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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 5 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:

    And what about the people who dont find fun to get grouped with randoms while playing with premades who are going to have such an adventage just for being paired together? Why the game should change to fit YOUR needs while not caring about other players or the game a whole. Your argument is just too egoist.




    well dont play team annihilation and just play annihilation. its that simple. also premade lobbies are already a thing. all my thread was asking to change was host migration breaking the team premade making everyone on different teams. i really dont see how youre struggling to grasp such a simple thing.


    10 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:


    I said "getting into matches", as in, make the matches worse when you finally get one. Also, as something else that ive said before, this mode does not have enough players to make something like that works, thats why i mentioned Overwatch and Paladins in my reply.




    funny because on ps4 i can join with 3 people and we always get a game instantly. it must be a personal problem.


    16 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:



    Because team anhilation is heavy affected by how much people can coordinate together is that it would be masively unbalanced to fit a team that is premade to a group of randoms that never saw eachother before.


    premade lobbies are and have been in conclave since 2.0 came out all my thread is about is adding consistency and removing the glitch where host migration breaks up the team and puts them on opposite teams which prompts true unfair gameplay. so please arguing against this will just force team ups from friends on oposite teams in team annihilation. exactly what you were crying about for annihilation.


    20 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:

    . If you already say that is "all about working with your team to win", does it not ring a bell to you that if one team already has one variable less to deal with (how much you are going to communicate with eachother during the match, since the team that is not already built will have to learn to play from 0 intead if the advantage it would come from being in a premade) then the premade will have a significant advantage during such matches for no reason at all?



    that depends on the players on the other team. i have personally carried games when up against 4 man premade lobbies and those were the best matches i have had in conclave.


    23 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:

    Also, because it already exists, is that you can create a custom lobby making premades vs premades instead of forcing pubs to play in the rules you feel like playing (something that does not exist and the reason why you created this thread to begin with). You already have the options to play like that in a more fair scenario and somebody else already suggested you to do that, why did not you heard?




    private matches dont give standing or contribute to kdr which is why i or my clan rarely do private matches and yes i agree with you on pairing premades with premades but again that wont solve the host migration issue breaking up the premade lobbies. which is the whole purpose of this thread. youre literally straw manning.


    27 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:


    Wich is literally the suggestion i gave for your thread to make any sense at all and then i said rightafter that this game does not have a community big enought to pull it off like other games? Might as well try the discord or somewhere else when you can actually modify those setting and create premades vs premades from the get go instead of trying to force public matches to be however you wanted to be while there is a "consistency for a function that already exists"  that simply will let you do it on your terms (private matches), but draging pubs into your ideal scenario is obviously better, apparently.




    29 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:


    Wich is literally the suggestion i gave for your thread to make any sense at all and then i said rightafter that this game does not have a community big enought to pull it off like other games? Might as well try the discord or somewhere else when you can actually modify those setting and create premades vs premades from the get go instead of trying to force public matches to be however you wanted to be while there is a "consistency for a function that already exists"  that simply will let you do it on your terms (private matches), but draging pubs into your ideal scenario is obviously better, apparently.

    I did not wanted to add prhases like " Im really not getting you at all here. " because usually people grab onto those words as confidence for their pointless arguments and approachments, but i was really expecting better, aparently. Because read what you have said:


    You are isolating team anhilation as example where that feedback would make sence even after the only thing you talked about was team anhilation to begin with.

    How does that make any sense to you? to ignore a reply that focus on the very specific details that you are talking about? Too much common sense, maybe? Maybe there is too much of everything after all.

    Personal problems like how you want to play in the setting that you without any insight of why it could be beneficial to other people when they cant do anything to deal with what they dont want to do? Even after i asked you to say why it would benefit the game in any way if you already can make premades (with a consistent fuction that already exist in private matches), yet you did not improved on that aspect at all? So selfish of me, i should know better than trying to figure out why people are trying to play in their own settings even when they already have options that they are willingly ignoring that can create those settings without dragging people not involved into their ideas of what they think its fun or not and how they game should be played. Silly me.

    Or you mean personal problems and considerate toughts like how you literally told the guy to not play the mode if he does not like the way you want to play it?

    You are so elocuent and considerate, obviously you are not posting personal problems at all that have no relevance to what other people are saying. Even when you have the options to fit a match to your needs while you tell other people to just deal with it if they dont like it all while talking about personal problems there seems to be no egoist toughts at all. There seems to be too much common sense there to me for handle it, i need to learn more from you, obviously!

    oh, you mean the topic i was talking about during the whole post?

