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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 2 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:



    1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    I'm in my ship Orbiter, I can see squad members in their Liset (not orbiter), they see me in my Liset (not Orbiter while I'm in my Orbiter) I enter their Liset, now I'm in their Orbiter (not Liset) while being able to see my Liset (not Orbiter), but if I return to my Liset (not Orbiter) which I can see, I'm now in my Orbiter...

  2. 34 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    Why do you think there's Orbiter Segments, and then the separate LANDINGCRAFT segments.

    As far as I'm concerned (as I already stated) it's all the same ship to me, You're in the Liset in space, in the Liset while "orbiting", in the Liset with squad, in the Liset when extracting... Landing craft and Orbiter are the same thing.
    Until it's actually in-game, and I see that that's how it is, what happens on Dev stream is just a possibility or what could be.

  3. 4 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    though DE and wiki already has stated as fact, and thus your assumption is false. Also this:

    My assumption saves me looking at one more obvious inconsistency, Until it's in-game nothing will change for me, as I said, DE comes up with a tone of stuff that never really makes it into game, the wiki is not fact, it's based on scraps and fan opinoin... how do you still not get this? I've said it like 3 times now... even in my 1st post addressing this. I don't see an orbiter I don't need to assume it exists.

  4. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Your first comment is moot since everyone has pointed out to that the Orbiters can very clearly be seen in the relays and on the moon map in Lua “orbiting” both.

    And please don’t act like it’s so pointless, because if it was you wouldn’t have commented.

    I comment because you keep talking to me...
    I've looked, I cannot see this magical Orbiter, if it's there it not directly obvious and to any regular player it's not going to be as obvious as you lot make it out to be. I've played this game for 2 years, I've yet to notice it.

  5. 1 minute ago, FashionFrame said:

    and yet you still try so hard to argue the "tardis effect" that has even less reality than DE's actual concept design of the orbiter and landing craft. And the fact that IN GAME they refer to both machines as separate titles: "Landing Craft" and 'Orbiter."

    And just because the wiki has fans that help make it what it is doesn't mean squat when there's enough proof all around what the landing craft and orbiter actually is. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Landing_Craft#Landing_Craft

    also, don't forget: The Orbiter is already visible in the game as vessels in the relay skybox.



    1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    I'll go with the Tardis effect over

    I said I'll prefer to assume something...
    I'm not trying to, and have never assumed to try to make anyone else come to that opinion.
    I'm saying and have always said that the arguments you lot are making are not going to remove that assumption I wilfully make because they do not add up in-game.

  6. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    You really need to stop. Warframe is full of inconsistencies that are simply ignored becuase they are gameplay mechanics.

    DE have said our “Landing Crafts” dock with a bigger ship called an “Orbiter” at the end of every mission, they have made it clear through devstreams and in-game that it exists. You are just being stubborn for the sake of it.

    My 1st comment on it:

    1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Until they fix that, it's the Liset/mantis (whatever) to me, there is no "orbiter" as it's not on the planet map 'orbiting', it's not viable to anyone, 1 concept images does not make a reality and it's pointless making an argument out of the semantics of it.

    "it's pointless making an argument out of the semantics of it"

    Yet here we are... I said it was pointless, I said "until they fix it, it will remain to me" but You all kept going.

  7. 4 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    What about DE's point? And the wiki? Both clearly stating what a landing craft and an orbiter actually are. Stop pushing so hard.

    DE have countless ideas and concepts that will never be a reality, I go by what I see in game and Occam's razor, the Wiki while good for general info, is still a fan page.
    I'll change my opinion when it's actually in-game and not before as an abstract half finished concept requiring a suspension of disbelief.

  8. 4 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    by Warframe's canon, you're supposed to ignore it. Stop combining ONLINE gameplay with the story. Those Tenno you're seeing didn't go through what you did, they're not actually sitting in their orbiter like you are. They're in their landing craft waiting for you to leave your orbiter and go into your landing craft like them. Makes sense?

    The problem is is assuming I don't understand your points, and you not being able to understand that I don't accept your points due to poor dismissal of something I see as a direct inconsistency visualised every single mission.

