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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. You can get HP from other sources, the Sentinel Medi-ray or life strike for example...

    I Don't feel it's a problem, toss on Equilibrium if you're having trouble with HP, turn all those Engery orbs in to HP as well.

    Ultimately Energy is far more useful than HP and needs to be topped up at a higher rate to make the game experience enjoyable, with some skill you don;t need HP orbs in game at all.



  2. I backed Firefall instead of Warframe... yes I know... biggest mistake I've ever made in hindsight 

    And the thumping/mining was one of the best parts of Firefall, the game just killed itself after they guttered it, using the scan hammer I think is a little slow, there should just be a surface indicator, but the deployment from space and keeping it safe safe from the Grineer for 5-10 minutes would be cool.

  3. 12 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    You are using yourself as a sample size. 

    You have no data. 

    Where is your spreadsheet with all these people who aren't occasional outliers? Where are your graphs and tables? You don't have any data at all. You just have your own anecdotal experience and the anecdotal experience you have heard from some other people, in a game played by millions, and you have no hard data. 

    I will repeat: If you take the "evidence" you have to your statistics professor, and claim you have proof of something wrong with the games rng itself because of it, he would probably give you an F on the spot. He would need you to find a significant sample size of at least thousands in a game played by millions, then he would need to have you get those people to document their rng in spreadsheets for a while in order to get a large amount of data to go over. Then you have to actually use math to analyze it, because statistics is about using math, not your own gut feeling because you had bad or weird luck, or because "you heard that others did too". That's not how math works. Math requires doing math. You aren't doing math. You are doing with gut and anecdote -- math is about logic and formula. 

    And I didn't revive the thread, lots of posts before mine that also weren't the original ones to revive the thread.  

    I'm already been through all this, and I don't care to go through it again, happens to me and every other person I ask, call it 'pure RNG' if you want, I couldn't give a S#&$.

  4. On 10/09/2017 at 3:56 AM, Yagamilight123 said:

    You dont sound rude , just dump . Its RNG , if your argument its "i did x runs and i think that" .... you have 0 idea how statistics work (if you "took those results in to my statistics lecturer" , people will must likely laught at you for believe that you can have a viable analisis with that amount of cases )  . Can be something more than RNG , yes , its always a posibility .... but its totally imposible with the amount of samples that a player can have to actually know that .... so , its just a tin hat conspiracy .


    On 10/09/2017 at 4:10 AM, Tesseract7777 said:

    If you walked into statistics class and tried to use just yourself as your sample size, your statistics professor would laugh at you, and probably give you an F on the spot. 

    Wow, 6 months late and with posts of stupidity...

    We're not talking about the occasonal outlier here...

  5. I like the riven system.

    I'll often try out weapons i'd not bother even modding if I get a riven for it, being a MR 22, I've levelled basically every weapon in the game so going back to them because I've rolled a sweet upgrade on a disposition 5 weapon I take as an interesting 'new' powerful weapon opportunity, at this point in the game I'm refining all my builds, making them unique, trying not to have the same weapon set on every frame, so I enjoy this possible addition to my arsenal.

    I also think it achieves what the system set out to do, which was make a great number of otherwise average weapons be worthy of sortie level missions.

    As an example, one of my top 3 frames is my Nekros, I use a build I refined for about 1-2 months, in short it's a melee channelling build to drain both NRG and HP so it always picking up every single HP/NRG orb the drops from Desecrate/Despoil with equality.

    With this build I need a really good Melee weapon, I was using Ack and Brunt for a long time, but then I got my hands on Reaper Prime, a perfect weapon for Nekros, however it was underwhelming in higher level missions, and I'd have to compensate with Galatine prime. Until I got my 1st melee Riven which thankfully was for Reaper Prime, on my 5th roll on this Riven I hit 246.4% Channelling Damage and 274.6% Melee Damage, This made my Channelling build Reaper Prime just insane (it has -30% damage to Grineer also, but it's barely noticeable even as a final negative stat).

    Sure, I've had a bunch of Rivens I've dumped because I didn't like the weapon or whatever, but every so often I pick up a good one (bought or RNG) that makes all the difference.

    I feel like people take the system as a whole in the wrong manner, farming Kuva for hours on end so they can try roll good on a Tigris Riven is a pointless undertaking IMHO, Rivens are not suppose to make OP weapons better, Farming the crap out of Kuva is always going to be boring and I think DE need to step in here at the Kuva Farming point, not the Riven end of things. I don't bother to really Farm Kuva, and I'm not going to try get a specific set of stats on a weapon, I'll only farm Kuva on a double drop, and always go with the 'it will do for now' riven until I get more in a few weeks time.

    Getting a good Riven should be a long term goal, not a short term rush to the end, if you take your time to get a Riven in the general area of stats you want, and not take it too seriously the riven mechanic is perfectly fine for what it's suppose to do.


  6. On 19/08/2017 at 10:18 PM, Hypernaut1 said:

    Where are people getting all these detailed facts about the drama from? Was it made public?

    Yes, Ignus made a post apologising to the community and explained to a degree that there was a disagreement, that he said some things he probably should not have and as a result DE had ended their agreement.

    People had somewhat concluded (from bits of info from Ignus himself) that the disagreement was over DE changes to his Ember Delux concept art, but it's a bit unclear.

  7. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThatAlaskanDude said:

    So after a long period of time I went back to playing Ash for a bit. Of course I stayed away from him cause of the major change to his 4th. I totally understand why but I feel it was a bit overboard that you now have to target enemies by aiming at them individually.

