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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 6 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    What's the base crit and status chance for EB?

    I'm currently rethinking my build and I'm trying to make it stronger so my damage in the sorties doesn't fall off as badly as I progress through the sortie missions, so I have a solid alternative to my Hek wielding Inaros tank that doesn't die unless I'm being derpy with it.

    15% x2 critical chance + 10% status chance.

    For EBlade to stop falling off, you need to build for max efficiency, get up close and use Spin Blind. Properly built EBlade can kill enemy level 500+ relatively fast, which means even improperly built one shouldn't have much troubles with level 100.

  2. 3 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    What's your take on Life Strike?

    Mandatory, except for overstayed missions.


    Shadow Debt mods don't work on EBlade. Neither do weapon specific mods. Everything else works. Building for status is ultimately stronger than building for pure damage, but that's your second best option.

    Building for critical strike is highly sub-optimal, but you can live with that if you want to.

    Corrosive + Blast is the best elemental combo for EBlade by a landslide.

  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

    The most abundant weapon type, so it has its pros. and cons. Not to mention the abundance of stances.

    Swords are an absolutely non-viable weapon category in the current game. The apex of the whole category - Broken War - not only makes every single other long sword in the game redundant, it fails to fit the "sword only" play style itself, due to its horrible crit and status stats.

    Not to mention, long swords only have one stance - Crimson Dervish. Iron Phoenix is complete garbage and so is Vengeful Revenant. The latter could've seen some use, if we had at least one viable status long sword, but we don't.



    To be honest, the OP misses the point a lot.

    Whips have one of two best melee weapons for the 95% of the game's content. Tonfas are terrible for spin builds. Dual Swords aren't "balanced" - they are absurdly strong against the high level content. Counting out armor stripping - they might be even the strongest. Hammers are "meh" at best. Even with highly inflated stats, they use slow and weak stances.


    7 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    Did you know that Karyst with a generic Blood Rush + Body Count + Pointed Wind build deal one of the highest melee dps in the game? It's up there with monsters like heavy blades.

    It isn't. Calculations you are misinterpreting assume you would have constant Arcane Avenger on you, which you won't, because when you'll need Blood Rush damage, you can't allow yourself to be hit.

  4. 10 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    its gg

    Galatine has access to one of the best melee stances in the game. Fragor uses one of the worse stances.


    And by the way, Warframe Builder doesn't know how to calculate channeling damage bonus for Blood Rush weapons.

  5. Just a note from someone who knows Excal well. Removing Slide Blind will put EBlade Excalibur quite below Excalibur with regular melee on all levels of content.

    19 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    Just a thought

    Slapping waves on the end of pretty much any combo promotes idiocy of hitting the air just to launch a wave into someone who's far away. If hitting air won't result in waves, waves will be nigh useless.

    However, a dedicated wave combo would be perfectly fine.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kuvakei said:

    Something I haven't tried yet is if dual stat+nano applicator works as well as 4x dual stats, saving a slot in the process on ability spam heavy frames. have you tried it out?

    I haven't done that too. I don't think it'll work, as at least critical mods on non-melee weren't multiplicative. If it is multiplicative in relation to the total status chance, it should work.

  7. 20 hours ago, cookieknife said:

    I dont see any reason why this should be used over Sancti.

    "I don't see any reason why the best solo shotgun in the game should be used over something that terribly falls off against armor"

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    well that status procs are what kills with the knockdowns 

    It's not. It's armor bypass that's available during the specific moment of enemy's recovery from knockdown animations. It's linked to the status chance and elemental types you're using, but doesn't require you to actually get a proc on a hit.

    1 hour ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    prisma worked pretty well but for the knockdowns to pretty much go auto you needed to have berserker and valk warcry and without one of those it doesn't really work as well with weeping wounds for whatever reason and the knockdown status procs are jst as much as nikana prime (they'd both be at 100% considering) but wll and all prisma would do just less damage for that purpose.....

    This paragraph has no meaning.

  9. Do you know why Naramon isn't broken? Precisely because you don't have access to it right away - so the only mission type it can somewhat break is Survival.

    Giving access to the focus passives right away will result in an immediate Naramon nerf and salt all over the place, while I would be much happier to see other trees being boosted to the level they'll have an actual impact on the gameplay.

