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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. There's plenty of glowy bits on the Orbiter's interior (Orbiter is not Landing Craft; Landing Craft AKA Liset (the starting landing craft unless you built others), it's what the Landing Craft docks with and that includes navigation which in my opinion shows no visible exits, and that could do with addressing) which could emit said light, but yeah.

    Not only that but individual room colouring needs to be introduced.

    In fact I'm also curious as to how a skilled Tenno, or even Ordis, would go to the rest of the Orbiter's interior to check on inventory or perform maintenance or how one can expand the Orbiter's interior space; is there some hidden ramp or stairwell or lift somewhere?

    Maybe because the Orbiter's (according to known information) housed in the Void, perhaps the defiance of physics can be exploited (as seen with the Towers) to address this.

    Now I'm on a tangent. On-topic elements:
    -Yes to OP, but also...
    -Individual room colour-editing options.

  2. A build I would go for would include:
    -As many Status mods (not including Multishot ones) as is necessary to hit 100% Status (basically meaning 4 dual-stat elemental mods, all maxed).
    -Blaze, Primed Point Blank, multishot mods.

    As in my opinion, fire-rate would be a waste of space unless you can fit: RoF, status, some damage, and reload speed (or negative zoom) on the same Riven, then I'd say it's worth it.

  3. Your currently chosen Focus School's affinity is what's being spent on capacity. If you haven't got enough affinity/xp/currency to spend on it, then swap to a school that does, or go trade for some Lenses, put said lenses on things that you use frequently but have no lenses on, then use those in Sanctuary Onslaught or something until you have enough.

    Otherwise, I need more info. A pic of your Focus Schools and how much affinity/xp they have to spend would be helpful in this matter.

  4. Responses to OP:



    1: This is due to squad composition. Forgo Exterminate missions if you don't want to face this issue. This isn't an issue in Sanctuary Onslaught, which in my opinion is 'Draco Prime', which means 'place where you max stuff fastest'.

    2: Complete Second Dream. Select 'Zenurik'. Complete War Within. Revisit Cetus. Join Teralyst hunts at night. There is a solution to your energy problem but that's spoilers.

    3: Djinn + Reawaken + Sacrifice + Guardian + Medi-ray + Vacuum + Animal Instinct + additional utility mods (forgo health/shields, forgo Regen because of Reawaken, forgo arming the Sentinel). Due to it's Augment, it will be the ONLY Sentinel anyone will ever use again, besides Carrier and Helios for their own reasons.

    3A: In my opinion the solution to Uni-Vacuum is to take the 'Retrieve' Kubrow precept and make it work on all non-Sentinel companions and add the bonus of giving companions a bigger loot radius; to help enhance the solution, pet 'health potions' (the green stim packs) should cost less or be made a craftable item that takes 30 mins to complete at a significant discount.

    3B: Another solution to Uni-Vac is to have either an Aura mod with '+X loot range for everyone' or an Arcane which triggers it when you crouch (with the subsequent levels increasing loot range).

    4: UI 3.0 is coming. See @[DE]Steve's Twitter for details. That cursor you see now on the UI "IS JUST THE BEGINNING!" - J3 Golem, Jordas Precept, Eris.

    5: This already happens, but only with the bonus affinity from teammates. This prevents you from going in solo with unranked stuff and levelling it all by just using Exalted Blade 24/7.
    Also, when you complete Second Dream, you will understand why Affinity still flows to maxed weapons once you install Focus Lenses. I cannot say anything else until you complete Second Dream and War Within, which I recommend you do as soon as you can. Unless you already did, since you can go to the Index based on your comment.

    6: Chroma has had equal if not worse treatment. Chroma needs a complete rework. The very least I can ask for regarding him is the ability to stack the scaling buff from Vex Armor on recasts, and to have a weakened version of Sentient Adaptation as his passive (i.e: if a certain damage type is dealing the most damage, Chroma will begin to take less damage from it until other damage types deal more damage, which causes the previous resistance to drop in an attempt to negate that, and if the previous damage type is still incoming, the process will repeat again).

