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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. I don't actually understand how is Exalted Blade slide "sluggish". It is one of the fastest slide attacks in the game, if not the fastest. Every other weapon's spin has a startup > attack > recovery sequence, while EBlade's slide effectively doesn't have a startup, it strikes almost immediately.

  2. 6 hours ago, EX-Zanki said:

    You know

    See, your problem lies here. You don't.

    You simply don't play on the level when Excalibur is required to go melee, which implies you don't go much higher than enemy level 50, hence you can't really judge how the frame performs, because this frame is far outside of its comfortable zone.

    4th combo has its uses. It is actually a very powerful combo, that while drops overall dps a bit (albeit not that hard, due to damage multipliers), provides a really strong CC effect on its last two hits. Combos 2 and 3 are, sadly, useless.

  3. 43 minutes ago, tisdfogg said:

    In my opinion such design leads to shallow gameplay

    While I don't completely disagree on this point, it really depends, in my opinion. For example for frames like Excal or Valkyr Shadow Step indeed serves as a simple direct boost to their power, without affecting their actual gameplay too much.

    However for other frames, like Nova or Nyx I used as an example previously, Shadow Step unlocks a whole new way of playing them. An effective and strong way on top of that. You basically can't run an effective melee Nova without using Shadow Step against relatively high level opponents. Shadow Step makes it not only doable, but also viable. While I can live without Shadow Step on my Excal (ok, I can't do over 80m T4S now. Let's stick to a hour), it would be other, normally non-melee frames that'll be hit hardest by any Shadow Step nerfs.

  4. 52 minutes ago, tisdfogg said:

    IMHO, the "I lasted X in T4, it's fine/OP/UP" was never a very convincing argument.

    But you do agree it works both ways, right? Solo melee T4S is the single most affected by Naramon Shadow Step mission in the game. In every other mission effectiveness of Shadow Step will be considerably lesser. And as I stated already, I don't find effect of Shadow Step being too strong even in the very mission Shadow Step is on its best.

    Same goes for EBlade, to be honest. I think anyone with considerable experience of actually playing Excalibur knows how easily can he be outperformed by other frames in vast majority of situations. Because while they do not have his damage output, they have other convenient methods of dealing this damage, and they won't need to deal his level of damage until you hit some later stages of a high level endless.

    It's pretty much the same reason why Valkyr players rarely consider Valkyr OP, despite her having almost complete invulnerability. The reason's being - you almost never actually need this invulnerability, save for few extremely rare cases. And same goes for her damage as a compensation - yeah, she will kill lvl 100 enemies much faster than other frames, however you will not face enemies higher than level 50 in 95% of the game content, and against enemies of this level she can be outperformed by a good load of weapons. 

    In a similar way, Excal can be outperformed with the likes of Ignis and Simulor in over 80% of the game content, without other frames making a trade-off of having an ultimate exclusively dedicated to direct damage dealing. So, why should he be nerfed to their level and below for the other 20% of the game content too?

    Shadow Step has a major trade-off, which I don't get why are you ignoring - it is using Naramon. Madurai provides raw damage. Zenurik Provides raw energy regeneration. Vazarin gives an actually useful active skill and instant revives. Unairu is... Well. You are choosing Naramon over one of these trees, and you can't say that they aren't on pair, because they are. Majority of builds will be much better off with another tree, not Naramon. Saying it has no trade-off is like saying "Vitality has no trade-off" which isn't true, because it has, as a mod slot is a major trade-off.

    And convenient Ivara example is too convenient - what about Loki? Also, you are comparing a Focus power to a Frame power - it isn't correct thing to do. And in my personal opinion, adding any actual drawback to Focus skills is the most garbage idea ever, with Polluted Waters being here to prove my point. 

  5. Just now, Inmemoratus said:

    Just curious, if you weren't intending to imply that it's OP or there's some kind of problem with it, why did you bring it up for discussion?

    I think, I pretty clearly and explicitly stated it all in the OP. I did not made any points there myself. I just stated a clear information for you people to think about. Not "Excaliburs swoosh-swoosh everything on mah Exterminate missions, nerf them now", not "whoa I can totally stay invisible in Simulacrum while whacking lvl 30 Corrupted Heavy Gunner with my unranked Zorens, nerf that yesterday", but an actual example what Shadow Step Excalibur can and can't do. These 100 minutes are close to a mathematical limit of what EBlade Excalibur can do in solo T4S. I even think, that making a full Power Strength build, that will rely only Shadow Step for survival won't push it much further. The only way of continuing it that I can see is using a dagger with Covert Lethality and just completely stopping to use EBlade at some point.

