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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. DE's QA (or lack of it) practices have been .... problematic in a cross-play world.

    In the past they would release first on PC, find bugs rapidly from players, patch them over a few weeks, then that would eventually get pushed to console with a lot of fixes pre-baked.

    Now they seem to do the same amount of QA as before but with a cert schedule, DE gets maybe one or two passes at fixing things before their QA is dragged into inadequately testing the next patch.

    Warframe has always had bugs but the explosion of them since cross-play has been ....concerning,  to say the least.

    They need to staff up on their QA.

    • Like 8
  2. 5 hours ago, Zabyr said:

    What you and others write is only a search for reasons. Instead of whining, go play Hydroid. Make builds, learn to play and so on. Or, you can sit on the forum and sob, how bad everything is.

    Oh brother. We also have a proverb of sorts: the smallest dog barks loudest.

    You don't need to justify liking Hydroid to anyone. If you like to play him, that's enough. But if you honestly can't take the smallest bit of criticism to the points you raised without throwing out accusations of lying and getting personal, you void that good will. 

    • Like 6
  3. Eh, I would say Limbo could use some tweaks. For one, the visual indicator for who is 'rifted' could be way, WAY more obvious. And Rift Surge should perform the radial banish if you kill a surged target as well. Would make Limbo far less reliant on Cataclysm, at least. 

    Should also probably murder the sacred cow and let players damage enemies across the rift normally, but also fold Limbo's augment Rift Torrent into his passive and let it affect any allies that are in the rift with him. In that case it's literally only a benefit for players to be in the rift.

    • Like 5
  4. Killing a Steel Path unit in 36 seconds isn't 'strong' damage.

    Unlike Zephyr's tornado, instead of doing damage to everyone in the puddle, shooting hydroid's puddle will take a fraction of the damage of the shot, and then split that fraction of damage evenly across all trapped enemies. It's not very good compared to any similar ability in the game. And when you consider Hydroid has to render himself near immobile to do it, it's just straight up awful.

    Controller using area denial that provides loot is done better by Khora, who does it without throwing enemies around and making them harder to hit.

    Crowd control in general isn't that important in Warframe, especially with the eximus changes. 

    Armor isn't a good indication of survivability these days. And even there Hydroid is just average.

    He is VERY NOT PASSIVELY INVULNERABLE. He's not Revenant, here. He has to be in his puddle when in danger, which is very much REactive. And when you're in that puddle, you're not doing very much. 

    I appreciate that you like Hydroid and respect that you put a lot of effort into repping him, but this is an awful lot of words trying to reframe things so that the context of Warframe isn't ... what it is.

    Believe me, I wish Warframe was still the game where Hydroid's niche mattered. But we haven't been there for many years.

    • Like 6
  5. TBH, given how they have to wait for console cert now every time they want to touch code, I'm kind of wishing crossplay was never a thing. Issues for that would usually be easy to fix in a few days have to wait weeks now, and it really doesn't fit with DE's 'code loose and dirty' development style. Combined with the fact that they often have to quickly shift resources away from fixing whatever they just released to pump out something new, and I've been noticing a LOT more obvious and unaddressed bugs since we went crossplay.

    • Like 4
  6. 6 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:
    • Valkyr’s Prolonged Paralysis stun duration now causes a knockdown on affected enemies instead of a standing stun.
      • In the Lua’s Prey Update, we re-worked the Prolonged Paralysis Augment Mod so that pull distance didn’t scale with Ability Strength, and the enemies were stunned standing instead of a grounded stun. We thought players would prefer standing finishers due to synergies with other Arcanes and modifiers, but in response to feedback, we are changing it back to a knockdown for grounded finishers outputting raw damage.


    I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

    Oh God. Well, we'll see how it looks when I get home. I am very worried now.

    Well. It's half fixed.

    It now properly increases the base duration by 200% instead of 100%.

    It doesn't, however, seem to be benefitting properly from power strength still.


    • Like 1
    • Valkyr’s Prolonged Paralysis stun duration now causes a knockdown on affected enemies instead of a standing stun.
      • In the Lua’s Prey Update, we re-worked the Prolonged Paralysis Augment Mod so that pull distance didn’t scale with Ability Strength, and the enemies were stunned standing instead of a grounded stun. We thought players would prefer standing finishers due to synergies with other Arcanes and modifiers, but in response to feedback, we are changing it back to a knockdown for grounded finishers outputting raw damage.


