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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I was hoping for something with radiation procs as his passive. What we got is underwhelming and hardly useful, has poor range and is limited by duration. I really hope some of the passives will get revisited soon.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

    You mean costs more energy but more damage? That would be great. Or make it scale with damage received.

    That can work, too. Hysteria generally doesn't have much to offer beyond invulnerability.


    And one more thing about Volt. Energy drain of riot shield should be reduced. Right now it is too severe. I know we're not supposed to run with the shield all the time, but the drain is serious.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

    Volt: Overload is garbage damage wise. Not sure what it's doing. Seemed like it dealt a certain amount of damage per thick. I don't like it. Shock is ok. Shield received an upgrade which i love. Though moving the shield around costs WAY too much energy. Speed.... Speed. I love this new FoV, not sure about teammates picking up those little tokens to grab the speed... What if you re-cast it multiple times? It should be reverted to the "old" one. Or they need to change it to be like Limbo's banish. You roll, you don't get the speed buff. 

    The new Overload is a nice CC ability. Although I'd prefer if it opened enemies to finishers, as a recompensation for poor damage.


    36 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

    Excalibur's Exalted Blade: Now, after trying it in game it's really not a HUGE nerf. Where the problem is though is the fact that spinning attacks costs you energy(25 if i recall?). That is just stupid. The range of the blinding effect is not enough to justify costing energy. Other than that, it's fine.

    I agree that slide blind cost is unnecessary. It should be made optional, active only while channeling. 


    37 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

    Valkyr's Hysteria: While i think increasing energy consumption was a good idea and i've said it in the past, making it so that it increases over time was not really the best way to do it imo. What i would have preferred is the more you take damage while in hysteria, the more energy it consumes. I think it's more "fair" and not entirely broken. 

    This nerf was necessary, but I'd also like to see a buff to Hysteria damage. On its own, without invulnerability, it's a poor skill.

  4. I agree. Challenge can be increased in many ways other than rising enemy level. We need more variety in enemy types, mini bosses, and maybe environmental challenges turning after a certain amount of time.

    And fixed damage and armor scaling.

  5. It would be nice if Discharge opened enemies to finishers. It is a nice CC tool, but its damage is lower than expected.

    I'm also not a fan of Electric Shield's energy drain. While it is justified, it could be slightly lower, or just not increase when you move. 


    1 hour ago, Dante123pl said:

    since Volt is so freaking energy hungry now

    i think best thing to do is give him passive energy siphon 3 energy/sec

    I think that would be too much, but I agree that he could use some sort of energy regeneration. 


  6. Since DE is getting rid of all the cheese, maybe damage and scaling will be looked at next.


    It's nice to see changes that encourage thinking.


    5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    it's fine to have that 50m revive if your team are intelligent enough to stick together, but what about that one guy that acts like Rambo and goes of on his own?

    Maybe players like that will finally learn that running into the middle of an enemy group is not a good idea. Having a frame that reduces risk to zero is poor design.

    I agree that spin cost is bad. Spin blind should not be a thing at all, or should be active only while channeling.

  7. Just now, -BM-Leonhart said:

    It's linked to the fact that you are absolutely invulnerable through the front, even against bombards. Stuff like crit secondaries will also put insane damage with that now as well, so it needs to have limitations other than the very long duration.

    Yeah, true, but it is still a bit of a bother. You also can't use primaries and run more slowly. 

    I'm not a fan of drains in general. Maybe it would be better if picking up the shield cost some energy, instead of constant drain.

  8. Sorties need a token system. With it, you would be able to buy more common stuff, like lenses, Nezha parts, weapon parts. Then, you could have random rare rewards drop after completing all 3 missions - legendary cores, some cosmetics, maybe even arcanes, as an alternative to trials.

  9. Just now, Master-Ouroboros said:

    It's not unlikely at all, they literally scour the towers searching for Orokin tech, the same as the corpus, and the same as we do. Void Sabotage comes to mind, and Derelict Sabotage, and Vor of course. As if they would go into an orokin tower and look for one specific thing and dismiss all the other tech around them if they don't find it, that's illogical as heck. If they see some tech, they'll grab it, it's pretty obvious. Anyone would do the same.

    They do, but that doesn't mean they are going to build new weapons with this tech.

    Also, primed Corpus weapons wouldn't work because they use energy weapons, the type you don't find among the Orokin arsenal.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    You don't think they would use Orokin tech at all? Why do they use void keys and scour Orokin towers in the void then? 

    The Grineer? Unlikely, maybe apart from very few, like Vor. The Corpus are known to look for Orokin tech. I imagine they raid vaults for the same reason we do. For the loot. In the case of the Grineer it might also be to find a cure to their genetic disease.

    There are cases of ripping technology off, like the Braton, but I wouldn't go too far with that. My point still stands - don't prime what shouldn't be primed.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    Now, did the Grineer develop this weapon from scratch?

    Umm, yes? Why wouldn't they? Both factions were active for hundreds of years and you're trying to suggest that they haven't developed on their own during that time at all. It just makes no sense.

    As far as I know the Grineer hate the Orokin because they enslaved them. I don't think they would use Orokin tech at all.

    9 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    . A Torid Prime perhaps?

    Torid is an infested Ogris. A Grineer weapon.


    The reason why infestation was used only with warframes was because apparently only the Tenno were able to control it. Everything else backfired.

    Also, wasn't it Alad V who started experimenting with infested weaponry?


    10 minutes ago, Master-Ouroboros said:

    I mean after all, the Tenno weapons are based off Orokin tech, so why can't the Grineer and Corpus weapons be the same?

    Yes, that's because the Tenno were given those weapons by the Orokin specifically to fight the Sentients. It makes sense with them.


    Unique weapons and equipment is what makes all the factions interesting. If you just say 'hey, it Orokin tech', you take a lot from them.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

    Warframe has, and always will be, about grinding, farming, working for something that you want to get. Try explaining to me exactly how that's bad thing. 

    Exactly. Althought there are things I'd like to see changed about farming resources (like adding more sources of Oxium), there is nothing wrong with resources being rare. Nitain is here to prevent players from getting everything after a few days. Otherwise they will complain there is nothing for them left to do. People got too used to instant gratification.

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