    Again, about Second Dream and War Within, you really should do them. Then you should focus on whatever says Zenurik. You'll thank me later.

    One solution for your energy crisis is to configure your Warframe with maxed Vitality, Gladiator Resolve, Vigor (or it's Primed version if you got that yet), and Rage, and then find a means to get that health back (likely via that one Arcane which causes health regen on headshots).

  5. DE's changing that already with melee 3.0 and directional slam attacks, based on what I've seen, but someone else posted something similar (as in, asking for the point when the 'frame swings the melee forward to perform the slam to be adjusted to when they land, as to remove the delay you are also mentioning).

    Other than that, I am in favour of this change.

  6. Something like this exists with Octavia's Deluxe Skin, but that's it besides the Prime versions having different visual effects to identify their Primeness from the typical variants. 

    That means I do not think DE will split the ability reskin from the skin it's linked with.

    On that note, I honestly would like DE to mix together the original Nekros Prime Shadows look with it's current iteration as right now Nekros Prime's Shadows look more like the 'ghosts' spawned from Ballistica Prime than something of Nekros' doing.

  7. My typical formula for all the Warframes would be:



    -Health, shields (Vitality, Redirection, Primed Vigor, Gladiator Resolve), and armour (Steel Fiber) if the Warframe's armour number is big enough.
    -Rage instead of Redirection for shieldless frames or frames which would do better with less shields (i.e: Valkyr).
    -Strength/Efficiency/Range/Capacity mods depending on how you use the Warframe (note: DO NOT add efficiency mods on Nidus as they negatively impact the energy return from spamming his 1st ability!).
    -Aura mod befitting of the Warframe (I.E: Excal, Rhino, and Valkyr would have Rejuvenation, but Limbo, Inaros, Nidus, and theoretically Mirage, would have Energy Siphon for that extra energy when enemies don't shoot you (if Inaros/Nidus); my Rhino uses Fleeting Expertise for high efficiency since Rhino doesn't seem to need any duration on his abilities, unless you're operating an area denial via Stomp configuration).

    In short, start with Vitality, Redirection, and Vigor to ensure you aren't that one Tenno who goes down every time a single projectile hits you. I go with the same approach (putting health/shields on FIRST) with ANY Warframe I level.



  8. There has been a similar idea thrown about by numerous individuals as of recent times to repurpose any/all events that had any level of lore/story impact into short Quests that could reward typically unavailable blueprints (i.e: Snipetron, Machete, and so on) or something to show their progress. Such Quests would give each boss on the Star Chart a proper story to them, and make them a more fleshed out opponent than a named, uniquely-shaped bullet sponge with more graceful ways of killing you than the common foes.

    As for 'lite' revisiting* previous Events/Tac_Alerts and giving the cosmetics connected to them a visual upgrade - so that the event flows better and the rewards look different, for better or worse, than the versions people who played before now would get to keep (as a sign that they were there 1st), I agree with having all of them come back around frequently**.

    Expansion on the *'d words is in these spoilers.



    *These revisits include slight tweaks to the gameplay within the event/alert, which theoretically would make it less of a grind and more fun. Some would return as Quests, as stated before, and would not include the other choices that were there when those choices could be made (Gradivus Dilemma, Tubemen of Regor), which would be explained in a lore-acceptable fashion by a respective party.

    **The Tactical Alerts / Events which can't be 'Quest-ified' due to having insufficient story content (i.e: Events which don't have the kind of story-affecting outcomes Gradivus and Tubemen had, or have no major communication from any characters introduced, like Frohd Bek) would be put into a Baro-like rotation, meaning every 2 weeks, another Event happens***.

