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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    so you were obviously wrong and pretty judgmental before but never said sorry... hmm k

    and it honestly wont kill them at the level.... I'm not talking about finishers :ppp   

    and its because the knockdowns and naramon together can trigger the status procs killing literally everything that can be knocked down....

    the ticks go depending from maybe 3-8'ish times a second each doing 20k-50k so yeah it kills really fast

    Well it's your fault for not saying key information first and being arrogant. Rathuum is a whole separate kind of mission. You simply won't get to the enemy level 500 in a Survival with Nikana, because it won't be able to kill enemies fast enough, which is my reasoning.

    Neither do I. I am talking about armor bypass you're encountering. Which works on Galatine just fine.


    Meh, Ichors do it better anyway.

  2. Just now, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    obviously in the endless at  around 230'ish kils the appear -_-

    230'ish kills of what? You won't get level 500 enemies after "around 230'ish kills".

    That's even without saying that on level 500, even popcorn enemies will have over a hundred thousands HP. Heavy Eximi will easily go above a million.

  3. Just now, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    that's were you're wrong its a very very interested build that uses gas and slash procs... if you wai a sec I'l list the mods and it kils lv500 pretty easy

    Gas is useless on that level. Building for slash proc is highly suboptimal. Do you even know when enemy level 500 appear?

  4. Just now, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    I must disagree personally, tbh my crit/status nikana (mostly focused on crit) kills lv500 fairy easy and without the crit the variant heavily fails.... crit weapons currently are the ideal melee

    It does not. Nikana would be a bad weapon against level 500 enemies (in fact, it'll have its damage fall-off around enemy level 200 at best), unless you mean "unarmored enemies", which Galatine can kill just fine. Not as fast as Nikana, but fine. And it'll be on pair with it, if not better against armored targets.


    Unless you are using Banshee. But Banshee is fine with a spoon.

  5. Just now, JSharpie said:

    No, I say "Ouch my toe god god god worst parts over worst parts over I want some peanut better now ;-;"

    but I don't see how that is relevant.

    Oh, good to know. I was just worrying you might be saying "power creep" in situations when its usage makes no sense IRL too.

    Kinda weird, if you think about it. Imagine:

    it's morning. You wake up See your mom. She says "Good morning!", and you answer "Power creep!" in return.

    That would be strange, don't ya agree?

  6. 3 hours ago, Gireen said:

    If you're correct, and this game needs to constantly release new equipment to survive, then this game is in a sorry state indeed.

    It isn't a "sorry state", it's reality. You can't have a PvE game to be alive for years without constantly adding content.

    I ain't saying that your point is "incorrect" though. What I am addressing is people freaking out whenever something new is released, chanting "powercreep" like its their last hope for survival. I understand what you mean by treating it as a more specific case of progression done incorrectly, but in the community it's used as a universal buzzword to label everything viable added to the game.

    People are afraid of the change so they are trying their best at screaming meaningless whatever without even trying to analyze the situation. Hence we are having this thread and people who say Warframe can use sidegrades for everything, because LoL does so.

    I do agree, that a lot of decisions DE makes on releasing new stuff is highly questionable and rarely justified. As I do agree that for the complete feeling of progression new content is required - not only equipment.

    However, what people call "powercreep" here isn't the problem - it's the game nature. Bad design decisions are bad design decisions - nothing more, nothing less. Critique should focus on these decisions and not on the model. Wishing to change the model equals wishing to change the game genre which honestly is a stupid idea.

  7. 2 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    You claim that WF should toss balance out the window

    3 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    You keep on insisting that we need more powerful weapons

    3 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    you want DE to have us burn those quickly

    I have no idea who are you talking to, because it surely ain't me.


    5 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    But also gearing up and running a 43k cryotic run on Triton

    Well, and Diablo doesn't need all these drops, because you can just run it with the starting weapons as far as you can manage, thus getting challenge and "fun"!


