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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. To increase drop chance, no there's no way, it solely depends on RNG. RNG chooses out of 60+ mods.


    But indeed the event mods drop table are devided under 3 tiers, with each tier level Tier1 (1-15), Tier2 (15-25) and Tier3(25+) a different mod rotation consisting of 8 event mods.


    EDIT: 16 = 8. I was sleepy, my bad. 

  2. I have a crappy PC, not meant for gaming at all. I was very surprised I was even able to start it up on this thing. It graphics card is "Intel HD Graphics", and that is not even a graphic card, I just don't know what to call it. It's processor is a Celeron and has DirectX 11.2.


    Don't name and shame your Graphics card and Processor :P 


    We don't have that problem on (Pain Serving Ninja's) tho! 



  3. seeing they explain it that's y I post it.. I could've post the hotfix thread but I, not knowing your knowledge, decided to post this one 


    ... it should crit though... having true steel, can for certain hit crit. Put on your best (highest) crit chance melee and this will be carry on to the Atlas Landslide. 

  4. Ok so as some know from my previous post, i had been trying to find a frame that could be tanky or has some kind of defensive ability, was supportive, and quite mobile (not slow like Frost and Rhino).

    My frames are Equinox, Valkyr, Volt, Oberon, Banshee, Saryn, Hydroid, Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, Frost Prime, and Chroma.

    I was recommended war cry Valkyr. She is fun but i also enjoy Equinox, Oberon, Saryn, Nyx Prime, Hydroid, and Chroma (even though his first ability makes him super slow). So of built right, which of them would fit my criteria (i can easily build Zephyr too)


    For Rhino you can get the Vanguard Arcane Helmet... put the on and you have a fast moving Tank, no, Bullet like moving Tank!

  5. ·        Atlas charges forward to punch a target enemy up to 15 meters away, dealing 100 / 200 / 300 / 350  Impact base damage with a critical chance of ? and a critical damage multiplier of 3. Each hit staggers all enemies within a 1.5meter radius. If Landslide is successfully cast again within 1 second of the previous cast, it will deal bonus damage and cost less energy.

    o   Base damage is affected by Power Strength.

    o   Effect radius is affected by Power Range.

    o   The window to chain combos is affected by Power Duration.

    ·        Landslide is affected by certain mods on the player's melee weapon and its base damage: melee damage mods (ex. Pressure PointSteel Charge etc.), and elemental damage mods (ex. Fever StrikeMolten Impact etc.) affect Landslide's damage, which critical chance mods (ex. True Steel) and critical damage mods (ex. Organ Shatter) affect its critical stats.

    o   All other mods, including Weapon Augments and weapon-specific mods do not affect Landslide.

    ·        Each successive cast allows Atlas to perform a punching combo that deals progressively more damage - the second successive cast deals 200% damage, and the third and any succeeding casts afterwards deals 400%damage. On the third successful cast, Atlas performs an uppercut that ragdolls enemies away within a 1.5 meter radius.

    ·        Landslide's energy cost is reduced by 50% from the previous successive cast, hence the second successful cast consumes only 12.5 energy, and the third cast onwards consumes only 6.25.

    o   Casting cost is affected by Power Efficiency, with the ability's power reduction on chaining acting off the modified maximum energy cost: ex. with Streamline, Landslide's 2nd cast will consume 8.75 energy, and the third cast onwards consumes 4.375 energy. Due to Power Efficiency mechanics, Landslide's casting cost cannot be reduced below 4.375 under any circumstances.

    o   If no casts are performed within the chaining window, the damage and casting costs will reset.

    ·        Landslide is considered a melee attack, and thus can contribute and benefits from the Melee Combo Counter.

    ·        Requires an unobstructed enemy target to be cast.

    ·        Can be cast while in the air.

    ·        Landslide is capable of locking onto and attacking invisible enemies, i.e. Stalker.

    ·        Landslide benefits from mods on the user's melee weapon.


    It is still unkown what the amount of his Crit Chance % is. But seeing the current calculations for the successful cast I would guess 50%.. But take it with a pint of salt because it's my guessing. It depeinds on your melee build.

  6. It was like this, otherwise it would be either like a zoo or a walk in central park! The owners would have problems with the relay police....... you know dogg doing their business....... and they will have to set up an animal hotel for when the owners leave without their pet :-P


    I see every day people's lost and found items like melee, primary weapons etc..... But the less Items you carry in the relay the better, becaus their's an amount of stress the relay can handle!

  7. Speaking of raids, how do they work, can somebody please explain mechanics in more detail. Which planets /areas are best suited for them, do they spawn every time ...etc. I know what I've read on wiki, but i would like more insiders info.



    For OP - I'm in similar position as you, medium level player with decent mid tier game gear, 1-formad tonkor (soon 2) and loki (prime in leveling) and sobek and mostly 75% leveled mods. I've done my share of void 30 min missions so I'm half noob now : ) We can hunt ash together if you like, you can add me. 


    Raid is not what it is called, it's wrongly called Raid, actualy it's called Trial (or LOR) and it don't spawn randomly, it's The Law Of Retribution gameplay where you go to earth and try to stop Vay Hek in his normal daily madness. To do this you need to also make a key please read this: LOR

  8. unless it's NOT masking colors and NOT Lotus... it seem to be rare... given the body type being and not omega for example, it should go for 150-200p


    If it is Omega and it has Lotus pattern... then it can go for 300p+

  9. yeah, but constantly reopening new threads with the same material/topic will only get them closed instead of more people to help... once people don't know the answers, they will just ignore your thread. :)


    So Scree shot -- Upload on USB -- Send Ticket to DE with screen shots.


    Good Luck Tenno!

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