    For instance, I myself, do not consider either EBlade or Shadow Step "overpowered". Strong, yes. EBlade might use some severe design changes, but not due to being "OP".

    With Excalibur, I can solo T4S over a hour without using Naramon at all. Shadow Step adds up to 40 minutes to this time, while last 20 of them are absurdly tough, and I can't guarantee I will be able to reliably pull it off again. Also, Shadow Step only will have such strong effect on explicitly melee solo T4S, because of two main factors: lack of other targets for enemies to attack and an absurd x3 damage multiplier they have. Make it not T4 and you won't actually "need" Shadow Step on most frames, because your damage will fall off much faster than your defences will. 

    Same goes for EBlade. It is a very strong weapon indeed. However I can perform on pair with various Excaliburs I meet in various endless missions while I am using melee Nova or Nyx, just because I know how to build my weapon, frame and how to use them. Just wave-spam EBlade isn't even strong. What makes it actually strong and a tier above any other weapon (I say even on pair with Hysteria) is close-up damage potential and spin blind.

  6. When worn:





    Both hand clip with the weapon. Opticor needs an unique wielding animation.


    When holstered:











    While clipping issues when Opticor is worn are minor (albeit uncomfortable) and can be ignored, absurd clipping while it is holstered in all seriousness prevents me from using the weapon.

  7. Threads concerning Exalted Blade being overpowered tend to pop up every other day. There are people who agree with this, there are ones who disagree. In my personal opinion, the fact that EBlade one-shots stuff on Mercury can't be used for "balancing" intentions.

    Also, we have a huge thread discussing whether Shadow Step is overpowered or not.

    What I am trying to do here, is not to prove any points myself, but to give you an example of when and how both EBlade and Shadow Step fall off - it will be for you to decide, should you consider it OP or is it fine as it is.




  8. Rather than do it piecemeal, I'll just do one final comment to you.

    I hope you will, darling. You don't seem to understand, that it was you who started this and not me. I do not "attack" people who disagrees with me. I just tend to converse in a similar fashion I am being addressed in. There's a difference between stating your point with arguments and trying to prove something by questioning credibility of your interlocutor. You, my dear, did the latter, hence we are having the current conversation the way we do.
    I never did explicitly call anyone disabled or stupid - you shouldn't lie. I merely suggested it by considering your behavior - nothing more, nothing less. You won't argue I had no reason to do so, will you? You are the only one throwing insults here right now.
    And you may place as many periods as you want, that won't make any of your statements valid. Draco was never done with 4 lensed items. Anyone who does Draco with 4 lensed items has no idea how affinity distribution works, I hope you can take the hint. Defence, Survival camping and Stealth took the same hit Draco farming did, meaning they are as much of a viable alternative as it was prior to the change.
    Trying to tell convergence is somehow actually making drastic changes to gameplay is an explicit lie. Though I have problems figuring what this lie is trying to achieve as I, you know, also play this game and I know it isn't true. And I already stated at the very beginning that powerfarming focus was made harder, yet that was compensated by considerably increasing the potential profit of doing so, which is the actual idea of the actual powerfarm.
    And darling, just so you know, smart people don't usually spurt around statements like "I'm not stupid". No need for an unnecessary self-affirmation.

    I don't need to guess what has changed, I already know.  

    Oh, really? I didn't notice.


    Except I'm not complaining (your word, not mine). 

    I hate to break it to you, but that's exactly what you are doing.


    It was simply easy to max the daily cap, but you still had to max it repeatedly to master the skills.

    So, the fact that they intentionally changed "easy to max" Focus system not once buy twice still doesn't bring any thoughts in your head?


    You keep talking about blindness while being unable to see the forest for the trees.  Just because you like farming Draco doesn't make it everyone else's preferred method.

    Nah, I today I farmed focus first time in quite a long time - just to check how hard was it to do. It was awfully easy. I'm actually fine with my current focus tree being slowly leveled by passive Focus gain.