    I would really appreciate if instead of talking with the voices in your head, you took time to actually read and think about the post you're answering to. I only said what I've said:

    1) A game like Warframe needs progression, otherwise it won't work;
    2) Not understanding it isn't a valid point to oppose it;
    3) Problems with it are problems with decisions and not with the system.

    Every single time you cry over "more powercreep" you should be crying over something different, because "powercreep" isn't the problem. Problem with Broken War wasn't the "powercreep" of Broken War itself, it was the problem with weapon category that was left in dust for over a year, while everything else kept evolving. Even when it was released (prior to Shadow Debt event), Broken War was far from being "top tier" melee.

    I don't say DE must release new stronger stuff every other day. I am saying, that de facto DE should and will constantly push the boundaries of "top tier" and it's inevitable, if they want their game to survive. How much time should pass between these "pushes" is up to them. Be it once in a month, half a year, or every major update.

    Facing every single new item with "powercreep" screams is stupid and achieves nothing. What you should be focusing is whether or not it's time for that "powercreep", what it achieves and what it breaks. There's no point in treating it like a bad thing. It's an essential part of the game, it won't go away until DE decides to drop Warframe. Were you to question "why is longsword category collecting dust while everything else is progressing" instead of spamming forums with "more powercreep" whenever something new was released, we most likely wouldn't have the Broken War incident.

    9 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    HUGE barrier between new and older players

    Why do you think it's a bad thing? It's one of Warframe's more unique aspects. It was one of the parts that made me interested in the game to begin with.

  8. 38 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    The point of any game is to have fun, is it not?

    And the Kirby and Quake 3: Arena is essentially the same game. Because the point is to have "fun".

    Darling, if you think that Warframe isn't massively subpar in its shooter, melee and parkour aspects, you are in heavy denial. However, I never said that Warframe is a subpar game. I like it a lot, otherwise I wouldn't play it for as long as I had.

    "Video games are for fun" is another buzz that keeps coming up time after time. Is playing simple puzzles fun? Is finding objects on a static image fun? Is staring at meaningless mass of ASCII symbols trying to figure what's going on fun? Is dedicating over five years of your life to repetitive training and polishing your skills in a fighting game fun? 

    "Fun" is subjective.

    And because of the fact "fun" is subjective, we have multiple genres in the gaming industry. And whether you like it or not, Warframe excels at "grinding games" front - that's a fact. If you want a shooter - there are hundreds of games that do shooting better than Warframe. If you want melee - there are dozens of games that do it better than Warframe. If you want a parkour game - Warframe yet again comes as a worse one. And even if you want a game that has shooting, melee and parkour together - there are still some games that do it on pair or better than Warframe.

    But when it comes to the actual grinding - there aren't a lot of games that have a similar model to Warframe. Very few that make it work. And pretty much none, when it comes to integrating that with the actual gameplay of Warframe. This is what makes Warframe work. This is what makes it unique and "good".

    If you definition of "fun" is to be "jerking around with buddies", something like Garry's Mod or Minecraft is a much, much better option for you, than Warframe. If you can't objectively see the strong and the weak sides of this game, and especially if you're a casual player who is fine with whatever as long as it's "fun" - you're the one who has no say in this game balancing, as you simply have no idea what are you talking about.

  9. 11 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    If you think Wf is only about the grind

    If you think it's not, you are the one who misses the point of this game. It's pretty subpar in everything else, including "The fun to be had is in challenge, in new items, and in fuckin around with buddies"

  10. 37 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    Not really, he's saying that WF should use WF's system. Warframes, are a great example of how the power creep doesn't exist amongst them. Primes are the only form of an upgrade, and their stat increases are only marginal. A good nova build is just as good on a Nova Prime, and vice versa, as is the case with Excal, Ember, Vauban, Frost, Saryn, Edit YUP LIMBO HAS A PRIME Loki, Mag...Need I go on? These upgrades are better, to be sure, but only to the degree that they have something more to them than a cosmetic skin. A great example is the Heliocor VS Fragor Prime. The Fragor Prime is superior in dmg, but the Heliocor can SCAN TARGETS. It's a unique trait that sets it apart. However, when compared to the Jat kittag, it starts to outshine it. DE DID make the decision to decrease it's attack speed, and the Kittag has a splosion mod, so it still has great appeal. However, We're soon to get the Synoid Heliocor, which could put it on par or higher than the Fragor Prime. It's this kinda power creep without something unique that worries players. 