    Focus would be much better being strong with limited access, than weak but available all the time.

  10. 8 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

    Ash Prime because he has good stats and good looks. I rarely use abilities, it's just that I'm very into his stats and looks. For some reason, I find myself sounding shallow. I'm so obsessed with his design, I had to get a second because I had several color combo ideas while at the same time wanting to use his defaults, along with the fact I had conflicting polarities for builds with too much variety.

    This is my most used build and it gets me by through pretty much everything.

      Reveal hidden contents

    I may end up replacing Energy Siphon with Rejunevation, leading to a fifth Forma.


    This is not to say I don't enjoy Ash for his abilities, because I do. I like the fact he's a very simple frame; no timed power buffs, no upkeep or buildup of any abilities to make them somewhat useful (and likely ending seconds after getting the best of them), no drains, no residual effects (neither buffs nor debuffs), etc. 


    Is it nice to have a build with 3 wasted mod slots?

  11. 21 minutes ago, mikami666134 said:

    if you are saying solely on the amount of procs then yes, i agree with you.

    On the other hand, dual kamas has twice the damage  prisma cleavers have. It could replace the justice blades in the build with weeping wounds to get 100% status chance with a combined element.

    No, "strictly better" means "strictly better". You can build Prisma Cleavers for the pure Slash Proc and they'll be much better than Dual Kamas for that purpose. As in - higher average amount of procs over time, higher damage per proc, higher DPS from regular attacks.

    Cleavers have higher Slash percentage in their IPS damage, which increases chance of a proc being Slash as well as having a higher base status chance. Adding any other element (especially combined) will result in the average rate of Slash procs staying roughly the same.

    And due to Dual Kamas having terrible crit stats, Cleavers will get higher DPS as soon as combo multiplier kicks in.


    Ichors are still better though.

  12. 4 hours ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    10 ticks a second or so

    That's obviously nowhere close to 10 ticks a second, can be achieved with Galatine just fine and Ichors do it better anyway.

    7 hours ago, nopesayer said:

    fastest melee weapon in game. made for slash proc stacking.

    Prisma Dual Cleavers are strictly better for that purpose.

  13. To be honest, I never saw a problem with a dedicated slot for Augments.

    It will make builds that can't fit in an augment funnier - I personally have few of them - and builds that already use it a bit stronger. The former is always good, because if the augment isn't used already, it isn't that strong to begin with. The latter won't provide anything extraordinary, what isn't already achieved by dropping survivability mods.

    And given the fact that to use this additional slot will require you to forma your frame 3~6 times depending on your way of building it - seems perfectly balanced to me.

  14. 1 minute ago, Apoc001 said:

    a corrupt gunner has 2,542,372 health, a single bleed process at 50k would only do 350k, which is about a 7th of the gunners health, which is not at all good

    you would have to knock them down 7 times, just to kill 1, that's too much time wasted in that level of scaling

    He's talking about Rathuum, which has no time limit and also might have a different scaling values.

    4 minutes ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    actually my combo counter was like 4.5 till I messed up and had to re build it

    .......and tbh it kills super super super easy at lv200..... I mean like really easy.... doesn't fall off at all.... killing lv 300 is pretty easy as well .-.


    and you seem not to know i you cannot understand how the melee build works .-.

    4.5 is achievable in 30-60 minutes of Survival.

    It does - unarmored enemies. And the Void has very few unarmored enemies.


    Can I, I wonder?

  15. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    at 550 you should be pretty much at full life support with all capsules

    Save for the fact, killing with your melee will fall off around enemy level 200, which means you were killing with the combo starting somewhere there. Which in its turn means you can go this indefinitely, if you managed to get until enemy level 800.


    1 minute ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    yet you didn't understand it  :l

    do you even trin .-.?

    Well, because I know the killing speed of the combo, as I know the rough killing speed required to "break even" with LS. And the things don't add up.

  16. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)avatar-heart said:

    you can simply just ask, trin percent kills pretty fast (reference to the lv9999 alert which I solo'd)

    (AND if you want about nuls) Hikou Prime takes care of that .-.

    Trinity 1-2 combo was unable to kill fast enough to sustain Life Support in solo. If it wasn't Solo, I believe you. If it was - I do not.

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