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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. On 11.11.2017 at 5:41 AM, wezling said:

       I'm not sure of what their current line of sight is, but reduce it for none lazor sight guided enemies (Bastillas and Bombards (not the mortar ones)). Or have them instead call a Firbolg to boost forces before attacking, you know they know they have no chance at winning with only 5- people. Turrets only gain vision after a nearby ally becomes alerted. Dargyns will only alert enemies within a set distance of them, maybe 30m.
    Reason: Let us fish in relative peace (especially since we can't use abilities with a spear which does no damage) or find a similar solution (Vomvalysts aren't even that rude, I have proof). Or let us avoid being targeted by turrets because the Teralyst decided it'd be funny, because they physically can't do anything to him. Additionally it's not cool that an omniscient turret can alert an entire camp when you're passing by for a second.

    This can't be stressed enough. Right now enemy line of sight is ridiculous. I guess this would require some AI rework, but it is necessary.

  2. 1 hour ago, IICRiMeII said:

    I did the "Saya´s Vigil" quest like two weeks ago and I know where the Quills are in Cetus, but I can´t get in.

    My last quest I did was the second dream, which gave me access to the operator on my ship. But I can´t spend any points because I have to interact with the Quills, which won´t let me in... How do I get in? Do I need to finish the next mission first (the war within)?


    Yes, you need to finish The War Within to access Quills.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Gaminus said:

    I actually really like the operators.  They managed to combine several fan theories into a single canonical explaination for what's inside the suit.
    For instance, I always thought that we were crippled, skeletal beings that needed the suits to locomote.  Well, at least for a while, we were weak-&#! cripples who couldn't walk on their own.  I guess we have some 'roids or some weights on the ship.
    There were also some who thought we were energy beings.  That's still partially true, as it seems the operator can morph into an energy like state with void dash and void form, as well as Transference. 
    As for personality and "I hate that I'm a child" elements?
    I don't see the problem.  Our operators have the bodies of children, but we were still conscious for however long the old war lasted.  We are badass warriors.  The War Within proves it by showing how a Tenno's resolve can't be broken, and how their minds are fortresses.  We're psychologically tortured and subjected to PTSD-inducing repressed memories, on top of physical pain.  Then you've got a greater example in Chains of Harrow.  Autism jokes aside..  Rell was able to fight against The Man In The Wall for however long he was around - millennia even!  That's the kind of feat you'd expect from someone in warhammer 40k. 
    Personality wise, we're not overly """edgy""" or too stoic.  I think that the Operator is able to voice our thoughts as players in many situations, as well as crack a few jokes every now and then.  After all, we won't be broken by anyone or anything, gilded A******s or extradimensional meddlers be damned!

    I agree. Although I'd prefer if we had an option to choose operator transmissions and when to play them. The current ones are pretty bad and play at most random moments.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Vaqt said:

    Same mods as for PvE and for PvP. Different mods and stuff for PvE and PvP is a big mistake.

    That would be a bad change. PvE mods would give too big an advantage for veteran players, it would be even more difficult to start; imagine what an advantage would a player with maxed Primed Vigor would have.

    I personally don't enojy PvP because of warframe powers. It would be nice if we have more variant modes, with standardized stats, weapons, and no powers.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Reiyd said:

    I dunno. They're mods for the Warframe. They are enhancements only the Warframe would possess. I would sort of understand if maybe it stayed active from the Warframe's position while in Operator mode, but that's about it really.

    Well, some warframe abilities scale with weapon mods, so it wouldn't be completely out of the picture.

    I wouldn't mind if warframe mods in general transferred to operator, because why not? At least the likes of Vitality and Steel Fiber.

  6. I checked the wiki, and it seems the bait might not work correctly:

    - Using bait might be affected by a hidden cooldown period, not spawning the special fish for a certain duration.
    - Currently special baits are not consistent. Sometimes the bait will not attract the special type of fish that it should attract no matter how much bait is thrown in.
    - Though bait is said to lure fish, it may not lure any fish in the duration it is out for.


