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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1.  I think you also don't have Life Strike on your weapon.

    You think too much, LS is must have on all my melee weapons. 

    So, you do have some common sense.


    Well, the truth is, Ballistas and Snipers are trash level for Excalibur.

    Create 10 lvl 70 balistas in simulacrum and tell us how it went.

    It went like this:

    there's exactly zero situations and possible builds, when Flow will be superior to Rage.

    I just give you several examples, where you don't receive damage and yet you choose to push your way no matter what. Is discussion even possible I wander?

    And I just stated you why all your examples prove nothing - do you even read? 150 energy Excalibur can sit inside a globe in the same exact fashion 300 energy Excalibur would. Especially, given the difference in Efficiency. And when you go on low level mission, you can sustain 150 energy 0 efficiency EBlade. And I have no idea where do you wander - don't ask me.


     I didn't claim I know better than "the others". In fact, I did not claim anything, it was you who became insecure as soon as you were told your build is nowhere close to having "no weak sides".

    But you did exactly that. You made your specialized build and claimed others are "weaker". When I told my build has no weak sides I thought about STR/DURA/RAN/EFF, not that it can take 100 lvl bombard rocket to face, QT build can. You build differs in one, very debatable mod and you act superior, which is annoying. 

    You claimed your build has no weak sides. I said it's bullS#&$ - that's all I did. Having to rely on external energy sources is a weak side, no matter how you feel about it. Having low EHP on melee frame is a weak side too. And Rage on Excalibur isn't a "debatable mod". It's a core mod.


    The very reason I don't use the Quick Thinking build is because it will kill RJ build, like it did in your case.

    Why are you keep mixing again heavily specialized RJ build into conversation is unclear to me. RJ build looks nothing like builds we talk about here.

    Do you even read? Like, seriously?

  2. @Epsik-kun


    At glance of our discussion, one may think that your vastly superior build is something unheard of. In reality they are almost identical, you are arguing mostly trivial matters of restoring energy when in reality anything really works. 


    Corpus sinpers, same as grinner balista can do dramatic damage to any frame, I would hardly classify it as trash past lvl 100. 


    If you're using QT, you don't need steel fiber, why would you? Flow is there as multi role mod so it cannot be classified as "defensive" - so I use only 2 mods for defense, and one for energy - exactly the same as you, and yet somehow you still find your build superior.


    Further more, your build requires you to get damaged. In lower level missions this does not happen. In frost bubble this does not happen. In limbo this does not happen. if enemies are incapacitated as per cc or blind, this does not happen. Your build truly excels only it high level survival and yet you insist it to be "universally better".


    Your steel fiber increases damage reduction form 40 to 60%, and quick thinking is giving you over 1000 additional HP, any yet you insist that my slot is wasted and my build is "weaker"


    Really, I wouldn't said anything were't you claim you "know better" then the others, you just have slightly different approach and bit of ego. 

    Yeah, you pretty much took the mod that forms Excalibur and replaced it with a useless bandaid - trivial matter. I think you also don't have Life Strike on your weapon. In star chart reality - yes, everything works. Unranked frames work too.

    Well, the truth is, Ballistas and Snipers are trash level for Excalibur. They might be dangerous for frames who rely solely on CC and movement for survival, but for Excal who can take a blow they don't pose any threat. Things that can kill Excal in sorties are Scorches and Napalms.

    You don't seem to realize, that on lower levels, or when everything is in CC you usually can kill stuff fast enough for it to drop energy orbs or don't have to kill stuff at all. You start to run out of energy when enemies start to become tough, and that's the same moment when you start to receive some guaranteed damage. On EBlade Excalibur Flow (and Primed Flow) will never outperform Rage, there's exactly zero situations and possible builds, when Flow will be superior to Rage. And this includes Quick Thinking build.

    And you don't seem to understand the point of Quick Thinking build, because it is to give you a buffer of damage, not to make you transfer all incoming damage into energy. This will kill you. And the reason why you need Steel Fiber is to make your health take as much damage as possible, before it'll go into energy. Then, energy is restored by Rage and health by Life Strike - you get your survivability working. Simply using just P. Flow and Quick Thinking will eventually get you staggered and dead.

    Well, maybe it because Steel Fiber gives you over 700 EHP, that won't put you into stagger, won't leave you without energy, can be rapidly replenished in combat and won't require you to waste a slot for Flow. I'm not sure, which one of these reasons are the main one.

    I didn't claim I know better than "the others". In fact, I did not claim anything, it was you who became insecure as soon as you were told your build is nowhere close to having "no weak sides".





    This was a post I made in an earlier Excalibur topic. Look into it and tell me what you think.

    The very reason I don't use the Quick Thinking build is because it will kill RJ build, like it did in your case.

