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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. I have an idea to revamp dojo duelling into more of a clan v clan system.

    The warlord can build a custom stadium which can be roughly the size of either the old 1.0 Pluto conclave map or the size of freight line (just two examples of a big and small map)

    I personally want dojo duelling to have the same balancing as conclave and for it to use the conclave mods and when you join your dojo you join with your current selected pvp loadout (like how your health and shields are messed up from the current dojo balancing which is laughable to call balancing)

    When entering the built duelling room it will have 4 sitting pedestals and a panel that allows a user to switch to a different conclave loadout and a holographic projector which will display the custom built map created by the warlord (clan tier will determine how many maps a clan can create).

    Having multiple rooms built will allow different squads of clan members to create and host different lobbies (and different maps if available)

    When there is 2-4 members ready and sitting in the designated areas the person who sat down first will choose if they want to host a match inside they're own arena or join another clans arena

    Victory will result in credits going into the clan resource cash (amount depends on clan size) and each participating members will gain 400 endo and looking at your clan profile the victories and defeats will be displayed along with clan kills ect.
    Each individuals kills and deaths will contribute to their own conclave score which already exists

    But basically I want a reason for clans to exist apart from getting specific weapons

  2. 50 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Actually, the problem with melee weapons is that often they are too slow to catch someone proficient at parkour. On console it may be the case that melee is stronger, but you run into impossible-to-hit players every couple of matches.

    Also, the teleport isn't a thing, that's lag, staces feature high mobile combos because when you face someone who can jump good and then backflip in the other direction and then glide and pepper you with near unavoidable hitscan gunfire, you well need to be able to catch up.

    Swordwhips' only issues are:

    -The pause combo contorting hitbox (which is difficutl to hit at range apparently)

    -the windup hit is too freaking slow and animation-locking.

    towmorrow i will host a private match and gain footage of the slam combo in heavy weapons allowing ghost like movement on the ground i already have good footage of the mios combos being broken as seen here


  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    There are plenty of flaws with this logic:

    First, Daikyu doesn't one shot if the person has more EHP than normal unless it were by a headshot. Daikyu takes time to charge up the shot so unless you had the shot at the ready, thats not going to happen. Even if you were to hit the person with the Daikyu, you take damage since Crush has little to no start-up.

    Second, one can start up Crush from a mile away and still hit through wall (not exactly sure but I think it does).

    Your suggestions are very conditional and the same can be applied with the Mios. Unless you started already the combo animation, you are not gonna survive.

    it doesnt 1 shot a tank frost build just like the post buff crush so in that respect they are the same also if the person come around the corner and just lets the arrow fly then its basically instant death if the arrow even fly's past you because its amazing hitboxes also with the range and the damage and the channel blocking along with its animations the mios defiantly inst situational

    also you could easily escape crush if you could tell when someone is about to use it with the mod that shows targets with max energy or even with common sense and tbh i really dont even see the point in this thread because mag will finally get some use in the game after her terrible rework

  4. 17 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    I know that the Daikyu and Mios trigger you beyond all belief, but please, don't let your personal biases blind you from the fact that Crush has a two second animation that deals more than half your EHP in under one second, and it can do it from 18m away.

    pretty sure the daikyu an 1 shot anything from just 15 meters away in just 1 second and the mios can probably do the same in 2 seconds so i really dont see the point in complaining about an ability that can do the same but leaves the person using it vulnerable and that the ability requires energy to use which in a proper match is not the easiest to get and  spam

    "b-but you need to aim the daikyu"

    nope you certainly do not  

  5. I personally feel the melee combo animations are just badly designed and really clunky for pvp which create some issues with melee combat. 

