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Everything posted by CosmicHermitCrab

  1. Yeah, I can relate to the 1 hour thing, I have over about 5.7k of hours, atm. However, it's hard to find folks to play with, just for companionship, if they themselves are struggling a lot with the content you are carrying them thru. What makes Warframe different from most Online Multiplayer Games is that a veteran can play most forms of content together with a newbie and they both enjoy it and gain useful rewards from it. I suffered from so many players quitting the game because they couldn't figure out how to make plat or overcome an obstacle in the game. Warframe announced in many patch notes that one of their core game philosophies is to have later game modes that can be accessed by casual players, such as Tricaps (Eidolons in Cetus Plains Night Cycle). This view that SP Circuit needs to have a gate against casual players undermines this game philosophy from DE that they want to enforce from early on. Because of this, in a way, it's the very reason why folks often say the endgame is FashionFrame and there's no true endgame per se. So what's it going to be, DE? Do you want a game focused on casual gameplay or endgame? You tried doing both and it's not really working out now...
  2. The max level in clearing the basic star chart is level 40. If you want to have a requirement or gate for SP while making it inaccessible from newbies, there should be a much harder requirement/s. I agree though a little bit near the end of your post, it doesn't feel like there's much point in farming most things in Warframe, currently.
  3. Um, guys, you can literally solo SP Circuit (for about 9 rounds) with just a customized Operator alone...just saying, it's not that impressive to overcome. That said, I think they should add more mechanics to make SP Circuit more forgiving with its randomness for newer players, such as extra Duviri intrinsics can be another form of currency for buying random loadout rerolls. SP mode doesn't necessarily have a gate against newbies, too. (Full live run of the SP Circuit Mission with only Operator in Video's Description) Might as well satisfy the casual playerbase, like we usually have done, since you can easily cheese it with the operator.
  4. This argument would make sense if the game itself made more sense. I understand the argument and agree that it's possible. However, there are two main meta paths atm, without going into priming tactics. One meta is about clear speed, killing groups of enemies quickly and finishing a mission asap; speed running basically. The other meta is more about single-target DPS. The reason why I mention this is some weapons have good AoE capabilities, but not later game DPS. However, that doesn't mean these same weapons are bad because they can clear most mid-tier and below-tier missions relatively quicker than a clunky, single-target one-shot opticor. So I will ask...what exactly is endgame in warframe? Not trying to be a smarty-pants, I'm quite serious. Make the most plat? Rerolling a god-tier riven? Reaching to level 9999s in missions? Speedrunning missions the quickest? Enduring in a mission for weeks? Doing Eidolons aka Tricaps? This has been a conceptional problem with Warframe since they removed both Dark Sectors and Trials/Raids. Especially now that Steel Path isn't that much more rewarding than normal missions, sometimes it's more time efficient to speedrun normal missions for w/e rewards due to the concept of time. I have to admit, the majority of our playerbase is more of a casual one, and that's not necessarily a problem per se, just a different style of a community. TLDR; What's meta against level 9999s might not be the same for level 100-50s, especially with how the current level scaling works for enemies. There is a reason for the past explosive weapon rework/nerf.
  5. Sounds like the old undo eximus rework complaint. I have to admit though, that's not a bad idea, except it's based on RNG. So for players that do later game content, the change won't do enough for either direction. Crowd control was very meta in the era of Trials/Raids, but raids no longer exist now. So the current meta now is more inclined to self-dmg-buffs, some form of survivability such as invisibility, and certain debuffs on enemies (such as nezha's warding halo for making enemies receive more damage), and taking advantage of certain status procs. The thing was, there was an old meta where you could stun-lock enemies from doing anything, even during LoR trials, so you don't need to kill enemies at all, but still have to finish the related objectives. I think DE disliked this, so they did the eximus rework. The thing is though, there are very few abilities that only have usefulness for crowd control. Even frost's ultimate now has a use besides just freezing enemies. So I think the best solution to this current "eximus rework" problem is just reworking warframes or buffing their control-crowd-abilities to have additional effects besides just only CC.