    3 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Yes. Just like how you ignore how Vor is still alive and fighting next to Lech Krill even after we helpfully seperated his top half from his bottom half previously on the Star Map. Or just like how we ignore the fact that Stalker still has his War sword even though it very clearly broke by the end of The Second Dream.

    You make it sound like there have been no inconsistencies in Warframe before.

    Some I live with, others are too 'in your face' to dismiss based on what "they" 'want it to be'...

  9. 6 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

    what others see is of no relevance to the "story" that is told to you. The game is a singleplayer storyline in a multiplayer game.

    you are the chosen one. you fought the stalker in TSD and defeated the Queens in TWW. You put Rell to rest and found Inaros' tomb.

    You are in your orbiter while the others wait for you to leave.

    So "just ignore it" is the response...

    how flaccid...

  10. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    It’s not ambiguous at all. He literally says he’ll keep the back of your ship safe while you’re on missions.

    Because it’s ridiculous and doesn’t have any lore backing it up. This is not Doctor Who.

    DE have shown us the Orbiter, it is there in-game which you are apparantly denying. It’s there. There is a reason why our dropships are labelled “landing crafts” and not “Orbiters”.

    No we’re following the lore and not going off a silly “explanation” about stuff being bigger on the inside, which is not even part of the Warframe universe.

    They have added it. Long ago. Everyone has just given you clear evidence of it. You’re making a lot of effort to deny something thats staring you in the face.

    Actually no it doesn’t because we are not in the Doctor Who universe.

    The squad meet up can easily be explained because technically you haven’t left your Orbiter yet. The others in your squad have in your world, even though in theirs they are still in their Orbiters. It’s the same with everyone. The Liset doesn’t just “magically become bigger” this is an actual lore backed explanation for it and it is seen many times in-game. You’re kind of denying the truth here.

    "The Tardis Effect"... the effect...
    Look it up, when something appears bigger on the inside, making out like I'm suggesting a lore connection to Doctor Who is a poor fallacy.

  11. 19 minutes ago, PakkiTheDog said:

    We should have had another unvaulting this year, but DE decided to postpone it a bit so they can squeeze more money out of the new prime Mirage. So currently there is already 4 prime unvaultings a year. Also if you don't unvault more primes a year, but stay at the standard 4 per year, the wait time of the frames will increase, for them to be unvaulted again. It won't always be 2 years. Currently there are 10 frames vaulted, in 2 years there will be 18. If they continue the 4 per year unvaultings, how long is the wait period?

    But the biggest thing that you missed in my post was the "number of pices/relics" argument.

    Yes, last Year there has been 4... 5... (assuming the January one counts for 2017), but I'm speaking about future un-vaultings...
    6 (2+1x2) a year then 8 (3+1x2) only increases the un-vaulted frames by 2 each year... while 4 get vaulted, so in 2 years time we will be waiting 27/31 months for Vauban and Nekros to be un-vaulted for the 1st time if the current method continues.
    I'm fine with 2 years then never again until we hit an end of frame releases.
    But you'r right, they need another method.

    As for the relic stockpile... maybe, but I play a lot and those relics run out fast, I'm yet to see it function as you suggest.

  12. 6 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:


    this is what we like to call "headcanons" which have no relevance or fact to your argument. DE shown what was planned, and they've brought it up on numerous occasions that the landing craft and the Orbiter are 2 separate things. Landing Craft: The thing you see when the load screen is going and you sometimes see your Warframe jump out of. Orbiter: The craft floating in space that your Operator, foundry, and arsenal are all located in, hense what Ordis said and what Blood-Line has already stated:


    So no, @Carnage2K4 your headcanons can only go so far, when DE and subtle references in game clearly state what a Landing Craft and Orbiter actually are. 

    8 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    not one of you have bothered to explain away the fact you can join another players Liset and clearly see that it's the 'orbiter' on the inside..

    I'm in my ship Orbiter, I can see squad members in their Liset (not orbiter), they see me in my Liset (not Orbiter while I'm in my Orbiter) I enter their Liset, now I'm in their Orbiter (not Liset) while being able to see my Liset (not Orbiter), but if I return to my Liset (not Orbiter) which I can see, I'm now in my Orbiter...

    Go, lets hear it?
    Explain... With in game evidence...

  13. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    Have you actually been downstairs after a mission or listened to Ordis yet?

    ”Operator I will never betray you, I will keep the Orbiter hidden in the Void.”


