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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 1 minute ago, KillMePlis said:

    > Implying ppl give a flying F*** about conclave
    > Implying ppl give a flying F*** about KD

    Finally, and most importantly:

    > Implying that you, only one player, influence in any way the whole dev team

    Op, seriously go visit a psychiatrist, you might be delusional.

    Jesus it's replys like these that make my posts worth while 

  2. Just now, Strykerclaw96 said:

    Lol I hope you're kidding.

    Once again, just the number of kills you have doesn't decide the ratio. You could be getting 50k kills in 3 weeks, but if you die 25k times in that same time frame, it's 2:1

    So yeah, how many PvP kills you get a week doesn't mean a single thing if the other person's kd ratio is higher.

    But all I would need to do in order to grow my kd is get over 12 kills per 1 death per match which is what I have been doing for a while anyway.

    also glad you're bringing this up because I too also believe kills mean nothing in the grand scheme of things 

    also I know for a fact I still have the highest kd on ps4 which I'm glad about ;)

  3. 1 minute ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    need any pointers?


    That's not anything to do with any arguments at all. I'm stating a fact that I have the highest kd ratio on ps4 and probably pc and X box. That's all I was doing 

  4. Just now, Strykerclaw96 said:

    I've seen people using Navigator + Javlok to hit people around corners so don't act like it's just you doing things that "no one else does".

    lol sorry to say sweetheart but it's not just a thing specifically for the javlok and I have no clue what the PC community is like I can only speak for the ps4 community.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Strykerclaw96 said:

    But that doesn't mean that they only check YOU to see what gets nerfed. That's just massive ego.

    Yet it's only the stuff I use mainly that get the major changes, navigator is the biggest example of this because nobody ever used that ability in conclave 

  6. 1 hour ago, Stormdragon said:

    After reading this post I can only think that your KD went that high by abusing broken gear and now that things are getting balanced you can't actually do as much as you think.



    What? Broken gear? If the weapons I used were broken in any way the community at large would be using it. That is not the case at all. and we'll the changes at large are yet to affect me because my current weapon choices which are listed haven't been touched yet 

  7. 1 hour ago, Strykerclaw96 said:

    Yeah, they only focus on one player to see what needs to be nerfed. That's totally how it works.

    Well they clearly don't balance check conclave through playing it. If so meta weapons would be the ones getting the axe.

  8. Now I have been playing 2.0 conclave for a long time now and I have achieved the highest kd ratio in all of ps4 and probably PC and Xbox, I use weapons nobody uses and I always carry public matches and have garnered a lot of funny rage messages but here's the thing.

    why does everything I personally use get nerfed into the ground and become literally unusable or not competitive?

    Let's go through everything single weapon, frame, melee and pistol I used just to show you what I mean  you what I mean.

    my first ever 2.0 build was valkyr, soma, vakor merelok and jatkittag. Now i mainly used the vakor Merelok and hysteria at that time and the reason for this was melee magnetism was a thing for all weapons. and so I could take melee spammers out of play with hysteria just to rub it in their faces how broken melee was.

    then comes the update, the vakor merelok got a major damage reduction and hysteria became useless and valkyr had no mobility at all effectively killing the frame, 

    then came the nyx burston prime days which made a complete joke out of dark dagger spammers because absorb would knock them down actually giving me a chance to escape and kill them easily.

    mind control was a major team savour for me because back then exalted blade spam was pretty prevalent so every time an enemy used exalted blade I would mind control them making them redundant and allowing for the possibility of accedental team kills which always made me laugh. Keep in mind I never used any of nyxs abilities and well those were the ones left unchanged.

    mind control got nerfed into the ground reducing its effect down to 4 seconds 

    and now absorb is only able to be used when the users have 100 energy which killed my melee spam protection and the Hurston prime got a fire rate decrease making the weapon not work if you pull the trigger too fast rendering the gun non competitive against meta.

    next were the mesa days which I still used the burston prime because mesas second gave her it a damage increase and peacemaker went through melee channeling which was amazing for people using the ack and brunt and duel kamas. 

    And well mesas second ability no longer increases damage and peacemaker now needs to be cast on the ground making her daikyu bait and the burston got a mag decrease rendering it useless.

    next build was ivara javlok which I still use occasionally because her first ability is great against button mashers but the biggest nerf by far was the navigator nerf.

    now literally nobody on ps4 used navigator apart from me. Literally nobody and yet it got nerfed into the ground by decreasing its 5x damage multiplier into a 1.5. Now that is just a proper nuke nerf. An ability literally nobody used or could even use effectively got utterly nuked they ignored Artemis bow which everyone was using and nerfed navigator. Why? Just why? It was the saving grace of ivara and you completely rolled it up into a tight little wad and shoved it up my gutter pipe. And it hurt.


    now I'm going to make a prediction on the next things that are nerfed 



    ivaras first ability 



    eauphona prime

    If any of these things get nerfed you bet I'm gonna start using daikyu and mios all the time and hopefully get those weapons obliterated with a waves of needed nerfs just like the snipetron vandal.