    As in being grouped into a team where you dont know any of them against a premade? or maybe it was my comment here that was so hard to undertand what i was talking about:

    As in trying to make so sense into your argument because it truly says nothing more than you want to paly in the way you can have fun in the game and it should change based on why you think its fun without really saying it would be healthy or good for other people too? Even more, while literally telling another person to just dont play if he does not like you idea? Nonsensical.


    The purpose of randomly aligned players in different teams its to prevent greatly unbalanced matches, thats why the fuction of changing sides was added on private matches, something that you can always decide to use whenever you want, yet here you are.

    As in, read how you were saying that you could see his argument if team anhilation was the only game yet its the only game you talked about in the whole topic?



    And again, if you do like premade matches, you have the option of creating a private match and modify it however you want for maximum fun and customization! Here's how it looks like:

    You can now switch teams in private matches - PC Conclave PhP - Warframe Forums



    i have already dismantled this drivel you have just repeated again. i dont get how you feel like annihilation has anything to do with team premades. how will host migration effect a premade in annihilation? it wont howeverin team annihilation which im using as an example the team get split between two teams and this creates the very thing you were crying about earlier


    2 hours ago, Veryverylazy said:


     Finding Free for all matches where from time to time you see players working together to try and deal with a smaller group of player (or a single one)

    all im asking is to keep premades on the same team after host migration, so what you were crying about doesnt happen in team annihilation or any of the other team based games.


    you also play the "poor innocent single players" card which really dosnt work because cod and other big multiplayer games have premade hosted matches and the counter? dont play team modes where a premade will show up. simple. 

  2. adding this here for those who have problems reading or whatever. im talking about TEAM ORIENTATED MODES 

    adding this premade lock to teams will NOT matter at all or even effect regular annihilation. if anything it will reduce friends from helping each other in free for all and will give them a chance to consistently play with one another ON THE SAME TEAM

  3. Just now, Veryverylazy said:


    Why do you want premades on random pubs anyway?

    because its fun. what a really weird question right off the bat.

    1 minute ago, Veryverylazy said:


     Its hard enought to find a match at all, letting people jump into a lobby as premade would only make getting into matches a lot worse,


    it has never effected games like call of duty or even battlefield. ok i get that the limit is 4 v 4 but still. how will it make finding matches harder? surly since more people are in a match thats actually a good thing?


    6 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:


     after waiting minutes spaming region change to find a match you finally end up with people you have never seen before against a premade. Finding Free for all matches where from time to time you see players working together to try and deal with a smaller group of player (or a single one)

    thats not what this thread is about, im talking about team oriented pvp. ffa team ups are defiantly an issue but how will not allowing premade lobbies in teal annihilation change that? people  will probably do team ups in ffa lobbiesless if we  had consistent team annihilation premade lock which what this thread is about.


    12 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:


     its bad and poor enought already, trying to make those scenarios more standar would just hinder the game more than it alrady is. Instead of saying  "if you dislike premade lobbies then either play annihilation or play private matches" , when they are not designed to be like that, you should play private matches that have fuctions to support those features that you want instead. You are literally asking for the game to change to fit your need when you are the one who already have options to get what you want, yet players who dont like finding people from the same clan and who share part of the same name in Free for all and fighting cant do nothing but suck it and deal with it because there's nothing you can do there besides leaving if you think not playing at all after all that time is better than dealing with that cheap bs.

    ok so me wanting consistency for a function that already exists is apparently ruining the game? do you hear yourself?

    team annihilation is all about working with your team to win. same with all other modes apart from annihilation. so why is playing with friends or clan so wrong? again we are talking about modes that support working with teams not free for all

    maybe link premades with other premades in lobbies but again this wont and shouldnt matter in free for all because it isnt team oriented 

    21 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:



    Then give more examples of wich kind of matches you are looking for to do as premades and why, because you started the thread with this beauty over here:


    oh im sorry. i didnt realize that reading what the thread was about was difficult for you, let me make it more simple for highlighting the main points so you dont wonder off again 


    12 hours ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    Now I enjoy playing team annihilation with my clan but theirs nothing worse than host migration right before the game starts. It removes whatever premade team and splits them up defeating the purpose. Either lock premade players together or remove the possibility of being able to leave during the countdown stage 

    common sense please read what i say next time before aimlessly posting personal problems that have no relevance to what im saying.