    ***Which Event happens could be decided from a poll on the Forums, Twitter, and Twitch.



  9. Most AOE weapons deal self-damage if used improperly. The most terrifying case being the Lenz...
    Click the spoiler to reveal the rest.



    If the weapon is configured for proccing radiation, it's user may have applied radiation on themselves then fired at you, and if that was the case, you have no solutions to that, but one: kill them first.

    People getting radiated and killing allies by accident has happened. People intentionally fighting eachother when radiation procs allow it happened, and happens.

    The only solution is to fight back.

    DE cannot fix Radiation procs affecting allies without 'fixing' how they affect enemies.


    How I would solve this would be to do the following:
    -Not rezz yourself instantly every time you die (this can and will gauge how cooperative your allies are), and take a Sentinel with Sacrifice and Primed Regen/Reawakening on it.
    -Take them down before they take you down.
    -Not quit.
    -Not go on missions with people who do this, or, better yet, force them into a Conclave match and fight them on your terms.
    -Never stay still. Maybe parkour around.
    -If it's you with the AOE weapon, stop taking it with you.


    If I misunderstood this, please acquire video evidence or pics, and rephrase the situation.



  10. Perhaps throwing in their Pre-War-Within Focus ult abilities as their actual 4s, and take these Transcendent states down to a 2nd or 3rd power, and giving the Operators a proper energy pool (using the existing energy system used on Warframes) while adding an ammo counter for the Void beam or it's amplified variants.

    In length version with greater clarity:


    -Restore Pre-War-Within Focus abilities, with whatever changes deemed necessary (i.e: costs 100 energy to cast, make other Focus nodes in the Tree provide buffs like they used to, making trying to max a School more worthwhile) as the 4th power.
    -Allocate 'Transcendence' modes to the 2nd power.
    -Possibly introduce a 'Move Warframe' ability which teleports the Warframe using Void powers, but charging the power would also cause the Operator to go back inside. This power would drain 50 energy per use.

    Energy capacity: 100 (default), 200 (Zenurik).
    Passive: If killed, does not die; return to Warframe + School-exclusive passive (i.e: Naramon: less detectable when crouched + X seconds to hacking, since Naramon are sneaky people who want to know things).
    Note: Existing Tenno energy circle acts more as a 'stamina' bar at this point.
    1: Transference.
    Go to/from Warframe. Costs 0 energy.
    2: Transcendence.
    Employ your learning to empower yourself. Costs 100 energy.
    3: Translocate.
    Move Warframe via Void displacement. Costs 50 energy for instant-casts. Costs 100 if you charge it up and transfer back inside; Warframe would subsequently, based on the School:
    Deal more damage (Madurai), be more resistant to damage (Unairu), gain health regen (Vazarin), gain energy regen (Zenurik), or go invisible for a short time (Naramon).
    4: School Ultimate.
    Based on your School of choice: Massive Void beam emitting from both hands which bypasses resistances and bases damage on Amp + 1/3 enemy health/shields/armour combined (Madurai), suddenly petrifying every enemy in the area; reapplication to them causes them to lose all armour, does not affect Eidolon Fragments (Unairu), leech health from enemies in a cone AOE and feed back to allies (Vazarin), suspends enemies; reapplication slams them back down (Zenurik), or cause some enemies to turn into allies, hack terminals, or drop their weapon, jump off the nearest ledge, or stuns them (happens at random) (Naramon).
    Crouch button: Void Mode.
    No changes.
    Melee button: Void blast.
    Damage scales based on enemy stats. Doing this on enemies who haven't spotted you deals finisher damage.
    Fire button: Void beam.
    Damage scales based on enemy stats. Amps restrict how this works in exchange for different forms of damage output and, in some cases, capacity.


  11. PC is the Dev/test server, just without the who-knows-how-many-crashes-could-be-happening and random deletions of things that didn't get approved for production.

