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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 8 hours ago, SolidBeast said:

    Again, reading comprehension. The only sentence I uttered in this thread was "the Tennogen makers are real artists". I have made no comment as to which people aren't. If that is still unclear, then I suggest you reread my post once again, very carefully.

    I think he might have mistaken you for someone on the opening page who said that the only 'real artists' are DE. To that person I say, look at the Repala Syandana, then look at the new Prime Access Syandana, then tell us who is the real artist.

  2. In the newest Prime trailer I noticed that Oberon seems to have this new effect on Hallowed Ground where it spawns a load of plants. Why is this not in the game? It looks so much better than the current Hallowed Ground we have now, which looks like watery vomit. Also, the ring on the top of the mace on the Silva & Aegis Prime, spins around when you hit enemies. This is not in the game either, it's completely static. 

    Why did DE put these in the trailer if they don't appear in-game? This is false advertisement.

  3. 8 hours ago, Tamirn said:

    The Sancti Tigris was good but compare to the Tigris Prime it's nothing 

    Yea okay, I think you really need to re-evaluate what you think you know. Sancti Tigris has a health and corrosive proc. That alone puts it on the same level as the Tigris Prime. Seeing as how you believe that you can only do end-game with "100% top tier weapons" shows that you really don't actually know what you're talking about and have probably never even tried doing endgame content with anything you deem less superior because of crit or status stats.

    Please just take the advice of the many people who commented here and do proper research into these things.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Tamirn said:

    For certain end-game content like spy, sabotage or rescue mission I can agree that you don't need to bring a OP weapon to kill anything but for most end-game content where you do good luck because if that weapon isn't perfect 100% crit, status or high raw damage then it's just mainly worthless junk your holding.

    (Looks at Sancti Tigris) That weapon is definitely not junk. Yet according to you, a weapon must either have top status or crit ratings.

    Also as myself and others have said, we are having an absolute blast with the Sybaris Prime. Maybe actually experiment with it first instead of just looking at the base stats.

  5. 46 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

    I just got on to the game so honestly not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's yet another slab of rubber which DE seems to be doing a lot of lately lol.

    With all the glorious Tennogen, you'd think they'd at least try to make something that stands out. Doubt anyone will be wearing it if the Repala is avaliable.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Elvangreen said:

    one of my renewal builds i use to guide new players, with max efficiency and 175% STR can strip the armor off lech kril and a bunch of minions in 2 casts (50 energy), so its not that bad at all, considering it goes of base armor, so scaling wont affect it.

    Was that fifty energy per cast or fifty energy spent in total?

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I'm not sure that's entirely true. as far as I can remember, we get it at either 5PM or 7PM and there's a hotfix soon after that puts the new relics into rotations and Relic Packs. I could be wrong, but I'm sure we got Banshee Prime in the evening, and I don't see why it would be any different here.

    I have to wait for the Relics to be added anyway, so just waiting.

    I think he was talking about the PA pack.

  8. 1 minute ago, Lord_Impaler said:

    true, but still need something to make him wanted. i guess if its 2 reckoning and a 15m radius of enemies have no armour it is not too bad actually. 

    Probably cost him the entirety of his energy with the amount of power strength needed.

  9. Just now, W0wRUUD said:

    I wouldn't quite call him sub-par. A good renewal build can get you a long way, even though rage is pretty much mandatory. And with the change to Renewal (that I forgot to mention earlier, where allies don't need to be on hallowed ground when you cast the ability, but can step on it anytime during Renewal's duration and receive Iron Renewal) it is much easier to sustain a party.

    Sub-par as in he will never ever be requested for a mission in the face of other frames because he is simply just not as useful. I long for the day when I see a "Must have armour stripping Oberon" in the recruitment chat.

  10. 28 minutes ago, FoxyKabam said:

    Then there's the prime accessories, which looks like the usual garbage. A syandana that cannot even come close to the tennogen ones that just released and a sugatra that no one is going to see.

    They did rather shoot themselves in the foot with that didn't they. A smarter move would have been to release the Tennogen after the Prime Access. That way they would have made money on both the PA and the Tennogen. Instead though they gave us access to some fantastic user content that we love first and here they offer us an elongated eraser to wear as an alternative. No thanks DE, I don't need a giant eraser when I have the Repala cape of glory.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Or they could realize that there are countries in the world that are many hours of the DE's timezone and have a little patience.  They will get it the same time as everyone, when it is released.

    According to one of my console buddies over in the UK, they don't get it until like just a few minutes before or after midnight. I don't think a lot of people apart from teenagers stay up that late playing video games.

  12. 1 minute ago, W0wRUUD said:

    Unfortunately not, but with decent power strength it should take like two casts. Probably not worth it quite yet, but given that the change happened in the first place, I have hope that it will happen eventually.

    Such a shame. DE want people to use Oberon but they don't give him the most obvious buff that would actually put him on par with other frames in terms of usefulness. He could be the first frame that fully strips armour without having to invest every single mod slot into Power Strength. Doubt it'll happen though since DE seem determined that he remain sub-par. One can dream I suppose. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, W0wRUUD said:

    They upped the outward range of Hallowed Ground, made Reckoning so that it can actually fully strip armor, and made it so that renewal heals pets again but at 1/3 the rate & 1/3 the cost.

    I forget, does that mean one cast fully strips armour from enemies?

  14. 2 minutes ago, KentuckyKid_69 said:

    Frost, Ash, Saryn, Banshee all these Frames look much better with the deluxe skin and not there Prime versions. And yes Oberon Prime looks off.

    Ash's deluxe I find to be too plastic. Saryn's deluxe skin looks far too anime for my liking, Banshee's just makes her look fat. Frost's one is the deluxe I think is actually better than the Prime, but seeing as how his Prime looks exactly like the original bar the helmet, it's not really much of a contest between the two. In my personal opinion the DE deluxe skins look far too much like toys, bar a few ones like the Feyarch. I've always liked Tennogen more anyway.

    I feel so disappointed that this is the one Prime frame that I'd happily cover up with a deluxe skin. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, Aleksundar said:

    I mean, I'm not quite sure why the community can't get behind Oberon.

    Mostly it's just bandwagonning haters who love to rip on stuff they don't have the slightest clue about. But the more level headed people do have merit when they say Oberon just isn't as useful as say a Blessing Trinity, a Radial Disarm Loki, a Slow Nova, a Tanky Inaros, an Arcane Chroma etc. Most people would rather take a frame that excels in one area than one that tries to cover all and subsequently spreads himself too thin.

    I love running Oberon though. He just needs a few more QoL changes and then I think he'll be in a good place.

    Just now, KentuckyKid_69 said:

    Problem with this Prime is that we already have a much better looking deluxe skin. But I guess it is a taste thing so lots of people will appreciate the Prime look.

    I think the problem is that Primes are supposed to be just as, if not better looking than a deluxe skin. Unfortunately DE seemed to have flopped very audibly face down in a freezing pool with this Prime. His original skin and Feyarch skin make him look like a mystical creature of the wood, or some other enchanted nature place, whereas his Prime makes him look like he belongs on a mountain somewhere in Europe eating grass.

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