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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Because well.... he is a beginner frame and having an easy skill cap is a good thing.

    I do wish they do tone down the Slashes tho. 


    Everytime I see a new player spamming EB, can't help but smile and shake my head :3

    So cute seeing new players enjoying themselves the only way they know how, spamming and killing.

    I happily EV to fuel their fun.






    Totally Unrelated.



    I physically cringed reading this.

  2. but let's face it. it's drop rate is reduced, and they're basically like fusion cores. you can't get enough of them

    It wasn't reduced enough. In last two days I've got three built Formas and over a dozen of Forma BPs. Were someone to add Forma BPs to sorties, I would personally find them and give them a long, expressive look into their eyes.

  3. I don't use it for travel, I spam it at close range to build up combo, so it actually hits 10k per hit. 

    Ah, that's why.

    I preffer my godlike fly-around-the-world Slash Dash though. I think it does around 6k damage.

  4. Ребятки, я русских названий модов нихт ферштейн, но вам на заметку:

    Лимит эффективности как таковой отсутствует. Есть лимит стоимости умения - 25% от базовой цены. Т.е. у World on Fire с его базовым сустейном 3 енергии в секунду минимальная стоимость будет 0.75 и опуститься ниже возможности не будет.

    Длительность для сустейнов есть множитель, обратный эффективности - она никак не взаимодействует с эффективностью напрямую (т.е. вы не можете отнять от длительности эффективность или наоборот и получить что-то вразумительное как результат)


    Соответственно, если вы используете Fleeting и Streamline максимальный рангов и ничего другого, то ваши статы будут:

    Эффективность 190% (не обращайте внимания на ерунду, которую вам окно статистики показывает), что означает понижение стоимости умений до 10%

    Длительность 40% - означает повышение стоимости сустейнов в 1/0.4 = два с половиной раза.

    Итоговая стоимость будет: 3 * 0.1 * 2.5 = 0,75 - что и есть минимальная стоимость WoF.

    Если вы добавите больше длительности, на стоимость это никак не повлияет, т.к. она и так уже на минимуме.

    Однако, если вы урежете длительность ещё сильнее, то стоимость начнет резко расти, ибо, как уже говорилось, длительность - обратная статистика по отношению к эффективности. Если вы порежете длительность до 12.5% (Fleeting + Transient), то стоимость увеличится в 8 раз по сравнению со стоимостью на 100% длительности, в то время, как повышение длительности до 200% всего лишь порежет стоимость в два раза, при условии, что она не опустится ниже 25%.

  5. Combo Counter works on quick melee it just doesn't show up on the screen. Blood Rush also works on quick melee. Also, in the most cases if you are putting on Blood Rush you might want to put on True Steel too. Unless you are doing a pure spin build.


    If you are considering Blood Rush as an alternative to True Steel, you should keep in mind that it will provide no bonus for the first four hits, as it is inactive until you get a combo multiplier. After fifth hit onward it will outperform True Steel.

  6. And I'll admit to not knowing that meta/potential. I'll change my statement to it doesn't need to be changed to a new skill entirely but I still think it shouldn't be as weak as it without building specifically toward it.

    And as I said before, on that point I agree wholeheartedly. I had no idea what purpose button "3" served until I made a dedicated build for it.

  7. A well designed frame should be able to make use of any of it's skills at a low level mission without having to building specifically toward it, especially at that extreme of a case.

    I'm afraid there are close to zero "well designed" frames in this game, if you chose this as your criteria. Also, RJ has its niche uses even in EBlade build, as it is still much faster than EBlade in lower levels and still oneshots pesky flying drones at higher levels.


    You do realise, that no matter what you think about RJ, it is de-facto the best AoE map cleaner in Draco, Defences and Survivals currently, don't you? What purpose DE had initially for RJ isn't relevant right now, because of the practical usage it has currently. And, no, defining characteristic of RJ isn't just speed. It is foremostly range, and only then speed.