    Ambiguous terms do not make a problem go away...

    I love how you're all fine with having a go because I wilfully assume the Tardis effect and that the Liset/Mantis IS the orbiter (which makes Ordis still make sense), but not one of you have bothered to explain away the fact you can join another players Liset and clearly see that it's the 'orbiter' on the inside...

    Seem to me everyone here is making concessions, I'm simply not making one that uses dev stream concepts as being already in game, when they add it, fine, but the Squad problem/Tardis effect makes more sense to me in the current time, as it would with many ppl because not everyone watches the 100s of dev sttream hours.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    You remember the DevStream where they showed some animation they wanted to add into the game, of the Liset approaching the Orbitor, then docking into the front part of it?

    Edit: bk_KCPl_F.gif

    Yeah, not just a "concept sketch" mate. It's full blown canon that DE themselves have talked about time and time again. Hell! It's even referred to as such IN GAME!!! "Your Orbitor" this, "Your Orbitor" that. Seriously, to try and push it aside like you are, you gotta be super dense or something.

    And when was this added to the game, where in game do we see it?
    it's still a concept sketch in game buddy...
    It's not about being "super dense" thank you for the (unsolicited insult BTW) it's about not assuming that stuff talked about on some long forgotten dev stream means something in game, when we can all clearly see our squad members in their small ship, while they are clearly in their orbiter... you can even visit the ship now and see the Liset become magically larger on the inside...

  15. 21 minutes ago, PakkiTheDog said:

    You'd have to wait 2 years from original vaulting, not to mention that with each new prime added the vault, the wait time extends. If there would be a 2 year waiting period for frames all the relics and parts would be used up and there would be no way of acquiring them. So rather than that, the plan is to regularly unvault the older vaulted frames, for which the relics and the parts are rarer, as every time they are available we only have 2 weeks to farm. As for the newly vaulted frames there is still huge stock of relics and parts in our inventories, so if there is a one year wait period they don't evaporate from the game and the prices are semi decent for an average joe. But again, more frames enter the vault, the longer the period, meaning less relics and parts... so the number of unvaulted frames must grow as well.


    They won't be able to go with this system for too long tho, sooner or later the number of unvaulting frames and weapons is going to be too big so they'll have to come up with a better system.

    Sorry but this argument makes no sense because it's issues are the same as my own preferred method... even worse..
    *1 month to farm. and the time does not extent, 4 in 4 out... that's not an extension of the 1st un-vaulting of a frame, currently it's 4 in 2 out a year, which is an extension.
    If they do it like they are, 2 vaulted frames come out a year, (atm it's a 2 year gap anyway, so why in my version that is a point only IDK) and 4 primes are vaulted a year, growing that 2 year gap by 6 months every year for each Prime frame Vaulted... How is that better than a flat 18-21 month period? With no 2nd un-vaulting?
    Either way there will be a 2 year (currently extending) (flat 18-21 months in my own preferred method) gap between vaulted and 1st un-vaulting.


  16. 12 minutes ago, Mk_1 said:

    Because the ship you stand in isn't the Liset (or the prime), It's your Orbiter, a much bigger ship.

    4 minutes ago, MystMan said:

    The landing craft we use is just the cockpit part with the codex / market / news /syndicate consoles. Theoretically, this part should look completely different depending on which landing craft we are using: Liset (Prime), Mantis, Scimitar or Xiphos. But by default for the sake of simplicity, they all use the same Liset design. I don't think they'll ever make cockpits for each landing craft. :sad:


    That's why when you're in squad and squad mates are in "their orbiter" to you they appear in their Liset... total consistency.
    Until they fix that, it's the Liset/mantis (whatever) to me, there is no "orbiter" as it's not on the planet map 'orbiting', it's not viable to anyone, 1 concept images does not make a reality and it's pointless making an argument out of the semantics of it.
    I'll go with the Tardis effect over some ship no1 sees that apparently exists because 'art'...

  17. On 19/11/2017 at 3:44 AM, -Outsider- said:

    It would be really nice to have the possibility to simply turn off the chat of clans and alliances 

    I found a workaround.
    Select the chat filter option and type in some random gibberish to "includes term", as no one will ever type that exact gibberish, no messages will come up.

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