    I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

    Oh God. Well, we'll see how it looks when I get home. I am very worried now.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, (PSN)RB3-Reloaded said:

    So they can nerf it applying it applying to abilities yet the UI bug can stay?

    Believe me, I was very salty and had the exact same thoughts.

    I think what annoyed me more, though, was that many - if not most - effects that give a global weapon damage bonus have affected a bunch of Warframe ability damage basically since the beginning of the game. This is a consequence of a ton of Warframe damage abilities basically creating a projectile or entity that's classified in code as a weapon to do their thing. Eclipse applies its bonus damage to such Warframe abilities. Naramon's Lethal Levitation applies its bonus damage to such Warframe abilities. It doesn't mention it, but I bet Octavia's Amp also applies. etc. etc.

    So now we're not even consistently inconsistent. God forbid someone would have a reason to equip Theorem Demulcent. 

    Anyway, sorry for the tangent.

    • Like 1
  8. The frustrating part is that they do refresh at max stacks. This was easiest to see when Demulcent affected abilities,  but if you step into a pool with like 5 seconds left on your max stack buff and then step out, the buff will appear to fall off your bar, but you will still benefit from the effect for a duration appropriate for if it had refreshed. You will also not be able to visually gain the buff again for this duration, because according to the game, you already have it. Which you do, technically, even if you can't see the buff icon anymore, and you can continue to refresh it and never see it on your bar until it's allowed to expire. Only then will you be able to see it on your buff bar again.

    In short, they've always refreshed between pools at max stacks, it's just that someone at DE's QA didn't do their job right. Again.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Evli225 said:

    Thanks alot for looking into azima! gotta check this out but maximum duration 30 seconds is applied with ammunition efficiency or its just 30 seconds at base?

    No, just 30 seconds period, regardless of efficiency. 

    It wouldn't even really have been an AFK build, especially post-Veilbreaker, because with the way ammo works now you still would have needed to go around and pick up ammo, and make headshots, and etc. etc.

    But instead of putting an upper cap on it to prevent nonsense, we get the usual sledgehammer approach. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, EquinoxPrimeUmbra said:


    I love DE so much, but why would they do this? Who was asking for this? They've taken so much away from Equinox because of Wukong that I don't understand why they felt the need to take this too.

    The other AI Fighters are different enough from Equinox that this kind of nerf without anything to balance it out hurts so badly. They have no time limit, they can actually use a melee weapon effectively. All the clones, they all served different purposes. Wukongs is a crutch, Umbra's is thematically cool, and Equinox's used to be, in a pinch, a considerable extra source for damage. Her clone never casted abilities like the other two, it didn't follow you on your heels, it was always effectively just another gun, one you had to tactically deploy. A turret with a 10 second life. And now it's one gun less.

    I mean if I'm whipping out an archgun it's because I didn't bring an AOE weapon, I'm getting overrun, and I need all the firepower I can get. The clone doubled that. It was my pseudo-exalted weapon. Who was abusing it, how were they abusing it on a clone that has a time limit?

    I mean before this update, if you weren't host, pulling out an archgun made your entire ammo pool disappear, meaning you effectively had 2 clips with which to kill your enemies, yours and your clones, before having to put the gun away. Fully modded thats only like 20 seconds of oppressive damage (half of which an AI is aiming and missing with). WHO WAS ABUSING THIS AND HOW?

    Like please DE, have the clone start using its abilities, have it do more than be a turret, give it a longer duration, please DE, don't just nerf my goddess like this, give her something in return.

    I'm begging

    Yeah, it's totally mind boggling considering the other issues with it that they just refuse to touch, like clones not benefitting from arcanes (probably because they're almost certainly specters, which were in turn created before arcanes were even a thing that existed). Which wasn't so much an issue back in the day, but arcanes are how DE has decided to scale damage, so it's very much an issue now. 

    And relying on the Duality clone meant you were handicapping the other abilities of your kit, because even with 200% duration you're hitting that every 15-20s and constantly switching forms. 

    And the clone likes to constantly reload back to back without firing, too. Which for archguns could be absolute murder with some of the longer reloads...

    It was a niche use case that made sense because of the extra hoops you had to go through. The augment didn't get touched in the augment pass months ago BECAUSE of that niche buoying up its use numbers. Now a significant benefit of it has been dumpstered, but hey, gotta be consistent - even if the Duality clone is not at all consistent with other clone abilities in the other ways you listed (not using abilities and such).

    Ugh. Yeah, gotta 'fix' the stuff that gives players power and options. The bugs and inconsistencies that inconvenience players, though? Those'll stay.

