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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. On 2019-12-26 at 2:19 PM, (PS4)Gunwilder said:

    I've noticed that sometimes when its supposed to be night  on Earth, its still day during the whole duration of the night cycle. But Eliodon seems to not be affected by this. I think theres some problem on the rest of Earth missions when cycling from day to night time.

    The PoE night/day cycle is different from the rest of Earth night/day cycle.  The rest of Earth has a 8 hour cycle (4 hr day/4 hr night).

  2. On 2020-01-06 at 1:21 AM, (PS4)rawvic said:

    you had to kill him/vanquish him in order to get the items stolen and his weapon

    Stolen items are returned upon converting the lich.  They would likely all be materials, credits, and mods though, so unless OP knew how much of each were in their inventory beforehand then it would be hard to look after mission completion and know they were not returned.

  3. You do not receive the weapon if you convert the lich nor will the lich appear as an item in your inventory.

    All stolen items would have been returned to you upon completion of the mission.  They are marked as "Recovered".

  4. Are you certain you vanquished and didn't convert?  Check your codex to make sure.  If the codex indicates that you did vanquish, take a screenshot.  Take a screenshot of your inventory showing you don't have the weapon.  Take a screenshot of it not in your foundry.  Send all the screenshots to support and see if they can help.

  5. On 2020-01-01 at 11:47 PM, (XB1)Kain119 said:

    YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT THE ABILITY TO KICK PLAYERS FROM THE GROUP... far too many times have I had to quit out or carry someone because they AFK or just dont want to contribute, or they are just toxic. Without a doubt this needs to be in the game.

    The answer to this has been a consistent "No."  Too many trolls would kick people for no reason.  Go to Recruiting chat and form a group if you are that concerned about it.

  6. On 2019-12-24 at 11:37 PM, (XB1)Noziroh8698 said:

    craft a Revenant component but I never got anything and I cant find a solution

    Which component is it asking you to craft, or is it just asking you to craft a component?  Component BPs are potential rewards from doing bounties on Cetus.  You just have to do the bounties until you get the BP as a drop and then craft it.

  7. If you go to the railjack from the orbiter, start a mission, then immediately transfer to operator it will cause a bug where you enter the mission without a railjack (or it will be very far from you and any enemies) and you'll be in archwing.  This is being used to get into higher level content without having to worry about whether the ship is ready for it (or having to hide it away from action).

  8. Where are you taking the test?  Are you taking it in a relay at Cephalon Simaris' room?  When you're in your orbiter and pull up the menu, does it give you an option to rank up?  What is your MR XP in your profile?

  9. 11 hours ago, (XB1)DoG Syrup said:

    Since building the drydock my orokin lab has become inaccessible we can only access half of the lab looking for fixes for this

    What do you mean?  Do you mean that you can't walk into part of the lab?  Or, do you mean that some of the research is no longer available?

  10. Full description of the bug - the more pertinent information you can provide the better.  Is it intermittent?  Is it pervasive?  Can you reliably trigger the bug to occur?  Do you have screenshots or video of the bug occurring?  Were you client or host in a squad?  Solo?  Etc.

    Really, give as much detail as you would want if you were on the other end of the screen and trying to figure out how to fix a bug that's been reported.

  11. You can still use Redeemer (with Banshee), you just need to be more careful about when you snipe the enemies since you can't channel anymore to make the bodies dissolve.

    You can also use Wisp and stay airborne as much as possible.

    Rakta Dark Dagger or Skiajati have bonuses that help with stealth as well.

    Use Enemy Radar and verticality (the enemies don't tend to look up very much).  Learn the patterns.  Practice, practice, practice.

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