds. The potential is seriously wasted. I have a build for electricity with increased range. It's fun, but not really that effective. Base duration of his 2 and 3 could  be increased to discourage maxed duration builds and give more modding freedom. Vex Armor could also start slowly decaying after the ability is turned off, rather than disappearing completely like it is now. Nidus uses this mechanic, so why wouldn't other frames? 

    I'd also like passive Rage. Since receiving damage fuels Chroma's power it could also regenerate some of his energy.

  3. 1 hour ago, RoninJed said:

    Hmm yeah I wouldn't get too hyped for it. I guess they are going to cram three or four of the books into one movie and if you've read the books then you know that is not a good idea. Most people will be lost and miss out on lots of parts...even controversial character building parts that won't be covered in this movie for...obvious reasons. I think the actor's are great just not the best pick in my opinion. 

    This adaptation is going to be somewhat special judging from the promo material. See spoilers below if you don't care.


    So considering what has been revealed until now, the movie is going to be a continuation of the books rather than an adaptation.


    Because, you see, at the end of the final book the character gets transported back to the beginning of his journey by the tower. This time however, he has a certain artifact with him and this artifact is also in the movie. So the movies will go in a different direction than the books.



  4. 51 minutes ago, (PS4)Khrysamere said:

    You may find him boring, but everyone else I've spoken to find's him extremely fun to play. Besides wouldn't you guys prefer a frame with 2 extremely good abilities, rather than 4 "decent' abilities? Because that's probably what's going to happen. (Even though his 4th does have a lot of uses right now, Credit Farming anyone? And it's pretty good for interception)

    I also like Chroma, but that doesn't change the fact that most of his abilities don't really do that much. Indeed, he has 2 very powerful abilities (or 1,5 because toxin and electricity are subpar compared to the other elements), but that doesn't mean he doesn't need any improvement. Besides, with the current setup there is only one way to build him effectively. And he doesn't have a real passive.

  5. Because he's boring. Sure, he is a very powerful frame, but his kit contains 2 passive auras, a useless 1st, and a very situational 4th. I would like to see more interactivity. Being able to switch elements in missions would help to make him much more interesting. Not to mention Spectral Scream that desperately needs a rework, and only half of elements being actually useful.

  6. So the recent update seems to have messed up the operator hair, where it has become semi-transparent. Attached screenshots; I made the hair white for better visibility due to dark background, but is is plenty visible even with darker hair colors.









  7. Since this Wednesday.

    On 5/24/2017 at 10:42 PM, [DE]Megan said:
    • Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead can now summon Eximus units! This fixes the issue of Nekros being unable to summon Eximus units at all. 
  8. I think Smite could use a buff. Since it scales, it should scale well, otherwise what's the point of giving it any scaling at all? Same goes for Reckoning; it could strip armor better maybe? Other than that, I agree that these skills are fairly good for CC.

    I also agree with Renewal. The enrgy drain is much too big. Its cost should be reduced or Oberon should be able to generate some energy from his abilities, not unlike Saryn. Like receiving some energy from killing an irradiated enemy.

    What I don't quite like is the forced synergy between Hallowed Ground and Renewal. HG should provide slight armor buff just from itself, and be strengthened by casting Renewal. So you would get an armor buff while standing on GH, while Reckoning would allow you to move around with the additional armor.

    At the end of the day I can live with the current Oberon, but there is room for improvement.

  9. It's announced on the forums and you will be able to see it in your liset's news feed. So far things have been unvaulting every 6 months or so, so the next unvaulting might be around June-July (if at all). Although you shouldn't expect Frost Prime unvaulting anytime soon, considering it was unvaulted the last time. If you want Frost Prime try trading with someone. I bet there are lots of people who will be willing to sell it to you.

  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)theelix said:

    Inaros Undying passive allows him to revive himself, but I don't believe it's as useful. I haven't played Inaros much, and will be doing some testing right now. 

    His sarcophagus is a waste of time at higher levels.

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