    I don't like being forced to play a specific node in order to efficiently finish capping something that, previously, I could run any node and cap with a reasonable time.

    Then who stopped your suicide attempt when DE placed hard cap on the Focus for the first time?


    Your insults are sad, as are your arguments.

    Darling, I made no direct insults, yet you are so triggered and offended it is quite amusing.


    You, on the other hand

    It's pretty obvious you come down in the later group of your own insults, chief.

    Try that again while focusing on context, bucko.

    can't even do that.


    By the way, darling, you made no arguments so far. Only complaints.


    ...People never learn, do they. 

    Do you?


    They could raise the Focus gained from non-Interception, non-Defense missions by including a whole slew of new Dark Sector nodes which are Exterminate, Spy, et cetera, with their only bonus being Focus +Xx%.

    I agree on the point about non-kill affinity contributing toward Focus gain. To be honest, it's a mystery to me, why wasn't it implemented right away, as fixed affinity gains like these are much easier to balance than something obscure like affinity gained by kills.

  10. I don't get what game are you guys playing. Since the focus introduction, everyone steals your kills, fails missions, murders your dogs and eats your cookies. Now with Convergence they also fail missions while failing missions and steal kills you tried to steal from them so they don't steal yours!


    And then there's me, who faced literally nothing of the above. How so?

  11. lol.  You know how much I could net from 20 minutes in a survival before this change?  20k, easily, solely from my frame for a simple 20 minute survival where I was farming other things already.  That is how you make something to passively level up, not forcing people to go pick up an item and ignore all common sense in order to get as many kills as possible in the time frame that item provides.


    Btw, this is feedback.  Your opinions are no more valid nor important than mine and, when you make a thread, you should be prepared for disagreements with other people.  Saying that you are allowed to applaud a feature while I can't complain about it is the epitome of foolishness.

    Guess what had changed?
    Btw, epitome of foolishness is you trying to complain about me saying you shouldn't complain. I am free to state whatever I want, you are free to interpret it whenever way you want. The only one who thought that my random opinion might be more valid than your random opinion is you, which is amusing because this is what you are essentially complaining about. Also, stop complaining.


    So your source is that it is something you've entirely fabricated without any actual information from DE.  Next time just say, "I made this up," as opposed to trying to validate it with nonsense.


    I actually have power farmed focus every day since the system went live on my platform.  It's why I have every passive for every school active and most of them maxed out entirely.  The simple fact of the matter is that I don't want to be forced into playing Draco when there are, literally, a hundred other nodes that could be played instead.  I am forced to go into Draco under the new system, however, thus furthering the problem of Draco being greater than the majority of the Star-chart.

    Well, it isn't like DE ever stated that Focus is the system directed towards veteran players with the intention to give them a long term goal to work for. Right? Never did they set multiple limits on Focus gain since the system implementation too. So, next time I will just take into an account your actual blindness, so I'll take your future statements as a result of a valid disability, instead of sheer stupidity.
    I think I had already told you about you being forced. You are the only one who forces you to farm focus. And you don't even wont to work on it, because three Draco runs daily will mutilate you, despite you being "forced". You are that lazy.

    Saying that you are allowed to applaud a feature

    Also, I don't applaud. I accept.

  12. dmc/bloodborne style lock-on literally has no flaws

    It has no flaws in their respective games. You are missing a very important point - Warframe isn't a 1v1 combat game. In Devil May Cry 90% of combo mechanics revolves around hitting one enemy, while 10% left are used to separate that enemy from the crowd.
    In Souls games 100% of combat mechanics revolves around 1v1, while fighting more than one enemy puts you in severe disadvantage right away.
    Meanwhile Warframe is about mutilating hundreds of enemies. You can't have any proper 1v1 mechanics in this game and hope it will work, as it won't. Channeled parry stun doesn't work. Damage reflection doesn't work. Daggers don't work. Combo finishers kinda work, but make people smile and silently whisper "dirty melee peasant".
    If anything, it should be Dynasty Warriors combat system you might want to see in Warframe.
  13. See, the near required usage of Draco to get any of these sorts gains without wanting to quit the game for the day out of boredom is what has people pissed off. Solo players essentially ate a huge phallic object with this update.