    27 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:



    since it limits the idea of wich kind of matches you are looking for. You literally talked only about team anhilation yet he's the one in the wrong when he mentions team anhilation even when you mentioned that mode and nothing else to beging with?


    pretty sure when i mention premade teams i mean team orientated pvp modes. like im now positive you didnt read my original post.


    33 minutes ago, Veryverylazy said:

    Im sorry but your argument does not make any sense at all. It would be better if you could be more specific in what kind of experience you are looking for and why you think it could benefit the game from having features that you want because your argument is not holding any water right now.


    12 hours ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    Now I enjoy playing team annihilation with my clan but theirs nothing worse than host migration right before the game starts. It removes whatever premade team and splits them up defeating the purpose. Either lock premade players together or remove the possibility of being able to leave during the countdown stage 

    maybe read my thread properly

  4. 7 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    And if you want to avoid being killed by melee stay out of melee range, is that simple.


    nor when the have 1 shot combos that you might as well take you hand off the keyboard. i only know one or two guns like that but i know countless melee weapons like that.

  5. Just now, Nazrethim said:

    Knockdown and Impair have:

    -Wind up time (therefore entirely avoidable)


    -Require you to actually hit the target, not an easy task in high levels of play due to constant bulletjump spam.

    Guns have range and the fact they are not affected by terrain (sans grenade launchers) while melee is crippled in certain maps. Guns also make use of the mobility system while melee is locked to ground combat.

    Again, different sets of skills.

    - which is spammed enough making it constantly used

    -with a band aid mod

    - not really because most melee weapons have aoe knockdowns which result in easy unskilled kills

    ok i under stand this part but maps like one of the infested maps have a lot of doors which make for easy ambush kills

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    And guns should deplete Glide/Latch 3 times faster when firing and should deal jack damage at pointblank range (Shotguns exempt of course). But you can't have everything.

    but why? the only weapon type that should be bad in close combat should be snipers for obvious reasons. slowing down mobility and air combat will ruin conclave if you want to kill a player who is constantly in the air use a gun. its that simple.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:



    Melee Playstyle has a different set of skills required. And most of the time is actually harder and trickier than gunplay that is, at it's core, just point&click for nearly all guns with no setup required or lead factor. With some exceptions of course. If you want to talk about skill then it's bows and throwing knives, the vast majority of guns require little to no skill, while melee requires skills to be effective, even with the most powerful weapons.

    melee has constant knockdown and impair bonoses compared to guns in general making them a lot easier to use. guns on the other hand dont have that method of slowing down game play  

  8. On 6/7/2017 at 8:34 AM, Neah said:

    @SevenLetterKWord The current max multiplier is indeed 0.5x down from 5x, despite the growth rate being as is. 
    This being a bug might be a possibility, but considering the UI & in-game tests are consistent, I cannot say for sure that it is.
    Either way, the damage could use a little increase back to 1.0~1.5x.

    increasing the damage multiplier to 3x would be perfect. i mean its a gimmick ability and hitting someone with an arrow in conclave with it should be rewarding for a player when using navigator. also if damage was a problem why is Artemis bow not nerfed?

  9. 9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    And if you get caught with that part of the combo, you are dead or 10 or so hp away from it, at which point literally anything can kill you.

    well that is the problem right there. it shouldn't do that amount of damage

  10. 5 hours ago, ShadowStalker said:

    lol and you think spamming your mouse button is some really hard thing to do?

    maybe bows are the only "Skill requiring" weapons in conclave?

    i mean you need to aim with a gun, melee is just button mash spam.

  11. 7 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

    Imo, public lobbies should disband pre-made teams by treating each player on the squad as an individual, otherwise we'll be constantly getting lobbies where a pre-made team can play in coordination and stomp over a team made by players who see each other for the first time, pushing those put against the pre-made team away from TDM and eventually from the whole conclave experience.

    I wouldn't mind if your fix was made available for private lobbies, but iirc, on those you can switch teams before the battle starts, so it's not actually needed.

    i could see your argument if team annihilation was the only game mode but its not, if you dislike premade lobbies then either play annihilation or play private matches.