  3. Maybe you could learn thing or two instead of trying to educate others. 

    Indeed, maybe you could. I think you actually should learn a thing or two.
    As you have said yourself, you have to use a whole another build for sorties, because you get killed by trash enemies like Corpus Snipers. Indeed, QT + P. Flow build will have really high EHP if it's complete. However, completing this build requires you to get QT, P. Flow, Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage. Given any adequate melee Excalibur uses Rage, it is still 4 mods just for survivability. If you don't use all of them - no, your build won't have "massively larger effective EHP" than Vitality + Steel Fiber + Rage build, in most cases it will be actually worse.
    The only case when you might consider putting Flow on your EBlade Excalibur is when you're going for Blind Rage + Transient build, that's all. In every other case it is a wasted slot. I can manage my energy when it's limited to 40 without running out of it. 150 allows you to spam everything you want whenever you want. Flow with Rage is an overkill. Flow without Rage is a cheap bandaid.
    And, no, Rage has an absurd advantage over Flow in regards of magnetic procs, because my build will get the energy back as soon, as proc ends. Your build will either have to use external methods of restoring energy or end up a dead meat.
    Well, here you go with the difference. Your level of "challenging" and my level of "challenging" are different. Your build may be an "optimal" for you, on the level of difficulty you prefer to face, but that isn't the same for me. I can't afford having such a feeble build to face enemies I consider actually dangerous, and I can't afford having close to zero offensive capabilities of QT combo build.
    And your choice of redundand Arcanes just confirms it once again.
    I wouldn't say anything, weren't you to claim your build "doesn't have weak sides", because it has plenty of them.
  4. @Epsik: Interesting choice with Stretch. Why is that in there instead of say Intensify?  Also what would you recommend in place of P. Continuity if one doesn't have that mod?  Swap it with the regular or Const.? Or something else entirely?

    Mainly to test it. My previous build had Intensify instead of it. I believe, having extra range on your Radial Blind and spin Blind will be more useful after the point when you can die under a second. Also, godlike Slash Dashes.

    I used regular Continuity prior to getting Primed one. Constitution would be a better option, but it requires higher mod space, has a different polarity and then there's that moment when you swap it for Primed Continuity and lose the extra knockdown recovery speed.

    I just didn't use Transient Fortitude prior to getting Primed Continuity.

  5. Magnetic proc? Is it something scary? Oh please share your knowledge, mighty disciple, cause I never perceived the hidden danger behind this nasty proc! Must I use "warm coat" mod to protect myself!?


    Flow is never useless, it gives you, you know, stored energy so that you can use all your powers. Any time as you like, not not rely of enemies actually damaging you, as per rage. 


    EB cost is very low I assure you, perhaps not capped but if you actually kill stuff you have more then enough energy for everything. If you have flow - even better!


    Oneshotted? Not likely. Most of my frames have worse defense, armor and offense then excal and yet, they miraculously live through all kinds of missions, 40min+ daily and sorties every evening, but i guess this depends on skill of player unfortunately. My weak build (forgot to change it) today carried whole party in sortie #1 interception, 500+kills, 60%+ damage iirc, now I'm sorry that I haven't saved screenthos, And team were no noobs, all were well over MR10.


    But admittedly, in sortie nr 3 when corpus snipers begin to really hurt can be oneshotted, no matter how well you play, that is why I have other build, with QT and even bigger, primed flow.


    Perhaps you would like to share one of your builds, since you consider yourself so smart?

    Well, why not? Let me educate you a bit.


    Magnetic proc is a thing, that makes you run out of energy. Your "faultless" build wastes a slot for Flow, which is useless for a properly built Excalibur instead of using Rage, that can sustain you in any possible situations, without relying on energy restores/orbs/EV.

    Thinking, that Flow is "never useless" is a common mistake that comes from someone who never tried to remove Flow from the build.

    EB cost is indeed low, but it can be lower, that's the point.

    I'm also glad, that you consider 40+ minutes star chart to be endgame, but I think, I have to break it to you - it isn't. You can solo 40 minutes of highest level Dark Sectors with an unranked frames.

    Sorties aren't a challenge either, save for very specific augmented ones. Let's say, level 100 augmented damage sortie survival with Napalms is actually a challenge. Everything else is not.

    On T4 enemies have constant tripled damage, so given you didn't bother to use Steel Fiber to increase your EHP by almost 50%, you will get oneshotted pretty soon, especially if Corpus Snipers are a threat for you.

    Also, no - you won't have enough enemy energy drops to sustain your "never useless" Flow if you run an armor augmented lvl 100 sortie or simply a hourly T4S.

    Also, I have to say, that by polarizing aura slot on Excalibur you had killed potential RJ build.


    I won't say that mine build is that different. Save for the fact, I can solo over a hour of T4S with it, and survive a lvl 105 T4 Corrupted Bombard missile to the face.


