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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. On 5/13/2017 at 4:43 PM, (PS4)WhiteStrike_PT said:

    Melee isn't really broken. It makes you stay stuck to the ground and usually limits movement during combos (save for some extremely broken weapons such as the Mios, who don't seem to have any downsides).

    well melee users cant be knocked down during their combos and block almost all incoming damage which makes them tanky, also add the increased mobility and movement speed and lets not talk about melee combos which add teleportation with some of their attacks like the dark dagger for example.

  2. 6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Aeries Vendetta said:

    I disagree with you very much. Pve already gets the sorties and the raids and PvP is neglected. Failsafe what PvP players are supposed to have as our raid equivalent. 

    So you basically ignored my whole clan duel rework which makes dojo duels way better than solar rails and just went 

    "muh rails doh, we wuz rail kangs"

  3. 3 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    Melee is actually underwhelming on PC because it's difficult to hit enemies in open areas and straight up useless against full airborne enemies.

    And there shouldn't be a frame that can passively render a weapon type useless because it breaks balance. Can you imagine if a Warframe had passive damage mitigation against ranged weapons? That would be incredibly broken.

    I really don't see how it's apparently so difficult for PC players to get people out of the air. Many frames have a first ability that can basically ruin any airborne player. Valkyr, nekros, list goes on. 

    Melee does the same damage on ps4 so I really don't see how there's a difference 

    well guess what? I would melee the frame that makes ranged weapons useless. Tag dah problem solved 

  4. I have an idea to revamp dojo duelling into more of a clan v clan system.

    The warlord can build a custom stadium which can be roughly the size of either the old 1.0 Pluto conclave map or the size of freight line

    I personally want dojo duelling to have the same balancing as conclave and for it to use the conclave mods and when you join your dojo you join with your current selected pvp loadout (like how your health and shields are messed up from the current dojo balancing)

    When entering the built duelling room it will have 4 sitting pedestals and a panel that allows a user to switch to a different conclave loadout and a holographic projector which will display the custom built map created by the warlord and if you are the warlord of a moon clan that dictates how many maps you can create.

    Having multiple rooms built will allow different squads of clan members to create and host different lobbies

    When there is 2-4 members ready and sitting in the designated areas the person who sat down first will choose if they want to host a match inside they're own arena or join another clans arena

    Victory will result in credits going into the clan resource cash (amount depends on clan size) and each participating members will gain 400 endo and looking at your clan profile the victories and defeats will be displayed along with clan kills ect.
    Each individuals kills and deaths will contribute to their own conclave score which already exists

    But basically I want a reason for clans to exist apart from getting specific weapons out the market

  5. i think solar rails should be more of a pve thing however I have an idea to revamp dojo duelling into more of a clan v clan system.

    The warlord can build a custom stadium which can be roughly the size of either the old 1.0 Pluto conclave map or the size of freight line

    I personally want dojo duelling to have the same balancing as conclave and for it to use the conclave mods and when you join your dojo you join with your current selected pvp loadout (like how your health and shields are messed up from the current dojo balancing)

    When entering the built duelling room it will have 4 sitting pedestals and a panel that allows a user to switch to a different conclave loadout and a holographic projector which will display the custom built map created by the warlord and if you are the warlord of a moon clan that dictates how many maps you can create.

    Having multiple rooms built will allow different squads of clan members to create and host different lobbies

    When there is 2-4 members ready and sitting in the designated areas the person who sat down first will choose if they want to host a match inside they're own arena or join another clans arena

    Victory will result in credits going into the clan resource cash (amount depends on clan size) and each participating members will gain 400 endo and looking at your clan profile the victories and defeats will be displayed along with clan kills ect.
    Each individuals kills and deaths will contribute to their own conclave score which already exists

    But basically I want a reason for clans to exist apart from getting specific weapons out the market

  6. On 5/7/2017 at 8:13 AM, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

    PvP just needs to be redone completely, period.  Based on the fact that it works differently wether it's the damage system or its separate mods, it does not contribute to any additional skills. To me PvP is a totally different game mode which has nothing to do with the core of the game, it's like two different games in one.  Not saying it's bad, but if I want to kill time there are too many games on my phone to do so.  The only players I know who play Pvp are players who do not understand the game and  with no patience for the grind (that's on my end).  


    looking at your profile you really haven't played pvp that much to have an opinion 

  7. 7 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    It uses the exact same controls and has the exact same mechanics as PvE. If the controls or mechanics in in Conclave were to be changed, then for consistency, the same changes will be made to PvE.

    Oh, I don't know...



    Utilizing the parkour system?

    Remember when people complained about Operation Rathuum being too hard? Well, none of those complains came from Conclave regulars.

    PvP puts your understanding and knowledge of the core of the game to the test: your ability to run or chase is determined by your understanding and experience with the parkour system; your ability to kill opponents is determined by your cognitive abilities as well as your capability of using abilities in a non-cheese fashion.