  12. Now I enjoy playing team annihilation with my clan but theirs nothing worse than host migration right before the game starts. It removes whatever premade team and splits them up defeating the purpose. Either lock premade players together or remove the possibility of being able to leave during the countdown stage 

  13. 29 minutes ago, (PS4)acesandspades10 said:

    I don't like these weapons in conclave. While I can't complain about the player size during the pause combo( I just shoot or avoid depending on if they are close to me). Large hit boxes always knock me down while bullet jumping directly upwards and I get killed anyway.

    But, I feel biased because massive hate for the Tainted Hydra stance so I want to know if this is broken or I'm salty.

    It's an issue true, but just play frost and it will force them to use something that requires effort. 

  14. 30 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Hi there.

    Attack Speed is, alongside damage, the most important aspect of a melee weapon. Many melee weapons are going unused because they are either too slow (thus unfit to hit anything or dying because of animation lock) or, in some cases, too fast (thus making very difficult to actually use the combos).

    The proposal is simple: Normalize Melee Attack Speed per weapon type, basically "All melee weapons of the same type share the same attack speed" and make them different in damage distribution, channeling cost/multiplier, etc etc.

    Thought's on this?

    I would kinda have to agree with this but I think it's the combos that hinder most weapons as well as the attack speed. But you need to consider range and obviously damage output and knockdown combos, I would however be all for this as long as melee combos allowed immunity for knockdown while in animations.

  15. 20 minutes ago, Stormdragon said:

    Bringing back the impair to half charged opticor would actually make it an even more spammy gun since the first half charged shot landed would be enough to finish your enemy in a couple of shots while they can barely move. Due to the long duration of cold procs that would be another dumb decision even if it's damage is reduced. About the other part, the BFG having one shot potential on full charge is fine even if it's hitscan, and it's mostly since unlike bows, it can't hold a full charge which also takes a while to complete, so you have to time your shots while at least being aware of your target in order to time your charge and aim at it on the right moment to kill it. Opticor is fine.


    can you explain how exactly? impair procing a target and then being able to time and aim a shotwithout the worry of the player button mashing away makes a lot more sense than 1 shoting a player instantly, it requires more effort and would feel much more engaging. having to charge your shot only when facing an enemy has as much of an effect as having a low ammo pool. literally none. if the shot misses the player will just run away or just spam dodge until the shot is ready. opticor needs to be looked at. it is also over used.


    20 minutes ago, Stormdragon said:


    I'm sure this point has been beaten to death and you keep opening new threads ignoring every single explanation and proof of how wrong you are.

    Here's another example of the exact opposite to what you're seeing on your end, which makes me wonder how many times you've left a battle unharmed even tough the other player had a perfect shot on you which didn't register thanks to latency.


    so you show a clip, a single clip and then use that 1 clip to try and argue against my 4 clips which were taken from 4 different matches hosted by different people in different update periods and then claim that all 4 is latency and that yours isn't?


    20 minutes ago, Stormdragon said:


    Euphona primary fire projectile is fast enough to be noticeable only if you start trying to snipe across the map, making it the same as if it was hitscan in actual battle. Secondary fire has a heavy falloff, sure, but one shotting almost anything with it just by going close and shooting with another button. It's high versatility makes it work in a way that, if something manages to survive it's secondary shot, it's high fire rate allows a second shot with any of it's modes depending on how far the enemy gets. Since it's main balance factor is a small ammo pool, I wouldn't mind if it was buffed in exchange for a little bit of damage on it's alt fire + flight speed reduction on primary fire; after all, ammo is rarely an issue since the ammo boxes spread across the map are on groups of 2 or 3, work for any weapon, and you usually need up to 3 of them in order to be full again, and that's only on those extreme cases where you actually run out of ammo.

    i agree the alt fire needs nerfed 100% but the primary mode?but to clam that the eauphona has a high fire rate then that means snipers do too.

  16. Just now, Matoro1992 said:

    Euphona Prime is crazy OP! I see too many players using it. Why does it do a 1-Shot, while my Vectis does a 2-Shot kill unless I aim for the head? 

    It doesn't make any sense that a pistol's damage is stronger than  a sniper rifle's damage. What madness is this?!

    the euphonas primary fire is travel time and has major drop and only 3 shots weak frames like loki while the vectis 2 shots all frames apart from a few with tank builds and is also hitscan. comparing the two is trivial and both have nothing in common at all.

