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Everything posted by AGGREBEE

  1. This bug has ruined several runs for me when the only half decent weapon choices I got was incarnons, albeit I've gotten it from the outset sometimes. The only way to fix it in my experience is a host migration. Failing that, quitting and starting a new Circuit run.
  2. Just happened to my entire squad. Lost a rare reward and got stuck with a common.
  3. The funny thing is despite the AOE nerfs, it fundamentally only hurts AOE weapons in endgame / super high level content. You can still annihilate everything in fissures (which were specifically singled out as one of the mission types AOE was most "problematic" in) and the normal star chart just fine with a properly built AOE wep. It's only when you get into things like Steel Path when enemies can take multiple shots to kill, and you need to build arcane stacks. THEN the ammo economy issue becomes serious enough that using AOE weapons exclusively might become untenable, even with Ammo Mutation and Carrier. And after the ammo rework and AOE weapon nerfs, we got Primed Ammo Mutation mods to help compensate.
  4. When I was on my big mastery rank climb, Detron was one of the last things I ever got. Literally took me years before I finally got it. Hate it. Hate the beacons. It really needs a pity system, or the blueprints need to be tradeable, or something. Anything.
  5. Dagath just doesn't do anything special enough to warrant going out of my way to use her. She fulfils no role or niche that another frame doesn't already do better. I might like her more if she looked prettier (fashionframe is the true endgame) but for some reason DE thought it would be funny if they based her helmet off of a brainlet meme But if you like Dagath, don't let me stop you from enjoying her. More power to you. Spam those horsies 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
  6. I tried it solo once with Saryn using a melee Innodem combo/heavy hybrid build. Got it to the second phase and died. Didn't know there were no revives. It seems doable, though. Don't like the collecting eyes part, feels like a time wasting chore. Reminds me of having to run across the map over and over just to get deacon veils in Archon missions. As for the boss itself, it seems okay but having ability nullification on all of its attacks is cancer. Good luck to the Inaros and Nidus mains! UPDATE: I BEAT IT
  7. I've had this happen after a host migration. I can't recall if I had the overguard decree or not, but there appeared to be no way to fix it other than restarting.
  8. I've gotten this bug once after like two hours of farming from one host migration. Fortunately I was able to keep rewards when leaving Duviri through the menu.
  9. I've had issues where I use Gyre's 3 (Cathode Grace) and not being able to get a single kill because my squad wiping out any enemies before I can even get to them. Suffice to say it feels really bad getting hit with that cooldown and getting zero value out it. This hasn't been as big of a problem for me whenever I use Gyre nowadays after AOE weps got nerfed into the ground, but it's always a worry Gyre players have. Additionally, because it needs enemies to get duration, this makes it total garbage in boss fights where trash mobs are either rare or don't appear at all. Citrine's damage reduction buff is more smartly designed in comparison. Sure, it needs kills to improve/maintain its effect, but at least you can refresh it by recasting it. Moreover, if your strength is high enough, you can have the damage reduction already capped when you cast it. I think the biggest problem is Cathode Grace's cooldown. Sure, losing your buff early sucks and you're out that energy, but if it weren't for the horrific cooldown I would wager there wouldn't be anywhere near as many complaints about it.
  10. Widespread issue. This happened before after The New War came out. If you try to invite someone it will either say they're offline, or it will fail. Relogging won't fix. Can't see each other in Maroo's either. I've successfully invited like 2/12 people today. Suffice to say, this makes grouping with friends incredibly difficult and trading nearly impossible until DE can untangle the spaghetti code.
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