    If we're to get any closer, DE could have a release build 'mod' which allows for Founders and select people DE would select (i.e, those who report most frequently and are also most active and best behaved) to log on and play WIP modes on the Live side (albeit all rewards, etc... earned would not be kept, except resources and credits within acceptable values, however DE interprets that).

    Otherwise, patience will be our virtue, and we could do with more keen eyes looking for tiny discrepancies, like holes on tilesets.

  12. Just now, WolvenEdge said:

    Ivara farming's another close contender for worst RNG.
    Not only do you have to perfectly complete specific spy missions, but doing so only gives you a small chance of the part you want in the third vault.

    Though Spy missions are much less painful with Loki at one's disposal, but yeah. A Harrow part drops from the Kuva Fort vaults, so there's that bit of dark RNG to contend with, in conjunction with Equinox having the most parts on just one boss (Regor) requiring days of killing just to get most of the parts.

  13. 1 minute ago, WolvenEdge said:

    but this is getting ridiculous.

    While it may be, Khora's BP (in my case; others may have issues getting other parts) not dropping in Sanctuary Onslaught's 8th Zone ever since it launched is one of if not THE most ridiculous cases of RNG yet, aside from Octavia's Neurops from 40 mins in Orokin Derelict Survival, or some Prime parts.

  14. As for @(XB1)DATURTLE343, Excalibur Umbra is coming, and would look much closer to the Stalker, or even his Shadow counterpart. I don't think DE will ever give us the Stalker helmet for a variety of reasons, so the best bet is to hope that Tennogen eventually makes one that can pass as such if properly recoloured.

    31 minutes ago, WolvenEdge said:

    No thanks. I'd like the rest of Stalker's old drops back instead. I have twenty-odd Dread blueprints lying around my foundry, a dozen Blind Justice stances, but not a single Hate or Despair in sight.

    Despair and Hate do drop. You just need to persuade him to show up more frequently.

  15. The only part that has been refusing to drop is the blueprint for me when it comes to Khora. I am at the point where I'd rather have her blueprint be from the Market than Onslaught, like any other non-Quest, non-Clan frame. I occasionally try again, like I did with 40 minutes in Orokin Derelict Survival just for Octavia Neuroptics, but if it requires 16 Zones in Onslaught, that would be functionally impossible as 1: enemy scaling goes nuts, and 2: efficiency drain goes through the roof.

    It's a terrible restraint, and I'd rather spend my trade-earned plat on the MR fodder I need (which includes Archwing weapon parts, Mag and Nyx Primes) than waste it on Khora because I literally have all her parts ready in my Foundry, but RNG has been at it's worst due to the Endo/Relic-diluted loot tables and being unable to survive Zone 9. 


    And that's before I even start trying for the Vandals.

  16. Might I mention before I reply in earnest that Melee 3.0 is allowing essentially 'all' one-handed melee weapons to be paired with 1-handed sidearms.

    The drawback of dual-wielding though is that you can't just use your sidearm, you're forced to have your melee with you, and that's a serious problem for Survival missions due to the bonus drain when melee is equipped or used atop the drain for parkour, aiming, and so on.

    On my end, since my 'frame arsenal mostly consists of more durable frames, if not frames kitted with a lot of extra health/shields, melee VS enemies is an approach I can risk.
    My recommendations regarding melee are in spoilers.



    Against Grineer:


    -Slam attacks to knock them over, then go berserk on them until they are dead (scorches, hyekka masters).
    -Everything else can die.
    -Forgo if against Noxes unless you can pull enough finishers fast enough to kill it, or your melee has attacks or attack stance movesets that aim for the head.
    -Blocking with melee will deny being knocked over by Eximus or dragged by Scorpions.

    Against Corpus:


    -Everything but Bursas and Nullifiers can be killed directly.
    -Forgo use on Bursas unless you can stun and flank them.
    -Forgo use on Nullifiers if your Warframe's abilities are keeping you alive or the risk is too great.
    Important: Nullifier drones often become desynched and lean forward in the direction the Nullifier is moving, making it nearly impossible to properly shoot down the drone. Equip a fast firing weapon or bring a Warframe who's powers can affect bubbles, such as Hydroid's first ability.

