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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Ok,


    So I basically live on the relays nowadays... :)


    It dawn to me that... there's still many empty rooms. I was thinking that maybe we can add a bit more interactions there at the Relays by adding 'Codex Museum'


    What is that?


    A Codex Museum is like e.g. London Museum (I love London :-P) or any other Museum, where you can walk around and look at the 'history'. 


    What is the history?


    The history should be your player personal Codex with your achieved scans of enemies. (same like what you have on your liset)


    Once completed, informations about the Quest.


    And also an 'Open to All' Warframe (Where can it be farmed) and weaponry sections were new players can view the warframe abilties and the basic damages from the weapons, with also where they can get them from. 


    Why this?


    Simple, this just to pull players out of their Liset and let them interact a bit more at the Relays and why not... we have the space for it and it will also Look great!



    Thank you for your attention!

  2. Hi All,


    So I was thinking, the in-game pm's have their own sounds now. But what about..... delivering the pm's at a later time?


    So I was having a chat with a friend but then.... poooof..... he lost his connection. Everything I typed to him, had to be re-typed when he came back online. This can be sometimes annoying when you have a whole sentence going... 


    So, my feedback is, to make the pm's to be delivered at a later time when someone is offline... In this way you can leave a message for someone when you know they'll be coming online later, or when someone just suddenly lost their connection, they can still receive your pm's on a later time.


    Then also make it possible to choose from whom you want pm's, friends only or all.



    Thank you for your attention.

  3. Everyone will get 4x2x resource :-P


    NOT true. Every person as an individual will get their share of 2x resource... and also drop chance!


    The boosters are linked to players specific and not to any group. It works the same way that Greedy Pull from Mag works nowadays. 


    Ok bring a Pilfering Swarm with you.... you will all, then, get additiona drops.

  4. Just do 'Random Colors' until you find a fitting one.. Or keep rotating the random colors and alter one you liked, say you find a green (primary) with white (secondary), and you like the white part (secondary) but not the green (primary), just twitch the primary color to blue.


    This you can repeat with your primary, secondary, Tint 3, Tint 4 and energy.

  5. I can say it is more than zero and less than ten thousand.

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep your ideals, thoughts, and application open and honest, as much as you can.

    This isn't a competition, where manipulation and tactful thinking is the key to winning.


    If you are already accomplishing the goals and guidelines we set out to achieve, you ARE A Guide of the Lotus, you simply do not have (yet) the formal recognition, support, and resources of those DE endorse.

    Hold onto that feeling, be sure of yourself, and, most of all, be true to yourself.

    Even if you don't make it in this time around, don't feel down in the dumps. It's unfortunate, but we're unable to take everyone who qualifies in. It's too large of an undertaking. Don't allow this to deter you.

    If this is truly you, what you truly want, strive for, and believe you'll excel in in the best of ways, as is the wise words of Shia Labeouf, "Just, do it! Make your dreams come true!"


    I thought I was a thinker.... but man That was deep! :-D

  6. They can be specters problem solved


    Or just other versions of 'Low Guardians of Orokin', it's definitely not one guy harboring Hatred agains the Tenno. If Stalker survived, that means there's more that did.. Also the Orokin weapons... Prime versions are upgrades, meant to use against the Sentients. So there should be more of those out there aswell.

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