    And Warframe is essentially Diablo.

    Yes, it's good to have sidegrades here and there, but if you make everything into them - the game will lose its purpose.

    You might not realize it, but Warframe is a bad shooting game. It's a bad hack'n'slash game. It's a bad parkour game. What works for it is the way all these elements are incorporated together. The way they work. It's fun to experiment with builds from time to time, but if you want to make this "experimenting" to be the selling point of the game - you'll fail. Warframe has no gameplay to support such policy. Even more, very few games out there can hold up to that standard.

    In such game you have to have a purpose. A reason to play. Current reason is the constant progression. The grind. Warframe is a game about grind. You grind a lot and you get rewarded with new stuff, new tools for more efficient grind, new limits you can try to break. Remove that, and you'll have a very "meh" beat'em'up game with guns and no content, that'll keep you interested for maybe 50 hours while it's a fresh experience. Which is actually pretty good amount of time, for a single-player game that's it. I have over a thousand of hours in Warframe exactly because of the illusion of progress. Remove that - and you'll remove the reason for me to play this game. And not only for me - for the vast majority of the people, including the ones who cry about "powercreep".

    Now, there are bad cases - there always are. Like Broken War example, that made obsolete every other weapon of the category, followed by new mods that made the whole weapon category obsolete. However, this is an example of a bad design decision, not of a faulty system.

    Primed frames and weapons are an amazing idea - they give you something to work towards. New mods are an amazing thing - again, they give you a reason to play the game. They give you an opportunity to experiment with something new. Primed Pressure Points and Primed Fury were an amazing addition for everyone who goes "sword only" into the game - after almost a year of zero progression, we finally got an opportunity to become stronger.

    Having a lot of viable sidegrades is good, really good. But you need power tiers. You need weak starting weapons, you need middle-ground that can carry you through the game and you need viable late-game gear that allows you to push your limits. All of these create the purpose of playing the game. And especially for people who already on this stage of "viable late-game gear" you have to add new content that surpasses the current one, otherwise these people will lose interest to play.

  11. 1 hour ago, Gireen said:

    Bullsh1t. League of Legends releases champion after champion that are all sidegrades to the hundreds of others and somehow manages to get people interested enough to buy their skins.

    To claim that power creep is necessary because "how else would DE get people to look for new warframes" is a pile of crap. They should get out of game design if the only incentive they can think of for farming new equipment is to give it bigger stats. Making intriguing, original concepts for warframes and weapons that stand on their own is their JOB.

    You are essentially saying that Diablo should use Counter-Strike's weapons model. That's far from being the smartest thing you can say.

  12. I wonder when will people stop using a "powercreep" buzzword in a grinding game.

    This game has no meaning and no content without "powercreep". If everything new released is a sidegrade and not an upgrade - there's no objective reasons to get this stuff. "Collecting" is a subjective reason. People want to be rewarded for their efforts. Have you put your effort into maxing something that got rendered obsolete by new update? Well, now you have better tools for getting and maxing this new stuff.

    The whole genre works on the illusion of you constantly progressing, remove it - and you'll be one of the first to leave the game due to the lack of content.

  13. Giving Galatine Prime higher critical chance would be a terrible design decision. Currently Galatine is viable as non crit-focused Heavy Blade. Primed version should focus on its strong sides - pure slash damage, range and status chance - to re-instantiate its unique presence, and not on making it into yet another side grade for what already exists.

  14. Just now, Trichouette said:

    So... YES




    You don't know how the current melee works, do you?

    I mean, yeah, Scindo "can" hit harder than Orthos Prime, but it'll be a really garbage weapon at doing that. If you want just to hit hard, you'd be better opting out for Razas.


    So, you should really at least try to test things, prior to making like any statements.

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