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Everything posted by HIYOURMOM

  1. A couple of us on the forums are dealing with the issue of only being able to link and not merge our accounts and in our tickets they told us to come to the forums to discuss about it; when we discuss about it our topics get either locked or completely taken down lol. I would not expect them to help you in a rollback as they just don't care and want to basically silence us, but either way good luck, just wanted to notify you of how they are handling cross save/merge/link problems.
  2. Same bro, it's such a simple problem to fix but they don't care I guess
  3. A lot of us are facing the same not well thought issue, all they have to do is allow us to merge either the Switch account OR the PC account if we participated in that PC to switch link 6 years ago. It's really bad on their part to exclude a group of us over a system they released literally 6 years ago. They have been radio silent about this issue, I hope they do something about it but I doubt it.
  4. I'm having the exact same issue as many others, I hope they do something about it. So far they have been completely silent about this issue though.
  5. So, I'm having the unfortunate issue as MANY other people of either losing my PC or CONSOLE account that I made both back in 2015, I partook in the PC to Switch migration system back in 2018 not knowing that I would be regretting that decision now heavily since we aren't allowed to merge accounts and only link which would completely delete one of the accounts.... what if they let us either merge the PC account OR the Switch account so we can keep our progress/items, instead of excluding us and making us lose our accounts completely from linking? I understand they don't want the people that partook in the merge in 2018 to basically duplicate all the resources/items but they should really give us a solution to this.
  6. I'm having the same issue, hopefully they reconsider excluding us for a decision/system they made 6 years ago. Like they should give us a solution to either transfer just the switch account or just the pc account if we partook in this back in 2018.
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