  6. The middle part has to do with advice for newer players looking to invest into rivens, while being efficient. ^ Folks have boycotted the riven system due to this issue, along with other reasons; however, this is mainly a political issue of this community. DE makes a lot of plat indirectly from the riven merchants of Warframe. If DE were to rework or do a massive change to this system, there could potentially be unforeseeable bug exploits in regard to it that could hurt the current in-game player economy. With other current issues of the game, such as BugFrame, layers of dead content, and trying to stabilize cross-platform it's too risky for DE to do any real changes to the riven system in the near future.
  7. Yeah, BugFrame has been an issue in Warframe's history of major patches, even in the past (first open world) Cetus Plains update. I suggest playing it with friends (premade) or solo like me, less bugs that way for some odd reason. Folks might counter-argue that it's a F2P game, but then I'll respond back, "Why even get hyped then?"
  8. On another note, there has been a lot of drama about the "black market" of riven merchants/traders a couple of years back. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some third-party trading with the rivens, too. To anyone that wants to invest into rivens, you must compare its cost (such as 1k+ of plat) to other upgrade and mandatory game features such as prime sets, inventory slots, forma bundles, exilus adaptors, and orokin catalyst/reactors. If you haven't invested heavily into these other upgrade mechanics, don't bother with rivens yet; especially if you don't understand the game itself enough. A lot of folks overlook the opportunity-cost of buying expensive rivens. The thing is, Trials/Raids existed long before the update for rivens and folks were still able to get automatic trade bans from staying in endless missions for beyond 2 hrs+ before the Era of Rivens. You don't need rivens, they're a luxury upgrade for veterans who can afford to waste plat. However, if you wanna invest into rivens I suggest buying trash or cheap rivens and then reroll them with kuva. You can easily get weekly of 70k of kuva in total from zariman weekly shop for 5 pinion voidplums and from iron wakes (earth) weekly shop for 10 riven silvers (each is 35k of kuva supply). You may not get the perfect riven, but you can at least get a decent one easily with little investment. Also, regarding DE fixing this issue; it's been a very long time and I doubt they ever will because they profitably benefit from it a lot; in addition, they also repeat their common mistakes with BugFrame and layers of dead content (game design-wise). However, rivens could end up as another layer of deadish content at some point if DE keeps going extreme with its (historical) pattern of power creep. So from this perspective, they will most likely rework the entire riven system, similar to reworking past systems such as focus tree and damage 2.0 overall.
  9. Peeps, they announced since day 1 of the Riven release that it's based on usage statistics. Doesn't matter if the w/e weapon is garbage or not. If a lot of folks use the said weapon, its riven disposition will lower. Look at this other perspective of it. If you bought a god-tier riven and then it gets nerfed after one month, you didn't lose anything. You bought one month of a god-tier riven and that's what you got, and it's in the past now. You bought what you earned. However, some peeps get upset and then play some other game after their personal favorite riven gets nerfed. The solution to this problem cannot be solved by preventing DE to do the inevitable with their riven disposition reworks. The issue is the severe RNG involved in rerolling rivens. Some folks think if you get CC and CD, you can improve the said riven by keep rerolling it. Random probability doesn't work that way, lol. You can't just "craft" an additional modifier with pure 100% RNG of rerolling. Path of Exile crafting system mechanics would benefit here, but obviously, many of us would disagree on what the specific details and rules should be for such a new additional system. Basically, the riven system is suffering from an overall game design flaw, not from DE balancing the riven dispositions correctly. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The economy systems of the game is also correlated to this problem, too. There is no in-game trading market for blueprints and basic parts (not rivens and/or sisters and liches) for players, yet. We are forced to use a third-party website for trading most items, atm. Since this community won't budge from wanting a quality-of-life system of a reliable in-game trading market; so I can spend more time playing than waiting or telling other traders to wait on me during missions. Because of this, I think it's best I just "white-knight" in protecting the current riven system and argue too much dramatic change is too risky and argue this is Warframe, not some other game. A lot of newbies can't adapt to the warframe-market website ironically and this hurts the playerbase and in-game economy of the game. Also, there is a lot of trade macro bots spamming in in-game trade chat, too. If the community actually cared about the game, it would suggest reworking the riven system and adding in an additional in-game trading market for basic items (not rivens and/or lichs/sisters). This way more players will have an easier time trading for plat and more players will be interested into buying rivens with their earned plat from said trades, so then there is more flow of plat in the economic network of Warframe. However no...keep everything the same and just do cross-platform and mobile-Warframe, a safer investment for DE and its future.