  6. What will you kill with if you don't use EB, or better, why even using excal at all if you dislike his best ability. I cannot asses your builds at glance like that, put screenshot or write value of STR DUR EFF RAN for each build. 


    Here is my Excal, for comparison, for sorties I use slightly tougher variant (QT, P Flow and full fleeting) - you can do whatever you want with build like this because it has no weak sides. 



    >no weak sides

    >dead meat if gets hit by a magnetic proc

    >useless flow

    >higher EBlade cost than the minimal one

    >can be oneshotted in T4S starting at like 20 minutes

    >no weak sides


  7. Rejuvenation is a garbage aura on high levels. Best synergy for Rage is to get Life Strike on your melee.

    Endurance Drift is essentially a wasted slot. The best option for non-RJ Excalibur is Handspring. It will save your life countless times.

    I don't see the point of Overextended in the first build, as it would suit the RB build much better. 

    You don't need Radiant Finish if you're planning to use EBlade for finishers and have over 100% Strength.

    However, with 40% Power Strength you might actually want to use the RB augment and get rid of Intensify.

    Constitution is unnecessary - you'll have more than enough duration on your RB with Fleeting and Primed Continuity. Get maxed Efficiency instead (75% or 90% - up to you, if you keep Duration over 100%).

    Power Drift is a wasted slot, again. You might want to either use Handspring or get Cunning Drift for extra few meters on your RB

  8. Have you seen what a grill-damage Serro (Gas/Electric) can do in a crowded room?

    Have you seen, what a 100k damage per spin Orthos Prime can do in a crowded room? I had. It isn't terrifying. They just die.

    And while you'll be perfectly fine with proccing your Gas/Electric with just three dual-stat mods, you can't achieve anything comparable to what Maiming Strike has to offer. This mod is several tiers higher than Weeping Wounds will ever be.

  9. But still: it leaves solo players or players without a combo-wombo teams with a skill that is just pointless to use unless you play against enemies that are lower than level 20.

    RJ build works for you, but for them - it's a useless skill, almost as useless as super jump was.

    On this point I agree with you.

  10. I'm sure Roar will apply to all those buffs from Ember and Oberom too multiplying effect in a hardcore manner and actually out-DPS'ing it. Or at the very least catch up. Remember: roar DIRECTLY increase damage dealt so all that bonus damage from skills is increased too.

    However, we are talking about solo here, not about some pre-made combo-wombo teams. Couldn't care less for that, those are unavoidable.


    Yes, maybe Rhino can't spam Stomp like Excalibur does with RJ, but that's exactly the point: "spam to win" as pretty much as old Saryn's "press 4 to win". And it's even less energy-efficient. Isn't that what DE tries to avoid? Being locked to a single skill by always using only it?

    And in the end of the day: it's crowd control that wins high-tier games, not damage (sadly). And Stomp provides just that.

    I repeat, Rhino can't out-DPS RJ Excal given equal setups. It is impossible. He can achieve higher damage per nuke, but not DPS.
    Whether DE tries to avoid it or not is up to DE. They will eventually rework RJ if its current meta usage concerns them. However, so far RJ stays unchanged since LoS implementation and Excal's rework. The problem with Saryn was that her whole gameplay was essentially degraded to pressing one button no matter what mission she was doing. RJ Excal, on the other hand, requires at least Trinity to work and a dedicated squad to be effective. In solo play RJ Build is close to being useless. Current state of RJ creates diversity in possible Excalibur's builds and playstyles. It also promotes squad synergy, because it pretty much was solely RJ what revived forgotten augments like Freeze Force.
    I would also love some synergy between RJ and EBlade, so it won't be just a randomly wasted energy most of the time, however, I repeat - you have to take RJ build into an account, because killing this build and removing a whole another way of playing Excalibur and an important part of the meta isn't the best thing to do, in my opinion.
  11. How is Stomp nowhere as good? For one: they have exactly the same radius.

    RJ has higher base damage and much faster casting speed. RJ setup executes usage of buffs, and having multiple buffs will result in diminishing returns. Frost, Oberon, Volt or Ember can provide around x4 damage multiplier for RJ, it won't be the same x4 for Rhino, as he already has his Roar.
    In the end, AoE DPS of stomps will realistically be maximum around the half of what RJ can achieve. And that's assuming, Rhino will one-shot everything with Stomp, as he can't hit already stomped enemies twice, thus rendering Stomp completely useless as a high level AoE DPS tool.

    And i'm repeating it: they can nerf the damage as long as Synergy will be worth it.

    And I'm repeating it: "are you OK with killing Excalibur's only meta-build just to have more synergy for your EBlade which is already strong?", because I, for instance, am not.

