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  1. I was doing further investigation on a bug related to ticket #3513718, where Yareli can get deleted, alongside all mission progress and rewards, when I discover another bug that is less disruptive (I doubt something can be as disruptive as potentially erasing hours of progress, tho), but still a possible softlock. Returning from Operator to Yareli on the exact time when Merulina is destroyed (you have the entire animation time to do that, it's a very lenient time, can definitely happen on accident), you'll enter this limbo state where you're stuck on an invisible, immortal Opertor that can't do anything other than walk and roll. Can't jump, can't attack, can't return to Warframe, can't do anything. Falling into a pit, as demonstrated at the end of the video, will fix this bug, but a pit isn't always available, especially since you can't jump in this state, leading to the possibility that the player falls into an unescapable small hole, becoming unable to finish a mission. I'm not sure any DE employee works in a saturday to see this post as I'm posting, but I discovered it in a saturday, so it's when I'm posting. Also, I don't expect this to be fixed by the time Koumei releases, since the Cert has been sent weeks ago, and by this point you can't just send another Cert in such a short notice, but I would expect WF99 to fix Yareli in one way or another. This is, like, the 3rd completely game breaking bug with the potential to waste hours of the player's effort she has, and it's all related to using Operator while on Merulina. The transitional state from one to another seems to be a very sensitive one, which needs developer attention, even if the specifics aren't known, like in the previously mentioned "Yareli bug" that destroys a session's progression. Edit: Just realize you can't even press Esc while in this limbo state. Even quitting the game might become impossible, unless one Alt+F4's the game. Yareli *really* needs to be looked at, she's the most buggy Warframe even released. I'd happily trade all the positive bugs she has in exchange for a stable, bug free Yareli/Merulina. Edit 2: Another player I talked about it said this also happens if you're using Loyal Merulina, which is insane. They also said it can also happen that a pit won't fix it, so I guess this is even more urgent than I though it was...
  2. She can't cast Helminth abilities on Merulina. That's all I ask, she can only use Gloom effectively while on Merulina, which is very limiting.
  3. And yet again, Yareli is forgotten... Yareli mains truly are the most oppressed minority...
  4. Warframe has a decent enough ultrawide support, but there's some screens that simply don't work as intended. The Arsenal and Codex screens, for example, just cuts out the background color at a 16:9 scale that doesn't really scale with the UI scale slider in the configurations. The Kdrive is just vibing, pay no mind to it, it's a common bug in the Simulacrum, it's just visual. Also, there's a lot of pop in when you scroll the mod tray around with an ultrawide. Also, the Loadout screen isn't scrollable in the right side. There is a 16:9 area in the left that allows scrolling, but the right side doesn't work at all when scrolling. I mean this screen, not the Arsenal: Around 2/3 of the column with Ass ass in, Cu Lerdo, Haroldo and nyx_nich, the scroll wheel just stops working, left to right. If my mouse is anywhere at the right of that column, scrolling does nothing. In the Profile screen, the most used Warframe disappears, despite having more than enough space to stay there. Admitedly, it's more annoying than anything else, but it does remain there until the floating point scroll value finishes lerping to the very end. I'm happy things like the Pledge screen have been fixed, where it was aligned to the left instead of being centralized in an ultrawide, and, to be fair, the game has 90% support for wider than widescreens, but I feel like there are some of extra steps needed before claiming the game truly supports ultrawide screens. Also, no option to set the UI boundaries like there is with the HUD. Some elements stay too close to the edges of the screen and it's kinda weird, especially with Rebb's Super Ultrawide screen.
  5. These two settings should help, Visual Effects Intensity and Reduce Teammate Visual Effects. I intentionally keep it at the funny number, because ~70% is enough for me.
  6. I was in a Discord thread discussing Gyre's alt helmet in the UI and it's weird that she's the only one with an alt helm for her squad HUD icon. This only happens on the Squad HUD, she has the normal helmet on the minimap, which is very weird, you'd think they'd be the same render, but scaled differently, but apparently not. I may know that's a gyre, but a newer player may confuse it or take a while to identify which Warframe is that. Also, on the same note, Garuda Prime has completely different colors to her default, which is more of a problem, because she looks an awful lot like a Zephyr and I always think there's a Zephyr on the team, when it's actually a Garuda. Comparing to her official render on the Wiki, it's very clear those are not her default colors. I'm fine with keeping Gyre's alt helmet, but Garuda's color is actually impactful, since a player with almost 24k hours in this game can't accurately identify that portrait.
