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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. I would be hyped for the Prime Access, if Oberon didn't look like my grandfathers Jacob Sheep.

    35 minutes ago, Kihana said:

    Oberon Prime will land, causing more people to use him, thereby demonstrating to them (and others) that he's really not that bad.

    He was never "bad" in the definition of the word. He is however a lot less useful than other frames. I'm an Oberon main and I can admit that. He tries to do everything, but as a consequence he focuses on nothing. I still find him interesting to play, however there is no denying that you never see a "Need Oberon" request in the recruitment chat.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

    I do think Prime Access unlocking a mission you can do once to collect your items would be very cool, but as aforementioned, it's going to delay things further .

    Would it really be such a challenge to place a Warframe NPC in a random derelect mission? I'm talking about the lore implications.

  3. You posted this on Reddit too if I'm not mistaken. I like the idea of Primes having their own little Chroma style encounters. Like maybe when a new Prime Warframe comes out, instead of just farming for the all the parts, we could instead get the blueprint from an actual surviving version of that Prime. It would be very cool to hunt for an Ash Prime while in a derelict. 

    It's a cool concept, but it would probably complicate the lore too much and DE don't seem to keen on those ideas anyway. Oh well.

  4. Just now, Jackviator said:

    I'll give you a hint: What's the colloquial term for how you spend most of this game gathering things, specifically in regards to acquiring resources, primed gear, syndicate standing, etc? :P

    Ah I see it now lol. I was thinking more along the lines of the farm representing some group within Warframe.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Atylia said:

    My friend made this 2 months ago, I feel like it could suit Warframe insanely well in some ways.

    It does for the combat. I'm talking more on the lines of story.

    6 minutes ago, Atylia said:

    Now hear me out. I know electronic music or non-lyrical music isn't for everyone (I would know this the most), especially something like melodic orchestral dubstep, but trust me, give this a shot. It's essentially an orchestral soundtrack at an epic scale along with 'better' dubstep bass sound design that sounds much more SciFi than 'dubstep music'. Which is basically perfect for Warframe. It's epic, SciFi and sounds like it should be a game soundtrack. 

    Give this one a shot. You can't lose anything by trying it out.

    Why do you talk like you're pitching a new idea to Dragons Den?

  6. I was playing a survival in the Void the other day listening to a random playlist on my phone, when The Veldt by Deadmau5 started playing. I know the original story behind the song and it just seemed eerily similar to Warframes story.


    (Song Lyrics)

    Happy life, with the machines 
    Scattered around the room - (Warframes)
    Look what they made, they made it for me - (Orokin)
    Happy technology
    Outside, the lions run - (Infested)
    Feeding on remains
    We'll never leave, look at us now 
    So in love with the way we are
    The world that the children made 
    Every night, they rock us to sleep 
    Digital family - (Ordis)
    Is it real, or is it a dream? - (Second Dream)
    Can you believe in machines?
    Outside, the beating sun 
    Can you hear the screams? - (The Terminus Massacre)
    We'll never leave, look at us now 
    So in love with the way we are
    The world that the children made 
    It literally hit me as I was playing as my Operator. Are there any other songs you guys think go well with Warframes story?
    Edit: Grammar mistake.
  7. Just now, Zia_Avenicia said:

    The only logical reason it would be a disappointment if it was good would be because people over-hyped it and expected too much. As for quality standards, as long as they're holding the quest to a high standard, it doesn't really matter how long it takes for them to get it done, and their standards could always be changing each time they re-do the quest.

    People only over-hyped because it was delayed for so long, therefore allowing the hype to continuously build up and up until it surpasses common sense and will inevitably come crashing down when the update comes out. 

    This really is the chicken and the egg situation isn't it.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Zia_Avenicia said:

    As someone who has experience developing games, and as someone who knows how the business behind the scenes works, the reason games get rushed/are of poor quality is because of investors/higher-ups. Remember the flop that Spectres of the Rail was? That was because DE had to meet an investor deadline. Sonic Boom was rushed due to Sega's deals with other companies.

    As for the game development side of it, yes, a motivated team can get things done fast and still deliver quality, they may have extremely high quality standards, and every time they go through and test the quest, it doesn't meet those standards. Game development is a lot of trail and error, and it's also about innovation, because if the War Within were to be something we've already seen, and if it weren't to bring anything new to the table, then it would be quite a disappointment. 

    The War Within is already quite a disappointment. No matter what is in it, I doubt people will turn around and think "yea that was definitely worth eleven months of waiting". Are you saying that even after all this time, TWW still isn't meeting acceptable standards? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

    Threads and thoughts like this are a symptom of the true problem.  That the core game loop isn't polished enough or refined enough to retain attention.  I would focus less on rushing to get new things and instead focus on the root of the problem, that of loose core gameplay.  

    The problem is that since the second dream, DE now feel obligated to continuously reach a WOW factor with each new quest. A ridiculous bar they've set themselves because it's killing the game.

    Before we got regular updates with the occasional dialogue quest and that was great. New content came out and just when players had finished it, some more comes out. 

  10. Just now, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:


    I just wanted to know whether or not he has suffered the pain of writing out the code.  If you've done something like that before, then you would understand why it's taking an update like this so long to come out, especially for a small development team. 

    Stop falling back on the "oh they're smaller than other teams" excuse. If you are motivated you get the job done. Destiny was created by Bungie a big AAA developer and it still flopped.

  11. Just now, Zia_Avenicia said:

    It's all dependent on the size of the development team. As far as I'm aware, DE is still rather small in terms of their main development team, so for something along the lines of what they're looking to create, it makes sense to me for it to take as long as it is taking.

    Size doesn't matter (Wink wink). It's the dedication and the speed someone is willing to work at. You could have a group of 100 lazy Devs and then you have a group of 50 highly motivated Devs. Which one comes out on top?

  12. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

    Have you ever created a video game before? 

    I don't believe that's the answer he was looking for. Also this isn't starting a video game from scratch is it. It's a quest which will last an hour at best, a few weapons, cosmetics and a new system/tileset. From Software have got their DLC out quicker than this.

    Doesnt take a year for an update like this.

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