  11. Also if you're going to take swipes at Duality could you at least make it so the clone stops reloading twice back to back? I don't mean it reloads, shoots once, and reloads - I mean it reloads, and then immediately reloads *again*, doubling the length of the reload a lot of the time. 

    Also making it so clones can actually use the arcanes on the guns would be nice since that's how we're scaling damage now.

    • Like 2
  12. Quote
    • Changed the Azima’s Alt-Fire disc maximum duration to 30 seconds.

      • In Update 32, we set this to 11 seconds as a reaction to players using the Azima with a very specific Mod configuration which resulted in a math bug and the disc unintentionally lasting over 5 minutes. That kind of AFK strategy is not what we want to encourage in Warframe. After further review and reading feedback, we agreed with the feedback that 11 seconds is too short and cuts into what you could achieve with legitimate Modding. With the new duration of 30 seconds we hope to strike a compromise between having your Mods and Abilities matter, without returning to an entirely AFK gameplay strategy.

    You know what would have made this less frustrating? If you included that change as party of the original patch notes for Veilbreaker. No one was sure if the 11 second duration was a change or a bug. 

    • Fixed Equinox’s other half from her Duality Augment Mod using the player’s Archgun instead of their Primary/Secondary/Melee weapon from their loadout. 

      • This falls in line with other AI fighters like Excalibur Umbra and Wukong’s clone - they only use your loadout weapons and not spawn in weapons. 

    Equinox's Duality augment also:

    * Has a short duration

    * Costs energy each cast

    * Due to the constant cycling of forms makes it difficult to rely on the other parts of their kit. 

    Was that considered before making this change to something that was, in retrospect, pretty balanced?

    • Like 8
  13. Honestly idgaf about slots until they make it so you actually have to SAVE the loadout to make changes to it. It's so frustrating to have a loadout for a specific thing, and then if you make a change after a mission like equipping a different weapon, now you've automatically altered the loadout and have to remember to swap back before changing back to Default, or it's just going to be that way until you deliberately go back and re-swap the weapon, in which case why am I even bothering with loadouts. 

  14. After doing some testing, it appears that Theorem arcanes currently have a bug where, at max stacks, standing in Residual fields no longer causes their buff icon to refresh. It's apparently been this way since release, and I had assumed - wrongly - that these buffs were meant to fall off once hitting max stacks.

    I got suspicious, however, when testing Theorem Demulcent, because I noticed that there was a period after the buff fell off when I still couldn't acquire a Theorem buff ... And then would inexplicably be able to ~10-20 seconds later.

    So I did some more testing, using Oberon and some level 14 Corrupted Heavy Gunners. 


    1 - Casted Smite at the gunners, the orbs did 75 damage to the units around the target, establishing a baseline. This is what Smite should do to these targets with no buff.

    2 - Killed targets with kitgun arcane to proc enough Residual fields to cap out Theorem Demulcent at x15, or +180% damage.

    3 - Casted Smite again with buff. Orbs now did 211 damage to targets. This is expected from +180% damage (actually it would be 210 but there's no doubt a hidden decimal and rounding going on.)

    4 - Before the Theorem buff could fall off, I procced another Residual field and then, with a few seconds left on Theorem, stood in it. The UI indicator for the Theorem buffs did not refresh, and the buff appeared to fall off.

    5 - I then cast Smite a few seconds after the buff appeared to fall off, but the damage was still 211, only dropping back down to 75 ~20 seconds, the time since I left the Residual field. This seemed to indicate, that despite the UI indicating otherwise, the buff had refreshed at max stacks, even after the timer had visually expired.

    6 - I repeated the test, only this time, after the Theorem buff fell off, I continued to proc Residual fields in rapid succession, not allowing 20 seconds - the length of the Theorem Demulcent buff - between them. Standing in these fields, Theorem Demulcent did not appear as a buff on my UI. However, the damage buff continued in the background until I stopped proccing and standing in Residual fields. It had been minutes since the buff had fallen off my bar, but I was still able to keep the effect going long past that. 

    What I suspect is happening here is that whatever flag is used to indicate to the UI that a buff can refresh at max stacks was not properly added to the Theorem arcanes. The game UI thinks that they've fallen off, while the game mechanics continue refreshing the effect in the background. This disagreement also explains why you can't reacquire the buff on your UI until its fallen off in the background - the UI wants to add a first stack, but according to the game it's already at max stacks, so the UI bugs out and won't indicate the buff, even though you've refreshed the effect in the background.

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