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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Both Frames coming Soon™.

    As someone has already mentioned, China will be getting the Primed version of a Excalibur Umbra, while we get the normal or "unprimed" Excalibur Umbra. Wukong will probably come out before Excalibur Umbra comes out though. Just a feeling.


    Where did you read that the Umbra version in China is Primed version? I read here Changyou That the Umbra that is out in china will also be accessable to the Internation warframe..... nothing about primed Umbra....


    OP please click on the link I posted, it will shed some light on your questions. And welcome back Tenno!

  2. So when is DE actually going to change Trinity Primes skin? As of right now her legs, heels and back are vanilla trinity, and you can clearly see someone just attached "Prime" bits on her shoulders with what looks like duct tape.

    For a Prime that was hyped nearly two years you'd think they would at least change her most basic appearance.


    Like Novus Already mentioned...


    But for next time.. your best shot is at the Feedback Subforum ;-)

  3. Yes try the Raids... You can best do raids with your friends/clanmates because in recruitment tab they expect you to know the game.... and if you disappoint the players.... let's say they won't be to happy and they will let you know it. 


    Your other best shot is a sabotage or spy mision on a high level Grineer ground. Ceres is a good one and let them sound the alarm, because this will cause the Commander to unleash the Manics.. they'll come after you until they either kill you or you kill them.. you'll hear them coming by their laughter! 

  4. •It's a whip/whips but it uses a gun stance.

    •It's an electric whip weapon but you want it to do a bunch of Slash damage instead, plus a chunk of Puncture and Impact.


    Like I said, it doesn't matter, DE will tweak it anyway.


    Ah ok I get what you mean... The High Noon; I wanted to use it because we basically only use on the redeemer... that's the reason why and I wanted to add extra damage by the extra shock it can give. 


    Thank you for your honest feedback!

  5. I need more ideas, so please feel free and let me know what you think about this tile set that brings us back to one of the desolate places where we once belonged and the place where our Emperors came from, the place where stalker still calls home, the place where he still remenisces... keeping his firy grudge aflame!


    Feel free and don't be shy!

  6. They are not a myth.

    Like really if you want an alternative way rather than waiting for them to randomly spawn on missions just join a public raid.

    As long as you have a useful frame the others should let you join in.

    Just stay till stage 2 on the puzzle room you don't even have to finish the last part.






    I'm jealous, please trade me just 1 Brakk Receiver :P...


    But try LOR... They spawn there like it's no joke!

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