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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. This just means that Excalibur is "more OP" than Valkyr, period.



    Let me give you a hint: Close combat. Unable to hit distant units. Unable to hit flying units. Nullifiers. Drones.


    Well, I guess, let's nerf them too? Nert train full ahead!

    I fail to see the logic behind your arguments. Against enemies of lvl 80+ Excalibur has to go into melee in the same exact fashion Valkyr does. Excalibur does not "fall behind after 30 minutes of T4S", despite starting to do Valkyr's thing while having less DPS and survivability, yet Valkyr somehow "falls behind".
    I also fail to see the reasoning behind your interpretation of my words when you go pretty much 180 degrees on your previous statements just to have something to say - I simply stated that you are incorrect, salty, whiny and seemingly terrible at playing Valkyr if your Valkyr underperforms on merely 30 minutes of T4S.
    I made no suggestions about any balance changes what so ever.
  2. 300% power Valkyr with Atterax falls behind after 30 min in T4 surv and after 40 in T3 surv unless you run a full CP squad. This is quite low. Loki, Mirage, Ash can carry much longer than this without CP. And with CP they can do even better...In fact, with CP even Ember can faceroll up to 60 minutes.

    Even so, melee-only restrition itself is quite a big drawback of ability. Compare to Excal's ult for a bit.

    That isn't true. No-CP Excalibur can solo over a hour of T4S without using any capsules for around 40 minutes of it, I believe. After these 40 minutes you have to go into close combat, as waves just won't be enough anymore. And Valkyr has much higher close combat DPS, than Excalibur, so I can't see her "falling behind" after 30 minutes of T4S, when Excal doesn't.

    More to it, only few warframes in the game can be as effective as Valkyr at enemy levels going higher than 80.

  3. I disagree strongly on Weeping Wounds and Maiming Strike.
    Weeping wounds is actually more of a gimmick mod, the only usefulness of which is limited to allowing more control over your procs. Aside from that, the mod itself isn't strong and usually doesn't worth a slot in most cases save for very specific ones.
    Maiming Strike, however is a mod of an absurd strength. Not only it allows any melee to reliably crit, it has insane synergy with Blood Rush and Body Count, allowing for damage spikes with multipliers that go over x40.

        Additionally you're understanding of argon scope and well.. most of these mods is incorrect. It applies it's boost as a buff. therefore it increases your critical chance based off of your total crit chance, not your base. The same goes for every other mod really. you might want to reassess your ratings with this information.

    Actually, the one who is incorrect here is you. Argon Scope bonus isn't a multiplicative bonus. It works in the exact same fashion Point Strike does.


    PS Also, I hate to say it, OP, but 10% crit chance weapons were always "Berserker-viable". You are heavily underestimating Blood Rush if you think this is what makes this mod strong. If anything, Maiming Strike is suited best for proccing Berserker.

  4. im not sure but I think I read on the wiki that the more elemental mods you add the less damage they actually do? or like the 3rd mod does less damage, and the forth does even less, idk.


    ether way its crazy that a 10% crit chance weapon is more oriented to a crit build than dps.

    Yeah, it works that way, but the dps increase of 4th 90% elemental after taking Berserker bonus into an account will still be higher than what Fury provides. Primed Fury would provide higher dps increase.


    Well, sustaining x3 on any mission other than Survival requires some efforts. But I have to agree, it might need some tweaking.

  5. I did my calculations using a maxed crit build and a maxed DPS build.

    the crit build was true steel, berserker, fury, blood rush, body count, organ shatter, pressure point and a 90% elemental mod.

    and the DPS was pressure point, 3 elemental mods, fury, berserker, spoiled strike, and true steel.


    And I made the berserker mod give its max 75% attack speed

    Yeah, I edited the message after doing some calculations. I believe, using Spoiled Strike instead of Fury will make the damage difference even higher.

    In DPS build using 4th 90% elemental mod instead of True Steel will result in some increase of dps (as 10% is enough to consistently proc Berserker), but not enough to outperform crit-build.

  6. Actually melees with 10% crit chance and x2 crit damage are theoretically worth using a crit builds for if you get to a x3 combo multiplier. I did the math and you get a 15-20% increase in raw DPS using a crit build instead of 3 elemental mods. And in my original calculations I accidentally assumed that the 3 elemental build mods build could get to x3 combo without body count so I gave it a little bit of a bonus :P


    But that's not taking into account status procs so the 3 elemental mod build might have more killing potential. But still a 20% raw dps increase from a 10% x2 melee is pretty silly.