  7. I support those. They are anatomically correct. The only one I don't like is Caliban's halves because they are poorly rigged, but other than that, I support every phallus and vulva in the game. It's cool to have a video game that isn't afraid of exploring sexual themes in a non-sexual way, it's something I'll always appreciate when a piece of media manages to successfully do. Sevagoth's is just weird, and, most importantly, distracting.
  8. It's not a mind on the gutter, it's just the shape and texturing that makes it look like that, and the fact that you can color the droplet at the tip to be yellow, white, red and other otherwise concerning colors doesn't help. Also, the fact it's a perfect droplet shape. And it jiggling around like that, this kind of braid is a lot more solid than loose hair. If the mesh had a different texturing and a different tip or if it were more stiff to be less distracting, it wouldn't be such a problem.
  9. Note: I am not asking for a complete removal, just a 2nd optional helmet that is the exact same, except without that part of the mesh.
  10. Please. His neck @#&$ is... Distracting... Look, I'm the last person to ever ask for less genitalia in warframe, but it's on the back of his neck... IDK, if it was on his crotch, I'd be 100% behind it, but it is behind him and I'm on his... Just look at this thing, it flops around as you move and rotate the frame... IT EVEN HAS A PINK DROPLET COMING OUT OF IT, COME ON...
  11. Yeah, that's a character saying a thing. In literature, characters can say things wrong as a means of characterization. It's not that the author got the language wrong, it's that the character got it "wrong", due to it being a coloquial form of speech used by the character. If it was a menu or mod, or description that isn't in the form of a characterization, then sure, but that's just characterization.
  12. Yeah, but then it clashes in meaning to "Final". The point of what I'm asking is to make everything use similar terms in the English language, to make things easier.
  13. Can we please unify the language on how mods, buffs and stats in general are applied? The addition of "Final Critical Damage" on Tenacious Bond is amazing and clarifies a lot about what the mod actually does. In the same vein, I propose "Initial", "Normal" and "Individual" to be added as an extension of this new language. Mods and abilities that add what we currently call "Additive", such as Serration, Cathode Grace, Reinforced Bond and such, can be described as adding Normal Damage, Normal Critical Chance and Normal Fire Rate, for example. Currently, only Incarnon upgrades add Initial Damage, Initial Crit Chance, etc, to weapons, but I might be wrong there. No other initial buff comes to mind, where the buff provided will be multiplied by Normal multipliers. Individual buffs are for things that we currently call Multiplicative, such as Mirage's Eclipse and Rhino's Roar (although Roar is technically Faction Damage, which is a Multiplicative stat with complex feelings). And finally, use more of the Final keyword in mods like Shadow Haze, Cat's Eye and Arcane Avenger, it'll help a lot on the Wiki web requests to look up what each individual mod and ability does at this point. Also, add a section to the Codex so we can say to new players "Oh, just look in your codex" instead of "Look, you're gonna spend more time on this Wiki than actually playing the game for, like, a month..."
  14. I'm not sure if this falls into General or UI, but I recently found out (through the Wiki) that you can use, for example, <KUVA_LICH> to make a Lich icon appear in the item, pet, loadout or whatever name. For example, a Lich weapon is simply named <KUVA_LICH> Ahalpakk Loross Kuva Chakkhurr (actual name of a Chakkhurr I have). The problem is that item names are extremely restrictive, and you can't use this very cool feature effectively because the character limit is so tiny. I believe a character increase would be fine (especially now that you force us to relinquish liches), and change the counting so an icon counts as a single character, but limit it to one or two icons. I just want to change all my Kuva weapons to <DT_POISON> Toxin Kuva [[Weapon]], but for each element. Just getting to the word Kuva, the character limit is already fully spent, so I can't even begin writing Chakkhurr. I plan to get all weapons with all elements, so identifying them by name would be massive.
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