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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 30 minutes ago, Gengi1 said:

    how the fk can you make sets of figures with different frames??? pls tell me

    You need to become familiar with Warframe Loadouts (not WF mod loadouts).


    Open your loadout options.wf_01_by_carnage2k4-dc38804.jpg

    Make a Duplicate of your current frame.

    Change Loadout names and items within to create all your main play sets, each one can be assigned to an Articula Model.wf_03_by_carnage2k4-dc387zs.jpg


  2. I have to agree, I would buy the Loki accessories, but I can't do it without getting Loki and his gear(which I have already)...  So I guess I'll just miss out on some cosmetics.

    I guess in the end, the amount of money spent on packs with a bunch of Primes ppl already have, outweighs ppl like me who only need 1 cosmetic set.

  3. On 03/02/2018 at 9:05 AM, rune_me said:

    Warframe is not in beta. This is just something DE likes to say. If your game has been out for 5 years and you are making real money from the people playing it, then you don't get to pretend its still in beta. 

    That's like buying a car and the salesman goes "yeah, yeah, you know, the engine doesn't work quite as intended and the breaks are not as we hoped they would be, but just pay us now and you get to drive around in this and then when we have the proper engine and breaks ready we'll install them for you."

    Actually it technically is in Beta, You have assumed the popularised (user end) use of the term beta is the norm. It's not;
    "Beta is feature and asset complete version of the game, when only bugs are being fixed. This version contains no bugs that prevent the game from being shippable. No changes are made to the game features, assets, or code."

    Warframe would actually be considered an alpha;
    "Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished. A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features. These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback. Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped. Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions."

    DE has kind of chosen the Alpha/Release middle ground as the game is out and playable like a traditional release, but technically is still in alpha because they are still implementing gameplay (Korra, Eidolons etc.) is not feature complete (Max MR 25/30), and is revising based on feedback while new features are still being added (as in the new Frame Changes).

    The popularised version of Alpha/Beta as used by many gamers is meaningless in a development context, sales or whatever are meaningless to 'how in development' a game is... They are only vaguely related in that normally the end of development would mean release and sales (but that's not how online games work anymore), DE are developers, they use Developer terms in appropriate context.
    So ultimately WF is still in beta and will remain so until we reach MR30 and they stop releasing new frames.


  4. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Your retiration is invalid because your way of playing Ash is not the definite “right way” to play him. You have the gall to say that people who use him to sweep rooms clean are playing him wrong, when that is what Ash is designed to do.

    You have a very arrogant tone. How you play Ash is not how everyone plays him and your way is definitely not the best way.

    Also yes, many people do find sweeping the camera around, marking enemies very boring when you could just be killing them.

    I'm not saying my way is the "right way" I saying that people who think Ash's only use is bladestorming a room over and over are playing him in the wrong way, and creating their own boredom and tedium, which if they are doing that, means they are clearly doing something wrong, as it's really not hard to alter your play style to suit his current powers and make him fun.
    The thread title implies "he's not good" well I disagree, I find him a lot more fun since his rework and he's still super powerful, I find he's better at higher levels then low, the [new] changes are fine. He's not the mess these forums seem to make him out to be in his current state, the only reason players might find him "bad" is because they are not utilising or have not adapted to his altered abilities. BS is his Ult, it should not be used as if it's his only ability, yet, it can still clear a room if it needs to, he can destroy eximus units with ease and is one of the only frames that works better the higher levels you use him in. The only reason people might think he's crap is because they have not adequately utilised his powers, the potential is there it just needs to be utilised. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Spawnling123 said:

    So I know I'm a little late to writing this, but I have never been bothered until now.

    When Tennogen came out on whatever round it was when PoE was released, it came with Valkyr Delusion. I bought this skin, because I thought it looked awesome, and when I put on prime accessories it looked so amazing! (I have a terrible quality video with a few shots of it. Literally the least effort ever put into a video. I'll link in a sec.) Then the first hotfix came out. And it ruined it. Instead of the awesomeness that was the strange designs of the prime parts, it was just regular valkyr prime. 

    Tell me that isn't awesome. It's a shame it isn't still like this...

    So your issue is that the Tennogen Texture was previously applied to the Prime Armour (in error), then they fixed it so that the Prime Armour was back to it's original textures.
    I mean, I understand that, but in most circumstances (like Hydroid Primes Shoulders) it was just fixing buggy textures.
    I posted a thread in Tennogen forum a while ago asking for the release of Prime Armour textures so Modders could compensate for the Prime body if ppl chose to use it... It was ignored... I still think it should be done.

  6. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    He has been nerfed in the fact that his bladestorm was made more tedious/ boring. He has one of the strongest damage ultimates in game sure, but when it’s boring to use, nobody really cares. By the time you’ve finished marking your targets, it’s most likely been killed hy another player.

    And again I reiterate;

    On 02/02/2018 at 12:32 AM, Carnage2K4 said:

    If only ppl knew how to play Ash... 

    I don't know how 'other players' are using Ash ATM, but if you're trying to clean every room with him... you're playing him wrong, turn on BS, play using his other kit, quick sweep when needed hitting 3-6 enemies after using 2, trigger BS, repeat, it's not hard, it's not boring (which itself is a relative opinion) it's not tedious and other players are not taking your kills. Every player I see seems to imply they want to use Ash to try and regain the click and forget style he used to have and that is why they find it boring or tedious IMHO, or they are losing kills because they are lingering on BS build up for far too long, and so; "If only ppl knew how to play Ash".

  7. On 02/02/2018 at 1:11 AM, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Ah the "If only you knew how to play (insert frame/game here)" comment. Classic.

