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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    Why are we nerfing Styanax when we just got Revenant Prime Access and Mesmer Shield? Mesmer Skin is even more trivial to keep active than Wukong's old Defy, and it is infinitely better than any source of Overguard.

    This is the ultimate problem with the buff to that stupid ability: any other nerf to survivability is essentially unjustifiable while it remains in its current state.

    That's also why y'all should understand that Mesmer Skin WILL get nerfed eventually. DE is just doing the usual DE mistake of taking too long and letting players grow reliant and feeling entitled to it. 

    • Like 4
  2. The only thing I would touch on Oberon is toning down the energy drain of Renewal.

    The one positive for Hydroid fans is that he's so f***ing bad and in such a need of a complete rework that the odds that DE actually do it are near zero. So people that enjoy this POS can continue to enjoy him for the foreseeable future.

    Inaros' Sandstorm should be a sphere not a hemisphere. It's so dumb that a mob standing just below me on a stairway is immune to the CC. Also, as with basically any of these abilities where enemies are flung around and ragdolled in a way that makes them hard to shoot, friendlies should just be able to shoot Inaros or something to spread their damage. Also IDK you could tweak his passive so that his abilities give him Overguard so people can have their precious shield-ish gate effect. 

    1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    I believe adding level scaling to the ability damage and increase base stats of some abilities would go a long way. No need for full reworks or replacing abilities in most cases.

    Man having level scaling on abilities is such a good idea they'll never do it. 

  3. I like Quick Thinking as a tank layer, but you kinda have to build around it with some form of passive or active healing (Arcane Grace, Vazarin's Squad Regen, etc.), Quick Thinking (prevents death by taking energy when you're at 2 health at 240% efficiency (1 energy = 2.4 health), affected by any DR you have), Rage or Hunter Adrenaline (to convert health damage to energy), and ideally some form of increase to your max health and/or energy. In short, it can be pretty mod/arcane/helminth intensive.

    It's gotten a little bit easier to get certain points active with the advent of archon shards, and the energy gain from Rage is multiplied by things like Nourish, but it still needs to be a little less mod-tax demanding to become commonplace.

    ... What were we talking about? Oh right.

    5 hours ago, chaotea said:

    True that its from a time when energy restore sources were limited to energy vampire and orbs. Though 2 might be too much with 4 players (8 per second). Maybe 1per second = 4per second with full squad.

    Considering that you'd probably have to coordinate to get to 8 e/s, and considering that that amount is laughably overshadowed by a Harrow, or Nourish Styanax, or Voracious Metastasis Hildryn, or Trinity, or any other frame that can regen squad energy, not to mention energy pizzas, I'm going to say that the squad giving up something like +100% power strength on status (basically up 99.99% of the time) for 8 e/s is a big fat nothingburger.

    • Like 2
  4. Oh man I remember the days when Energy Siphon was THE THING. Everyone ran it and 2.4 e/s was HOT if you weren't running a Trinity as an energy battery.

    Nowadays you just have access to so much energy you wonder if there's really a point to it being a resource anymore.

    Yeah I guess you could buff Siphon. I don't think anyone would really use it tho.

    • Like 21
  5. 15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    Don't need em, don't use em, don't even check. It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts. Random stats are just not gonna convince me to play a frame (or use a weapon) I just don't like or have an interest in, and rarely does one of the items I do like or have an interest in show up. Plus it's got that stupid weighting system that makes some frames show up more or less than others. In general if I can't rely on something being there it's not going to be a conscious part of my build, and if it's not going to be a conscious part of my build I'm not going to go out of my way to use it or check up on it.

    Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

    • Like 2
  6. Absolutely not. Invigorations are poison to my mind goblins. 'What if I spend an invig on a frame I like but I don't have enough time to play that week? Won't I be 'wasting' it?' etc.

    So I've had the frame you get from 10 invigs for... forever, honestly. I don't even spend resources on the others because, TBH, 90% of the time it's still just more efficient for me to use my go-tos than whatever random boosts the game throws up for invigs.

    If you had a way to 'lock in' a certain choice I might do it, even if it was expensive, but that would be insanely broken. So it's just ... there, for me. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 2023-08-07 at 12:40 PM, Silligoose said:

    DE struggles when it comes to balance.

    I also feel the rampant homogenization of frames has been unhealthy for the game and Helminth contributed to that greatly.

    It also lets DE get away with fundamentally terrible design because, oh, you can just patch up what the frame is lacking in the meta with Helminth. 

    • Like 7
  8. Just ain't enough to make me play. Duviri is a chore, and its incarnons (the guns anyway) are so busted they completely trivialize anything in the game that wasn't already trivialized by power creep. There just ain't anything interesting here right now, and the code-rot that DE has left unaddressed since cross-play leads to me running up against bugs every time I do play.

    Maybe companions 2.0 will be a nice shakeup. IDK. Everything described, plus DE's continued negligence to the game's foundational issues, plus their announced intention to start selling incarnons for plat, just paints a picture of Warframe as something that the devs no longer have passion for, and are just trying to milk us for every $$$ they can while putting minimal reinvestment back into the game.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2023-04-03 at 3:32 PM, Djolltax said:

    Seriously, it looks so much better when the effect is applied universally to your frame as opposed to just the base & helmet. Why don't other effects apply universally as well? All it would take is changing the level at which the visual is applied, not that hard if you've already done it with one effect.

    Because DE doesn't remember, and the person that did it didn't write down how they did it.

    DE has no best-practices bible so they keep making the same mistakes over and over.

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I don't think it's p2w. I think "paying" to not play the game is silly. 

    And yet a lot of people do it, especially when 1) they want something, 2) it's powerful, and 3) the devs arbitrarily decide to gate it off with time-locks.

    In the past, this is absolutely something DE would have just made easier/more convenient to acquire in game. Now you just pull out your wallet for DE and bypass Steel Path Circuit. 

  11. 10 hours ago, St0rmW0lf said:

    Honestly, I would like to see immortal companions, though the only way I see that being fair is if the companions can't attack the enemy, ever. If a companion can attack the enemy, then fair play would require them to have a health bar.

    Meh. I think they can attack.

    Like honestly, they would take forever to kill things for you regardless. The chance to actually fail a mission is so hilariously low, literally who cares. 

    • Like 2
  12. Man DE just really gave up with these weapons.

    Like, all the work to try and tamp down dumb AoE spamming gameplay and the hit they took... only to turn around half a year later and drop weapons that make Steel Path look like star chart and all you have to do is just point in the vague direction of enemies again to do it.

    • Like 8
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