    No matter how much you like Avalanche - you can't speedrun 60 waves of T4D even at half speed RJ Excal will be able to. You won't be able to get over 1500 kills per cap2 wave of Draco, you won't be able to outperform Pilfering Hydroid at resource farming. On small defence maps it might become comparable, but overally it isn't even close to the potential of RJ Excal.

    I said it before - when DE decides that RJ should work differently - they'll buff/nerf/remove it. But that'll be not a decision of a frame designing tier, it would be a meta changing decision. I do not approve of any meta-changing suggestions from players, especially from ones who do not even play in this meta. Hence, I do not approve of any changes to RJ that will affect RJ build, be they positive or negative.



    The only skill, that can save you from level 200+ enemies, Excalibur has is Slash Dash. It is his strongest defensive skill. RB is a great CC, but it can't save you from everything. Slash Dash can.



    I want to change Radial Javelin into a Shield skill but hey, people gonna light my butt up for suggesting that. 

    I'd have suggested the same thing.

    Excalibur can go toe to toe with T4 lvl 100+ enemies and survive. Giving him a shield ability will make this into, like, T4 lvl 150+ enemies, while completely removing an alternative way of building and playing the frame. I can not see this as a good suggestion. I won't cry if something like this would be implemented, but it won't be a "good" change.

  8. Price range as in the usual price that I see and in the market in general, by buyers and sellers alike every now and then. You saw one person offering Intensify for 300p? 


    Would be amazed if the market price for stuffs on trading were dictated by buyers rather than sellers. If that's the case I'd like a Vengeful Revenant for 15p

    You won't "usually see" 25p offer from buyers because there are people offering to sell this mod for 5p right now, who have no buyers.
    And you can wait for 15p Revenant all you want, but to buy it you'll have to get a seller who is ok with this price and vice versa. I'm amazed how can you not comprehend elementary principles like these.
  9. Well scuuuuuuse me snowflake, that's the price range that I am seeing on trading every time I click on the trading tab.

    Nah, I won't, my triggered boy - price is dictated by people actually buying it, not trying to sell. I saw Intensify being offered for 300p - is it its "price range" now?

    Can't even find buyers to actually know the price these days.

    This kinda already implies that price can't be in 10p range.

  10. Worth nearly 600 plats? Blimey not even Vengeful Revenant is being sold that much (people are selling that for 400-450)


    Defiled Snapdragon would just go around 20-35 plats

    10 plats on pc. Don't know on consoles.

    If it drops on scorpions in console also, don't expect much. A lot of people do Draco.

    10 ~ 15 Plats.


    It's the only stance for a sweet weapon, I suggest trying the weapon out for yurself.

    Guys, from what planet did you fell from? Defiled Snapdragon costs less than 5p now.

  11. I'd really like to know what I'm doing wrong then. A 254% power strength radial javelin can't even kill a t2 void heavy. Yet Slash Dash at that can do 10k damage.

    as others have stated, doesn't help the solo player or the player using it in a group where there is nothing to assist RJ.

    This is what you are doing wrong. RJ is designed to be used in conjunction with other frames skills. Proper RJ build has no survivability, bad energy/efficiency ratio and can't survive on its own. However given a team with a good synergy it will outperform every other AoE nuke in the game until enemies' level hit around 80+.
    Also, if it's T2, I believe RJ Excal can remove Blind Rage and still have enough damage to kill all trash in one-two casts for first 20 waves I think. You then use EBlade to kill remaining heavies and again - no other AoE nuke can compete in map clearing.
    RJ is far from being most damaging AoE nuke - it has not that amazing damage and a limit of targets. It is the best nuke for map clearing due to insane range and high speed.
    Excalibur has three defensive skills. RB, EBlade and Slash Dash. If you just want to change RJ for another skill I'm strongly against it. I don't want to lose actual meta nuke and a whole separate build for the sake of alternative build being a little more comfortable to use. If you want to tweak RJ to have more synergy with EBlade - I'm all up for it, but you have to do it with keeping RJ build in mind, because you don't actually want to buff already quite strong build even further.
  12. Could you elaborate a bit more?  From what I understand, EB has a 15% crit chance, so to get that up to at least 100% with Blood Rush, you would need a 3.5 crit multiplier; that's 405 hits.  If it only applied to your actual sword (not the waves) and you had to hit enemies 405 times with your sword to get that bonus only on your sword, do you think that would break him?  I think I might be missing something.