    The only players I know who play PvP are all MR 18+ who find no challenge in the PvE part of the game


  8. I agree that the staticor shouldn't do knockdown but nidus is super easy to kill.

    nidus gets annihilated by somas and other automatic weapons however he is the go to frame when fighting weapons like the daikyu or opticor and other op meta trash weapons so no I don't think he needs a nerf at all also it's pretty difficult getting stacks without using knockdown weapons against those who stay airborne constantly

    the only thing I would say that needs fixed is that you can get stacks from decoy or from people who have just spawned 

  9. On 17/04/2017 at 2:24 PM, Stormdragon said:

    Let me guess: someone needs a big meaningless number to compensate for something being the other way around.

    I made this thread with a couple of examples of both, a noob farmer with less than 10K kills at that moment, and a bad player with a positive KD, both thanks to the choice of staying in RC. There is also another player with these conclave stats


    His KD is higher than yours and is far away from 100K kills so based on your logic, he must be a conclave good who will mop the floor with Pythadragon (stats posted by himself above) or any other pc player getting in his way. FEAR!

    Saying that certain play styles ruin the competitive nature of pvp won't magically teach you tou counter them.

    Here you are still implying that kd is meaningless and yet have no evidence to back it up, also I love when people rope in something irrelevant and try and use that to inflate their argument priceless.

    i think kills and deaths shouldn't be displayed until the user turns off recruit conditioning and only then should they be able to influence their stats (also I find if funny that you know that account is a noob farmer which just proves what I have already said)

    that account only has 5k kills. Hardly better than someone with 42k and only 3.0 ratio off. Also looking at the 30k deaths pythadragon has it's obvious he doesn't do well at avoiding deaths.

    this isn't overwatch bro, there's no "counter" you can simply outplay those individuals which new players or casual players can't and they especially won't stick around and play conclave for long after running into that meta trash.

  10. Just now, DerkmeisterPrime said:


    I have an idea to revamp dojo duelling into more of a clan v clan system.

    The warlord can build a custom stadium which can be roughly the size of either the old 1.0 Pluto conclave map or the size of freight line (just two examples of a big and small map)

    I personally want dojo duelling to have the same balancing as conclave and for it to use the conclave mods and when you join your dojo you join with your current selected pvp loadout (like how your health and shields are messed up from the current dojo balancing which is laughable to call balancing)

    When entering the built duelling room it will have 4 sitting pedestals and a panel that allows a user to switch to a different conclave loadout and a holographic projector which will display the custom built map created by the warlord (clan tier will determine how many maps a clan can create).

    Having multiple rooms built will allow different squads of clan members to create and host different lobbies (and different maps if available)

    When there is 2-4 members ready and sitting in the designated areas the person who sat down first will choose if they want to host a match inside they're own arena or join another clans arena

    Victory will result in credits going into the clan resource cash (amount depends on clan size) and each participating members will gain 400 endo and looking at your clan profile the victories and defeats will be displayed along with clan kills ect.
    Each individuals kills and deaths will contribute to their own conclave score which already exists

    But basically I want a reason for clans to exist apart from getting specific weapons



    (so you can hopefully read it now)

  11. worst idea ever. i have the highest kd ratio on ps4 for conclave. i started from nothing and i worked really hard at getting my ratio to 11.2:1 and yes it definitely does indicate skill those with a high kd ratio are the ones who truly are the best at conclave, you can spot the noob farmers with their low kd ratios but have over 100k kills and you can spot bad players because they have a negative kd ratio, removing kd stats will just ruin the competitive nature  even more than snipers and the daikyu already does  

  12. I have an idea to revamp dojo duelling into more of a clan v clan system.

    The warlord can build a custom stadium which can be roughly the size of either the old 1.0 Pluto conclave map or the size of freight line (just two examples of a big and small map)

    I personally want dojo duelling to have the same balancing as conclave and for it to use the conclave mods and when you join your dojo you join with your current selected pvp loadout (like how your health and shields are messed up from the current dojo balancing which is laughable to call balancing)

    When entering the built duelling room it will have 4 sitting pedestals and a panel that allows a user to switch to a different conclave loadout and a holographic projector which will display the custom built map created by the warlord (clan tier will determine how many maps a clan can create).

    Having multiple rooms built will allow different squads of clan members to create and host different lobbies (and different maps if available)

    When there is 2-4 members ready and sitting in the designated areas the person who sat down first will choose if they want to host a match inside they're own arena or join another clans arena

    Victory will result in credits going into the clan resource cash (amount depends on clan size) and each participating members will gain 400 endo and looking at your clan profile the victories and defeats will be displayed along with clan kills ect.
    Each individuals kills and deaths will contribute to their own conclave score which already exists

    But basically I want a reason for clans to exist apart from getting specific weapons

  13. 50 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Actually, the problem with melee weapons is that often they are too slow to catch someone proficient at parkour. On console it may be the case that melee is stronger, but you run into impossible-to-hit players every couple of matches.

    Also, the teleport isn't a thing, that's lag, staces feature high mobile combos because when you face someone who can jump good and then backflip in the other direction and then glide and pepper you with near unavoidable hitscan gunfire, you well need to be able to catch up.

    Swordwhips' only issues are:

    -The pause combo contorting hitbox (which is difficutl to hit at range apparently)

    -the windup hit is too freaking slow and animation-locking.

    towmorrow i will host a private match and gain footage of the slam combo in heavy weapons allowing ghost like movement on the ground i already have good footage of the mios combos being broken as seen here


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