    Hm, I'm not sure about that, tbh. I just calculated average damage for x4 combo multiplier EBlade (15%/x2) doing this build and without using Maiming Strike (essentially calculating damage for regular strikes) will place damage per hit around around 50% higher over pure dps build on no combo multiplier, which means that simply using body count without going full critical build will outperform it dramatically at x4 multiplier. Aaand it seems I was just overestimating my EBlade damage. Yeah, I have to agree, Blood Rush oriented build outperforms pure damage + body count build.
    However, you are losing on devastating critical hits EBlade can have (as all your damage is essentially critical now), Radial Blind stealth modifiers (which will go from x4 to around x2 I believe), stealth finishers (which simply don't crit), Berserker (unless you're willing to replace  an elemental mod or spoiled strike with it, leading to even lower damage per hit) and potentially Life Strike. So I'm still not sure how effective such build will be.

    Oh my, i'm sry. I didn't realise that you don't care about actuall numbers.

    You are right, I don't care about numbers. Unlike you who just fantasies about number with zero credibility, I know them. And I genuinely don't get why would you argue with someone who does all the testing, while you have no idea what are you talking about.



    just nerf her crit to 30%?


    Honestly that would make her ultimate still really good on its own and would allow her to use the new mods without her becoming an all powerful goddess that can destroy anything in a single hit.

    Honestly, I don't think many people would appreciate nerfs to one of the more unique parts of her ultimate. People do not appreciate nerfs in general.

    The core of the problem lies elsewhere. While spin attacks can be skyrocketed on pretty much any weapon, only naturally good crit-oriented weapons are suited for the current combo oriented critical build. And all these weapons (x3 multiplier, 20%+ crit chance) are happen to have really low base damage, with Dual Raza being the highest one with 48 base damage. Were you to go said build on these weapons, you will feel how strongly they underperform until you hit at least x2 multiplier - you'll have your spool-up time which naturally balances otherwise clearly superior build.

    Hysteria (and EBlade too on that) has extreme amount of base damage, and while it doesn't have x3 multiplier, 50% critical chance compensates for that, And the problem is, you won't have that "spool-up time" part on Hysteria. Because save for the sorties, any mission you will jump in will have enemies that you'll one-shot even without multipliers working. And when it comes to you needing these multipliers, scaling will make the spawn rate sufficient enough for you to maintain the combo effortlessly. This build will have no downside on Valkyr - it will be clearly superior to every other build. Which I don't think what was intended by developers.

  8. you really think i do? i never saw someone knowing it so i wont tell it to anyone except my clan ppl



    also your calculation for powerstrength was wrong cuz it gets calculated in the spin hit first instead of after you can check the wiki on the formula forgot it but i think it was 


    base damage x (1+ melee mods + steel charge) x (1+ power strength addition)

    Alright, keep your secrety secret then.
    Also, you are wrong and should pay better attention on your math lessons. Because the base damage part is a direct multiplicator of the total formula, so if I multiply it by a number, total result will be multiplied by the same exact number. It's like grade school program.
  9. when all he is doing is showing us fat numbers with a Zoren. 



    As if Argon Scopes on Synapses aren't almost the same thing with their Red crit headshots. 

    All he is doing is showing you 1100 spin damage/x3 crit multiplier Zoren deal 80k damage critical on Combo Counter x4, which translates into 20k damage without taking into an account combo multiplier itself, which in its own turn is higher than normal critical (3300 damage), higher than red critical (5500 damage), higher than you would assume "SUPER RED CRITICAL DREAD CAN DO NOW WE TOTALLY NEED A NEW COLOR FOR" would be (7000~8000 damage) and higher than a several more step-ups done in the same fashion.
    The point is, if DE will give you a new color for every 100% critical chance you get, you might have an epilepsy attack.
    OP just doesn't really like to spoonfeed people (which is what he's doing right now) who are too lazy to figure what 2x2 equals to.
    As if Argon Scope will give you over 500% crit chance on any weapon in the game

    I was under the impression that red crits add your critical multiplier minus 1 because they're doubling the bonus, not the total--not because of an arbitrary subtraction. Therefore, if a weapon has a 4x critical multiplier, the critical damage bonus is +300%, which should logically be stacked with each additional tier of critical hits, without any diminishing returns.


    I figured there might already be additional tiers of critical hits, because it seems like that would be generally easier and more efficient to code it that way, even if they aren't reachable. Actually, especially if they aren't reachable.


    Other things to consider:

     - Ancients' legs have a 3x weak point multiplier, don't they?