    Against Infested:


    -Everything but Juggernaut can die.
    -Focus on Ancient Healers first, then Disruptors, then leechers.
    -Ensure your Warframe either can get back energy (Nidus, Inaros, Atlas, Oberon, or Gara, and so on... with Rage + HP builds), or you bring a means of energy restoration with you (Zenurik or energy 'pizzas').
    -Blocking with melee will avoid being dragged by Ancients.

    Against Corrupted:


    -See comment about Ancient Healers.
    -See comment about Corpus Nullifiers.
    -Everything can be killed quickly afterwards.

    Against Sentients:


    -Use Transference frequently and reset Hunhow-Fighter resistances.
    -Forgo using on Vomvalysts.
    -Only use on Teralyst if you configured it to rip armour (i.e: exploitative Sarpa, or the never-used War equivalent) and can survive the damage dished out by it just standing still.
    -Watch out for Battalyst lasers and Conculyst whirlwinds.

    That aside, a solution is to run a dual-wielding setup (status sidearm + throwable melee or equivalent with high damage mods and Condition Overload installed is but one example, others may have derivative preferences when melee 3.0 enters the field).

  17. An interesting insight indeed; a Tenno (Operator) who's mind perceives themself as their Warframe's, the exact mentality of every Tenno who disdained their flesh-and-blood forms. I could name at least one. Perhaps this perspective is half of what a whole Tenno is - when Warframe and Operator become indistinguishable?

  18. Mastery Rank does not determine the durability of your Warframe. Mastery Rank is not required. Also, what is it with how you've written this; all your sentences are jumbled and it's difficult for others to make sense of your post.

    To survive:

    Add maxed versions of Vitality, Redirection, (Primed) Vigor, Gladiator Resolve, as well as Steel Fiber (if it has high armour), to the Warframe.
    Add maxed versions of Serration, Hornet Strike, and Primed Pressure Point to your weapons as well as multishot, elemental damage, crit damage/chance, and other important mods like Condition Overload if you can to make your weapons capable of killing.


    Another way to workaround Mithra is to equip a Warframe oriented to area denial or area control, like Gara, Atlas, Nekros, Octavia, Rhino (if using a high efficiency build), Nidus (with Rage for that extra energy due to no shields).


    Why is it that there are people who don't mod their Warframes for durability as the imperative? It's an imperative if you want to survive anything above level 20.

    Other Warframes that can survive high-end missions ranging from Mithra to Sorties, if built properly, include, in order of durability (in my opinion): Inaros, Nidus, Oberon with Renewal active, Wukong, Rhino, Ash (if set up properly). There are others which I have not listed.

  19. 13 minutes ago, peteed1985 said:

    [What this?]

    That is the Helminth Cyst. All Warframes can be affected by it. It grows for 7 days until it is 'matured' and ready to be spent on a Kubrow egg to create an Infested Kubrow - the Helminth Charger. Otherwise, head downstairs behind the Arsenal and go to the left. There you will meet Helminth. Sit on the chair and it will permanently render the Warframe immune to future instances of the Cyst, at the cost of the Infested thing whining about it's interpretation of fashion.

    However, the immunity cannot be reversed and can only be applied to frames that aren't immune when the Cyst shows a 'hair' wriggling around. 

    Personally I really would like to be able to instantly immunize all of my Warframes from the cyst after being infected immediately.


    Short version: It is a cyst. To remove it, go to the right from the Arsenal, down the ramp, then to the left. If the door doesn't open, then your cyst is not ready. To tell if it is ready, keep an eye out for a 'hair' wriggling out of it.

    In my opinion, I would like to -not- have to wait for it to be matured before I can get rid of it.

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