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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 38 minutes ago, Vortex said:

    The text is very explicit with regard to what is exclusive, I didn't see any place stating what you said.

    Customization =/= collection.


    We paid for the exclusivity, as you paid for it in the past.

    yep, they should reverse that, then.

    Give people a chance to fill out a form for a refund if exclusivity was really the reason they bought it. Doubt it would get used much.

  2. 1 minute ago, Vortex said:

    I paid the price to support the game, if they wanna unlock the skin after 2023 so unlock the founder pack too.

    Sure okay.

    I don't think you would find many Founders that would actually give a s*** if Excal Prime was made more widely available tbh. But DE wants to stick to their promise, which is the right thing to do I guess as long as there's a Founder out there who still cares about it being exclusive. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    This is kind of hilarious. The "outrage" started because someone mistook an AU Dollar price for a US Dollar price, and when that was discovered and corrected some folks just decided to keep on being Outraged because of baseless future predictions and "precedences".


    Anyway you folks have fun, I'm going to go play this Free MMO with its Free Updates and Free Content where i dont have to pay for a "battle pass" for everything. Might have a look at the 3 Free things I got today. Maybe make sure I have space for the New Warframe I can get for Free when the newest Free expansion drops in a month or two. Later I might have another look at the trailers for the other 2 Free expansions and see what kind of Lore Tidbits I can find. Enjoy :)

    Yeah amazing how they managed to do all of that WITHOUT going all-in on predatory techniques.

    Surely nothing bad could ever happen by letting this behavior slide. Definitely won't impact the game significantly years down the road if this becomes the norm. 🤔

    • Like 6
  4. Fashionframe ain't just a joke. Cosmetics are part of the experience. We accept a certain amount of monetization of them because they're not explicitly gameplay, so it's the generally agreed upon route to fund free-to-play. That's seen as fair. 

    Metaphorically holding a gun to the cosmetic's head and demanding you pay up by x date or you'll never be able to get them again is, you know, not fair. It's not like there's an opportunity cost to making the skins available again at some point in the future, there's no production costs after they're finished being made.

    It's just psychological manipulation, plain and simple. It's the kind of thing DE used to try to avoid. They just offered a good product, you paid for it with plat so DE gets paid whether or not you traded for it, and that was it. 

    • Like 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, Oberick said:

    Does the Developer or Publisher set cash shop prices? Given DE just had to apologize for Wayfinder cashshop pricing you would think they wouldn't try another scummy anti-consumer tactic so quickly.

    I don't think we know how much control Tencent chooses to exercise over DE. For all we know they let them have free rein for a while and it's only now we're starting to see them turn the screws.

    Or, it could be all DE, and they could've f***ed up like they did with regal aya. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 2
  6. Cross-promotion stuff is time limited by its very nature. I think most of the other stuff has been, like, weapon skins. When DE has done stuff like that, it's generally been pretty small.

    Banger skins better than the primes and a whole new attachment slot with new attachment functionality is not small at all, and people shouldn't be lining up to excuse it because once DE made an Iridos skin for Octavia that was functionally identical to the base skin except they moved some of the material channels around and made some stuff shiny instead of matte. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

    That's the thing that gets me the most. I'm a regular spender and founder so I'm clearly happy to support DE, but this is one I don't want to support. And this kills warframe as an example of F2P done right for me. 

    I've brought it up in other threads already, but I'll always remember the decision they made around the genetic code rerolling. They noticed some people were spending ridiculous amounts of plat on the genetic codes, and realized that they had essentially created an in-game slot machine. This is in an era when loot boxes were ALL the rage, shoveled into every game. 

    What did DE do? They quickly made a change to take the real money aspect out of the equation, and killed the slot machine. 

    I think that was THE moment when I realized I was in it for the long haul with DE. Without prompting from the community, they made the ethical choice, and treated their customers as more than just floating wallets. From that moment on, despite some of their slips, I've loved them. Even after the whole Aya thing, though that made me question. 

    If this stays in as timed-exclusive, it's not really a question anymore. My affection for DE will be at its end, and they will be just another game company looking to weaponize psychology to milk its players. It will show that the DE today would not have made that ethical choice that I loved them for those years ago. 

    e: The story, for reference https://www.pcgamesn.com/warframe/warframe-slot-machine-kubrow

    • Like 6
  8. 15 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

    The absurd price aside, its the FOMO that really makes this whole thing reek. If the packs rotated in and out like Primes do, there'd be no problem.

    Yeah if it was made clear this would be available later like Prime Accessories sometimes are, I don't think it would be getting near the same amount of heat. Something splurgy, maybe aspirational that you could get someday if you had that kind of money to spend on fashionframe, instead of 'get it now or never.' 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

    That's perhaps what's irking me the most. I bought the pack anyways because I prefer these looks to the current Primes and need the Plat and Regal Aya anyways for a couple rotating accessories, but for the love of god why repeat the Founder's mistake? Even if it's just a cosmetic, every single Prime Access afterwards has had them return for this very reason. Why make this now again? Why not make it available for a couple months and make it come back every year or something?


    EDIT: And just to note, since for whatever reasonb my Forum account is not reflecting my Founder status, this comes from an Excalibur Prime owner. I hate that it's unavailable because of everything that it entails. This is no different to me.

    They might weasel it with "well we said the *collection* was going away at the end of the year, that doesn't mean we can't bring the skins back to sell individually!" (Copium I know)

    This along with the push of thr mobile client is sounding so many alarm bells for me.

    Yes, it's scummy. And I echo your sentiment, a decade is long enough for me as a founder, idgaf if people can get Excal Prime. Nothing should be locked out of someone being able to get just because they started later.

    • Like 3
  10. 12 minutes ago, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

    I bought a AAA game that came out yesterday for cheaper.

    And i always thought that DE was different because they functioned off reputation and not anti-consumer tactics.

    They used to. DE used to be the type of company that, when they accidentally put a slot-machine in their game with the kavat genetics rerolling, and saw how some people were spending obscene amounts of money on it, voluntarily removed that gambling aspect from the game in a hurry. This was pre-acquisition, iirc.

    I don't think today's DE has the integrity to do something like that.

    They're welcome to prove me wrong.

    • Like 4
  11. FOMO timed exclusivity is bull. We don't need that again. 

    Only copium take is that they could say the "collections" won't be available after that, but that wouldn't necessarily preclude them selling the skins individually later down the line.

    • Like 7
  12. Want to show Soulframe? Fine.

    Do it ... not on the main event slot. Give it its own panel before that. There's a lot of stuff that was only briefly overviewed for Warframe that didn't get the time to be discussed at all because Soulframe ate up its time.

    I think giveaways and Soulframe ate up like 50+ minutes of the 90 minute showcase. That's lame. 

    • Like 10
  13. 3 minutes ago, (XBOX)Dex Xean said:

    isnt this pretty much PoE supporter packs? they do 30 usd to 60 to 90 to 180 240 and then 480 usd packs a year. Then they do the 30 90 120 packs every season (3 months) right? 

    I personally do not mind it that much as long as its f2p.

    PoE is some of the most ridiculously overpriced exploitative stuff out there. Using that as a barometer for what's okay is insane.

    • Like 6
  14. 12 minutes ago, trst said:

    People react like that yet won't actually go and play the frame after a rework. Kinda the whole issue there.

    Yes, I'm aware they've stated in the past how they did a big rework for Ember and it didn't move the needle on her playrate or money.

    But sometimes you gotta do stuff to make the game better overall, and you might not necessarily see direct returns on one thing or another thing, but a game that players feel is being maintained with love and care is a game they're more likely to stick around in, and players that stick around more are more likely to spend money. 

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