    You are totally right about Hysteria, it has a base crit chance of 50% and would take 5 hits to take it over 100%.

    If Body Count + Blood Rush is allowed, there'll be no point in not building for critical hit.
    On EBlade Trues Steel + Naramon will give you 31.2% critical chance.
    After that you apply Blood Rush, wchi gives you 165% * combo multiplier, so even 5 hits (combo multiplier 1.5) will push you in 100% critical hit zone with a little over 8% chance to red crit.
    EBlade Excalibur is best suited for Survivals, so assuming you'll stay there, you'll be able to gradually increase your combo counter to around x4 relatively easily. That would mean you'll be dealing your normal red crit damage on regular hit while having around 37% chance to do a next tier red critical.
    So, assuming end-game general purpose build with 155% Power Strength, you'll get 387,5 for EBlade base damage. Assuming you are using Life Strike, after modding it you can get about
    387,5[base] * 3,9[Excal's passive + PP + Spoiled + Charge] * 1.9[Elemental] = 2871 damage per hit/wave with 31.2% critical chance and 3.8 critical multiplier
    That isn't much, but still more that enough to easily fight against first minutes of any Survival, even T4S.
    Getting 1.5 Combo Multiplier will make it into:
    4307 damage that always crits for 3.8 multiplier resulting in 16366 damage per hit/wave with an additional chance of 8% to red crit for 28426 damage
    Getting x3 multiplier, which is easily achievable and sustainable in any kind of mission will push it to:
    8614 damage, with 85% chance to do a red crit for 56852 damage and other hits doing no less than 32733 damage.
    x4 multiplier which is sustainable in Survival:
    11485 damage, guaranteed hits for 75801 damage and 37% chance for 107959 damage.
    This all doesn't take body part modifiers, damage type weaknesses and stelth modifiers into an account. Albeit body part and stealth modifiers won't be applied at full strength, they'll still have a noticeable effect.
    You also have to remember, that up-close Excalibur deals two hits per swing.
    Given, normal Excalibur can't sustain even 1.5 combo counter, just Body Count alone becomes a huge boost. However, Blood Rush + Body Count will push his damage to absurd heights.
    Valkyr would be able to use a slightly different build and achieve over a million damage per hit on her spin attacks.
  13. I suggested Primed Flow cause I had a lot of bad experiences with pub EV's and even with friends so I don't wanna let them endanger mission success with their lazyness. Same goes with power strength, there are still people who are too stubborn to put CP on for xp or Void Defense farming missions, the build i suggested covers all of that, and no, Cunning Drift isn't gonna help you that much, RJ doesn't hit everything at once anyways and it already has great range.

    I already stated my opinion on P. Flow for RJ.
    Cunning Drift is going to help you, as it allows you to cover area closer to spawns, increasing kill rate. Power Drift, especially after every other Strength mod will have insignificant effect on overall kill speed.
  14. They are different weapons for different preferences. Broken War is the best longsword currently built for pure damage usually, Dual Ichors are one of the best dual swords - built for critical hit. Scindo and War are heavies so they tend to have much higher dps but much lower mobility - choice between them as it was said is more of a choice of a damage type. War being impact has two very strong impact mods, yet impact itself isn't that great of a damage type.


    If you are planning on meleeing lvl 100+ enemies, I would suggest to use heavies and with Cleaving Whirlwind on top of that. Aside from that - just use what you like.


    I myself use Orthos Prime, but I'm maining Excalibur.


    Focus Changes: v 1.1

    • Introducing: 'Convergence'! Read on to find how out these Focus-boosting drops work.
    • Convergence can now appear in Missions with players that have a Focus Lens equipped:
      • Focus can now be earned through radial and shared Affinity gains rather than just personal kill Affinity Gain

    Too lazy to read, not too lazy to complain.

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