  10. Not sure why you are being elitist about it, not like anyone insulted you or anything. Good luck getting similarly rolled rivens for all other sniper rifles with pure RNG, it's such a fair system indeed. Or you could be more realistic and not use sniper rifles against SP enemies, lol. Shotguns can easily one-shot SP enemies without rivens, so you're probably just ignorant of the actual meta of the game. That's the problem when folks rely on rivens too much, they don't learn damage 2.0 properly. Not sure what I'm crying about, but I don't only main a warframe every day. I can easily do SP circuit, too; since I min-maxed most weapons, too. Also, why would you even use vectis in a generic SP mission, you have to aim down sights with it. Sniper rifles obviously have issues dealing against large groups of enemies than even most Warframe nukers. I rather just kill them with torid with incarnon genesis, cough*. No riven required...easy. Sniper rifles are made more for long-range combat, which I thought was obviously defined by its label... Also, switch-frame with priming (specific secondary loadout) tactic is a thing... So yeah, try to make a single (10-13)-modded loadout beat two separate loadouts (16 mods) synergizing together, cool story bro! 6 mods equal a single riven? It's more like 3 mods to me in most situations, but w/e. I guess you are including high disposition, but riven disposition nerfs/reworks is a thing too. ^ Don't need a riven, either! Also, overkilling enemies is a concept, unless you are aiming to kill level 9999s, but most average players don't do that. FashionFrame is endgame, not rivens! Fashion > Rivens
  11. There are about as many past drama-related problems with past Dark Sectors similar to the past (discontinued) Trials/Raids. I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned trials/raids yet... It's not like you can cause taxation on an entire server on your clan-owned planet in Warframe by doing Trials/Raids, lol... Also, Warframe's community is a bit too large with its current star chart, especially with the upcoming cross-platform being fully implemented.
  12. Both status chance and critical chance in basic UI are per pellet/multishot now. Used to it was different for status chance, but past reworks, mainly shotgun rework and status 2.0 changed that recently. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Multishot
  13. Just do what I did, quit when Dog Days comes out. I'm MR Legend 3 and played periodically since Ash Prime Access release. I still haven't done Dog Days yet, but I plan to do it this year for the first time! Plague Star I have done, and I agree it burned me out, too. I think after one of the events, I quit playing Warframe after the Plague Star event, from burnout.
  14. Yeah, that's sorta how the riven system is balanced, IMO. The very OP rivens are only worth it for a period of time, then nerf comes...meh Folks need to stop treating rivens like permanent upgrades, they are more of a luxury side grade. Similar to how opticor vandal is a "side grade" from normal opticor. But yeah, you have a point...the system atm is a bit predatory for the consumers of Warframe.
  15. Tbh, the whole riven system itself is a nub trap. You don't need god-roll Rivens, even decent ones, to do later-game DPS. I keep persuading newcomers to not worry about Rivens too much, because there are so many upgrade mechanics in Warframe, and Rivens is just one of them. Rivens are basically the only Gacha system in Warframe atm, and it benefits DE the most. I personally just take advantage of this said pattern against other riven traders, it's not like Warframe has a true competitive endgame anyways... I saw this problem since "season 1" when they first announced the Riven system, just saying... Too many meta-slaves in Warframe still highly respect this basic loot box mechanic of Rivens, smh.
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