    Some melee combos are glitchy

    take the mios and the heavy weapon slam combos for example.

    because when someone with a heavy weapon does that combo they're still able to move while still in that animation and then suddenly teleport forward with the next attack. This for me isn't exactly the worst example however for me it's the most common example of the animations being clunky however the biggest offender is the mios because during the spin combo that has insane range and causes knockdown the users frame looks to be smelling his own colon while the whip section of the weapon  is flapping around aimlessly above where his head would normally be 

    all I'm asking is for de to make the combos more fluid and less erratic or if they can't be bothered slowing down the attack speed of melee weapons during combos so people can actually shoot at them effectively 

    (freezing someone with avalanche during the op mios combo will show you what I'm talked about)

  6. 3 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    I've bern thinking, and since you can't disarm a melee player, any player with melee equipped should get the damage anyways (think of them like the infested in pve) 

    Also during melee combos they're immune to knockdown so it wouldn't make much of a difference to them

  7. 32 minutes ago, (PS4)chibi_matatabi said:

    I have two issues with conclave atm, both of which are being brought up in the current 'quick steel' event going on in consoles...

    1, teaming in free for all

    2, point theft

    that's really it, and are pretty self explanitory

    I would greatly appreciate it if DE removed the oro system in free for all, its a great system for team based firefights, but not so much for free for all

    (slightly pissed how first was 21 oro, 16 kills, 15 deaths, second was 16 oro, 19 kills, 13 deaths, and third was 16 oro, 19 kills, 15 deaths) 

    100% agree free for all is just terrible with oro 

  8. On 16/03/2017 at 7:07 PM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    All I'm going to say is this: There's a reason Conclave is one of the least played game mode in WF, and there's a reason other AAA multiplayer games are much more popular than Warframe. Think about that the next time "Conclave is fine" pops into your head.

    EDIT: You know what, I'll say more. I think the above is an indicator, to me, that Conclave isn't fine the way it is. I think it needs serious work. For starters, I think DE needs to look at what multiplayer games are popular and successful (yes, both are important imo). Understand the gameplay mechanics that make them successful. IMO, the problems with Conclave are 1) the movement mechanics (including running/sprinting animations and parkour) aren't suited for multiplayer gameplay, 2) the gunplay mechanics (particularly how the character moves when holding a gun) aren't suited for multiplayer gameplay, and 3) the game modes themselves aren't good enough imo (and I'll explain this).

    For movement, I think it'd help if Warframe had motion-captured running, sprinting, and walking animations, and if these animations were IK-based (inverse kinematics). I think this would greatly improve the movement in the game (PvE and PvP) and make it smoother and less clunky. I also think Conclave would be much better without bullet jumping and aim gliding. Wall running/hopping/latching is fine, but I think Conclave should be more about gunplay, swordplay, and abilities than about bullet jumping and aim gliding across the room.

    For gunplay, particularly how the player moves while holding a primary or secondary weapon, I think DE could look to traditional first and third person shooters for influence. Whether it's Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield, Battlefront, Medal of Honor, Ghost Recon, or Rainbow Six, there's a pretty standard movement scheme that's proven to work: when you are moving side to side, left to right (i.e. strafing), your character's body still faces forward; when you move backwards, your character backs up instead of turning 180 degrees. While some players might not think it matters, it does because it affects your character's aim. Right now, in Warframe, when you move side to side, your entire body turns in that direction; when you're in the middle of shooting, it's clunky and affects your aim. When the character moves back (when you press S), the character turns all the way around, also affecting your aim. Maybe it's a trivial thing to some (and, imo, it certainly isn't as important as changing the movement system), but I certainly notice the difference when playing Warframe versus playing a game with a more traditional gunplay system. Oh, and I think PvP should be an exclusively primary/secondary system with quick melee. I don't think Warframe's current melee system is suitable for PvP. If they introduced a dueling system for melee, only then would I think it'd work in PvP.

    As for the game modes, I just think that we could have some more interesting PvP game modes that could be better than what we currently have. Take a look at the current PvE game modes, particularly the older ones: Exterminate, Capture, Rescue, Assassinate, Defense, Mobile Defense. Now, imagine if these were put into Conclave, with their same PvE tilesets. Exterminate would simply be team death match, but on the PvE tileset. Capture would probably be a king of the hill/domination type game mode where each team is trying to capture and hold a target. Rescue PvP would be a mode where one team is tasked with guarding a target while the other team is trying to rescue them. The rescuing team would have to escort the target to extraction while holding them in one arm. Assassinate would be where one team has to defend one of their team members while the other team is trying to kill them; each player on the defending team would each get a chance to be the target before the mission ends. Defense would be where one team is defending a static objective, the other is attacking. Mobile Defense could be a game mode where the defending team has to defend a moving target that reaches certain check points, while the attacking team gets a limited amount of time at each checkpoint to attack and destroy the moving target (think Hijack without having to move the target with your shields). I think all of this would make for a much more interesting PvP experience than the current Conclave.