     - Invisibility tends to grant a 4x stealth multiplier, though it goes away after bumping into an enemy, which can be rather difficult to avoid with such short range weapons, and especially with slide attacks. It looks like it's not in effect in the first two pics, because this is also what makes Radial Blind boost damage, and if it were already affecting the damage, the Radial Blind one shouldn't actually have higher damage.


    Beyond that, I don't really have any input at the moment.

    It works in a weird fashion to be honest. My initial thought was pretty much the same. However, right now I'm leaning towards the recursive way of calculating the damage, that includes lowering the multipler for x1 on every new step, without going lower than x1 multiplier. Was leaning. Back to thinking it should be done via multipliers increments as it makes much more sense this way.
    Analysing this particular case in the calculations I use now, that seem to fit all the cases I faced so far (although still with some margin of error, so i can't be 100% sure about it):
    Total critical chance is:
    (0.4[critical chance of the weapon] * 1.3[Naramon passive bonus] + 0.9[Maiming Strike bonus]) * (1 + 1.35[blood Rush bonus] * 4[Combo Counter multiplier] = 9.08
    Which means that there's 908% to deal a critical strike. Assuming, we didn't get a 8% overcrit, it's a 800% level critical strike
    The damage for which is dealed via applying critical strike over 16 iterations, each iteration lowering the multiplier by x1, but no less than x1 multiplier. So, the total damage multiplier would be:
    3[critical hit] + 2[first red critical] + 1[second red critical] + 1[third red critical], etc
    Disregard that, over 800% red crit consists of 8 x2 increments and 1 x3 increments. Result is amusingly the same though.
    In short:
    14 + 3 + 2 = 19
    The damage would be:
    1128,6[damage after Excal's passive, as I believe I didn't had Steel Charge active back then] * 19[critical multiplier] * 4[combo multiplier] ~ 85773 damage, of which 5% isn't affected by any multiplers, two instances of 47.5% (slash and cold) are affected by 1.15 and 0.75 multipliers, which result in about 81700 damage, which is pretty close to what I've got on screen (but still, isn't exactly the same, so take all these calculations with a grain of salt).

    I'm also sure, that Stealth bonus and channeling bonus have a weird interaction with red criticals, as they definitely do not provide their respective x4 and x1.5 multipliers.
    I also assume, that body parts also do not provide direct multiplicative bonus, seeing that damage tends come out in like 3-4 variations, having around 20k difference between highest and lowest. However, I'm not completely sure about that, as it is a pain to check it.
    I don't think, I've hit x3 spot on the Ancient in this particular case, but can't be completely sure about that.
  10. Body Count however is not. Let's be real here, it absolutely IS a bandaid.

    Bandaid or not, it ended up working in a quite interesting way.
    Even maxed out Body Count will still require you to alter your playstile, as in majority of missions you'll face some difficulties with sustaining a a single combo. And while x1.5 and x2 multipliers always affected melee, x3 and x4 usually did not - this is what you are getting with Body Count.
    And the whole new melee mod combo makes things even more fun. As you willingly cut your initial damage severely (by sacrificing 5 mod slots exclusively for crit mods) but in return you'll get a much higher boost starting around x3 combo multiplier. It is fun, it brings severe diversity in melee gameplay and it feels nothing like regular melee.
    Also, due to its design, it has severe drawbacks in every mission but Survival. But, hey, it's Survival.
  11. the base damage of a hysteria spin with max powerstrength and 2 90% elementals, steel charge, spoiled strike and pressure point reaches ~13k dmg when i multiply that by 70 (which is way too much for the criticals) i  still dont reach 1kk ( i do not regard the 75% damage+ from right elementals because against anything except infested you will hit enemies with resist anyway)

    Valkyr's base damage on spin is 750. PP, Spoiled, Steel Charge and one 90% elemental push it to 5415. I obviously don't know the exact way the game processes the over 200% red-criticals, but after several hours of testing with various weapons, the lowest possible critical multiplier will be 33,4.
    5415 * 33,4 = 180861
    I explicitely stated x4 combo multiplier
    180861 * 4 = 723444
    Well, that's under 1kk, indeed, thought I did say it's "the lowest possible critical multiplier" as the damage in-game usualy ends up being higher.
    Still, this is 100% Power Strength.
    Valkyr can have up to 299% Power Strength, so her limit will be:
    723444 * 2.99 = 2163097,56
    damage per spin-hit. Which, I believe, is higher than 1kk damage. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    i wrote that you can easily spam down any lvl100s... also its 15% difference in fact

    Well, you can one-shot lvl 100s with melee "en mass". Also, learn math. 15% is difference between percentages. Difference in results these percentages affect is 5%

    ah and before i forget i can actually easily kill lvl9999 enemies regardless of type in AoE in a matter of seconds..