    Stop focusing on 'muh Draco' and look at the big picture. More was taken than was given, increasing the tedium and forcing players who want decent focus gains to do exactly the thing so many people have been railing against.

    For what its worth, I don't care if the cap is raised, because if I play solo I'll have jumped off a balcony long before I even get close to that daily cap.

    It is required to max the cap. You, on the other hand, aren't required to max the cap. You can slowly level Focus by just playing the game - much faster than how it was before.
    Stop focusing on what you think Focus should be and think about what DE wants it to be. There were anger outbreaks when the very first Focus Cap was introduced, yet the cap stayed. DE pretty much clearly showed, that they don't want to get the whole system maxed in one week.
    There was a problem with balancing Focus gain, which indeed "forced" you into actually farming Focus if you wanted to get more than 1k per day. That problem is solved - you can level Focus Trees without actually farming Focus. It works.
    Focus gain became harder for everyone, not just for you. The only person who will gain more focus than you is the one that won't jump off a balcony. So, he will be rewarded for his patience while you will not.
    It is like levels past 90 in Diablo 2 (except for being like 50 times easier). They are there, but no one in a sane mind will take them into an account when he makes a build. You can get there eventually, but even with powerfarming like mad it will take several month.
    Meanwhile, if you think that current Focus gain makes it virtually impossible to reach the daily cap, I have to inform you, that you are a casual player, hence I see no reason why are you even bothered by the Focus cap at all. It isn't meant for you. It meant for people who are willing to grind the hell out of the Focus for semi-significant advantage over the rest of the player base.
  14. First I'd like to see your source for the comment that it is supposed to be slow paced grinding.  Your personal belief isn't a source, btw.  Second, if they nerfed the speed, raising the cap doesn't compensate anything, it is actually detrimental since now it will take longer and you need to farm more.  For people like myself who want to cap it every day following the reset and move on to something more fun, that isn't compensation.  Also, from what I've seen, they did nothing beneficial for the hardcore power farmer.  They actually nerfed every method short of Draco with groups and using 4 lensed items.

    You have to be blind to still not see that it is supposed to be slow paced grinding, btw.

    This proves you never actually powerfarmed Focus. Rising Focus cap allows you to farm it faster, because your daily limit (which is easily achievable) is 33% higher now. You can get more focus daily. You level Focus Trees faster. You have to work harder to achieve this, but it's a fair trade off.

    I played some Void, done Raid, dropped Affinity booster there, ran Draco two times and voila - cap is reached.



    Here's result of a pretty bad cap2 Draco wave with Affinity Booster on:


    It means you can easily get 15k-20k of Focus per cap2 Draco wave without using a booster. It takes 5-7 cap2 waves total to max out Focus, assuming you will do nothing else.

    Prolonged Survivals can net you over 10k focus, if you play them. Regular missions can give 500+ each.


    You aren't forced to farm it, however if you dedicate yourself to it - you can farm focus at much higher pace than before. So, if you made yourself a rule, that you have to max Focus cap daily - work on it, and don't complain to DE.

  15. Here's screenshot from one earlier Focus Farm Draco runs I still have - 2 slow, 2 fast, no booster.



    After changes I seem to get like 30~50% less average Focus, and I do pick up all these convergence boosters.


    And I have to say, it is perfectly fine. I've powerfarmed Vazarin around the tree for some time, changed to Naramon, powerfarmed its passives and CD reduction, changed to Zenurik and farm it now.

    Prior to the change, I've been getting close to zero Focus when I didn't use RJ build. Now I get some bits of Focus through just playing the game.

    Also, It is possible (and is relative easy) to hit your limit cap even after the changes. It will take two - four Draco runs without an affinity booster and up to a single Draco run with.


    Focus is supposed to be an end-game slow-paced grindfest. DE indeed nerfed the speed of grinding Focus, however they more than compensated it with increasing the daily limit. They want Focus to be farmed slowly - they showed it us when they introduced the Focus cap. Yet, just for hardcore powerfarmer, they intentionally left an opportunity to get your Focus affinity 33% faster than before, albeit while giving more effort.


    The change pushes DE's idea of Focus, and I am perfectly fine with it. Now it would be also great if actual active focus skills weren't such garbage with 5 minutes cooldowns, but that's a story for another time.

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