  9. Personally some of the weapon changes/nerfs on certain weapons really weren't needed at all for example the miter.

    sure the miter is powerful, doing enough damage to being an unmodded frame down to 20-50 health but you know what it doesn't have? Broken hitboxes, punch through it also rewards headshots with a 1 shot kill something that people who use the current meta take for granted and speaking of meta why don't you take an axe to those weapons? I mean clearly they're overused for a reason right?

    the javlok is another weapon that took an L recently not a substantial one sure but shouldn't fun/trick weapons be the most powerful? Rewarding players who master both modes and forms meanwhile weapons like the braton and soma still completely dominate matches and still become the number one choice for even veteran players in pve to casually get kills with little to no effort of course true pvp players like myself can handle such casual weapons but friends tell me how put off from conclave they feel because of how casual it is.

    weapons like the javlok and the miter we never used in conclave (on ps4) and yet de feels the need to nerf underused fun challenging weapons and keep little effort weapons at the top of the chain

    im not telling de to revert the nerfs all I'm saying is play test all the weapons with their respective mods first before nerfing because if they were to actually look at some of the weapons they have available I don't think the daikyu would be the best bow in the game.


  10. 6 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    It's true that nearly all combos feature that, however, most are split-second long inmunities, which is usually worthless unless you can predict your opponents knockdown and get the timing right, which is a Skill rather than Game Assistance. Knocking down with melee slams only works if the target is about 1-2m above the ground, you can't knockdown fully aerial foes unless you use a power like Sonic Boom, Soul Punch or the Sonicor gun.


    or just spam quick melee right before the opponent hits the ground and just laugh as that person is still in the animation while you on the otherhand spam combos which require no effort at all.

    and blade and whips can knockdown an Ariel target with the combo they have also the nikana can do that as well 

    9 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    While taking half the damage, reflecting 60% damage and only when you are about to die. If you got set on fire, then the blocking player either died of gunshots or from being on fire too. Since Blocking angle is 90º and can't block attacks from above or below, a blocking player needs to aim to you with the whole body to make blocking effective, compare that to gunusers walking while shooting someone behind them. Melee Channeling shouldn't drain energy to begin with, rather have it's own resource, and IO should require max energy in either case, since being at full energy only works if you never channel or cast powers, which used to be a viable tactic as IO boosted block to 100% fully nullifying damage, right now it's a worthless mod that is far outclassed by Martial Fury, which is actually a mandatory mod as most melee weapons are too slow for Conclave's fast paced combat and acrobatics.


    simply untrue. melee blocking can reflect aoe damage and bullets if the combos are all over the place like the mios or the dark dagger which allows them to either avoid damage at the last second or reflect back either all or the majority of the damage with just using the weapon as intended. i think channeling should drain 2 energy a second and i also thing melee users should get a special stamina bar to encourage skillful play rather than just button mashing and combo spam.


    15 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    Channel Blocking doesn't nullify damage, at all, not even during Mortal Conduit. What you see is the effect of latency usually. What channel blocking does is reduce the damage you take while blocking. Another posibility is that Channel Blocking and Impenetrable Offense stack with each other, so a player at max energy can channel block a single shot and nullify it's damage, after that the energy is drained and IO becomes worthless again.


    i can gather footage of melee users taking 0 damage while reflecting it all back at me with just holding down block while channeling. it isnt latency its a feature of the melee system 


    18 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    They don't teleport, channel block is broken on the "it's detrimental to the user in almost every situation" sense, Impair (replaced Stagger) and Knockdown are on a cooldown, having them on Combos promotes combo use and discourages mindlessly using the melee key, getting the timing right and being able to focus on your weapon in the heat of battle, not to mention steering combos to land on enemies, even predicting where your eternally bulletjumping enemy will land, are measurements of Skill. You say "Combo spam" but you forget that literally every single gun consists of spamming click, with not timing required outside of charge weapons and no leading required outside of Projectile weapons, with no range juggling outside of shotguns (and Daikyu). And no weapon combines all that, except Daikyu.


    the difference is though gun users are always in competition with each other because different weapons require a different level of attention i agree that weapons like the sooma which just require you to hold down a button and aim in the general direction of the person but you can easily outplay those people with skill by timing your shots and being familure with the map and knowing the limitations of the gun you are using with melee on the other hand its just whoever presses e faster or whoever uses the mios, in comparison melee requires no effort.


    23 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    Back to the main topic. Yes, Frost's passive needs to be changed to something else that doesn't shutdown a melee player for zero effort.

    melee requires 0 effort and now with frost they actually need to pay attention and not just spam aimlessly.

  11. 1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

    depending on combos, mostly those with high momentum or that feature jumps, dashes or pirouettes, and only during those specific animations.


    so.. basically majority of melee combos then? regardless melee shouldn't have knockdown immunity at all especially since gun users can get knocked down while being in the air from a ground slam


    3 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    In general blocking is very poor, having a narrow angle, and blocking at only 50% or below for most weapons. You can boost it with Impenetrable Offense, but since that mod for some unfathomable reason requires being at full energy is absolutely useless in practice. Channel blocking exists but it stills drains too much energy, doesn't nullify damage and can only reflect when you have Mortal Conduit active (which only happens when you have a sliver of health and will die anyway because, again, chan block doesn¡t nullify damage)


    the fact you reflect back bullets and even status pocs is the most insane thing about blocking. for example i can shoot a person blocking and end up setting myself on fire all because that player just holds down block and thats it, literally no effort at all and since melee channeling drains energy its only fair that the mod shouldnt work unless you have max energy 

    also i have seen cases when the person is channel blocking and facing the complete opposite direction and yet i see 0 damage and yes channel blocking does nullify damage

    8 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


    Trough a mod, which is hilarious because when melee players asked for mobility we intended "less animation lock, roll out of combos, faster combos" not "jump +1m higher and run faster". At least the sprint speed is very good.


    the animations are oneof the biggest problems with melee because like i said they are so fast and sporadic that players teleport and are able to channel block and mitigate damage while causing stagger and knockdown which i thing should be removed from combos to encourage more skillful game play and less combo spam in matches

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