    So the buff that I think Ash should get is when you toggle his 4th instead of highlighting one enemy at a time you target multiple enemies via small cone (similar to Mesa's 4th).

    The cone would be very small but it'll mark multiple enemies if they're in that cone. They must be in your line of sight to mark them so if they're behind a wall it won't count. Lastly the range of how far you mark an enemy should be reduced to make it a bit of a trade off (but can be affected by range mods).

    I understand where you're coming from as you're an Xbone player, but for PC he's still OP.

    Instead of asking for ash as a whole to be changed, maybe ask for consoles to get something to make is easier to aim, like the aim be more AoE'ish when active so you can hit more enemies or something. PC balance will always be 1st.

  8. 2 hours ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

    I bought AkMagnus trash riven for 100p with an intention to roll it till it gets good stats. Probably paid too high, but I wanted a riven for my favorite secondary. 

    High price rivens usually hold stats that complement augmented weapon really well.

    lol... I just turned an Akmagnus riven into endo... I think you paid 10x what it would be worth at best.

  9. 9 hours ago, (PS4)CloneXCaptian said:

    No. That is not what I based it on.

    Seems like it is, no clarification only denial...

    If those last 2 skins didn't exist, you'd not be saying as such...

    Why even bother bringing immortal skins up if not.


  10. 9 hours ago, Arniox said:

    it has literally been more than a year since the last new immortal skin. 

    OP's assumption with immortal skins is build on the fact that the Zepher and Hydroid Immortal skins have become available from Baro in the last 2 months.

  11. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)CloneXCaptian said:

    Its a 1.5-2 month separation rather than 3 now. So harrow wont come out till prob. 2019

    No it's not, it's always 3 months, almost to the day that the 3 month boosters end.

    THAT is a fact, you can go look up the times themselves on the wiki.

    2 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    How's that 1.5-2 months? 

    I actually think OP is trolling now.

  12. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)CloneXCaptian said:

    But each of them in a row got a immortal skin 

    That does not mean it's a cause of Priming, that is your assumption based on a correlation and until you can show a dev saying it's not, then it will remain your assumption.
    It's a standard logical practice to show a cause, yet you claim 'use logic' while falling into one of the most common illogical assumptions there is. It's more than a little ironic.


    8 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    I know. It doesn't really change the fact that so far they skipped two unpopular frames for a winter release for more popular ones. I expect either Mesa, either Mirage for winter PA and Zephyr for spring. 

    Yeah, but you asked why he is so sure, and that's why, the chronology.. and this assumption of immortal skins being a precursor to primes.

  13. 3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Why are you so sure Zephyr will be next tho for female frames ? They already broke the order twice for the winter prime, first with Nova and second last year with Valkyr, why are you so sure they won't be breaking it again this year and move Zephyr to spring just like they did with Banshee? Overcofindence is a thing, you know? 

    This is the expected release of primes given the original release chronology, but this is just based on the assumption DE will stay in order this is not fact. 

    Hydroid Prime August 2017 M
    Zephyr Prime November 2017 F
    Mirage Prime February 2018 F
    Limbo Prime May 2018 M
    Chroma Prime August 2018 M
    Mesa Prime November 2018 F
    Equinox Prime February 2019 F
    Atlas Prime May 2019 M
    Wukong Prime August 2019 M
    Ivara Prime November 2019 F
    Titania Prime February 2020 F
    Nezha Prime May 2020 M
    Inaros Prime August 2020 M
    Octavia Prime November 2020 F
    N/A February 2021 F
    Nidus Prime May 2021 M
    Harrow Prime August 2021 M
  14. Just now, (PS4)CloneXCaptian said:

    Oh yes but I am wise and have guessed the past 11 primes

    Well whooopty do... most of us could guess them... statements of hindsight are no more useful than a hangnail...

    Use logic? Causation and correlation you confuse them.

  15. This threat is ridiculous, OP speaks as if he knows, it's ALL assumption, there is no reason to think DE wont just do what they want regardless of general release chronology or popularity. OP you can only hypothesis, you cannot claim false on anyone, because you know as much as they do, which is nothing.

    There is also nothing to say an immortal skin = a Prime... nothing, pure assumption.

    OP you will not be "proving" anything you can only give your opinion.

  16. What the hell ever happened to to the "no more than 2 of the same drop" thing they talked about?... in like February?.. it cannot be more than a few hours of work for a pro to implement that. It's been months.

  17. 15 hours ago, JaceTheHybrid said:

    I feel that this is more of a greedy Cash grab than anything, as not all players expected the sudden shift of MR

    This sentence perplexes me... where exactly is the "cash grab" part coming from?

    So you need to make and use some more sets and frames before you can use a Prime Weapon than you did before... Explain where cash is involved in that?


    On another note I'm actually fine with the MR being increased, I think all Prime gear should be MR10+, it's way to easy to get the Prime (slightly better version) version of a weapon/frame than the normal version in many cases [glares at Saryn]... I feel the only way newer players should be able to fast track their way to a prime is via a Prime Access.

  18. On 09/07/2017 at 2:45 AM, Praxxor said:

    Mate, you're not making any sense. Me complaining about clickbait doesn't mean that I got baited by the said bait. I probably know more than you about this game so please calm your titties and try to think about this rationally, if you can at all.

    If my post does not make sense to you, that is really not my issue it seems you didn't even read it correctly, my post was not complicated; Anyone who knows about WF knows Harrow prime is 3-4 years away and know Harrow only just came out, anyone with the slightest intelligence can put 2 and 2 together and come to the conclusion that this will not actually be about Harrow Prime... very simple concept I put forth in my post, if you are still not able to understand this, there is no help for you.

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