    Well it's true.
    If the problem with Ash is that you're stuck in an animation for 10+ seconds, then that's fine make that argument, but if people are going to suggest he's been nerfed, is under-powered or has poor efficiency etc (which is what the argument normally is) then that is BS on their end and they need to "git good"...

  8. 11 minutes ago, Bwandi said:

    I have an unrolled Dread riven, really sick, and I wanna get better, either by selling to buy a better riven, or trading for a better one. But the thought of rerolling it has been juggled in my mind, and I'm worried that rerolling it would decrease it's value. Can someone help me with my dilemma? 

    IGN is Bwandi, please help

    Post it, lets see what you have.
    It's the chance you take with Rivens, you could roll something awesome, or something crap, the value can increase r decrease based on that, but if you roll it too many times, you might just want to keep rolling until you get something worthwhile.

  9. On 22/01/2018 at 10:59 PM, Zeerid said:

    I thought about that too, so I used a Laptop cooler and turned all my graphic settings down, but it still happens :/

    This looks and sounds like a classic driver crash.
    Might want to post your laptop specs.

  10. 30 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    You just stated it as an argument and then say it isn't.


    "And you may not be pissy, but you sound really pissy reading your post"

    You literally didn't read my post, did you? As I stated: " that's you putting emotions into text on a screen." You can only blame yourself for reading my words as such.

    And what I've been saying this whole time, what DE has said this whole time, what the wiki that posted that DE said on their site, isn't facts? Alrighty then. Continue living in THAT fantasy of yours.

    And again, you overreading and putting false emotions in my text. Way to go!

    Yes the argument is pointless, i.e. me arguing (attempting to convince you) that the Orbiter and Liset are the same thing, but as you've clearly missed for about the 5th time, I've never tried to do that... I've just been defending my position against what I see as lacking points.
    You may be in an argument because you're so intent for some reason, to convince me, but it's not been reciprocated, that's your misunderstanding, not mine so faceplam all you like sir.

    Yeah... I say it right there... "you may not be pissy"... are you just reiterating my comment for the point reiteration? seems like a pointless statement... twice...

    No they're not "facts" because what constitute 'facts' in this concept are open to interpretation and alternative conditions, i.e. you use outside sources to present as 'facts', I do not, I prefer a more empirical type of fact; I only use in-game observations, observations I can confirm with others in-game, extra-game material to me can be interesting and provide context, but as it's not actually in-game, I don't use it to perceive an overall in-game conception of events and mechanisms because in my opinion, a game is what it is as a game, not outside hypothesis or unrealised ideas that may never become reality. Half created ideas on 3rd party pages or "we want to do X" ideas...these things are not directly visible to someone who may not go to the wiki or watch dev streams so they are not a part of the current game as the game, they are external extrapolations of what "might be", not of what is.


  11. 17 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    You just replied. That's you adding to the "pointless argument."

    And I'm not getting pissy, that's you putting emotions into text on a screen. Here I thought I was having a civil conversation, but nah, lets start assuming further how the person on the other end is feeling. Guess I'll just stop here. I gave you a perfect, legitimate way to get an answer, and you just brushed it aside and then state your "requirement" can't be that.

    Talk to DE. That's all the requirements you need.

    End of discussion for me. You can't seem to take that extra step to finding knowledge, and then throw random thoughts that we're in an argument and that I'm somehow getting "Pissy."

    I'm not.

    Have a nice day!

    It's not an argument because I'm not trying to make something that's not correct a fact, or trying to convince you to adhere to my assumption, I'm simply explaining my position on it then having to defend that position because you seem intent on forcing your own opinions on to me, In my real life I don't accept religion or I don't accept non-empirical hypothesis as point of career, while you may not know this, I'm not going to relent in those aspects and I'll not do it in this one, hence why I've always said I'll alter my opinion when it's in game, not sure why it's so difficult to understand that.

    And you may not be pissy, but you sound really pissy reading your post: "Now go, ask them", "Go do it. Prove us wrong", "we want you to eat your words".
    Don't talk that way against what I've already said was pointless, and that I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I say this yet you continue to create this fantasy where I'm attempting to make fact my assumption even after I've stated otherwise numerous times. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    It's like you're going around in loops, despite how many times I've told you to stop combining online gameplay with story, and how you see the world is in no way how others see you. My goodness why am I bothering when logic fails to be acknowledged in these conversations. My suggestion, just go as DE. Ask them. Ask any of the mods. Get a twitter. here, I'll give you their twitter links: 






    Now go, ask them. Since wiki AND Digital Extremes devstreams aren't enough proof, and you fail to listen to anyone on the forums despite all the proof, we want you to eat your words, and ask the Digital Extremes staff.

    Inb4: I don't have twitter.

    Then make one. Go prove us wrong. You're trying so desperately to be right, so here's your chance. Go. 

    I'm not asking to be convinced...
    I've said it's a pointless argument...
    But you insist on telling me to make extra assumptions, split off the game... which is the story... to the story which is not the game?.. to make said assumptions, then tell me to ask others... I know who DE are, I know what DE have said, yet ,you're still the one trying to convince me of stuff, I've already stated the requirements I have to being accepted (it needed to be clear in game (I just checked out the relay skybox and still cannot see this orbiter) which it's not), while assuming I'm trying to "prove you wrong".. I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong, I'm saying I chose not to take non-in-game concepts as 'facts' and therefore I'll make a consistency assumption over resorting to wiki out-of-game concepts that have a clear problem in game for me (ie the squad/liset ship issue).

    You're the one that keeps on going, getting pissy when I've stated quite clearly many times how it is.
    In case you missed it; I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, or asking to be convinced, I'm simply defending my personal assumption that deals with a visually identified issue that is seen every day, that is yet to be resolved in game, because I have 2-3 ppl trying to diminish it with extrapolated possibilities.

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