  7. 23 minutes ago, Acos said:


    Try to have arguments that are convincing without proclaiming that everyone agrees with you just because you agree with you. 

    My whole dilemma with Operators from the beginning is that they have always felt like an unfinished feature, and I was worried DE would lose focus (heh heh heh) and leave them incomplete as they have with MANY other aspects of the game. I'm personally very happy with Focus 2.0 as I think it makes all of the schools have something worth pursuing and gives the operators a larger supportive role than just being a pretty ornament in the Liset. 

    I do think the grind associated with them is prohibitively high, and I don't think most casual players are really going to focus (oh ho ho ho) on them if things remain where they are. I know DE wants to sell focus lens, but you need to get us invested in something before you start charging money for it. Doing it backwards doesn't tend to work. 

    Those puns...

    Anyway, I am also satisfied with the new focus, maybe apart from a node or two. I agree that something needs to be done either with the node cost, or focus acquisition to make it more viable.

    For example:
    - Remove convergence orbs and increase affinity we gain from lenses
    - Allow operators to gain focus when they kill something
    - Give focus as mission/bounty rewards
    - Give focus when we kill the sentient
    - Give us an option to convert sentient cores to focus

  8. 2 hours ago, Sennera said:

    The LoS thing is the biggest turn-off to the open world gameplay, for me. Look at how MGSV:TPP did it; unless the enemy was a sniper their LoS was pretty short-ranged allowing you to approach the camp and engage it well before you're detected.

    Significantly shortening the detection range for standard units but leaving the snipers in the nests untouched might fix multiple problems (like fishing/mining being interrupted by enemies 500m away) while still encouraging a careful approach to Grineer camps. The devs could also play around with a stealth detection meter like in Far Cry 3. It wouldn't fit properly in current stealth code, but it'd probably be worth bootstrapping in to test out internally at least.

    The detection on those turret-armed infantry transports could use changes too. Those pop in randomly alongside the normal transports, and so long as they're within 500m they'll instantly detect you and fire upon you. Similarly, if you're invisible the gun-flyers (whatever they were called) will still know where you are exactly and follow you around, even though they can't shoot at you.

    Enemies shouldn't be able to see us from beyond, let's say, 300 meters when alerted. Unalerted enemies should have shorter detection range. They should also have damage and/or accuracy falloff the farther from them we are. Same goes for flyers. I also think the gun-flyers shouldn't engage or follow us unless we are already fighting ground units.

  9. So many good points I can't even. You could  add separating Cetus and Quills reputation cap to the list, it would make things better. I like the idea of receiving rewards after each step of a bounty. It would make the diluted loot tables more bereable. We could have a chance for better loot the further in the bounty we are.

    Regarding the archwing beacon, I wouldn't mind it as long as it would require us to build it just once and then use it as many times we want, rather than have 10 charges. At the very least crafting costs should be reduced and 

    I also have a problem with grineer air support, especially with these ships with gatling guns that are difficult to avoid. You can't really see that they are shooting at you until it is too late. I wouldn't have that much of a problem with them, but there is a lot going on already when engaging enemies; their damage should be toned down slightly or they could simply leave battlefields earlier.

    Finally, enemies need a damage falloff as we have. Snipers shooting at you from far away are fine, but ramparts having the same range are not.

  10. 3 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    And, here I come with my standard response: Visual customisation options are great, but we also really need some way to have input on Operator speech and dialogue other than switching it on or off. The Operator dialogue pool is pretty bad, containing some absolute clunkers of voice lines, and it hasn't been updated since the Second Dream, nearly two years ago.


    Giving us a dialogue wheel so that we can load it with the decent voice lines and remove the awful ones is something DE can do without even having to record any new lines. I will remind you, DE made a musical instrument with programmable tunes, its own mini-game style sub mode, and extra tones purchasable with Platinum, and they did that for one Warframe. They can program a dialogue wheel.

    For a brief moment there was an unintentional feature availble where you could choose an operator line. Maybe it will return in full in PoE.

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