    There. I don't think Conclave is fine the way it is and I think that my suggestions could make it better. It'd certainly become a game mode that I would enjoy.

    Archwing is less played than conclave 

  9. Here's my questions to the community:

    are the new weapons any good?

    is Octavia any good? (apart from crashes)

    does any of the the weapon changes work in conclave?(buzzlok miter harpak ect)

    Please post the conclave stats of the new weapons in this thread along with octavias conclave abilities and health and shield stats 

  10. 9 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

    If sniper rifles work well for you, then so be it. Different people like and perform differently with different things. I'm still not convinced you didn't make this entire thread as a form of bragging to everyone about how good you think you are. But Look, if the meta really is that bland, and if you're so good at defining the meta, then try some other stuff. Because it's plenty diverse over on PC. I personally like shotguns, some of the best players in the game with godlike tracking like automatics. Some sticklers still stay on snipers all the time, but they're hardly the majority... They're all more than viable, and nothing is necessarily meta right now. If I take your words at face value, the problem and solution are one and the same - if you don't like the meta, that's entirely on you. Apparently.

    The problem is that snipers work well for everyone to the extent that nobody is using other weapons. That's the issue my post is trying to highlight and the only solution is the Nerf snipers in a way that encourages skillful use of those weapons. If snipers don't get nerfed then sorry to say conclave will die. Simple

    it is reasons like this people don't play conclave

  11. 6 hours ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    Look, if your nerf were to be implemented, Snipers would't be in any form viable. Why should a pick a Sniper when I can pick automatics and semi automatics and perform the same regardless the distance? Now I want to know in what game does snipers have a damage reduction if the target get too close? They are already hard to aim at close distance to begin with. Snipers are fine the way they are.

    Well I can't wait to see you in a lobby and watch as that kd you have drops dramatically. Because I will show a live example.

  12. 14 hours ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    1*eye roll*
    The most transparent humble-brag ever.
    Sure buddy, sure. Your immense popularity is single-handedly defining the "meta". Can I get an autograph?

    2 Also, snipers demand the most precision out of all rifles. Tell me again how they "require little to no effort to use".

    1 *roleplay on a warframe forum* 

    *jumps around with shoes in hands with anime eyes* *XD*

    please stop, this entire section was a terrible and obvious excuse for up votes.

    2. 2 shot kill, hit scan, can outperform every other weapon type effectively, (obviously this is an evaluation of meta sniper rifles) (snipetron can 1 shot through walls too)

  13. 18 hours ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    1. Ok. What is the issue ? A headshot with a properly modded snipetron is supposed to be a 1HK. There isn't a problem if you can kill them before they can react.

    2. So ? Sniper Rifles ( and a bow I won't mention) in conclave have almost consistently been the "meta" because of their low STK ratio. If DE made the grakata have the same STK as a sniper rifle, nobody would use them.

    3. I hope that this is as good as your other thought-provoking posts.

    4. Is this the equivalent of make the assault rifles do only 5-10 damage until they can hit the target at least 10 times ? Sniper Rifles being powerful isn't a cause, it is a symptom of a system that rewards low STK weapons. (Which isn't a bad thing)

    5. >Everything will be perfect 

    1. Did I mention headshots at all in my post? No I didn't 

    2 so basically admitting that snipers and the daikyu doesn't require any skill is enough for you is it? I would prefer our feedback as to be taken seriously and for the devs to look at everything and re-evaluate according to the criticism. And I never said we should buff every other weapon, I said nerf snipers.

    3 >proving my point that I'm well known enough for you to remember my other posts 

    4 my problem with snipers is that they require no effort and yet yield the best results, all I'm wanting to happen is that the skill required to get those results should be increased. I see no reason for any objections. 

    5 great contribution to the op so useful.

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