    Enlighten me.

    adding a x3-4 multiplier wont change anything. ever thought about that?

    Sure, adding x3-4 multiplier won't change much. However, adding all three mods won't be just a "x3-4 multiplier", as in Valkyr case it's about a x75 damage increase on regular hits and about a x130 increase on spin-attacks. Well, she'll have to trade some damage to fit in 3 mods, but the result of this trade-off will still be much, much higher than simple x4 multiplier.


    As I said, I would be glad myself if at least Body Count will be allowed on ability melee. But all three is an overkill.


    I am not salty, actually i am not taking anything of this personal i just state things regarding endgame and not lvl100 enemies without armor which you can easily spam down en mass with abilities..

    4CP is a thing, you know. Also, I honestly don't know any abilities that can "easily down en mass" lvl9999 Heavy Gunners. There's EV, but that isn't "en mass".

    ye i now see the problem in your calculating xD

    Well, forgive me, I forgot she has no Strength helmet. However, I see here your problem with math in general, if you think that 5% difference would change anything.

  13. Im always considering heavy gunners u have to know.. at lvl 100 you wont hit 1kk with valkyr.. with none of these mod

    Also against a corrupted heavy gunner leech eximus at lvl9999 you would get 99.99879815% damage reduction on his 3144334651.5 health..

    Which would need you 5232491 hits with each doing 50 million damage..

    I'm happy for you always considering heavy gunners. I think heavy gunners are happy too. Yet, this is pointless demagogy. Outcoming damage from Valkyr would go over 1kk as I stated. Things you are always considering are totally irrelevant.

    Also there's literally zero point in fighting lvl9999 heavy gunner leech eximus, thus there's zero point in making irrelevant calculations based on that.

    So, the question to you - how's your salt doing?

  14. I'm not entirely sure about channeling as it's definitly listed as multiplicator but stealth IS a 4x multiplicator which is directly multiplicative with melee (still waiting for the update to do some actuall testing >.> wiki entry: Stealth Melee Crit Damage = Weapon Damage × Crit Multiplier × Stealth Multiplier)

    If both are then it's 2M, 1M if channeling is not. Even more as it's possibly 150%Basedamage x Crit x Stealth.

    Dude, I can't care less about what wiki states. I've done the testing and I know that:

    1) Channeling damage boost isn't multiplicative to red critical hits;

    2) Stealth damage boost isn't multiplicative to red critical hits either.



    Zorens in the build I posted previously can do a 200k and 230k damage on Corrupted Ancient during with a spin on x4. Excal with RB can rise it to a little over 250k. RB with channel - almost 290k, but that's it.

  15. That was your statement before.. see the problem?

    Meanwhile, I would say I downplayed her potential damage.

    See the problem?


    Also, even considering that statement, I explicitely said "x3 multiplier" and "100 Power Strength". There's a huge damage boost for x4 multiplier and Valkyr can have up to 314 Power Strength.

  16. Damage numbers maybe? :D

    So, you have no reasoning behind your statement. Meanwhile, I would say I downplayed her potential damage.

    Power Stregth 100 Valkyr would be able to achieve damage over 1kk on her spins if she given the ability to use new mods, no matter how you feel about numbers. 

    EBlade wouldn't get as much damage as Hysteria on regular hits, but on spins it'll be around a half of Hysteria's.

  17. If what you said is true, and it's possible to hit for 2 million damage on a weapon that deals less than one fifth of the damage of Hysteria

    Well you can't hit for 2 million damage, as he thought about potential bonus from channeling and stealth state, which aren't directly multiplicative with critical damage.

    But you can do around 220k damage spin attack with Zorens (base spin damage 180, 25% crit chance, x3 base multiplier) on a combo-counter x4. If my calculations are even remotely correct, Valkyr with maxed power can achieve over 1kk~3kk spins.

  18. I'm just annoyed that the only way DE knows how to buff is to buff the crit.


    Once again, non-crit is left in dust.

    This isn't true tho. Non-crit benefits greatly from Body Count. Non-crit benefits from Maiming Strike, as it's a way to guarantee a critical strike on almost any weapon.
    Blood Rush builds obviously suits crit-oriented melee better, yet if it's sick spins that you want - you can build it on any weapon.
    Crit-melee Blood Rush build is also pretty specific and awkward to pull off. It will indeed outperform regular no-Body-Count melee starting around x3 multiplier, however you'll still have your "spool-up" time every time you drop the combo. This build will perform greatly in Survival, but many other missions will force you into a quite nonoptimal way of playing if you want to sustain your combo.
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