  17. On 5/2/2017 at 3:32 AM, Vyrndragon said:


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    Some of the PvE buff carried over some into Conclave. As a result, Ogris has a very large blast radius (6m) with high damage (220 blast, 90 impact on direct hit) and a rather fast charge (.8s). Even considering the relatively slow flight speed, that's scary. A reduction to blast radius and damage would be great--perhaps to 4m and 180 blast? Direct hits could still potentially 1-shot low ehp frames, but it would no longer greatly reward mindlessly firing at surfaces remotely close to people or groups. (Those numbers are just a not-so-deeply-pondered example, by the way.)


    This one seems like a point of contention as some people feel that it is now balanced. I guess that's part of the problem with mechanical advantages vs statistical advantages, huh? Anywho,

    With Javlok's high damage (130 heat + proc), aoe damage (albeit minor), medium fire rate (~1.67/s or so), large hitbox, and access to a large aoe with its throw, it's got a lot going for it. Heck, these even more than make up for its wonky mechanics and travel time. If possible, reduce the projectile size. That should put it into a good place without the need for damage reduction.


    these two weapons i dont feel need any more adjustments at all and here's why.

    the ogris might have a huge blast radius but with the way movement and mobility works in conclave i dont feel like having a weapon that deals with "jumpers" is such a bad idea, people have been crying out for a stamina bar for a while now but i feel these weapons serve as a good alternative and forces people who just parasite in games bypicking off weak players and run away on low health to actually focus players in order to maintain a positive kd.

    now the javlok fires a slow moving projectile compared to arrows and cant 1 shot a weak frame, the aoe of the weapon only does 10 damage with the primary fire and 80 on the secondary fire however if the javlok aoe hits you directly and weapon itself hits you it can kill you in 1 shot depending on frame (which is the most satisfying thing in conclave by far) the javlok is (on ps4) only used by a few people in conclave.

    weapons that need nerfed,


    the opticor does more damage than it should. its hitscan and its used quite often in conclave, i feel it should 1 shot headshot definatle but it should 2 shot regularly obviously the half charge should also do less damage and in doing so shold proc an impair effect or a cold proc allowing for the half charge to be used tactically and not spammed like it currently is.


    On 5/2/2017 at 3:32 AM, Vyrndragon said:

     large hitbox,  it's got a lot going for it. Heck, these even more than make up for its wonky mechanics and travel time. If possible, reduce the projectile size. That should put it into a good place without the need for damage reduction.

    with a couple of tweaks you've listed everything wrong with the daikyu. this bow is the plague of ps4 conclave. you cant join a random lobby without a daikyu 1 shotting you even though the arrow goes completely past you. here is all the video evidence of this happening.

    first video is me getting 2 kills even though the arrow completely missed and the next videos are of arrows completely missing me and killing me. if ant weapon needs a hitbox fix its this one. i understand this bow should be the best bow. i really do but theres a reason this bow is as popular as it is. it provides no extra level of fun or challenge with hitboxes like these and i honestly felt like washing my hands after using such meta filth.

    de should nerf powerful popular weapons first before nerfing underused mechanicaly interesting weapons ( in my opinion)

  18. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    I know that feeling.

    As for the actual topic of the thread, I don't think they are basing their balance decisions off of you. I believe you just happen to be using the top tier weapons(One of the reasons you're a top player on PS4) and DE nerfs those weapons because people on PC also find the weapons overpowered. I'm 100% certain that DE bases all their balancing on the PC platform.

    I would 100% agree with you if I were using meta weapons. Latron, daikyu, mios, strun, tigris,braton all of these weapons are the ones used by the majority of players on ps4 and I don't use any of them at all. Instead I use weapons nobody uses because I enjoy seeing varietion within the weapon choices and frame choices but de instead choose the weapons that nobody uses like the javlok or the miter to nerf but keep the previously mentioned the same 

    if I used such over powered weapons in conclave people would copy me and get equally high kds if that was the case.

  19. Just now, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    They are far better in objective quality than this thread. The Solar Rail threads at least have some civilized discussion occurring. Most of what I have seen in this thread is pointless bickering.

    I agree but this thread will be gone in like a few hours once the mods remove it or the conversation stops and it won't be at the top of the feedback section for 2 weeks 

  20. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    Earlier in the thread, you mentioned that this thread was better than the Solar Rail threads. Can you explain your reasoning?

    Because it's not the same thing posted twice and has remained stagnant at the top of the feedback page for weeks 

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