  12. for low levels and draco yes, but Radial javelin as a whole and end game ability is lacking in damage and utility. Later enemies you hit really don't take much damage from this and are still standing. Maybe added impact to it?

    Only If "low levels" imply doing up to 60 waves of T4D in the fastest possible way. I repeat, you can't just buff RJ without considering RJ Build. 


    Rhino's Stomp is just as good and it is also can by Synergised with Roar for bonus damage and Charge to finish stomped ones off.

    They can always reduces RJ's damage if it has to be done. I don't mind it being good only after Synergy, as long as this Synergy worth it.

    Rhino's Stomp is nowhere as good as RJ, even after taking no LoS restriction into an account. Same goes for every single other AoE skill in the game.

    I don't only mean "don't overbuff RJ Builds", but also "are you OK with killing Excalibur's only meta-build just to have more synergy for your EBlade which is already strong", if you want to nerf RJ damage or other properties as a compensation.

  13. Your suggestion would make the game more complex and difficult for more newbies while having little to no effect on veteran players. It would create an even further skill/capability divide among those who are otherwise underpowered due to lack of proper mods/currency to obtain the requisite level of power for the content they are attempting to do.


    Let's be real here: What is the real reason you want Exalted Blade to be more complex to use?  Because you don't want newbies to use it.

    There's a difference between running your eyes through the suggestion and making an actual effort to understand it. From the game design standpoint, casual player will still be able to get an absurdly lot from suggested version of Exalted Blade, losing a bit of the kill speed, but winning on the survivability part. Casual player using Exalted Blade will still steamroll through the starchart in the same fashion they can do it right now. And it would take quite an effort from another player, to outperform suggested EBlade with other weapons.
    Thinking that this won't have an effect on veteran players means you not only didn't understand what the actual changes suggested, but also not know what a "veteran player" is.
    Let's be real here: What is the real reason I want Exalted Blade to be more complex to use? Because I like some depth to gameplay. Thinking I would go out of my way to write a comprehensive suggestion that targets pretty much every aspect of EBlade (including its accessibility to newer players with Excalibur being a starter frame) just because "I don't want newbies to use it" is not only rude, but also quite stupid.


    I hear You My dude, alot of People always Slap us in the Face with this reply.... GIT GUD!!!


    If Exalted Blade is restricted from waves then make Him as well Invincible while in EB will only be Fair

    On an unrelated topic, I suggest you to tone down the way you show your excitement on The Internet, due to it making your posts less pleasant to read.
    On topic, however, I still suggest you, again, to go and read the actual post and to think about it a bit. Because I did suggest rising up EBlade defence stats. Giving Excalibur full Hysteria invincibility while letting him to have several times her range, comparable DPS and additional utility would be a plain idiocy in a sense of both game balance and design.
    You, guys, may not know it, but with current EBlade, when you face enemies of over lvl 60, the most efficient way to take them down is to come up close. As the level goes higher, you start to spend more and more time in enemies' direct proximity as your waves start to become weaker and weaker. Around level 100, you are better off with slicing up even regular enemies up close, than wasting your time by slashing them with waves only. This is a thing that already exists. This is the level of gameplay difficulty, when frames like Excalibur and Valkyr start to show their actual power. This is what their design is based around - and that's the reason why these frames can oneshot everything on star chart when modded at least half-properly.
    And my suggestion is based around this gameplay, that you will have to face sooner or later, if you plan on using Excalibur for the intended purpose. It will increase his potential scaling in late game, including both damage and survivability. It will increase the impact waves have on gameplay, by allowing maybe slow and less spamable, but actually high-damaging wide waves.
    And at the same time, it will tone down the aspects of EBlade, that many people dislike - the way it can be used by turning your brains off and tapping one button repeatedly.
    And about little game complexity brutally murdering newbies for some reason - we have Movement 2.0, frames like Limbo and the current modding system. This game is already has a tendention of rewarding an effort and skill. No one will die from it, honestly.
  14. You may be infact an Excal fan but its obvious You dislike EB spam or You wouldnt take the time and effort to write this and suggest changes.

    I never ever played Excal prior to his rework. And I've been a relative noob to the game by the time of writing this suggestion. And I am a huge fan of Exalted Blade actually. It's just that EBlade can have so much more potential, than just wave spam. And, in terms of an actual gameplay, were the changes to be implemented exactly the way I suggest would result in a quite severe Excalibur buff, not the opposite.


    People don't always only suggest things they personally like or dislike.

  15. Haven't had much time to try it out but how does excal fare in endurance? I imagine a blind build would do really well

    Well, I soloed 15 waves as Excal without using energy restores. 20 might be a bit tricky, but doable. Alad V can take some beating while you slice things open. RB helps when he starts to take too much of a beating. Misery himself makes an idiotic mistake of allowing Excal to stack a combo on him. The only problem you might face is Violence silencing you.

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